Turn off the lights
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Chapter 9 People coming from the college

 In confusion, Teller slowly opened his eyes, gently followed Xiao Hei lying next to him, listening to the sound of rain outside, the air was as warm as if the heater was turned on, allowing people to relax and enjoy this time.


Lying at the table, he watched Xiao Hei slowly eating his favorite dried fish, chuckled, and sat up straight again.

Picking up the pen in his hand, he hesitated for a moment but then put it down. He picked up the freshly brewed coffee, and the heat slowly rose, allowing the white mist to spread and wrap around Verdis.

When they dispersed, they had returned to the room and sat beside the warm bed, staring blankly in the direction of the window sill, waiting for something else.

Until a figure slowly drifted into the room through the glass. It was the face of an exquisite girl.

Slowly approaching, Terrell was still sleepy-eyed, and his thoughts were stagnant as if entangled by something. The girl kept getting closer, smiling half-smiling and just as he was about to say something, a beam of lightning flashed and shattered the whole world.

Teller slowly opened his eyes, listened to the quiet sound of rain, turned sideways in a blur, and fell asleep again.


Simon stood in the rain with his hat on, but the raindrops that kept falling did not wet him at all. He looked at the dark corner left after the street lights went out. The dark corner looked like someone had eaten it.

Greedy enough to occupy the edge of this city.

The street lights gradually flickered, revealing a woman soaked by the rain leaning against the wall. Simon frowned and looked at the body with only a shell left. He slowly squatted down and covered her sleeping face with a hat.

"May the night give you the final peace."

As the street lights flicker, there is nothing under the lights...only the sound of rain continues.


The knock on the door interrupted his deep dream. Teller slowly got up, his head still groggy, and he vaguely heard Eric's voice.

"Master Treyer, the people from Exim College are here."

"I know."

Teller was a little surprised as to why it was said that someone from the college was here. He originally thought that what he was waiting for was just a message, just like an admission notice, but what he was waiting for was not a message from Pine, but a direct visit from the college. In this way

Isn’t the efficiency too low?

Although he was surprised, he quickly changed his clothes and went downstairs.

In the hall, Eric stood next to Engel, and opposite Engel was a man with a monocle and sharp eyes. His temperament matched the word teacher, and behind him there was someone

There was a person standing, wearing a similar style to his, but with many fewer lines.


Terrell walked up to Engel.

"This is the professor responsible for handing you over to school--Dirock Wilson."

Handover? Go directly to the school? Teller was puzzled, why it happened so suddenly.

"Hello, Teacher Wilson."

Trail calmly extended his hand to show respect, and Wilson took off his gloves and stood up to shake hands in return.

Letting go of his hands and both sitting down, Wilson pushed out the simple documents on the table, tapping his fingers lightly on the table, jumping back and forth with a hint of anticipation.

"Osman Teller, a male, was tested as an ordinary person for the first time when he was 16 and 8 years old. Recently, when he was 16, he was tested for the second time as a [Night] sequence, and has affinity with the four elements of [Dark], [Water], [Wind] and [Fire].

, Belong to the chosen one the day after tomorrow, please confirm it yourself."

Teller glanced at what looked like an admission notice and nodded slightly.

"No problem, it's me."

"Very good, these are some general rules and regulations about the school. I will go to the Night Church to complete the procedures now. You have half a day to pack your luggage. We will set off on time at 7 o'clock in the evening. You can have a good meal with your father.


Wilson took out a piece of paper with some systems written on it.

Then he stood up, holding the hat in his hand, and bowed slightly to Engel.

"Then I'll take my leave now. I hope you have a perfect dinner."

Engel stood up and returned the greeting.

"Eric, send off Professor Wilson."

Eric sent the two of them out of the house and then closed the door.

"Terrell, please take a good look at these rules first, and I'll make you a breakfast."

Enge smiled, patted Teller on the shoulder, then turned and went to the kitchen.

Teller looked at Enge's figure, sighed, and picked up the school rules on the table with a wry smile.

Ecoshim College Rules

General regulations

1. It is forbidden to use magic or divine power on the street.

2. It is forbidden to use dangerous magic or divine power on classmates privately.

3. It is prohibited to approach the college light tower.

4. If the school building is damaged, please compensate according to the price.

5. You are not allowed to violate the relevant regulations of the college on the grounds of belief.

6. Do not suspect, instruct or discriminate against others on the basis of class (all classes are treated equally in the college).

7. Do not suspect or discriminate against others based on their rank (all ranks are treated equally in the academy).

8. Do not discriminate or suspect others on the basis of race (all races are treated equally in the college).

9. You are not allowed to leave the college without permission.

10. This is not a peaceful world, so please complete your studies with faith, and may the gods in your hearts bless us.

Regulations on assignment abroad

1. It is prohibited to disobey orders from superiors.

2. In the event of the death of the superior, follow the orders of the existing high-ranking person.

3. In the event of death in a high-level position, immediately save your strength and evacuate.

Graduation requirements:

1. Those who have reached Sequence 2 within 10 years of the academic year and passed relevant assessments can register and leave the college.

2. After 10 years of elemental magic within the academic year system reaching the sniper level and passing relevant assessments, you can register and leave the academy.

Requirements for further study:

1. When you meet the graduation requirements and are recommended by professors, you can choose to stay in school for further study.

Dropout status:

1. Those who have not reached the college graduation standard within 10 years of the academic year will be repatriated to the family after registration. Those who are not nobles and royals will be arranged to join the nobility, or (non-chosen ones) join the hunters.

2. Those who seriously violate school regulations or commit crimes during the academy will be entered into the black file and handed over to the hunter organization for processing (forcibly erasing the memory and issuing a ban to prohibit entry into the fog, or direct execution depending on the situation).

After reading all the regulations, in addition to understanding the rules and environment of the academy, I also understood the most important truth, that is, the importance of the academy in this world can even force the freedom of nobles and even the royal family. It is clear that the spread of the aristocratic framework is not conducive to imperial power.

social rules.

But the country will still send its chosen one there, or does this step do not need to go through the country’s top officials? It’s the opposite of the sudden visit from the observation tower before.

Teller frowned slightly.

Is it true that one church is the only one in this world??

The sudden sound of the door closing interrupted his thoughts. Eric walked into the house and bowed his head slightly to Teller.

"Master, I'm just about to pack your luggage. Is there anything in particular that I need to tell you?"

"Bring my diary for me."

"Okay, do you want to bring the gear rose you asked me to buy before? You should only be able to see the second lady at school before she graduates. It will be convenient to give it to her then."

Teller was slightly startled but nodded in reply.

"Behind the shield on the wall, bring it too."

Eric nodded and walked directly upstairs.

This chapter has been completed!
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