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Chapter 957 956 The fate of Ms. Spider and Murphy is like a web, it is difficult to understand

Chapter 957: Ms. Spider and Murphy: Destiny is like a web, peace is rare

There is something "residing" in Villanse.

Or to use a more neutral term, "carrying" something.

Murphy has discovered this secret for some time. Initially, it was because he got double attribute feedback and a super life-saving talent when he first embraced Villanse. Later, he was reminded by Mannis the Snake.

After repeatedly observing the leader of Sese, Lord Yvette, Murphy has confirmed that the god of the shadow elves was already following him before the black disaster appeared.

If this truth had been discovered a few months earlier, the vampire would probably have been frightened to the point of jumping up and down.

But now, it's drizzling.

After personally saving one god and crushing another to ashes, Murphy's understanding of the concept of "gods" has been iterated. He realized that in this world, gods are only used to refer to those powerful superiors.

Conceptual noun for living things.

It itself cannot be used for that kind of omnipotent divinity. After realizing that these guys could not accomplish the feat of destroying the world with just one look, or even leave the subspace according to their own wishes, Murphy became bolder.

stand up.

He still respected the gods, but no longer feared them.

After all, vampires have this arrogant capital. The God's Scepter left by the Creator can still be fired 43 times, making him seem like a ruler with a nuclear arsenal. He already has the bargaining chip to negotiate with any force or individual.

However, the Spider Lady is still a rather strange existence.

Compared with Murphy's more or less contact with other gods, this god has not made any proactive contact even though he came to Murphy a few months ago. The most proactive one

It was just that Villanse predicted that Murphy would be killed, and then gave him the bottle of resurrection.

Such passive and unhurried "observation" made Murphy have to think about what exactly Spider-Man is planning?

It’s not like a god would leave his own kingdom and come to him just to watch the heroic figure of the administrator hand-picked by the Creator, right?

Do gods really have so much free time?

And now the answer is finally revealed with the end of the Black Disaster.

Ms. Spider revealed her form to Murphy for the first time, and she also expressed her demands.


She wants to borrow the help of Murphy and use the original shrine recovered by Villanse to completely get rid of her "evil relationship" with Avalon and gain an independent identity and personality in a true sense.

"I have some questions"

As soon as Murphy opened his mouth, he saw some more indescribable changes taking place in Villanse in front of him. As the spider girl rolled her eyes and fell to the ground as if she had fainted, a dark shadow also faintly appeared.

The fluorescence was removed from her body during shaping, forming a female image exuding dim starlight in front of Murphy's eyes.

Just like the legendary "African Elf".

It was so dark that you couldn't see her face at all, or in other words, her face was like a dim and lingering nebula, which looked full of a mysterious feeling.

"Hold on."

The sound of faint ripples echoed in the material world, making the shadow shape more real. He said:

"It may be more decent to talk to you this way, and it will also make you more aware of my sincerity. It is polite to show your true colors, even for shadow elves and gods. Please forgive me for scaring you with this picture.

I am not free yet and cannot gather together according to the beliefs of the shadow elves to create a face that truly belongs to me.

The Godhead of Nature binds me.

Just as He has done for hundreds of years, he binds me to His glorious face, leaving me with neither freedom nor peace.

However, this complicated relationship has caused both of us to suffer, and it is time to say goodbye to the past completely."

"Well, your description of your relationship with Avalon sounds to me like a couple who hate each other. I'm sorry for using such an unseemly metaphor, but that's true."

Murphy whispered:

"I know you shouldn't use a mortal perspective to figure out the relationship between gods, so let's skip this unpleasant topic. I would like to ask, what is your current relationship with Avalon? Villanse told me

, you are Avalon's means of self-protection when encountering danger. It was your birth that saved the God of Nature from the disaster of falling.

But nature believers told me that Avalon has been contaminated by warp enemies for too long, and you were born in order to maintain its own purity.

These two statements sound very similar, but upon closer inspection, they are completely different directions."

"Is this important?"

The shadow in front of him asked, with a little reluctance, but in Murphy's gaze, he knew that Murphy would not help unless he made this clear.

So Ms. Spider organized her language and responded:

"Both statements are correct!

I don't have to hide my origins in front of a big shot like you.

The source of my birth indeed comes from the silent corrosion of Avalon by subspace. At that time, the new gods had just ascended to the throne with the help of the Sentinel Legion and the power of the Creator. They were not yet skilled in the manipulation of the godhead and power.

But it can already confront the twisted creations of the subspace head-on.

This made those shadows of chaos aware of the crisis, so they adopted the response method they were better at.

Thioguk died from such vicious corrosion, and Avalon should have been the second.

However, fate favored him. His elven servants were conducting bold experiments in the material world, and detected the corrosion of Avalon in an unexpected resonance of divine power. This news made the god of nature stop before he took the wrong step.

After awakening, He purified himself.

I am the product of that purification.

He cannot abandon me, that would be giving up part of His existence.

For gods, lack and incompleteness are quite terrifying weaknesses. Once the shadow of the subspace seizes the opportunity, a Thioguk-style tragedy can be created in minutes.

But He cannot acknowledge me and accept me as He embraces other aspects.

I am, after all, a creature of corruption.

He can only carefully isolate me, hoping to get rid of me in a less dangerous way after deepening his understanding of the artificial godhead. However, as long as life is born, it will long for continuation and existence.

After realizing Avalon's dilemma, I made a bold attempt.

As a result, the Shadow Elf was born, and I also had my own servant of faith.

The Elf King's failure to eradicate the shadow elves' rebellion immediately gave me a valuable opportunity. Now, hundreds of years later, I can fight against the Avalon Chamber and treat everything they want to do to me harmlessly.

'It will cause him to suffer heavy losses.

But I am still bound, Mr. Administrator.

This matter cannot be solved from within. Avalon and I are destined to torture each other until the day we fall.

But your appearance was an unexpected surprise.

The Creator has given you the miraculous power to suppress subspace chaos. Under certain special circumstances, it is like a supremely sharp knife. You only need to cut it gently at a specific position to free me from Ah.

Walloon's bonds become independent entities.

Your power is exactly the same as that of the artificial godhead, which also means that this 'stripping' performed by you personally will not usher in the counterattack of the personal godhead, so that Avalon does not have to suffer unexpected heavy losses.

He will lose some of his strength, but He will not become weak."

"How to explain this?"

Murphy frowned and thought for a moment, then asked:

"You represent part of the power of the God of Nature, but your departure will not make Avalon weaker. Frankly, I don't believe it."

"This is because Avalon's form is different from other new gods. Dear Mr. Murphy, his body is the tree in the astral plane, which supports the entire astral plane.


His life form determines that He can give birth to different aspects by giving seeds, just like the reproduction of plants."

Ms. Spider explained patiently:

"Other new gods only have one form when they receive their godhead, but Avalon has three aspects when he appears. It is precisely because of this unique ability that he can purify and isolate himself. Over the years,

Avalon used part of its power to create a cage for me in order to isolate me.

Once I am free, He can take back that power.

He will even gain more divine power that can be mobilized to give gifts to His believers in the material world, and haven't you noticed? Avalon is already ready for a second 'split'.

Through the spread of His faith in human society, He will soon have a more powerful aspect to take my place.

I am making a prediction here!

The Oak Father will eventually be born from the remains of the Forest Mother.

That means that Avalon will gain the power of a human protector in addition to the elves' racial gods. Thanks to the more faith that humans can provide, Avalon will also become the best among the new gods.


This plan originally failed with the collapse of the old religion, but your selfless support for the Church of Avalon allowed the God of Nature to see the possibility of success again. From this point of view, He owes you a huge and terrifying favor.

Because of this, Avalon will never refuse your request.

He has a ghost in his heart

Haha, the God of Nature is by no means the most honest among the new gods.

Although he is very low-key, Mr. Murphy, don't be deceived by the image of an 'honest man' he created. The fact that he can split a neutral-to-chaotic aspect like mine is enough to prove that he is the most thoughtful among all the new gods.


Even my request for help at this time is part of His plan.


We were talking in His temple, but the God of Nature acted very calmly, pretending that he was not peeping obscenely.

This is enough to prove that He himself has no objection to the matter of stripping me off."

"But I have an opinion!"

Murphy bent down and helped the unconscious Villanse up, letting her lean against the wall next to her, and then said with a straight face:

"You yourself have not even concealed your neutral-to-chaos style. How can I be sure that after I help you, I won't add another troublesome evil god to the Chaos camp?

Your priesthood is about pain, conspiracy, joy and destiny. Once the power of these fields is penetrated by the subspace, I can't even imagine the ripples it will cause in the material world.

Just manipulating fate is enough to give people a headache."

"My web of destiny is only half completed. My Lord Administrator, it will take me at least thousands of years to weave the web. Until then, I can only spy on destiny but cannot control it."

Ms. Spider changed her posture to a pitiful one, and defended herself as if she had been wronged:

"I admit that I played a little 'insignificant' role in shaping the culture of the Shadow Elves, but the degenerate state they have become now is the result of their own 'efforts'. Even the Shadow Elves have not yet degenerated into Chaos.

The people of the world all rely on me to still guide my followers in the darkness even though they are restrained. It is me who protects the last bit of clarity in their souls in a lifestyle that is full of all five poisons.

I have been doing this for hundreds of years, my lord, isn't that enough to prove my position?

Destiny is created by people!

If everyone is gone, destiny will also lose its stage of existence.

Although I was born from the interference and filth of the subspace, Avalon gave me a part of Him, allowing me to learn to assess the situation, and allowing me to have a bit of a guardian stance.

I will not be complicit in the Warp, Lord Administrator.

I peer at fate, I weave fate, but the more complete the web of fate in my hands, the more serious I am trapped by fate. On the day when I become the only embodiment of fate, I will also be completely reduced to fate.


Existences like us cannot abandon our own vocation and domain. If we want to keep our destiny forever and have people continue to sing on this historical stage, it is impossible for me to stand with those staunch annihilators.

So I would say, you don’t have to worry about my future choices at all.”

In order to persuade Murphy to help, Ms. Spider really racked her brains. She looked at Murphy and said in a very emotional and rational tone:

"The weak pray for their fate, the mediocre follow their fate, the wise change their fate, and the strong shape their fate. This web has never been static, and it is not up to me to decide how it will be woven in the end.

I'm just a pair of hands that are not very dexterous


You are the unfettered thread in this web.

Just recently, you completed a wonderful weaving with your superb skills, making the Lord of the Hunt the prey of the web of fate and allowing me to feast on it.

I assisted you, which made my mastery of the priesthood of destiny one step closer.

I will also continue to assist you until I can share your glory one day in the future. Your Excellency, I can be your loyal servant as long as I get the reward called 'freedom'."

"Then how can I help you?"

Murphy seemed convinced and asked:

"Do you need me to give you Su's personality?"

"No, no, no, the frontier contract is too harsh a constraint. It makes my neck cramp even if I look at it."

Ms. Spider said happily:

"You only need to lightly scratch my original shrine. As I said just now, cut off the connection between me and Avalon with precision, so that I can break away from Him and become a free individual.

I have made all the preliminary preparations, but I just need the kind of power that can restrain the subspace and conduct a 'disinfection' of Avalon's godhead when I leave to ensure that I will not leave any hidden dangers to him.



Murphy nodded and seemed to be thinking, but at this time he shouted in his heart:

"Hey, Avalon, don't you want to express your opinion at this moment? As far as I know, 'prophecy' is also part of the symbol of your moon girl appearance, right? Doesn't her leaving really weaken you?

If you are threatened, just say something!

I obviously trust your judgment more than the silver-tongued Spider Lady."

"She did not lie. Although she concealed some key information, she was generally sincere and credible."

The voice of Moon Girl that he had heard once before quietly rose in Murphy's heart. As expected, Avalon was peeping at the whole process. He said to Murphy:

"Although I don't think she will join the subspace camp in the future, but if you are worried, you can ask her to make an oath."

"Oath? Are you sure this thing is really useful?"

Murphy asked with some pain:

"She is the God of Destiny. She has many ways to avoid the oath taking effect."

"She can indeed do that, but if the Creator is to be the witness to the oath, then I guess she will not risk playing some word games, especially after seeing the power of God's scepter with her own eyes."

Moon Maiden Avalon whispered:

"The Creator's eyes have never left this world. He can shape us or destroy us. No matter how good-tempered he is, he will become furious when faced with being deceived.

Make her swear, Murphy.

Before you suffer a tragic defeat, you can completely trust the favor of fate. After all, the so-called fate will only be on the side of the winner."


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