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Chapter 66: Secret surprise attack

 Everyone escorted Iser back to the club, and asked the club's exclusive priest to help with simple treatment of the wound, fed him a requiem, and then helped Iser to the club bed and covered him with a quilt.<


Now that there is a full-scale confrontation, Teller has no intention of returning to the dormitory. He will be safer in the club.

And there are everything you should have here, maybe it would not be bad to live in a community all the time.

After arranging Isel while thinking about it, Teller walked out of the lounge with Aldo behind him and said to him

"After this battle, there shouldn't be any more moves on the thorns for a short time. They must have quickly killed the real masters of the first level. They don't dare to send people to directly challenge Iser and me anymore. It's obvious.

They are already at a disadvantage on the first-level battlefield. But this does not mean that they will stop. Although they cannot shake the most critical person in the society, they may take the knife on you."

Aldo listened to Teller's words and nodded silently, but he was relatively confident in his own strength, so he was not very worried about this issue. What worried him was another issue.

He stopped his men and came in alone. In addition to checking on Iser's safety, he also asked Teller about the society's public points.

"Deputy Leader Teller, what really worries me is the club's public points. At present, we have almost no public points, and because of this, everything in the college is restricted. Whether it is access to the classroom or daily activities.

In procurement, there will always be people above the thorns who will maliciously raise prices and compete with us. We are too passive."

Teller listened to Aldo's words, smiled, and then slowly said what he called himself.

"Is it Isel who told you that I have a solution?"

Aldo looked at Teller who was at ease and replied

"Captain Iser has always believed that you will wake up."

Terrell raised his eyebrows and looked a little moved

"How many people who join us have cooking experience."

Aldo frowned slightly, as if he was worried about something but he still answered Teller's question

"Most of us are civilians and were born in a special sequence. We can basically be self-satisfied, but the college's food ingredients are a big problem."

Teller thought about the strange-tasting food he had eaten recently but was not very worried.

Although their taste and shape are slightly different, they are not too different from the creatures in the previous world.

Terrell has the confidence to use the food recipes he remembers from his previous life to recreate popular delicacies from another world. After all, he has watched a lot of food shows.

"It's okay, that's not a problem. You can bring the ingredients prepared by the college in the past half month tomorrow, and I will give you a satisfactory answer."

Aldo was a little surprised by Teller's answer. Can such ingredients really be the key to breaking the situation? You must know that the reason why no large group has occupied the food market is that the ingredients are too varied and difficult to control.

They do not have the ability to guarantee that the dishes they serve will meet people's appetites every time. Once there is a problem with taste, they will undoubtedly destroy their own brand and let the customers who finally gather together be consumed again and again.

But the person in front of me can say such words so confidently and wants to occupy such a market.

However, if they can really stabilize in such a market, there will be an influx of endless resources, because the ingredients of the college change every half month, which makes their menu almost impossible to copy, because there is no time to imitate it.

The cuisine has been changed again. In such a market, only one company can dominate, and competitors will be eliminated from the fundamental rules.

Aldo looked at the confident look on his face and was a little curious, wanting to see if the deputy leader in front of him could really open up that unimagined market

"I understand."

As he said that, he was about to leave. He wanted to give an answer to the outside world and get some information in advance for tomorrow's purchase.

But Teller stopped him again

"Aldo, give the crowd outside a message and tell them to disperse. And you come and guard Iselle tonight. I have to go out for something."

Aldo nodded slightly and didn't pay much attention. He walked out of the door and explained Isel's situation. When he came back, Teller had already left from the window.


In the fog of mystery, Teller moved towards Wilson's office in the darkness of the Unmanned Academy. Now that the current crisis in the society has been resolved, he wanted to truly understand the Twin Golems.

Trailer didn't believe that Wilson's selection of the twin golems was a coincidence. Maybe he knew about Hill's past or knew the true meaning of the golems.

And just when Teller was thinking about it and hurried on, a black shadow suddenly flashed in front of his eyes, and it grabbed Teller's head.

But the changes in front of him made Teller a little unprepared.

He didn't expect that someone would dare to make such a direct attack in the academy. He instantly strengthened [Speed] and tried to dodge the oncoming blow, but it was still too late. The opponent's [Speed] was faster!!! It was still a surprise attack!!
Just as he was about to fall, another figure suddenly appeared in the darkness. The [Dark] element surged instantly, and shadow thorns rose out of the darkness and entangled themselves in the palm of the surprise attacker's hand.

The attacker was stunned, and Teller seized the opportunity and immediately retreated.

But the shadow thorn did not pierce his hand as imagined, but slowly turned into noble and elegant black petals falling down.

Ari slowly emerged from the darkness and stood beside Terrell. His expression gradually became serious as he watched the scene in front of him, and he recognized the sequence on the opposite side at a glance.

"This is the second-level [World] Sequence God's Chosen One. He can transform the spiritual matter he touches into other substances, so be careful."

Terrell nodded slightly and did not ask why Ari was here. He knew that Wilson probably did not let him leave the hospital alone from the beginning. After all, the murderer of that night had not been found yet.

And the person in front of him now is probably one of the forces that attacked him in the dormitory that night.

But Teller didn't understand how they could attack him like this. In the past, no one could even see him. The assassination came from the [Lover] sequence, but now they wanted to kill him directly.

Even if his death can seriously affect Wendy, it is not enough for an organization to take the risk of being exposed to kill him, let alone an organization that can sneak into the academy. The value of these two is in Trailer.

It seems they are not equivalent!!!

But Teller instantly broke his doubts, and he thought of another point, which was the change in his identity. Now he is the deputy leader of Konglinghua.

And if I really die at this point, there will inevitably be a large-scale conflict between the Ethereal Flower and the Thorns.

Although the current Ethereal Flower is not enough to compete with the Thorns, this is not a struggle between societies in the first place. This will lead to a direct conflict between the two classes.

And even if the college makes an official explanation, it is still faced with the fact that an unknown force that has never appeared in the college killed Teller.

In the current situation, how many people are willing to believe the truth, or how many people don’t believe in what they hope to implement.

The college will be in chaos.

Thinking of this, Teller's face gradually became serious and he stared at the person in front of him.

He knew that since the other party's plan was to cause chaos in the school.

Then the assassin in front of you will definitely not be weak!

"Be careful!!"

As Ai Rui shouted, he pushed Taylor away with a palm.

A flame as delicate as a bullet rushed in front of Terrell in an instant, and was about to fly past where his head was originally.

But with another weak elemental riot, the bullet turned strangely and rushed towards Teller's face again.

Can't escape!!!!

This chapter has been completed!
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