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Chapter 807 806 When the time comes, all I need is a word, no matter what

Chapter 807 806. At that time, all I need to say is to make those fools surrender.

When Hogg contacted Murphy before, he said that there had been no movement from the Blood Terror clan. At that moment, Murphy realized that something was not right. After crossing the star realm and arriving at the Misty Coast, the sight that caught his eye confirmed Murphy's ominous guess.


The Blood Terror clan actually rebelled!

Well, this is not surprising. For a group of pirates, rebellion is a repertoire. If a pirate captain cannot handle one rebellion in a day, it means he is not having a good day.

However, on the other hand, when this happens to a vampire clan, the meaning is quite terrifying.

"What do you mean by that?"

Before Murphy could speak, Tris scolded Shani who put down the telescope in front of her like an aggressive peacock:

"You are roundaboutly accusing the Blood Terror pirates of getting inspiration for rebellion from the freedom of the Blood Eagle Clan? What a ridiculous reason this is!"

"Did I say something wrong?"

Shani turned around, her usually dignified face now filled with chills. She stared at Tris and said without giving an inch:

"Before you, no family would distribute source blood so generously to its people. The so-called 'granting freedom to achieve true unity' is only a beautiful thing that exists in imagination. I admit that you are doing pretty well now, but

That's just because you have a common enemy. Those uncontrolled descendants are at war and don't have much time to think about more problems. However, once they are free, you two will have too many headaches.

The 'blood bond removal' promoted by Murphy in secret has become the beginning of sweeping the vampire society, and the Blood Terror clan in chaos is the real consequences of this 'liberalism'!

There has never been such a bad incident in the thousand-year history of vampires. Once what happened to the Blood Terror clan spreads, it will cause unnecessary turmoil in other families.

I admit that the blood contract is not perfect, but for those of us who are born to be dark and dark, no true loyalty can be achieved without a strong enough chain.

I'm not blaming you for starting this unnecessary rebellion.

I'm just saying, you've made a very bad start!

Even Andre has been influenced by you, and he is planning to distribute source blood to his White Mountain faction. Damn it! You have spread your damn chaotic thoughts to the originally united Thorn Clan."

"Well, it turned out to be anger. No wonder you are so angry. But thinking about it, maybe it's because Andre has witnessed with his own eyes the rise of the new Blood Vulture Clan and our destined bright future."

Murphy also stepped forward to accuse at this moment:

"What's more, Shani, as a grand duke who backstabs his superiors, you shouldn't be qualified to accuse us from the commanding heights of so-called 'racial justice', right? If you really want to talk about the art of betrayal, you have to personally demonstrate it to me, a junior.

Woolen cloth.

Let me guess, when Grand Duke Sophie was pushed into a desperate situation by your own hands, did you ever accuse you like this?"

Cuisi next to her immediately burst into laughter.

As expected of his little Murphy, who is good at poking people's hearts, killing his elders with his own hands is a stain that Shani will never be able to wash away in her life. In the eyes of those vampire conservatives, Shani is equally heinous.

The Grand Duke of Thorns couldn't refute Murphy's words. After all, she did do something that was not in line with vampire tradition. Even with the support of Nordtoff's family and country, the nature of this behavior could not be changed, but Shani was so smart.

She rolled her eyes, snorted, crossed her arms and said:

"But aren't you also enjoying the same thing? Murphy."

"When did I stab the elder in the back?"

Murphy was about to retort but suddenly understood the meaning of Shani's words, and he immediately scolded:

"Hey, you are a grand duke! How did you say such nasty words?"

"Look, you don't deny it. It seems that the two of you are really married. Hey, Tris, how do you feel about the old cow eating young grass?"

Shani looked at Tris and asked teasingly. The angry Tris immediately stepped forward to teach this damn Duke of Thorns a lesson, but the next moment Murphy pulled Tris and he shook his head and said:

"Stop bickering! We're all here, let's talk about what to do about this matter. The Xianlang side is already gathering manpower, but the Canglang army is too small. If you want to disrupt the Duanya clan's military power, you must have the Blood Raid Harbor

The pirates attack from the flank.

This place is very close to the territory of the Broken Tooth Clan. It only takes a day or two for them to sneak to the rear of the Broken Tooth Clan and complete an attack.

This is something planned and must be completed.

But this rebellion is not, so find a way to solve it before Lord Paying blames it!"

"It's not as easy as you think. Look, half of the Blood Raid Port has been burned down. The scale of this rebellion is huge. It's not just the internal affairs of the Blood Terror clan, but the entire Blood Raid Port pirates have been mobilized.

This is a reshaping of urban order and a naked redistribution of power."

Shani said with a cold face:

"My night crawlers are currently wandering around the city looking for the location of Pablo and his die-hard followers. In addition, Andre is also in the city. The kid's growth is pretty good and he has not been implicated. Now he is

Find a way to cooperate with us inside and outside.

But the problem is that there are too many enemies.

If we want to rush in to save people now, we have to fight with the entire Blood Raid Port, which is in full swing. Tens of thousands of pirates have gathered here. They are all veterans of robbing families on the foggy sea, and their combat effectiveness is quite good.

Your original plan was for these pirates to be led by the Blood Terror Clan to break into the Fang Clan's territory, but if you can't make them get lost, then your planned pirate army will come to nothing.

A blood-dreaded Archduke who is a polished commander is of no use in this situation."

"Then let them reunite!"

Murphy narrowed his eyes and came up with a solution after a few seconds. He said:

"Find them a common enemy, forcing the two pirates to temporarily put aside their internal discord, and then we take the opportunity to sneak into the city to find Pablo and Andre, and then reunite the Blood Terror clan.

Don't look at me like that, Shani.

I'm not just imagining things, I already know what big trouble the Blood Terror clan is facing now, and I can even guess the underlying reason for this rebellion.

Our blood-fearing compatriots are not fighting for power, it’s not that simple, they are trying to save themselves

It's just that the method is a bit stupid.

Simply put, they were frightened by something, so some irrational idiots launched this rebellion, thinking that they could survive as long as they surrendered to the other side.

Act quickly."

Murphy took out his cool mechanical pocket watch and checked the time. He rubbed his aching forehead and said:

"I now very much suspect that under the chaos of Blood Raid Port, someone is trying to open a subspace rift, just like what happened in Baphomet Canyon."

“But who is the ‘common enemy’?”

Shani moved her fingers, letting an eagle claw knife originating from Transia beat between her slender fingers. She asked:

"We cannot force the pirates to unite, and it is too late to seduce the Broken Tooth Clan now."

"Of course the old seal dogs' enemies are in the sea."

Murphy took a deep breath, closed his eyes and called:

"Tritan, I need your help."

"Ah? You need my help so soon? What's wrong with you vampire? I was just being polite, and I really didn't want to get too involved in the dangerous things you are doing."

The wanderer responded helplessly:

"Let me declare in advance, Old Turtle, I am very timid, so don't let me do those terrible things."

"I won't let you take risks. I just want to ask you, does your family have a base near the Misty Coast?"

Murphy said:

"I need them to attack the pirates' Blood Raid port."

"Yes, there is. There is an Atlantean observation post on the nearby island. It was established to monitor the pirates who looted the port. But I will not let my family members fight with the pirates for inexplicable reasons."

Cui Tan declined:

"The number of sharks is not that large. Every life is precious."

"What about the wave murlocs? I heard that these things have grown crazily over hundreds of years and are now everywhere."

Murphy changed his mind and asked:

"Can you attract the wave murlocs everywhere in the foggy sea? You don't need a lot of them. The pirates who looted the port are currently fighting. Half of the city has been burned by them. It only takes a small number of murlocs to rush in and bring them down. They feel the pressure."

"Well, your method is very underhanded, but I can give it a try."

Cui Tan said slowly:

"There are many wave murlocs in the trenches around the Vampire Coast. Those idiots are always ready to sacrifice their filthy blood to their evil gods. It doesn't require much seduction, just let the murlocs see the blood plundering the harbor.

They will naturally move out.

But the wave fishmen are so numerous and so manic that this may turn into a massacre that won't end."

"We don't have time to think about it so much now. Reducing the number of pirates will do no harm to me or your family members."

Murphy looked at the black city still burning under the hazy sky in the distance, and he said:

"Go ahead, let your dependents take action, the sooner the better!

In addition, Mannis is now very tired of providing astral rescue services to my warriors. He has been complaining about the intensity of his work, so can I invite you to join this work and ask you to become one of my subordinates?

Astral guardian of aliens?

You know, Mannis's ungrateful character is actually not very suitable to be a guardian of the astral realm. If I want to ensure the smooth progress of the astral teleportation in the future, I have to find a more stable helper."

"Okay, if it's just running errands, then I'd be happy to help. I heard that those foreigners are very interesting. Mannis learned many of his dirty talk from them. I have a hunch that I can become friends with them."

Cuitan happily accepted Murphy's invitation, and then the contact was lost. Murphy looked back at Shani and said:

"It's done. The wave fishmen will soon attack the chaotic Blood Raid Port. Let's get ready to set off. First, find the area where the Blood Terror clan is currently located, and get rid of those stupid vampire pirates from the subspace before they mess things up.

Rescued from a deadly trap."

"That was Cuitan just now?"

Shani asked another question, she said:

"When did you have such a good relationship with the Wanderer? Will it agree if you invite it to protect your soldiers and transport them safely across the star realm? When did the demigods become so easy to talk to?"

"If you want to take advantage of it, just say so. I can talk to Tritan and ask him to help look after the members of the Thorn Clan."

Murphy shook his head and said:

"There is no need to beat around the bush about our relationship, but there is one thing I need to help you with, Shani. The God of the North Wind told me to look for the black winter wolf in the wilderness before, but I can't get away now.

So I can only leave it to you, a local coward.

The black winter wolf’s real name is ‘Eris’, and it will not attack your messenger if you name it.”

"The black winter wolf, the legendary beast of disaster, Murphy. How many secrets do you have that I don't know?"

Shani sighed and did not refuse the request.

But before they set off to the chaotic Blood Raid Port, the Archduke of Thorns issued an invitation to Murphy:

"Follow me to my tent."


Tris had a cold face, her hands were already beating with dazzling lightning, and she scolded:

"What are you going to do? Do something small in front of me? Are you going to duel with me here?"

"What else can you do?"

Shani said with a wooden face:

"Let your little cutie help me 'remove the poison'. I previously killed an incarnation of 'Yuan' hidden in Abyss City. Although I didn't feel it myself, Lord Paying asked me to accept Murphy's inspection.

To avoid being implanted with some invisible seed of filth by Dusk.

If you are worried, come and watch.

I really have no interest in your little fresh meat at all, the food-protecting Tris and Murphy are not my type."


Blood Raid Harbor is a typical pirate city.

The city doesn't even have a real foundation; it was built on the ruins of an ancient city.

The pirates decorated their city with all kinds of maritime-style things. They even put stranded ships as bridges between the sloppy buildings. But at the bottom of the city, they also introduced seawater to intersect into waterways.

Originally, Blood Raid Harbor was very "exotic", but when the dirty wave murlocs rushed into the burning city along those waterways, the design suddenly became stupid.

The stinky pirates who were fighting passionately in the background of the burning flames were completely unaware that a third party had joined in this "big mess". When a huge number of murlocs screamed and fought their way out of the sewage, the pirates were caught off guard.

They almost fell into chaos.

Someone sounded the piercing alarm bell in the city, but it was of no use.

They are too invested in the game of fighting each other. Now that they have set fire to each other and burned down half of the city, it is difficult to expect these guys to quickly gather to fight against the bloodthirsty fishmen. It is better to pray and pray in place.

The gods have descended to earth.

Until enough people die, the pirates cannot unite, and only when the shadow of destruction hangs over their heads can these scum of various races join forces to fight against the outside world.

But such a chaotic environment is really suitable for assassins to roam around.

Shani, who still had a dissipating slap mark on her face, led Murphy, Tris and her servants, and almost walked all the way into the Blood Raid Port without encountering any obstruction at all.

As they walked through the city, the assassins who had been sent here by Shani in advance also quickly came to join them and bring back information.

Professionals like these are really not foolhardy. The Night Walkers have figured out the current location of the Blood Terror clan. They found an underground tunnel under the ruins of the city and hid in it not knowing what to do.

When the group of people came to the entrance of the tunnel, Murphy finally saw Andre.

The Yankee poet, whom he hadn't seen for two months, still looked like a fresh kid, but it could be seen from his eyes and posture that this trip had helped Andre get rid of many bad habits, making him more and more mature.

Transformation from a young man to a true leader.

And what saddens Murphy the most is...

"Are you rich?"

The vampire governor stepped forward and punched Andre in the chest, and he said dissatisfied:

"Didn't we agree to work together as a black iron? Why did you get promoted secretly? How can we be good brothers together from now on?"

"Well, it was just an accident."

Andre shrugged and gave Murphy a hug. He patted handsome Murphy on the shoulder and said softly:

"On the way here, I met a master shadow elf assassin by chance and learned some things from her. But you could have been promoted a long time ago. You just kept pushing yourself."

"A chance encounter?"

Murphy blinked and said:

"Why don't I believe it?"

"Okay, actually the other party attacked me sneakily, and then Pablo shot him down eight hundred meters away, and I killed him."

Andre snapped his fingers, and a thorn vampire transformed from a shadow elf quietly appeared from behind him. Although the aura was still very unstable, Shani and Tris immediately judged that it was a gold-level elf assassin.

"Good boy! You have also learned how to cheat. I am not alone."

Murphy didn't think there was anything strange about it.

After all, he already has two golden heirs as a black iron. He just thinks that Andre is simply lucky. However, in the eyes of other vampires, it is obvious that the Earl of White Mountain has done something that is quite terrifying in every sense.


It can only be said that those who are close to red are red and those who are close to ink are dark. After following Murphy for a long time, even a good baby like Andre has learned to cheat.

"Tell me about Pablo's current situation."

Murphy asked while following Andre into the passage:

"All members of the Blood Terror clan are down there now?"

"How can it be?"

Andre shook his head and said:

"The Blood Terror clan has nearly 100,000 people including its branches. If you include the blood servants, the number can exceed 300,000. They are distributed throughout the entire Sea of ​​Mist. They are the only vampires currently who can stabilize Wolfsbane in terms of numbers.

The guys from the clan, all gathered together, can make the other pirates in Blood Plunder Port sleepless.

Fortunately, they are not united internally either.

There are currently only more than two thousand people here, but they are all the elite members of the Blood Terror clan. They were attracted by a guy named 'Captain Witte'. Before Pablo came back, they seized the holy blood pool and drank the source.


Poor Pablo was arrested by his subordinates before he could even react.

I took advantage of the chaos to escape. Those guys were discussing about 'sacrifice' and 'surrender'. I couldn't quite understand it, but I felt that the blood-fearing traitors seemed to be very uneasy. Pablo didn't even resist. That guy's

The reaction was a bit strange."

"Sure enough, just as I expected, these poor people were so frightened that they did something unforgivable."

Murphy rubbed his chin and stood in front of the door leading to the tunnel below, saying:

"You'll have to wait and see. Don't do anything yet. If you're lucky, we won't even need to fight to get this outrageous thing done."

(End of chapter)

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