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Chapter 80 Emergency signal flare

 At this moment, outside the open door of the club building, grand and noisy footsteps came from the vague fog.

Miranda looked at the crowd in the distance, following the footsteps of Iser and Kos who had just rushed out of the club building, approaching step by step. She understood that there was no room for redemption at this moment, and a bright red conflict was unfolding. It was inevitable in her eyes.

With rational judgment, she took off the bronze flare gun engraved with the pattern of the Orderer from her waist.

His eyes briefly paused to look at the pattern on the gun with some emotion, the dark blue shield attached to the gear, the shield that protects order, and then looked up at the ethereal sea of ​​flowers approaching the orderers in front of him.

When she hesitated, the words Layton gave her flashed through her mind again.

"Miranda, if you are confused and have no choice, then use what you think is justice to defend the laws engraved in people's hearts."

Although this sentence still did not allow her to make the right decision, it reminded her of the firm eyes of the leader at that time, the eyes that could give her life at any time for the order in her heart! That convinced her to join the Order. eyes!

Smiling slightly, since we all uphold our own justice, let us stick to our original intentions!

She raised her hand slightly, holding the crimson flare gun high, her fingertips slightly hooked on the trigger, but then she stopped, wondering if she could really represent us?

I took a deep breath to put aside distracting thoughts and prepare myself mentally, but I heard the voice of the second team of orderers beside me

"Captain Miranda, the second team is with you!"

The calm voice also awakened those who were hesitating at the moment. Miranda opened her eyes and looked around, and saw the unwavering gaze in the eyes of the second team members.

She smiled at this moment, knowing that she was not making a fate for them that should not be decided by them, but pulling the trigger that they all pulled!!!

That trigger symbolizes their belief!

With the fingertips clasped tightly, the firing pin rushed towards the direction of the primer. Sporadic sparks came into contact with the quiet gunpowder, burning out their lives in an instant and igniting all the dust. The explosion sound instantly reached the ears of the orderers.

A fleeting sound also made everyone in Konglinghua look at the crimson stream of light in the sky, and waited until the pattern displayed at the moment it finally exploded.

That bright red pattern.

That emergency signal for the orderer.

That crimson light is enough to illuminate the entire building.


The light ignored the window of the Orderer's Hall and rushed into the room. However, the moment it entered the room, it solidified in the space and did not rush into the room. However, it still made Jura Mann in the room aware of it. existence.

Randolph, whose body was dissipating, also noticed the location of the light. He didn't care about the dissipating body at all. The crazy smile on the corner of his mouth seemed to want to smash the temporarily stopped space, but no sound appeared until

He gave Jura Mann the last and weird elemental communication in a bad way

"You still lose this time."

Jura Mann didn't pay attention to the madman's provocation. Instead, after he completely dissipated, he looked at the red light outside the window, crushed the note in his hand, and ignored the rioting crowd.

After canceling the time stop, he instantly rushed back to the direction of the light tower.

At this moment, in the space, in addition to Iser and others who deliberately let go, Met, Sheridan and many orderers also suddenly woke up from the frozen time.

But strangely, they discovered that Iser and the others who were originally in the hall had all disappeared.

What's more important is that the crimson light outside the window is already shining in the night sky!

The orderer actually entered a state of emergency!


In the trial hall, countless elements flickered, and the realm of black mist was still shrouded, but it could not block the dazzling crimson light.

The orderers looked at the glorious color, their expressions gradually became serious, and they understood that this moment was no longer a small-scale sudden attack, but a real all-out conflict!

Wilson, who mobilized the black mist to control countless shadow magic, also looked at the crimson light at this moment, his slightly solemn eyes fleeting.

He leaned over and injected the two surging [dark] elements in his hands into the space of black mist. The magic accompanied by many elements passed through the strange field, appeared directly around the believers, and rushed toward them.

At the same time, Wendy shuttled through the enemy group with that deep purple light like lightning, and the focused [Thunder and Lightning] element hovered around her body like the wind.

As she moved, she continued to create short-term imprisonments, and cooperated with Professor Wilson's sudden attacks in the black mist to contain the attackers who continued to emerge.

Looking at the red light outside the window, I felt a strong uneasiness in my heart.

But she didn't lose her mind and rushed out to look for her brother, because she understood that the most dangerous thing would be if the enemies in front of her realized that Terrell was not here.

I prayed silently in my heart, biting the corner of my mouth with some reluctance, and thunder and lightning flashed around me, starting a moving lightning storm!!


On the other side, Layton also received sudden and unexpected guidance from Bernard Vanderheiden. He could not understand the man's strange behavior, but because of his identity, he chose to believe the information he gave.

He quickly rushed to the top floor of the theoretical course teaching area A and punched open one of the seemingly ordinary classrooms!

But I witnessed a row of boys and girls controlled by the [Lover] sequence, losing their souls and falling down the stairs, and the moment when the crimson light behind them rose into the air from the door of the club building.

I heard the dull sound of people gathering on the ground, and saw the bright red pattern of the signal exploding in the air, as if I wanted to make the corpse flowing with blood in the mysterious fog look even more beautiful.

Layton's nose kept twitching, and he walked to the window and looked angrily at the direction in which the boys and girls who had not yet fallen fell, the blurry bright red on the ground in the mysterious fog.

Looking in the direction of the entrance of the club building, there is a riot about to collide in the chaotic tranquility.

Finally, he looked in the direction of the light tower with a disappointed expression, but he could only see the light of the light tower in the mysterious fog, and his own face illuminated on the classroom window.

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And those extremely moving eyes.


In the small training building, Bernard Vanderheiden sat by the window, looking at the crimson signal in front of him, sipping the coffee he had just brewed without permission.

Suddenly a member of the club suddenly appeared next to him wearing a cute bachelor's hat, bowed slightly and said to him

"Sir President, all the [space] sequences for demolition have been suppressed. Now that the orderer is in an emergency, do we need to intervene?"

Bernal smiled, leaned back in his chair and looked at the situation without any worry.

"No, it's time for you to have a good rest. You usually work hard on formations and props. Find a good seat and sit down and watch the show."

Hearing this, the members of the reading club next to him were stunned and looked at the group leader in front of them in disbelief.

But it wasn't because he was watching the riot but remained aloof, but because he was actually willing to let everyone rest!!! He affirmed Bernal's order loudly with tears in his eyes, and without any unnecessary movement, he immediately disappeared.

Standing still, I am deeply afraid that the leader in front of me will change his mind.

After the members teleported away, Bernal crushed the paper ball in his hand, soaked it in coffee and drank it.

In fact, even without this instruction, he would still appear in this situation that does not belong to him.

Because even though it was only for a moment, he sensed and confirmed the existence of the same kind.

That also belongs to a sequence with almost no official records, the mysterious "Wheel of Fortune" sequence.

Looking out the window, seeing the still bloody fate line and Teller who had just rushed out, he murmured with some anticipation

"Let me see how you will defy this terrible fate of the world, my dear fellow, Osman Teller."

This chapter has been completed!
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