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Chapter 164 Unexpected Signal

 "Party involved? Redrosa is already in your hands, why don't you think it's unnecessary to ask me?"

Pask stared at the deep barrel of the gun in front of his forehead and said sarcastically in a slightly joking tone

But the charming woman ignored his tone, she just knelt down and gently stroked Pask's neck with her hands, looked into his eyes tenderly and said, "After listening to what we just said, you still lie to us like this~~ It's too disrespectful."

That’s it, sir.”

Pask sneered and looked at the man with the gun against his head and said: "The timing of the attack was so accurate. He has been following me from the beginning, and he still expects me to believe your show now... You put Red

What happened to Rosa and the others?"

The woman did not answer Pask immediately, but glanced at the figure running towards the end of the alley and calmly replied: "Dead."

But these two words, which were originally insignificant, were now echoing in Pask's ears like reverberating bells.


This was supposed to be just a part of the game, just an inconsistent performance, but he instantly lost the motivation to think, and his emotions led him to the other extreme.

What if all the assumptions that exist are actually unnecessary assumptions at all?

This is all true!!! There is no need to gamble from the beginning!

Redrosa’s disappearance is really related to this team!!!

"Damn it! You guys!"

Pask suddenly stood up, but the woman grabbed his throat and pushed him down. The moment his breathing was choked, his consciousness became blurred.

The feeling of powerlessness came with sleepiness, instantly liberating the tense nerves, and his eyes fell to the ground. The impact and pain gave him instant clarity, and also allowed him to hear the slightest sound of the person coming in the alley.

An uneasy report.

"Lord Isa, the younger one...is lost..."

Isa rubbed her fingertips, frowning slightly and feeling a little strange disgust, but she didn't pay too much attention to it. She quickly gathered her emotions and took this unimportant bad news and the sleeping Pask to the gentleman in the rear.<



In the dark night, Lehman lowered the brim of his hat and walked through the mysterious fog. Although he was a little concerned about the signal of the roulette space in his mind, this time because of the initial warning, he did not enter the space easily again.

The last time I was Teller, I was aware of the existence of the Spindle of Fate by Bellota because I entered the space. I am afraid that there is a reason why I was targeted by the demolition. It is not a good idea to enter at this juncture.

And there are more urgent things that need to be done.

Lehman stood up and jumped into the [wind] element to stabilize his body, allowing him to hold on to the bricks under his feet and quietly land on the roof.

Removed [Presence Reduction] and switched to strengthen [Macro Spiritual Quality Control].

Mystery's vision expanded again, including alleys, streets, rooftops, birds in the sky, the flow of people in the dark, and scattered people on the streets.

After confirming that he had gotten rid of the person who was following him, he took out the [Thunder] elemental domain magic bottle.

Switch to the enhanced [Microscopic Spiritual Quality Control] again. The moment you open the bottle cap, pinch the [Thunder] element that overflows from the bottle mouth. The movements of your fingertips follow the memory in your mind, and then stop quickly.

"It should be right..."

After muttering something with a wry smile, he raised his hand and waved it.

A ray of light purple light cut through the night sky, and the shining light spots spread out with the screams that tore through the air, climbing in the air to outline a looming pattern, and the shield with the gears flashed in the air, as if

A natural prank that only attracted people's attention for a moment and then was annihilated by the night.

In the chaotic streets, such signals have long been common. No one is willing to delve into its essence. It is just another variable in the gang ecology. Avoiding it and avoiding danger is the law of survival in this world.

But this is not the case for the receivers of those signals.

Under the moonlight, Lafitte Karin was a little annoyed with his own carelessness. Who would have thought that the child actually had no record of the [Dark Night] sequence. When he was walking through the alley a little irritably, the signal in the sky suddenly sounded.

It interrupted her thoughts and caused the irritable mood to fall into chaos.

"Ah? How is this...possible? The signal of the Orderer? Could it be Lady Wendy...but light purple?"

Karin hesitated in her heart, but she did not hesitate in her actions.

Anyway, let’s explore the truth first.

With this thought in mind, he disappeared into the night again and rushed towards the source of the signal.


And Karin didn’t keep Lehman waiting too long.

Just like when he first met her in the academy, Lehman still didn't realize Karin appeared behind him. He just sat calmly under the moonlight and scanned the surrounding people in the foggy vision, until a whisper came from not far behind him.

Coming from everywhere.

"Raise your hands high and don't move. Answer my question. Did you send that signal?"

The indifferent words were exactly the same as before, but they were no longer dissatisfaction but obvious hostility.

Lehman raised his hands above his head and answered slowly

"It was released from the domain magic bottle that Uncle Pask gave me before he left."

Karin frowned slightly and continued to ask

"Why open it now? Did he tell you what the signal is?"

Lehman shook his head and replied

"I don't know. He just said that after he leaves, he will find a way to get rid of the stalker and then open the domain magic bottle. This can save him and Redrosa."


"Those are our companions. After you came, they disappeared..."

"Did your Uncle Pask say where he went?"


Karin was stunned for a moment, but she roughly understood the situation. Her expression was inevitably a little emotional. She didn't expect that contacting the Orderer organization again would be like this.

To be honest, if there hadn't been that signal, she wouldn't have bothered to care about what the hunter team wanted to do to Pask. Her position could not support her in distinguishing between good and evil now, just like Teller's mysterious death in the light tower at the academy.



With a strange sigh, Karin raised her hand and put away her subway fan and continued to ask

"Did your uncle Pask say where you were going after that?"

"He asked me to go out of the city and wait for him..."

Karin raised her eyebrows slightly and smiled helplessly, then quickly suppressed her emotions.

Innocence and meticulous protection are certainly rare and valuable, but they may not be suitable for the world they live in, nor for them now, so...

"Young man, to be honest, I don't think you can wait for that Uncle Pask."

In the night sky, Karin gently told the cruel truth, wanting to give the boy in front of her the treasure to survive in the world, but she did not expect that decisive figure.

Lehman turned around, pulled up his top hat, and his determined eyes seemed to penetrate into Karin's heart through the fog of mystery.

"I know, so I have been waiting here, no matter what it takes...I want to rescue Uncle Pascal."

Karin was stunned for a moment, and unconsciously raised her hat with the handle of the fan. She opened her eyes and looked in the direction of the boy. Even though the place was full of mysterious fog, she still responded with a smile and said

"Then come with me... By the way, what's your name."


This chapter has been completed!
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