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Chapter 360: No matter how many times your plan fails, encourage yourself again before falling asleep again!

 "Yes, yes, that's it, yes, that's right, it's great!"

Hong Li watched Xiao Huo gradually absorb the vitality of Nirvana Fire and showed a satisfied smile.

"As expected of her, she is worthy of being an emperor!"

"So what now?"

Hei Yang stood next to Hong Li with glaring eyes, and looked at his daughter Xiao Huo side by side with her.

"The second level of Nascent Soul is sister Hongli. This trend...

I think it would be difficult to survive for two or three years, let alone decades!"


The corner of Hong Li's mouth twitched, and she pretended to be calm and comforted: "It's okay, it's okay, don't worry, it gets harder the further you go, the first level is just a breakthrough to the second level!"

As if she felt that her statement was not convincing enough, Hongli added with an example: "Look, it's like an exam.

You can get 20 points and 30 points in one test, but if you want to get 80, 90 or even full marks, it will be very difficult!

I think the same goes for spiritual practice. It’s all about sailing against the current. If you don’t advance, you will retreat!”

Hongli nodded: "Well, yes, that's right, that's it!

As long as we are careful next time and neglect his practice, he might be able to go back to his realm?

Just like my mother said to me all day long: You are not as good as when you were a child!

My mother said that I was so good when I was a child, but what happens now? It’s really getting better with each passing year, and every year is not as good as the last!

What does this mean? It means that I am very good at regressing."

"Hahaha, I'm so proud."

Hei Yang rolled his eyes: "As we all know, when we recall the past, our brains will automatically filter out or mold the more painful and bad memories in the past, leaving a bunch of false memories with beautiful filters.


What was great when I was young, what was great when I could go to school, what was great when I was young, where I used to work was great, what was great before I retired, what was great when I could still move and jump.

Ah, when I can still breathe..."

"Stop, stop, stop, Brother Heiyang, please stop reading!"

Hongli couldn't help but interrupt: "You want to send me to my grave, right?"

"Just tell the truth."

Hei Yang put his arms around Hong Li's neck and said leisurely: "Just like us, we love our current life so much, but occasionally we miss our childhood.

Thinking about those innocent, romantic and carefree times, when my mother was holding my father and carrying something on his back.

Then it will automatically filter the horrible memories of my mother chasing me for several streets with a big broom..."

"Ah, that's right..."

Hong Li showed her half-moon eyes and looked to the side with a guilty conscience: "I couldn't be upright before, it was too difficult..."

"Ah? Now we can be aboveboard?!"

Hei Yang was shocked: "I'm a serious person, I won't play with you in such a fancy way!"

"I'll spend a lot of money on you!"

Hong Li pinched Hei Yang's waist and twisted it, and said fiercely: "You know what I mean, I mean that we can be honest with you!

You dog, you dog, you know how to tease women from good families!"

"Ah, yes, yes."

Hei Yang chuckled: "You continue."

"What else can I say? Where did I just say it?"

Hongli crossed her shoulders with both hands and leaned sideways against Heiyang. She said with a calm expression, "I don't quite agree with the painful memories of being chased by your mother with a broom."


Hei Yang was shocked: "Then you have to accept it if my mother chases you with a kitchen knife?"

"Oh, no!"

Hong Li said with a smile: "This is a painful memory for you. It was quite fun for me at that time, and I applauded when I was so happy."

Reading with rice balls

Hei Yang: "..."

Hei Yang's eyes moved upward slightly, recalling the scene at that time.


"Ah ah ah ah, Mom, please stop chasing me. You are wrong. If you are angry, you will get more wrinkles!"

Hei Xiaoyang was running away in front, and his mother was chasing after him.

"You brat, your dad and I have been away for two days. What did I see when we came back? It looks like a doghouse!

I want you to exercise well. If you don’t exercise, you go to sleep.

If you don’t eat on time, your food will go rancid!

I want you to remember to clean the yard, where bird poop is almost all over the floor!

Now you dare to curse your mother to get wrinkles, I think your butt wants to get wrinkles too!"

"No, um, it's just a dog house. It's just a little messier than usual. Mom, how amazing is your perspective!"

Hei Xiaoyang couldn't help but defended: "There's also bird poop in the yard, you should go and kill the birds!

Mom, why did you hit me? It wasn’t me."

"Ah? What did you say? Tell me again?"

"Ah, this is wrong, wrong, mom, stop fighting..."

"No, you have to suffer this meal from me today, otherwise you won't learn a lesson. I was soft-hearted and let you go last time, but I'll do it again this time!"

"You can let me go once, or you can let me go two, three, countless times. You want to be more liberal!"

"Hei Xiaoyang, it's useless for you to talk nonsense. No one can save you today!"

"Wow, dad, come back soon!

If you raise your gaze, you will find that Hei Xiaoyang and Qing Yiyi are going around their house again and again.

Occasionally, Qing Yiyi hides in the corner and tricks Hei Xiaoyang, but the smart and witty Hei Xiaoyang flexibly resolves them. According to what my father said when he was drunk, when I look at my Xiaoyang, I feel that this child is full of spiritual energy.


Well, Hei Yang was already dead-eyed at that time, so he should be able to guess how drunk his father was at that time, ahem...

And if you lower your eyes further, you will see a certain Xiaoli sitting on the steps of Heiyang's house, eating with relish and watching him being beaten. She claps her hands happily when she gets excited. It is true that she has been beaten since she was a child.


"Ah, what a wonderful memory."

Hongli sighed: "It was so wonderful when I was a kid!"

"Hey, hey, that's about right."

Hei Yang sighed and said leisurely: "Look, I thought you deserved a beating back then, and I still think you deserve a beating now, which proves that your skills are still as good as before! Well, it seems you have improved a lot!

Besides, deterioration in performance and deterioration in cultivation realm are not the same thing at all, okay? So what if you waste your cultivation, your realm is synchronized here!

You just fell, and I pulled you back with a quick click. As long as you save quickly enough, you will never achieve the fact that your cultivation level is reduced."

"Ah, but, but..."

Hong Li curled her lips and couldn't help but stamp her feet and said: "But just teaching Xiao Huo a Nirvana magical power can't meet my expectations at all.

I also want to teach her how to escape from the hidden world, how to identify the evil heart of bad people, and if possible, I also want to teach her the other side!

If you follow this approach, your cultivation level will definitely increase due to the more divine passes you use."

Hongli sighed: "I know that whenever I went to my grandma's house, she would keep stuffing food into my arms...

From the perspective of the elderly, they are usually reluctant to eat, but as soon as the children come, they will be overwhelmed.

Even if the child's arms are full, he still has to keep stuffing it in his mouth before he can swallow it.

Now I also have some experience of the feeling that I am reluctant to practice, but I still want to teach my children many magical powers, and I wish I could give all the good things to my children..."

"Hmm, that's true."

Hei Yang nodded: "Teaching must be taught, you don't have to do it, but you can't do it without it.

If there is any danger, and the child gets into an accident because we didn’t teach her the escape magic, and it takes no time or ability to recover, I will regret it for the rest of my life..."

"Who is not aw..."

Hongli sighed and clenched her fists.

"Hei Yang, I understand!"

"What's wrong?"

Hei Yang looked at Hong Li curiously.

"Since it can't be stopped, then let's not stop it at all!"

Hongli hummed: "Let's go!"

Hei Yang: "???"

"Is this what you came up with?"

Hei Yang couldn't help but complained: "Hong Mouli, my suggestion is, can you go and die quickly?"

"Go on, don't interrupt!"

Hong Li took off a storage bag from Hei Yang, rummaged through the newly opened Zhutian Communication Mirror, and took out a top-quality spiritual stone and placed it on it.

"Magic Mirror, Magic Mirror, try to help me contact that Taoist priest Kong Yuqing. Yes, he is the one whose ancestral home is in the Traveling World.

She just ascended some time ago and is the former sect master of Wuliang Sword Sect. She is probably in the Nascent Soul stage now, and she should be floating outside the Traveling World. It’s not too far away, right?"

Hong Li followed the request and described the other party's characteristics as much as possible, including approximate age, gender, race...

A bunch of filtering keyword conditions to continuously narrow the search scope.

You can see that the sky communication mirror lights up like a starry sky, with countless light spots flashing.

The light spots were extinguished one after another as the conditions were eliminated, and finally only one light spot remained, which continued to expand and expand...


[Inspection and screening...]

【Scope determination in progress...】


[Find the suspected communication target...]

[Not sure, look again...]

[Check the other party’s risk and confirm whether there is a communication risk.]

【Locked successfully!】

[Contacting, please wait...]

[Estimated connection time: 3 minutes and 24 seconds]

【Please wait patiently...】

Hei Yang Hongli stupidly held the communication mirror, listening to the melodious tune coming from inside.

"What is this?"

Hongli tilted her head: "Senior Kong Yuqing went to sing? This doesn't sound like she.

Is it because you don’t want to reveal your true voice to prevent being defrauded by communication, so you use some voice-changing spell?

Do you think we should also change our voices and take on pseudonyms?

I call you smart, cute, and charming, and you call me Gouzi...ah!"

When Hongli smiled, she knew she had to be beaten, but she just wanted to say that there was nothing she could do.

Hei Yang didn't hit me for three minutes.JPG

"Stop guessing here."

Hei Yang hummed and said: "This is called a communication ringtone, don't you understand?"

"Hey, I understand now."

Heiyang Hongli, standing stupidly.


[Pioneering calendar, barrier-breaking year, 36277, July 4th, recorder, Kong Yuqing]

[Yes, I have also started writing a diary. It is required by the organization, but there is no other way.

It is said that this can prevent us from forgetting our original intention. At the same time, if we are unfortunate enough to be glorious, these diaries may leave some clues to future generations and continue to work towards a better future.]

[However, it is not required to be so strict as recording once a day, once a week is fine, but it must be recorded at least once a month to prevent losing the direction of the mind.]

[It has been more than two months since I came here. If you travel around the world, it should be summer now, right?

Phew, I used to think that practitioners were not afraid of cold and heat, and didn’t care about spring, autumn, winter and summer, but now I realize what a charming and intoxicating natural change it is.]

[However, after these days of contact, I met many good seniors, and gained a lot of unknown knowledge. More importantly, I took on the responsibility of leading the fellow travelers in the travel world out of the darkness. Overall, I have no regrets.


[There is no day or night here, no sun, moon and stars, but only light sources created by everyone.

But in this endless darkness, it seems so slim.

Seniors say, don’t always look into the deep void, it will do no good except increase negative emotions.

If you want to have a great view, just look towards the world of travel and towards home!】

[As for the living environment, it’s actually not as bad as I thought. My predecessors have endured all the hardships they can, so that I can sit back and enjoy the benefits.

Use the crystallization of their wisdom to build a house on the floating rubble here that looks no different from the one in the travel world.

Enter the house, close the windows, close the door, no longer think about the void, imagine that you are still traveling around the world, just go home for a visit!

There is also food that can grow in the void. This is a species that is more powerful and efficient than the traveling world. Everyone said that when the day comes that we can go back, we must bring it with us.

Also, there seems to be nothing left. Entertainment here is very expensive. It’s not that there is none, but only a little.

On the one hand, it is due to time, and on the other hand, it is the fear that too much entertainment will kill everyone’s fighting spirit.

In addition, reproducing offspring is not recommended here, because without the protection of the traveling world, almost all the children born will die early due to various reasons. This is a warning that the predecessors learned through blood and tears.

On the other hand, the life span issue that worried me the most before is no longer something I need to worry about.

According to Master, the moment you break the barrier and ascend, the shackles of life span have been broken. You no longer have to worry about old age and death. However, you may still die if you encounter danger.

Master said that this state is what we once called becoming an immortal.

But immortals without a home are just wanderers wandering in the void, so we call them the period of transcending tribulation. This is a false immortal!

None of us are real immortals, because we are all still on the road!

Only when we truly find our goal and lead our compatriots in the traveling world out of this void of despair so that we can return to our hometown can we truly become immortals! Leave first, then return!

I believe that day will come, so I will work hard.

In two months, I also conducted five cooperative patrols with the help of my seniors, but no accidents were found. The seniors said that I was a bit unlucky.

I was puzzled at first, but later he told me that he failed to find an opportunity to teach me how to handle accidents five times, which caused me to be unable to start teaching.

I was thinking about creating some surprises? If there are no more surprises next...]

"Dick-tick-tick-tick, tick-tock-tock, Doraemon is coming~~"


Kong Yuqing, who was recording his diary, was stunned when a melodious ditty seemed to ring in his ears.

No way, she started hearing hallucinations so soon?

Is her mental capacity so poor?

No, no, this doesn’t seem to be an auditory hallucination!

It seems like an accident happened?

This chapter has been completed!
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