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Chapter 51 Basic Elemental Magic Structure

 As Wilson pushed open the door of the club, he threw a pile of study notes directly in front of Terrell and Iser.

Looking at the information in front of them, the two smiled bitterly, as if they had just passed through a life-and-death crisis, and the pressure of life gave them new problems.

But looking back on everything that happened yesterday, there really was no time for them to take a breath.

Some of the people who walked in with them, led by Aldo, had long wanted to fight against the people on the thorns in the dark, but they had never had an identity, a chance, and lacked the courage to truly come to the forefront.

But everything Iser did and said gave them opportunities and hope and the courage to take a gamble, so they chose to follow Iser and truly walk to the opposite side of the thorns.

While they followed Iser into the club, they also posed a question to the future president Iser.

Aldo wants to see if the person in front of him has the strength to realize the world he talks about. Even if he uses tricks to severely damage the thorns, it is still not enough. He understands that the most important thing in the foggy world is real hard power.

But Iser and Teller’s real strength is not strong enough yet. As Mate said, the world of Mystery Mist is not a fair world, so they need to become stronger quickly!

During the period when they become stronger, it will be Aldo and his men who can withstand the upcoming pressure and all challenges.

This is the bet that Aldo placed on them. They bet that Iser would break through everything and stand at least one level to the top before they could no longer stand it!

"These are my study notes related to all the basic combat provided by Aldo. You only need to read them all and understand them in one day. And after one day, I will come to help you solve the unsolvable problems you encounter. After that

This is the real practice stage. Time is tight, so I wish you good luck!"

Professor Wilson put the information on the table, finished talking to himself, and then closed the door, and the sound of locking was heard from outside.

Iser looked at the books in front of him, but he was not particularly worried about his progress. After all, he had a certain foundation in magic, but he was very worried about Teller.

Although there are not many actual theories of magic and sequences, the focus is on the transformation of understanding and application. Even if you read through it, you may not be able to understand it. Once you understand it, it is difficult to use it freely. It can be said that each layer is more difficult than the next.

Generally, it is difficult to read and understand without the direct guidance and interpretation of the professor, and I don’t think I have the time to tutor him now.

However, I recall that Wilson seemed to be very confident in Teller, and the understanding that Teller had shown might be possible.

Sighing slightly, silently praying that Teller could keep up with him, he opened the notes in front of him and started studying.

On the other side, Teller looked at the pile of notes in front of him with some emotion, as if recalling the nightmare he had when he was in school in his previous life. The classic one-semester course, you have to study it all in three days and then take the exam, right? It's really like going from entry to grave.


He shook his head with a wry smile, took a deep breath, prepared himself mentally, picked up the notes related to magic structure and common usage, and started reading.

What comes to mind is the introduction to stun-level magic in the introductory chapter. Simply put, stun-level magic is a low-level magic that can distinguish the link between ectoplasm and elemental waves and loosely knead them together.

The basic process of gathering elements in the foundation does not even need to be called.

Looking at the simple description, it seems that it is not as mysterious as what they said.

At this level of difficulty, I might be able to solve all the problems in half a day.

And just as Teller was thinking this and turning to the next page with the arrogance of reviewing three subjects in one day, the style of the whole book suddenly changed.

It's full of obscure language and a lot of vague, magical and overly detailed explanations. I can't say it's hardcore, I can only say I can't understand it at all.

But at this moment, he was only slightly frightened, because in his previous life, he had the same feeling when he opened the book when he was reviewing. It can only be said that he is getting into the state now!

I concentrated my mind and quickly grasped the key points, and got a few key words of serious injury level magic: free state, following potential, existing but not belonging, following but not a vassal, element, ectoplasm, chaos and law.

Through his before-and-after analysis and the way Iser used the elements he had seen before, Terrell smiled and understood what serious injury-level magic was.

Simply put, the relationship between ectoplasm and elemental waves is like a body of water, with elemental waves as the carrier and ectoplasm as the core. The ectoplasm follows the movement of the elemental waves and reasonably guides the elemental waves to drive the ectoplasm to follow.

Let them gather and splice regularly to form a magic with truly powerful characteristics, which is a serious injury level magic.

After understanding it, he did not rest, but immediately began to analyze the advantages and disadvantages of different element structures and formula analysis outside the concept.

Looking at these descriptions in front of him, Teller suddenly remembered the original arrangement of the elements in the roulette space.

Because I had experienced the results in that space and understood what was said in the notes, I quickly discovered the connection between them.

It turns out that the elemental wind form in the space is the most perfect element structure formed after calling it. No wonder I can use that structure to form two elements separately and still ensure that the elements in the frame will not move around but react directly.

Comparing the formulas and descriptions in current textbooks, Teller found many flaws. Although they are not big problems, their combination will cause certain contradictions between the original structure of the elements and the current structure, making it impossible to achieve

Perfect balance.

He smiled proudly as if he had discovered a bug, but he did not want to directly correct the problem with these formulas. Instead, he continued to flip through the pages and found that there were only a few descriptions of the sniper class.

Sniper level: high-level magic. While understanding the theory and structure of the serious injury level, it can control a very small number of spiritual qualities and elements to achieve double-layer release. It is assisted by microscopic magic control to increase the impact of the main magic.

After reading the description, Teller also nodded slightly. It does not seem to need too much description. The magic at this stage should place more emphasis on microscopic and multiple releases. It is estimated that it requires huge training to achieve it, and it cannot be improved by words.


Looking back further, there is no scattered description of the explosive level (zero-level magic), destruction level (forbidden magic), psychic level (energy magic) and world-destroying level (reset magic).

Various common collocation strategies for combining elements without additional order attributes.

Teller took a brief look at it, but felt that it did not have much reference value, because his own understanding of the structure in the book was no longer on the same level, so he was somewhat disdainful of the examples in the notes.

For example, there is a special warning in the note that the thunder element and the water element cannot be built at the same time, otherwise they will easily collapse and cause magic backlash. This is obviously not a problem with the elements but a problem with the structure, and I also used the correct ones.

The construction method successfully defeated Abbot.

Not long after, Teller unknowingly flipped to the end of the notes, smiled slightly, and closed the notebook in his hand.

Then I took out the next book and started reading.

This chapter has been completed!
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