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Chapter 82 81 Little players have great wisdom【2160】

 Chapter 82 81. Little players have great wisdom【2160】

(Additional update for brother ‘Huo Zheng is very good’ [6/20])

Mrs. Adele was blocked outside the tent by Bonnie, the "personal guard" recruited by Tris, and she was not allowed to approach until Murphy and Femis opened the tent and came out.

"Protect Tris at all costs!"

Murphy said something to the female vampire in front of him who looked crazy but seemed very loyal and reliable, with disheveled hair and no manners at all.

The latter looked at Murphy with an unkind look in her blood-red eyes and moved her tall nose. She seemed to smell a similar aura between Murphy and Lady Tris, so she slapped her hand on the chest.

In the trembling sway of the towering thing, she said hoarsely:

"You must live up to your mission!"

"Very good, I'll leave this to you."

Murphy nodded, winked at Mrs. Adele, and the three vampires turned and left.

Tris said that she used her own mental illusions to weave new memories for this crazy Bonnie. The fact that the eldest lady has not been able to unravel the false memories on her own for thirty years fully illustrates Tris's superiority in this regard.

He is very talented, so Murphy is not worried that this crazy silver vampire will lose control.

What he is worried about right now is the trouble that is happening to the eldest lady.

"Master Murphy!"

When walking into the woods outside the camp, Mrs. Adele took out six scarlet-gloss vampire hearts from her psychic bag, suspended them in the air and presented them to her elder in a respectful gesture.

When he saw this harvest, Murphy was a little surprised.

He originally only had three tasks for Mrs. Adele, but he didn't expect that his blood descendant was really up to the task. Of course, this also proved the strength of the half-elf stalker + the blood of the sin descendant in the night battlefield.

"It seems that you do have a wish that you are eager to realize."

Murphy was not polite to his blood descendants.

He accepted five of them, and pushed the remaining one with the strongest blood scent back to Mrs. Adele. This blood essence can further enhance her power.

As he said, he was always very generous when it came to treating subordinates who were loyal to their duties.

"Tell me what you want."

Murphy asked.

Mrs. Adele glanced at the lost eldest lady next to her in confusion, but she didn't have much time to think, so she turned back to Murphy and said seriously:

"I have decided to accept my new life and become a sharp blade in your shadow to dedicate everything to your cause. However, as Adele, my last wish is still longing to be fulfilled.

I hope.

Can you stop being hostile to Countess Femis!

I believe she does not pose a threat to your career, and I hope you can regard her as an equal partner! If possible, I hope you can treat the eldest lady as kindly as you treat your warriors and your people.


Adele's wish sounds quite outrageous.

But considering that the sacred link between the vampire and the elder that relies on blood can always detect the elder's thoughts more keenly than a stranger, Mrs. Adele's request is not without purpose.

She must have sensed Murphy's hidden hostility and wariness towards Femis, so she had no choice but to take this step.


This request was actually not unexpected by Murphy.

Just as a vampire can sense the thoughts of his elders, as an elder, he is more sensitive to Adele's emotional changes.

He could feel Adele's feelings for Femis, which included gratitude, loyalty and a kind of... Well, let's call it "admiration".

Now that Adele is his blood descendant, it is understandable that this loyal butler hopes to win a valuable friendship for his former master.

But the problem is that it is no longer a question of whether Murphy is hostile to Femis or not!

The trouble that was sown in Miss Femis two hundred and twenty-five years ago has dragged everyone now into a death vortex that is impossible to escape.

"You heard me finish first."

Murphy put his hand on Mrs. Adele's shoulder, and used short sentences and onomatopoeia techniques to describe the situation Femis was facing now. Mrs. Adele's cold and pretty face was full of shock.

Especially when she heard the possible death threat from the Blood Alliance Knights, she subconsciously grabbed the hilt of the sword at her waist.

She said hoarsely:

"We have to kill them! We can't let them get close to Cadman City! They are entering the Filth Swamp now. That's a chance! I can contact my mother who stayed there. In short, we still have a chance!

But you have to make up your mind."

"No, it's impossible."

Miss Femis leaned against a tree.

She folded her arms like a weak mortal and said hoarsely:

"It is an elite knight led by a knight lord. The leader is a strong man of gold rank, and the elite knights under him are all silver rank! The core members of the Blood Alliance Knights are only 300, but they can become the most powerful among the seven clans.

The powerful arbiter relies on the force that dominates the Vampire Clan and even the continent.

It is impossible for such a team to be defeated by a hasty ambush, we must find another way."

"Join the witch hunters and rush into the Blood Vulture Corridor! Try to solve all this within three days, erase all traces and pretend to be the destruction caused by the tearing of the star realm.

This is the only feasible way at the moment.”

Murphy put his hands behind his back, raised his head in the dark forest, and looked at the twinkling stars above his head.

He said in a deep voice:

"You must obey this tactic. I have not given up my plan here at all. I don't want all my efforts during this period to be in vain.

I think you all have your own reasons for fighting, and I don't have the time or interest to convince you.

But I will go meet the witch hunter in three hours.

Tris will come with me.

If you can't make up your mind, just leave and I can pretend I've never met you."

After saying that, Murphy turned around and walked deeper into the forest.

He smelled the scent of several of his little players there, and planned to see where they were hiding and what they were doing.

After he left, Mrs. Adele looked worriedly at the pale Miss Femis. She had learned why the miss's memory was different from hers, but instead of feeling the pain of being deceived, she was filled with pity.

The first thirty years of the eldest lady's life were a carefully concocted lie, and her biological father personally planned it all.

Mother of Night, this is terrifying to think about.


Mrs. Adele stepped forward to say something, but Femis just waved her hand and walked to the other side of the forest alone with her head lowered.

She said tiredly:

"Don't come, Adele, leave me alone. Please, my friend."


"Quick, quick, quick! The stars of the waning moon have risen! We have reserved 30 minutes of game time just waiting for this moment."

Deep in the woods of the survivor camp, Brother Meow Meow and his gang were busy arranging something around a strange tree stump.

They were all atheists born under the red flag, and this was their first time engaging in such a feudal and superstitious ritual.

Brother Heisi held a thick stick of incense and placed it on the silver shelf.

Jiechong and Sanwudou were carrying a basket of fresh berries picked by themselves and a pile of dried bay leaves respectively, while the electronic succubus Laoqu was holding a candle for lighting.

Meow Meow's old cousin pretended not to use his hands while carrying a bucket of strange powder bought from the witch hunter, spinning it around the tree stump and sprinkling it, mumbling something while sprinkling it back.

This whole thing is a not-so-skilled cult scene!

Murphy, who was hiding in the shadow of the nearby treetops, watched with great interest. He probably guessed what the six of Brother Mew Miao were going to do. They were probably trying the natural ritual that Brother Mew Miao learned from the witch hunter.

As he watched, Brother Meow Meow, who appeared as the protagonist of this ceremony, had changed into a linen robe as required, which should have been obtained from the camp warehouse.

He also wore a nondescript grass ring on his head.

This is indeed a requirement of a certain ritual of the Old Nature Church, but that grass ring looks strange. Maybe it was made up by these rough guys themselves?

Your skills are really bad, the little girls in kindergarten are more skillful than you!

"I'll be damned if this ritual succeeds!"

As a "feudal superstitious creature", although Murphy does not have much experience in feudal superstition, he is a vampire after all. With the eyes of an extraordinary creature, he can find at least seven things in the rituals of these six little players at a glance.


This made him deeply sigh in his heart that his warriors from another world were really rough doing this kind of work for the first time.

But if you try it, it won’t be a big problem.

If young players can really try out a new career system, Murphy will make a lot of money.

However, it would take some time for them to clumsily complete the preparations for this ritual. Murphy simply took out a large, blood-red vampire heart from his psychic bag.

This thing was not one of the five blood essences presented to him by Adele, but came from his own hunting.

That is the essence of Jade's blood.

He looked at the vampire heart in his hand. The lingering scarlet color of the latter exuded a mysterious and long aura in the dark night, but no matter how he looked at it, he could feel a lack and weakness in it.

Originally, the blood essence of silver-level vampires after death should be more brilliant. However, those unlucky ghosts did not know what kind of nightmare they encountered in the Blood Vulture Corridor, which made them all enter a state of weakness that was difficult to recover from, causing Murphy to

The loot is also not as full as normal.

But that's not a bad thing for Murphy.

As a vampire who has just entered the Black Iron level, if he wants to absorb the blood essence of the Silver level, he will probably end up in the same embarrassing situation as last time.

Before the power is fully absorbed, I won’t be able to hold on anymore.

Now that the potential of the black iron level has begun to be released, there should be no such situation as "deficiency is not replenished". Moreover, I got a reminder when I absorbed the blood essence last time. This thing cannot be used frequently otherwise there will be serious consequences.


Murphy also got specific usage from Tris.

To sum up, vampires can only use one at each power stage. If there are more, there will be problems. After all, this thing essentially takes power from other vampires, and occasionally takes some weird things.

For example, some obsessions or evil thoughts of the owner of the heart. Tris said that she knew at least seven unlucky vampires who went completely crazy because of randomly sucking blood essence of unknown origins and had to be humanely destroyed by various clans.

This warning may be a bit exaggerated, but it is obvious that Tris does not want Murphy to rely on this method of killing his own kind to become powerful quickly. This unique mechanism is probably evolved by vampires to prevent cannibalism.

a contraindication measure.

Just like prions in the human brain.


The scarlet vampire heart was shattered by Murphy's fingers.

The blood-mist-like essence was absorbed into his mouth and nose with an elegant gesture, and the character card in front of him quickly popped up a prompt:

[Blood Essence·Blood Vulture] Fusion, this essence comes from Bernard Jed Lesembra, and will extract random abilities from the opponent's strength characteristics and give them to the user.

Because the opponent's strength is much higher than the user's, the number of power characteristic extractions increases, and the new power characteristics decay to the initial level.

Power is being extracted.

1. Enhancement of the racial talent [Scarlet Wings].

The blood wings transformed by the user will be stronger and more powerful, able to withstand more attacks without collapsing, allowing the user to travel through the sky at a faster speed.

Since the user already possesses the rare template and enhanced racial specialty [Sky Control], the enhancement effect of [Scarlet Wings] has been increased again.

In daytime environment, the flight speed is increased to [1.25 times the speed of sound].

In a dark night environment, the swift flight speed is increased to [2 times the speed of sound].

2. The racial talent [Night Bat Heritage] is strengthened.

The user's bat transformation skill will be extended to an additional branch as [Night Bat Swiftness]. When hit by a weapon in combat, the user can temporarily transform the body into a swarm of bats to dodge, invalidating the hit.

There is no proficiency level for this skill, but it needs to be released actively!

Unable to dodge attacks that cannot be sensed.

Unable to avoid large-scale psychic attacks.

3. Skill extraction is:

Summoning Spell: Scavenging Crow [Midnight Hunter Special Skill], the current skill proficiency is "Introduction".

Since the user has the expertise: Summoning Alien Creatures, the effect of this summoning spell is upgraded to: Summoning: Scavenger Crows, which allows the user to summon a group (≥5) of ferocious and bloodthirsty crows at the cost of consuming dark spiritual energy.

The rotten black crow besieges the enemy. The creature's attack is accompanied by a weak psychic attack and causes [bleeding].

The number and duration of its summons depend on the total amount of psychic energy consumed by the user.

4. Skill improvement:

The upper limit of Tomb Sword Guard's swordsmanship skill has been increased to [Proficient], and the current proficiency level is [Proficient].


Before the official job change, the sword proficiency improvement penalty is 3 times the learning time consumption, so please make your own Tomb Badge as soon as possible to complete the Tomb Sword Guard job transfer.

Power extraction is over!

"Four power boosts? Cool!"

Murphy opened his eyes with satisfaction. He could feel a slight itch on his ribs on his back.

According to Tris' previous reminder, it will take a month for a vampire to complete the growth of his blood wings after crossing the Black Iron level. But now with the help of Lord Jed's essence, Murphy feels that he may be able to have it within a day or two.

My own bat wings.

Although this thing is a transformed psychic organ that can be taken back into the body at any time, it needs to grow into a physical form when it is first shaped.

It is said that the process is not painful, and many vampires don't even feel anything when they grow wings.

But this means that the vampire is looking back to the "Night Bat True Form" of the eternal sinner. It is the same reason that Joe Pan Markchi would tear off his human disguise and enter the more ferocious wolf bat true form when he enters a fighting state.

The higher the power level of vampires, the more they will evolve away from the human form and toward their racial origins. This can basically be regarded as an "atavism" phenomenon.

This is Tris's conclusion, and Murphy is convinced of it.

He would never doubt Tris.

After Murphy absorbed the power of the blood essence, the little players below finally completed the preparations for this ceremony.

As Murphy watched the show, Brother Mingmiao took a step forward and knelt down in front of the wooden stake.

It can be seen that he is very nervous.

But he followed the instructions given by the witch hunter meticulously, holding a lit bay leaf and putting it on top of the incense. Under the starlight above his head, the strange-colored fire ignited, and then the smell of incense spread all around.

San Wu Dou hurriedly handed over a basket of berries, while Brother Ming Miao held it high and slowly placed it in front of the incense.

"Ah, great god Avalon, I pray for your blessing."

Brother Meow Meow shouted in his broken voice, which almost made Murphy laugh.

Although the vampire does not understand some of the secrets of the old religion of nature and the natural inheritance of elves, he is certain that the prefix "great" cannot be used on the natural Avalon.

The astral god did not like his followers to call him "great".

According to Mother Trish, a historian with expertise in theology, each deity has its own unique personality, which is often reflected in the prefixes of their titles.

Brother Miao Miao is probably going to suffer a lot this time.

Murphy thought so.

He had lost interest in this ritual that was destined to fail. He was about to turn around and leave when his body suddenly froze.

Because behind him, he felt an invisible but majestic gaze coming here, which made the vampire panic and wanted to escape. The next moment, Brother Mew Miao shouted excitedly like a madman:

"Hey! Master Dao, I'm done!"

This chapter has been completed!
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