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Chapter 1504 Firmly Oppose

 Bill Young was at a loss. Although he used his own secret recipe, the patient was relieved for less than half an hour. He was once able to wake up, but soon fell into a deep coma again.

What to do next?

Liu Muqiao proposed Longhusan.


Officials from the country's Department of Health are not rejecting traditional Chinese medicine. They also like to use traditional Chinese medicine. However, traditional Chinese medicine is not used for first aid.

In particular, Bill Young strongly opposed...

Liu Muqiao also considered Tianlaizhen - he didn't bring it up, he just thought about it.

However, obviously, this situation is not suitable, because patients who are too old and are on the verge of death will likely die faster once they undergo Tianlai Acupuncture.

If you use Longhu Powder once to stabilize your condition and then do Tianlai Needle, the result will be a different story.

The problem is that Liu Muqiao has no chance to get started.

Liu Muqiao is the deputy head of the medical team, so he should have a say. In fact, he was given the opportunity, but they did not accept unorthodox medicine.

In foreign countries, except for some countries, traditional Chinese medicine is not included in routine medical treatment. Therefore, the more critical the time, the less opportunity Chinese medicine has to participate in the rescue.

This is easy to understand. When the condition is critical, Western medicine can give a dose of epinephrine, nicosamide, cedilan, dexamethasone, and antibiotics.

These medicines have immediate effects and can be used in emergencies.

As for traditional Chinese medicine, you need to give decoctions.

There is one condition for being able to take medicine, that is, the condition is not very critical, otherwise, he will not be able to drink it.

Of course, we can use a gastric tube if the patient is comatose.

But, to be honest, ordinary decoctions are really slow to take effect.

In the past many years, when there was no Western medicine, Chinese medicine was also used for rescue. A dose of Sijunzi Decoction made the patient feel energetic.

Note that in the past, there was no other option other than traditional Chinese medicine for treating diseases. Patients were not allowed to receive infusions when they were sick. A bowl of decoction contained red dates, wolfberry, and yam. These are all starches and sugars. If you eat them, you will be low in blood.

Once your blood sugar is restored, your energy will return.

This is the effect.

Also, in the past, it was said that donkey-hide gelatin has the effect of replenishing blood. In the case of national malnutrition, donkey-hide gelatin is protein, and it can certainly replenish blood.

Now that medicine has developed and society has progressed, there are very few people suffering from malnutrition, so of course the miraculous effects of traditional Chinese medicine are gone.

However, this is only a superficial phenomenon.

There are also some precious prescriptions in Chinese medicine, such as the common "Angong Niuhuang Pills", "Zixue Dan", "Longhu Powder", etc., which are all life-saving Chinese medicines. However, these medicines are too expensive and ordinary people cannot afford them.

Even ordinary landowners and businessmen, not many can afford this medicine.

Therefore, life-saving medicines in traditional Chinese medicine are not commonplace, so many people do not understand the miraculous effects of traditional Chinese medicine.

Of course, there is another more important reason. Since the inheritance method of traditional Chinese medicine is closed, some secret recipes are easy to be lost.

In Liu Muqiao's hands, all the essence of traditional Chinese medicine returned to his mind. Almost the entire traditional Chinese medicine was concentrated on him. Logically speaking, there should be no problem in saving a "salvageable" patient. He has complete medical skills.


"As the deputy team leader, I have the responsibility to propose better medical methods. Since Professor Bill Young's method has been exhausted, why not try traditional Chinese medicine?"

At this time, Liu Muqiao once again proposed changing the treatment plan.

"Try? How can we say it is a try? You must know that the patient we are facing is the prince! How can we try casually if we are not sure of the method?"

Bill Young emphatically disagrees.

Liu Muqiao became a little annoyed and said loudly: "Do you think your current treatment plan will be promising? Do you think Wang will wake up in an hour or a day? If you think it is certain, then you must be clear

Tell us and we are too lazy to consider other options."

When Bill Young heard this, he was furious.

"You are either ignorant or a scoundrel! You should understand, Wang, that your current illness has reached the terminal stage. Even though the best methods in the world have been used, it is normal that it cannot be saved. In other words,

King, we are developing in the inevitable direction."

"You must have used the best method? I don't agree. You haven't even used Longhu Powder. How do you know that he will die? Of course, people will die, and the same goes for Wang, but we hope that

He will not die today, but one day in a few years."

Liu Muqiao was tit for tat.

"Do you have any idea?" Bill Young asked.

"I do. I think there is hope after using Longhu Powder."

Liu Miqiao looked forward to taking Tianlai Needle again after using Longhu Powder. However, he was not 100% sure, because Longhu Powder was not Longhu Pill.

Just one word can make a huge difference.

One Longhu Powder Pill costs only 320,000 yuan, while one Longhu Pill costs 14 million yuan. The key is that there are only two pills left in the world.

Tiger element in Longhu Dan is the main ingredient, and its weight reaches 6 grams, which is a hundred times more than Longhu Powder.


Bill objected again. He would rather the patient die slowly in formal medical treatment than risk using informal medical treatment. This is a doctor's wisdom.

"I think it's okay to let them try it." Officials from the country's Department of Health couldn't help but say.

"No, if you use Chinese medicine, you should first fire me as the team leader." Bill's attitude was very clear.

Officials from the country's Department of Health remained silent. They were even more unwilling to rashly replace the medical team members because the reason is simple. There is only one possible outcome for the patient, normal death, which is acceptable to everyone.

The best medical team in the world has been invited here. It is normal for the king to die. In fact, they are also preparing for the funeral. The reporter's manuscript reporting the death of the king has been drafted. The Prince's Palace is filled with joy.

, they are preparing to ascend the throne.

At this time, if anyone makes the decision to replace the medical treatment team leader and use traditional Chinese medicine, then the risk will be much greater.

The same result, king, death, but the results are different for some people.

Some people may ask why the medical team was changed?

Some people may also ask, what is the secret operation behind the scenes? Politicians will take advantage of the situation, and many people will have their families ruined.

The best way now is to remain unchanged and adapt to changes!

Liu Muqiao's proposal was rejected again.

Liu Muqiao wants to resign from his position as deputy team leader. If he can't be used to play his role, what's the point of staying here?

However, he did not resign, and there was another person on the road who had not arrived. When he comes, things may turn around.

Li Liuyi doesn’t want to come.

But he had no way to refuse. This was a state act. He was assigned to rescue someone else's king, but because the plane was delayed, he did not arrive on time.

He was thinking that Liu Muqiao was already there, and going by himself was just an attitude. With Liu Muqiao here, all problems should have been solved.

This chapter has been completed!
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