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Chapter 96 95 Could my loyal warriors be blocking me?

 Chapter 96 95. Could it be that my loyal warriors are stuck in my bug? [3560]

(Additional update for brother ‘Huo Zheng is very good’ [20/20])

The Blood Vulture Corridor is located under the Blood Vulture Castle in the inner city. It was originally a landmark building in Cadman City. Over the past 400 years, continuous additions have turned the vampire-style castle into a super-large building like a church.


Counting the lawns, gardens and ancillary buildings, the Blood Vulture Castle alone occupies one-fifth of the entire Cadman City area.

But now there is nothing.

The astral rift has almost completely swallowed up the landmark building, leaving only a layer of desolate ruins. The good news is that the staircase leading to the underground Blood Vulture Corridor is still there and is generally intact.

The bad news is that the deep remnants of the violent astral energy here have not yet dissipated.

When Murphy arrived here with his little players and militiamen, the witch hunter had already set a fire on the downward stairs to drive away all the remaining astral shadows.

"There is a nest of astral manticores living inside. When the astral rift was closed, we were unable to bring them back. The female manticore has made a nest here. If there is enough food, she may even lay eggs. Flames cannot kill them.


The heavily armed old knight wears a full-face barrel helmet. His heavy oak armor with special texture is covered with various religious mottos and runes. It looks very thick and cool, which immediately attracts young players.

s concern.

However, the news about the old knight made Murphy frown.

The eldest lady next to him, wearing a heavy hood, glanced at the still burning spiral staircase and whispered:

"This place is connected to the sewer system of the inner city. It's useless if you set fire to it. It will only allow the dangerous manticore to slip away along the passage, eventually becoming another big trouble in this disaster place."

"Then I'm really worried about the future security of your territory, Lord Murphy."

Old Finock said in a joking tone.

Judging from the expressions of the witch hunters beside him, one can tell that these guys who have been dealing with evil creatures must know what is going on. They must have conveniently and deliberately planted a minefield for the territory Murphy chose.

But now is not the time to talk about this.

After a few minutes, the flames dissipated, and the witch hunters entered the stairs that had been purified by the flames. Murphy, his companions, and the young players followed closely behind.

They crossed the underground spiral corridor and arrived at the corridor hall after descending for a few minutes.

The scarlet stone door in front of you glows faintly with fluorescence in the darkness, which means that it is a spiritual creation and has been sealed from the inside. It cannot be opened without a key.


The old knight stretched out his hand to make a gesture of invitation, and handed the fragment of desire he had kept to the eldest lady.

The latter took it in his hand and took a few steps forward. Murphy and Adele, two members of the Blood Eagle clan, served as assistants. The three of them stood on the three-ring charm in front of the cloister door. The eldest lady held the Grand Duke's Seal and held it high.

in front of you.

Her fingers were pricked by the uneven outlines of desire fragments.

Drops of sticky midnight blood overflowed, and under the influence of the psychic ritual, they turned into scarlet beams of light that pointed directly at the heart of the blood eagle pattern at the center of the stone door seal in front of them.

Behind them, Murphy and Adele pricked their fingers with ceremonial daggers, maintaining the same posture as the eldest lady.

The blood of the blood vulture that belonged to them was also activated by the ritual and turned into a beam of light that lit up the eyes of the blood vulture. Amid the restlessness of the young players behind who were eager to try, the stone door in front of them let out a low sigh like an old man, and then moved towards it in the rolling dust.

Slowly draw apart the sides.

What comes into view is not a dark and dirty passage, but a magnificent corridor that looks like a museum or a noble mansion.

The red carpet on the ground is paved from the entrance to the descendants hall in front, and the exquisite stone statues on both sides, the luxurious murals and the gem chandeliers hanging on them all shine with the aura of jewelry at this moment.

"Damn! This is just right!"

Happy stick in the crowd said excitedly:

"It would be disappointing if an ancient family that has ruled the area for 400 years doesn't have some treasures. Guys, this operation is going to make a fortune."

“The gems on those chandeliers are real!”

Among the new players, the guy with the ID name "Traveler Xiao Zhou" carefully observed the chandelier in the corridor, and then said to the people around him:

"It doesn't look like fakes from the perspective of light transmittance and light refraction. How rich are these vampires? Or are these gems worthless in this world?"

"Hey, I know you are the professional counterpart, Brother Zhou."

Ah Yu, whose eyes were dancing with light, put his arm around Xiao Zhou's shoulders and reminded him in a low voice:

"When we conquer this place, I'll count on you to help us sort out the loot. Speaking of which, why are you the only one from the geology department? Didn't I also invite your department flowers?"

"Do you think that girl will come and play games with us losers? I guess she doesn't know which licking dog to play with right now."

The scholar Xiao Zhou held a soldier's musket with a bayonet in his hand, rolled his eyes and complained in an old-fashioned way:

“Isn’t it fun that people change boyfriends every week?

Bah! Fortunately, I was blind before and spent thousands of yuan to treat people to dinner and flowers. But as soon as I entered the hotel, she was as familiar as me when I went home. That night I felt like I was just like someone

Like a duck.

Alas, talking too much brings tears to my eyes.

However, my buddies in the dormitory are all waiting, but it’s a pity that it’s useless if I can’t get the invitation code. Stop talking nonsense and let the old players go up and clear the way!

We can’t let cute newbies like us die, right?”

"whispering sound"

Ah Yu snorted in displeasure. He held his weapon and walked into the Blood Vulture Corridor under the leadership of Mr. Murphy in front.

When the young players started to move, the witch hunters nearby were just watching with cold eyes. It was obvious that they needed these pathfinders to help them figure out the specific situation in the Blood Vulture Corridor.

Murphy held his sword forward.

He was the first to set foot in the corridor. It is shameful to say that although he is indeed a member of the Blood Eagle Clan, this is actually the first time he has entered the family's holy place. Therefore, the good news is that Lord Murphy knows almost as much about his own holy place as

There were just as many excited young players behind him.

The bad news is that they have basically zero experience with this place.

When Murphy stepped on the luxurious carpet, a prompt suddenly popped up in the character card:

[Enter the special area·Blood Eagle Corridor, and the achievement challenge is triggered!

Special achievements can be obtained as follows:

Certificate of Elite: Challenge and defeat a family elite fairly without the intervention of a third party.

Warrior's Certificate: Challenge and defeat five family elites fairly without the intervention of a third party.

Blood Vulture Traitor: Kill a corridor guard personally or indirectly.

Blood Eagle Death Star: Caused the death of ten corridor guards personally or indirectly.

Shadow of the Blood Vulture: Personally or indirectly caused the death of fifty corridor guards.

Blood Vulture Natural Enemy: Clear out 70% of the corridor guards in the corridor either personally or indirectly.

Those who drink blood and become immortal: drink the blood of origin in the holy blood pool of the Blood Vulture Clan and obtain the enhancement of origin blood.

Regicide: Personally or indirectly caused the death of the Blood Vulture Archduke Sarokdar Collinsman Lesembra. This achievement will reward the title of 'Kingslayer', and its effect will be unlocked after the title system is unlocked.

Hidden Achievement·Treasure Stealing Goblin: Discover the secret treasure house of the Blood Vulture family and take it for yourself.


This special achievement list will be permanently closed after the Blood Vulture Corridor is destroyed. Achievements obtained by the test administrator can be copied into the replica snapshot function and obtained by testers through repeated challenges.]


Murphy didn't expect this thing to pop up in front of him, but then he caught his eye as soon as he rolled his eyes.

While leading the young players forward into the hall of descendants through the luxurious corridor of deathly silence, Murphy held the core orb hanging on his chest and copied a copy of the list of achievements in front of him except "Treasure Stealing Goblin" and sent it to

In the player interface of the players.

For a moment, the ding-ding-ding sound made the nervous little players look at each other.

After realizing how the game's achievement system worked, there was a small commotion among them.

Although I don’t know what the title of “Kingslayer” is for, it is a title!

Essential elements for standing on the street, are you still a player if you don’t rush?

Wearing the best, most handsome and most slutty equipment, wearing the rarest title, riding the rarest mount on the street to hook up with girls or shemales in the game, this is the most important part of all role-playing games!

"Don't be busy yet! Act according to the plan, enter the second hall and prepare to set up a defense line!"

Happy Stick in the crowd shouted in the team channel, asking the players to stop messing up. Then he made adjustments and put the shield bearers in front, and continued to follow Lord Murphy through the empty Heir Hall toward the second hall.

But the moment they left the Children's Hall, there was a strange vibration in the darkness around them.

The expression of the eldest lady beside Murphy changed slightly, and she immediately reminded:

"It's a structure! The gargoyles used for defense and protection in the corridor have been activated. There must be someone in the security room controlling it! Quick! Catch him before all the structures are activated!"

"You go! I will stay here and my warriors need to get used to it."

Murphy drew his sword and gave instructions to the assistant beside him.

The eldest lady immediately opened her bat wings and rushed to the top of the second hall. Madam Adele also grabbed Maxim's arm and flew him up.

"Warriors! Be alert!"

Murphy yelled and at the same time sent the psychic shock forward in the form of a shock wave, knocking the living stone sculptures that rushed towards him in the darkness in place.

The witch hunters at the rear reacted quickly. Scout Anbo raised his hand and shot a scorching arrow. When it landed, it emitted fire and illuminated the dark passage, killing the fierce gargoyles that were rushing down from the pedestal and flapping their stone wings towards the player's position.


These guys are not big in size, just like monkeys, curled up, but they are made of rocks and have spiritual energy engraved on them to give them the power to move. Their sharp claws are covered with scarlet spikes, and their wings are shaped like vampires and have an inverted triangle like the legendary devil.

The tail, bat and wolf features are shaped on the face, coupled with the glowing red gem eyes, it looks particularly ferocious.

However, the combat effectiveness of these defensive gargoyles is not strong, at least for the current Murphy.

He slid forward and used the Tomb Sword Guard swordsmanship to slash diagonally, and neatly chopped the neck of a gargoyle into pieces. This scene fell into the hands of the players, making the little cuties exclaim in their hearts that Lord Murphy is so cool and handsome.

So strong!

The shield bearers in the front row raised their shields to meet the impact, but were hit hard by the five gargoyles, and three of them flew straight out, knocking down a few unlucky spearmen behind who were trying to pierce them.

Except for the veteran player Niu Niu, the only one who was still standing there was Orchid, who had long skinny legs but super endurance.

"What are you doing standing still? Shoot!"

Happy Stick raised the shotgun and pulled the trigger, causing all the little players to wake up from their dreams, and then the crackling sound of gunshots echoed in the hall of descendants.

The five gargoyles that rushed towards them were quickly shot into pieces by bullets.

However, the structure was not afraid of physical attacks, and it still ran rampant in the crowd. The four soldiers attacked immediately, and they picked up their big axes and halberds and smashed them violently before they were able to withstand the attack.

"Damn! This dungeon monster is so fierce! Those weak ghouls outside can't even compare."

The three or five shieldmen who were knocked away ran back in disgrace, complaining and helping their brothers crush a gargoyle, but before they could take a breath, more gargoyles and humanoid structures came from the second

The hall rushed over again.

The witch hunter in the rear had no intention of taking action, and Murphy in the front also returned to the crowd to protect his little cuties. This scene made Mew Mew blink his eyes.

He suddenly had a genius idea.

"How long will it take us to defeat these stone monsters?"

He grabbed Niu Niu, who was about to rush over, and shouted to the student party members:

"Go and pull the monsters! Don't rush to fight them after drawing the hatred. Pull those gargoyles to the NPC and ask him to help fight them! His attack power is much stronger than ours."

"good idea!"

The eyes of the little players who were stuck in a bitter battle suddenly brightened.

Immediately, several shield bearers rushed towards the group of structures emerging from the front under the cover of muskets.

Of course, there is no such thing as hatred in the real world, but the IQ of the structure is really worrying, and it will only chase the nearest intruder and fight. After the shield player's snakeskin positioning and the Qin King's circle around the pillar,

They actually pulled seven or eight structures over like a train.

The other young players howled and got out of the way, and their tacit cooperation made the witch hunters who were watching look at each other in shock.

What are these guys doing?

They gathered the structures and led them to their leader. Did they plan to use the monster's hands to get rid of Murphy?

Hey, is this rebellion?

This is definitely a rebellion, isn't it? I didn't expect you thick-browed blood servants to hate your leader even more than us witch hunters. Well done! You!

"Brother Meow Meow, hurry up and slow down! I can't stand it anymore."

A man screamed in agony while holding the three-headed structure of Niu Niu. Brother Mew Miao immediately released and threw out the entanglement of psychic vines, which saved him from being crushed to death by the stone statue.

Murphy's expression was quite strange at this time.

When he saw the shield player driving a train towards him, he realized what these cunning people were planning to do.

Well, if I were really an NPC, I would have been tricked by you.

But I’m not an artificially retarded person! You’re quite brave if you dare to block my bug!

After looking at the eager players around him who were waiting for the NPC to maim the monsters and then rush to pick up the heads, Murphy suddenly felt unhappy. However, he rolled his eyes and did not immediately get angry. Instead, he pretended to be like a real NPC.

Do not know at all.

After seven or eight gargoyles and humanoid structures gathered around, Murphy held onto the tomb badge hanging on his wrist, intending to take the opportunity to open the eyes of the young players and let them see the true strength of his Lord Murphy.

Murphy's special skill, group death grip, activates!


The dark and cold death energy surged out from Murphy's left hand, climbing up from the ground like a creeping shadow to the bodies of the surrounding structures, and then turned into a noose to wrap around their necks. In these structures that were not at the Black Iron level,

Lifting them into the air with a struggle.

Then he made a charged arc slash, and amid the buzz of the Desire Clan's Blade, a scarlet sword light was drawn out on the spot.

The next moment, he sheathed his sword with a handsome gesture.

The second he turned to look at the players, the chests of the seven or eight structures beside him that were lifted into the air shattered at the same time. The core of the structure was destroyed and they hit the ground and lost their vitality.

"Bleach! It's so fierce and powerful!"

The Invincible Tyrannosaurus Cheche exclaimed, and the players next to him nodded.

Murphy felt the praises from the little players and snorted in his heart.

Laugh, take advantage of this moment to laugh quickly, you won't be able to laugh anymore after a while.

"Fimis, did the guy in the security room catch him?"

Murphy led the players towards the second hall and asked another question using onomatopoeia. A few seconds later, the eldest lady's voice sounded and answered:

"It has been captured. It is the core structure. It only obeys my father's orders, but I can banish it. This is not difficult."

"Don't worry yet, how strong is that guy?"

Murphy asked, and the eldest lady replied:

"The black iron level is more resistant to beatings than ordinary gargoyles. It can also use some basic psychic spells, but it's just as stupid."

"Okay, follow my instructions and drop it later."

Murphy glanced at the young players behind him who were still driving the train.

A subtle smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, and he warned:

"By the way, if possible, make the appearance of it look as handsome as possible."


This chapter has been completed!
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