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Chapter 48 The world with only Kos in the dark is complete!

 "Hey!! Are you okay!! Wake up!"

A voice called to the unconscious Korsi and slapped his face.

Kersi's deep dream was slowly shattered, and he opened his eyes in confusion.

The orderer in front of him immediately turned around and reported as Corsi woke up

"Professor Wilson! The attacker has woken up!"

"Very good!"

As Wilson slowly walked up to Corsi and squatted down

"Do you still remember how you were attacked by a weirdo behind the club building?"

Corsi looked at the professor in front of him, and after hearing what he said, he seemed to recall the scene of the attack in his mind, but he couldn't remember it vaguely. He only remembered that he was indeed attacked strangely, but the specific attack method

It's like being eaten, without any image.

"I only remember that something strange attacked me. It didn't look like a human being, but I can't remember how it did it."

Wilson frowned as he listened to what Corsi said, but as if he hadn't thought of anything, he sighed

"Okay, how are you feeling? Do you need to go to the campus hospital?"

After hearing Wilson's words, Corsi recalled the arrangements he needed to complete now.

He quickly waved his hand and refused. He didn't have time to be hospitalized now. He needed to notify various departments immediately to prepare for the follow-up "masterpiece"!

"No, Professor Wilson, I'm fine."

"Okay, it's fine. Don't wander around so late next time!"

After saying that, the orderer behind him ran over again

"Professor Wilson, if it runs far away, it may have left the college."

Wilson sighed helplessly and immediately ordered

"Then tell them to stop chasing, in case something happens again!"


As he spoke, Korsi gradually stood up and looked at the two people in front of him

"Professor, why don't you hurry up and I'll leave first."

Professor Wilson looked at Corsi who was fine and said with some concern

"How about I take you back."

Corsi quickly waved his hand to say no, said a few more polite words, and quickly left alone.

Wilson looked at his leaving figure, turned around and walked in the opposite direction.


Teller walked through the mysterious fog and lowered his presence slowly to the door of the ward, but the orderer in front of him was no longer the same person just now, and should have been transferred by Wilson.

The current orderer also consciously moved away from the door. After Teller walked in, he came over and stopped at the door.

A square box opened in the middle of the door, and the box quickly expanded outward to wrap around the original door, completing the blockade.

Teller walked into the room and looked at the completely blocked window sill and the movement coming from the door after closing the door. He knew that this space was now completely blocked.

Looking at Isel who was still pretending to be dead in front of him, Teller threw the bag of bread in his hand directly and hit him on the face where he was pretending to be asleep.

Iser opened his eyes and yawned hypocritically, as if he was condemning Teller's impolite behavior.

I glanced at the food that Taylor had brought, and my whole body suddenly became energetic again.

"Hmm~~~The college's bread is a rare food, but it would be better if there were a few apples."

Terrell looked at Iser in front of him and smiled

"Just be satisfied, I brought them to Professor Wilson, but they seemed to be in terrible pain."

Iser took out a piece of bread, took a bite, and said a bit meanly

"Thank you to Professor Wilson for knocking me out. If I could get normal food just by knocking me out, I would do it every day."

Teller also took out a piece of bread and smiled speechlessly before saying

"Are you ready for your speech?"

Iser took another bite of bread, knocked his head and said jokingly

"I'm not as sleepy as I look."


One night later, inside the club headquarters above the thorns

"Sir Angus, the special ward has been sealed off, but the official has not released any news on Wutan. They should not be able to find any clues in a short time, but I am afraid of long nights and dreams."

Angus closed the novel in his hand, looked at Corsi, and said with an expression that had nothing to do with him

"You don't need to seek my opinion. I think you should make your own decisions."

Corsi listened to Angus's words, as if he had received the order, with a smile and bowed his head slightly

"My subordinates understand."

After saying that, he turned around and left.


It’s also the same day

As midnight falls, the mysterious fog slowly covers the college again, and the fog talks gradually become more active

And it was at this ordinary moment that countless bombs detonated simultaneously on Wutan, attracting everyone's attention!

"In the special ward, a murder occurred: Isel Tris died, the orderer sealed the scene!!!"

"It is rumored that before Iser's death, Teller had left the ward alone for an unknown purpose!"

"Terrell killed Ysel because of hatred! Killed Isel!!"

"Obvious murder! The orderer chose to cover up because of his identity?"

"Is the only option in the [World] Sequence is to die? Why hasn't Osman Teller been executed yet!"


Countless topics were brought up in an instant, and the fog chat was full of curses. The headquarters of the Orderer and the special ward area of ​​the hospital were also surrounded by many reporters in a moment, wanting to press the officials for the latest information.

But all the officers on duty ignored their questions with serious expressions and stood at their posts without saying a word.


In the dormitory, Korsi admired his masterpiece, drank red wine elegantly, and couldn't help laughing.

I feel like I am like God at this moment, and the fog talk at this moment has become his toy.

Looking at the mysterious fog outside the window, he said jokingly

"A commoner kills a prince of the [World] order, and then lets a fool who thinks he is smart take the blame. What a perfect script!"


It didn’t take long before the Orderer headquarters could not withstand the pressure in advance and made a pertinent statement to express its attitude

"No matter what the outcome of this matter is, we will take back the exemption granted to Osman Teller. Orders do not need rude people who constantly disrupt the rules."


At the same time, Ari also knocked on Oswindi's dormitory door with an invitation.


Some of the orderers who directly belonged to Wilson also found the location of all the targets in the chaotic moment of the fog, and lurked quietly waiting for the final signal.


At this time, in the special ward, Isel was sorting out the crumbs on his clothes, smoothing out the wrinkles, and using water elements to gently remove some stains on his hair.

He took a deep breath, patted his face, and turned back to look at Teller

"Do you think I'm so handsome like this now that I'll scare those people outside who think I'm dead?"

Teller smiled

"I care more about Kos's expression."

Iser also recalled the details that Teller mentioned to him today and smiled slightly.

"You guys are such a bad taste, but I like it!"


At the same time, Kos walked through the crowded crowd, ignoring the questions that kept popping up in his ears, and walked straight towards the special ward.

Looking at the blocking device in front of me, I sighed helplessly and looked at the door with some distress.

Originally, he quite liked Teller, but he didn't want to believe that he would do such a thing.

But now that Wilson has asked him to open the door, it shows that the official has compromised.

He murmured softly, raised his hand and touched the seal box.

"I'm sorry, Teller."

As the sealed magic box folded back into its original cube, Kos caught the box and pushed the door open.

But the moment he saw what was behind the door, his expression froze in place.

This chapter has been completed!
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