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Chapter 925 924 Witness the (physical) power of this blazing faith

Chapter 925 Witness the (physical) power of this blazing faith!

The Lord and the God-killers were fighting hard in the Forbidden Land of the Evil God, and Murphy was also rushing to the place where support could be provided as quickly as possible, but it was definitely not the two parties who were acting at this time. They played a key role in the God-killing operation.

Xian Lang, who plays a very important role, is also fighting on his own battlefield.

It is fighting to the death with the Wolf Army and the Creation Guards it has established in various places in the Mossy Valley. This is their mission tonight!

While the Godslayers are fighting on the front line, the gnoll faction that has returned from its lost path will have to make a final, resolute and fierce farewell to their compatriots who are savage to the bone and can no longer turn back in this land that inherits traditions.

With the secret help of Old Singer, the jackals who took the opportunity to enter the Moss Valley have firmly blocked the entrance to the Moss Valley.

The Creation Warriors of the Broken Tooth Clan, combined with the most loyal warg cavalry of the Whiptail Clan, continuously rush into the battlefield. They are like a blood-colored turbidity flowing straight into the heart of the enemy, making the core territory of the Bloodscar Clan on fire and helpless.

Return to defense.

Even witnessing the crash of the sun ship did not affect the morale of the creation guards at all.

After all, the upbringing they received in the Gnoll Civilization Hall made them directly loyal to the Supreme Creator, the Songhai people? Bah! They are just a group of clowns who claim to be the children of the Creator.

The guardians of creation did not see the Songhai people in the golden age in the glorious images left by their ancestors. This fully proves that those blue-skinned people are just ridiculous people who stole the great power of the Creator.

Strength tried to be a hero, but was knocked down from the sky by the evil one with evil power.

Isn’t this asking for trouble?

Do you still expect the awakened jackals to feel the same way as them?

Don't even think about it.

"Charge! Charge with me! Loyal warriors of the Creator, the glorious moment of sacrifice and sacrifice has arrived to wash away the shame! The Creator is watching us, shout His name, charge with me!"

Captain Popok Black Eyes, riding an armored warg, was already going crazy.

It turned on the beast mode of the exoskeleton given by the Creator God on the battlefield, so that every bombardment of the burning power hammer would bring a fatal flaming blade, and the combat genes enhanced by the biological cabin made Popok look like this.

Compared to other jackals, he is an out-and-out big guy.

Wherever it went, the barbarian soldiers of the Bloodscar clan had no single enemy.

The ones commanded by Popok are the most elite creation guards selected from the Broken Tooth Clan. Everyone wears exoskeletons and black uniforms to symbolize their noble status. These jackals have changed from their former vulgarity to become cold and noble.

Cold, but what remains unchanged is their wild and unfettered power flowing through their veins.

This team is currently the ace in Xianlang's hands. It was personally commanded by Grand Overseer Old Senke and deployed on the only road to the Forbidden Land of the Evil God.

This place had been bombed by the Sun Ship before and had become a scorched earth. The Creation Guards were resisting here, like the most steadfast black city wall resisting the waves of attacks from the Bloodscar Clan.

Of course, how could players be missing from such a night battle?

The chiefs and chiefs of the Gray Wolf Army also came out with their best this time. As another trump card in Hogg's hand, their tactics were more flexible and they turned into independent teams that rampaged through the mossy valley.

In addition to these guys, there is a third force that temporarily obeys Hogg, and that is the Blood Terror pirates from Blood Raid Port.

The reason why they came here was neither to help the gnolls resist the evil god, nor to obey the call of the Millennium Lord to die. They simply came to Mossy Valley to make a fortune in response to the call of the great pirate Pablo.

And the current extremely chaotic battlefield is the favorite place of this group of greedy pirates. In the past, the tightly guarded hunting temples and treasure storage places are no longer guarded. As long as the pirates rush in, the only thing that can prevent them from making a fortune is

All that's left is how much good stuff these guys can pack and take away.

Well, this is a dog-legged army that comes to take advantage of the chaos. It is better to expect them to rise up and attack the jackals hard than to expect a dog to burst out with bloody courage.

But in any case, these guys were helping by looting and setting fire to everything.

As for Xian Lang himself

Hogg was standing in front of the position of the Creation Guards at this time, riding his cool set of Wise Wolf armor like an immovable wall. No matter how fanatical and elite the Bloodscar clan in front of him was who wanted to run to support the evil god, he was still there.

The Wise Wolf's open power claws have no meaning at all.

It only needs to keep swinging its claws to crush the enemy's body bomb charges one after another.

This scene made Chief Amot's teeth break.

As the leader of the Bloodscar clan and the most devout priest of the Lord of Hunting in the material world, it can feel the pain that the gods are suffering at this time better than all the jackals present. The pain and anger make it empathize with the Lord of Hunting every time.

A roar burned its mind, making it even more irritable and command its soldiers to launch more ruthless and brutal attacks.

They must break through the obstacles of these traitors and go to the land of gods to witness the birth of the Lord of Hunting. Only in this way can they bathe in the power of gods and gain eternal life.

The Bloodscar clan has worked hard for a hundred years, isn't it just for this moment?

How can we let these idiotic traitors to their faith prevent them from obtaining the final reward?

Of course, Amot was not defeated by this burning mind. He hid in the chaos and stared at Hogg, who was unparalleled in the group of barbarians, and the armor on his body.

The experienced Amot quickly judged that he had no way to destroy the protective gear given by the Creator. That thing was almost invincible here, but the invincible armor did not mean that the driver was also invincible.

This thing obviously lacks some protection against psychic attacks.

This may be its only drawback.

So Amot quickly came up with a vicious and cunning idea.

Not only does it want to defeat Hogg, but it also wants to take the opportunity to seize this invincible armor and drive it into the land of gods to help its gods defeat those shameful bastards who claim to kill gods.

It is difficult to do this, which means that Amod has to face the attack of the Xianlang armed forces. It does not think that he can survive, but fortunately, as the golden person of the Bloodscar clan, Amod has mastered some strange things.

And powerful voodoo magic.

Although it is not as good as Chief Potana, who is already in heaven at this time, it is enough for him to complete this adventurous assault.

After making up its mind, Amot glanced at the seven hunting elects beside him. While dispatching them, he took out a complex and mysterious voodoo charm from his pocket.

This is exactly the kind of spell Old Manson used to transfer souls before. Old Manson learned this secret method from Amot, but this time, the Bloodscar Chief did not want to make a backup for his soul. On the contrary,

It wants to use this thing to "send" its soul out when it dies.

Haha, I am not the top among the golden ones, but when it comes to the wonderful use of soul warfare, how can the stupid sage wolf in front of me, who can only control the Creator's armor and slaughter the people of God, be my opponent?

That guy isn't even Silver level.

That poor god actually chose such a wretch to represent Him? How could such a thin bastard be qualified to lead the powerful gnolls?

On Hogg's side, it seems that Hogg is manipulating the Wise Wolf Arms to carry out massacre operations, but in fact Hogg is almost falling asleep out of boredom. It is not a warrior who is good at frontal combat. It is controlling the Creator's

My pitiful combat experience during the gift was completely useless.

He had tried it several times before, but Hogg didn't have much talent in operating heavy machinery, and he often had embarrassing situations where he couldn't control his strength, resulting in excessive attack power.

Fortunately, Xianlang Armed Forces has an independent combat AI. After Hogg discovered the wonderful use of this thing, it completely turned into a "battlefield bystander."

It is the AI ​​that drives Xianlang's weapons unparalleled on the battlefield, and Xianlang in the "intelligent driving" mode is comfortably in the armor, thinking hard about whether the postscript of "Into the Dark Mountains" is

Do you want to record this god-killing battle?

If I had to record it, what angle should I use to describe the parties involved in the war?

For example, the noble Lord Murphy did not directly participate in tonight's God-killing battle, so do you need to invent a plot to give Lord Murphy important scenes in this war that is destined to be recorded in history?


Well, this is really an important question


Just when Hogg was thinking about such an important issue, the simultaneous divine blows caused a slight lag in the slaughter of the Xian Wolf Armor, and also woke Hogg up.

It saw the dangerous hunting electors trying to besiege it in the combat images inside the armor's armor. However, their terrifying attacks with hunting powers could not break through the defenses of the Wise Wolf Arms. Those who were tempered by the divine power could not break through.

Bone knives and weapons cannot even leave a mark on this solid armor.

Look, this is the confrontation between the evil god and the Creator!

In the face of true power, that cruel idiot is nothing worth mentioning!

Hogg sneered, and in the next moment took over the control of the Wise Wolf's weapons, responding to the hunting elect's choice with less precise but powerful claw strikes.

It is true that it is not very good at frontal combat, but with the blessing of Xianlang's weapons, it does not need to learn those exquisite skills at all, it can just lock on the enemy and fight hard.

The ferocious power claw was activated, and the blue decomposing light blade was wrapped around the black mechanical claw. The weapon driven by Hogg struck a 720° crazy whirlwind on the spot, tearing apart the three hunting voters who could not dodge on the spot.


The enemies killed by the power claws died miserably, as if their flesh and blood exploded with not even a single corpse left.

This miserable scene failed to curb the madness of the Bloodscar clan at all. They had been dominated by the destructive will of the Lord of the Hunt, and they wanted to provide the final assist to their god in the most unsolvable way.

Even if the evil god who awakens in advance reaches his best state because he is unable to grasp powerful deep knowledge, as long as death and slaughter continue to occur, the Lord of the Hunt can still absorb those nutrients.

However, Hogg's wonderful kill greatly boosted the morale of the struggling Creation Guards, making their counterattack even more fierce at night. More hunting elects rushed out to try to interfere with Hogg's further operations. However, in the face of

With invincible defense, they had no way to attack, so they could only be eliminated one by one by Hogg like pigs being slaughtered.

Just when Xian Lang was enjoying this kind of dedication to the battle for the Creator, the danger warning of Xian Wolf's weapons suddenly came on. The combat AI took over the battle and withdrew its claws in a quick turn to resist the bloody "light cannon" blasted from the flank.


It was a psychic bombardment that was charged to the extreme and released by Patriarch Amote with the help of divine power.

This blow was ferocious enough, knocking down half of the energy matrix capacity of Xian Lang's weapon. Its power splashed around and even triggered psychic echoes to create continuous explosions. In the remaining bloody fire, the black wolf

The armor tore through the night with an assault stance and rushed in front of Amot. It swung its power claws and slashed at the blood-scarred leader who was in a state of psychic exhaustion in front of him.

The latter used a flash spell and teleportation to escape, but then he was attacked again by the power armor. Only when he faced the creation weapon directly did Amot realize how terrifying the real power of this thing was. This was not what he should do at all.

The force of arms that appears on the mortal battlefield.

"Amot? Amot Bloodscar!"

Hogg recognized its identity from the other party's dress, and its voice changed its tone and yelled:

"I am Hogg the Wise Wolf, the leader of the Creation Guards and the loyal servant of the Creator! Surrender now and give up your brutal worship of the Lord of the Hunt. You still have the opportunity to lead your people back to the true faith!"

"Ha, one priest preached to another priest."

Amot sarcastically said while dodging continuously:

"But you are a little man, and I have seen your weakness and weakness, like a dog in a puddle! The God you worship would actually choose a coward like you who can only hide in steel to be His spokesperson. It can be seen that

Your god is a coward too!

You keep shouting that you want to kill gods. You are so arrogant. I saw the divine power of Avalon, Gaia and Su shining, but where is the divine power of the Creator? Your god sent you to die, but He himself did not even dare to show his face.


How could such a weak god be accepted by the jackals!

You idiot, how can a pack of wolves who are born to conquer follow the guidance of a dog!"

"You have no idea what kind of power the Creator has given us, and I have no interest in explaining everything to you. You are really a sharp-tongued wolf. Unfortunately, I am not here to debate scriptures with you."

Hogg didn't respond to the provocation at all.

Since the other party is unwilling to change its wrong beliefs mentally, let it feel the power of the Creator physically, and use a broken bone to teach it not to talk nonsense about things it does not understand at all.


The power claw wrapped around the disintegrating blade struck down, and a weak contact tore Amod's golden body apart. At the same time as the blood-stained arm flew out, amid Amod's screams, Hogg


"last chance"

"Go to hell."

This was Amot's response.

It dragged its bloody body and broken cane towards Hogg like a barbarian. The bloody eyes were full of ferocity, and the broken teeth were stained with blood, making it look like this.

The terror, the madness, are just like this civilization that has been immersed in the pool of barbarism for many years.


Its blood-stained claws hit the helmet of Xian Lang's weapon. It did not cause any damage, but the excessive force caused the bones of his hand to break. Xian Wolf's power claws also tore Amod's body apart, causing him to die completely.

This was the first Golden Man Hogg killed, but it would never be the last.

But just as Amot's broken body fell to the ground, a strange burst of laughter sounded in Hogg's heart.

The flashing phantoms in front of him pulled Hog into a bloody illusion, making Xian Lang realize that he had suffered a strange mental attack. No, Amot's death itself was the way to release this mental attack.

I got tricked myself.

"Look, your soul is as weak as your appearance!"

Patriarch Amot, who appeared in the mental illusion, looked sarcastically at Hogg at the soul level. He bared his teeth and said:

"I would never have looked at such a weak spirit and body in the past, but you, a lucky guy, control an invincible machine. It's really ridiculous! I will tear your soul to pieces, seize your weapons and sacrifice it

Give it to the Supreme Being, and I will be rewarded for it

Thank you, Xianlang, for sending me into the hunting temple with your own hands."

"It's fine if you call me cowardly, but didn't you look at who else was here besides me before you came in?"

Hogg sighed in a rather helpless tone and said:

"I didn't activate the psychic protection of the Wise Wolf Arms not because I didn't have it, but because it was unnecessary. Sir Amot, I set a trap with myself. I know it will come in handy one day.


You are that stupid pretentious fish. Now please allow me, a miscellaneous fish, to temporarily withdraw from the stage and hand over the stage here to another consciousness that temporarily lives in my body.

That gentleman has a lot to say and wants to talk to you, the current leader of the Bloodscar Clan."

After saying that, Hogg's figure mysteriously disappeared into this mental illusion. Then, under Amot's stunned gaze, a tall and majestic figure moved its shoulders and claws to easily tear apart the vicious illusion it had laid.

, appeared in front of it in a kingly manner.

"If I remember correctly, the first generation leader of the Bloodscar clan should be named 'Hadun', right?"

The bone-gnawing king, who had been sleeping for a long time, stared at the frightened Amot and said:

"That guy was the hunting priest who helped me complete the establishment of the shrine and the fabrication of beliefs. The loyal Senke reminded me to be careful of that guy's ambitions, but I didn't realize that such a garbage bug actually dared to use me after I left.

caused such a big disturbance in the name of

Alas, as expected, when you see a bug, you must stamp it to death. Leaving it around will only bring disaster to the future.

So, bugs

How do you want to die?"


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