Turn off the lights
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Chapter 420: I’m too lazy to think of a title today, so I just wish everyone, uh...drink more hot water!

 Facing the disciples who had worked hard for a day, the elders were very measured and did not ask too many questions immediately, but gave them enough time to rest and recover quickly.

And Hei Yang Hongli confessed that the two of them would take the time to report the laws obtained from the world fragments to the law network of the Traveling World.

But before that, it was getting late and they had to go home.

And those elders and disciples no longer have to wait around outside Five Color City after the secret world disappears.

The elders of the Wuliang Sword Sect came and went back in a hurry, flying with their swords in the sky one by one, which looked quite cool.

However, Hei Yang Hongli said that they still prefer the flying boat that the Five Elements Sect takes when traveling collectively, as there is no need to sit in the sky and blow the cold wind.

The disciples of Yaowang Sect had nothing to say, so they turned back to the sect, closed the doors and windows, and turned on the fire. While digesting and digesting the gains they had just received, they could also make some elixirs.

Of course, what you refine will definitely not be some elixir that is too difficult, otherwise you won’t dare to multitask.

Everyone knows that Yaowang Sect has better medical skills, and on the one hand, it is a professional counterpart.

On the other hand, it’s because the sect often has little cuties who make alchemy and blow themselves up half to death, which provides the sect with sufficient practical experience.

A teacher who remembers the past and remembers the future, and with the hard lessons learned by his senior brothers and sisters in the sect, the current disciples of the Medicine King Sect have much higher safety awareness than before in terms of controlling the stability of the alchemy furnace.

Hei Yang Hongli originally thought about going to her parents' house to have dinner, but when she arrived, she found that they had already finished their meal.

According to parents, Xiaohuo helped bring their share of dinner home.

As a result, Hei Yang Hongli, the two unlucky children who disturbed their parents' rest, were "blasted away" with disgusted faces.


At Yangli's house, the lights were on in the living room, and Xiao Huo was lying on the sofa, looking seriously at the new book he got from his mother's study. It was a suspense story that both she and her mother liked to read.

On the table on one side, there is a small fire to bring the meals for parents. The meals are placed in a large bamboo basket and covered with a thermal insulation cloth.

Also in the basket, there is a small fire and a feather, and the purpose is the same as the insulation cloth, to avoid affecting the taste of the food when it gets cold.

Xiaohuo kicked his little feet behind him, slowly turning the pages in his hands, pointing at the lines of text with a look of wonder on his face.

The book is describing a wonderful criminal reasoning case, the second showdown between a highly intelligent criminal and an equally highly intelligent detective, which is both brain-burning and fascinating at the same time.

Xiao Huo sometimes held his breath and concentrated, sometimes fell into a trance, sometimes sighed, and sometimes showed a knowing smile.

He was so careful that even Hei Yang Hongli sneaked behind and was not noticed.

Until the shadow blocked the light, Xiao Huo's head went dark.


Xiaohuo was slightly startled, as if he noticed something.

Hei Yang Hongli emerged from behind Xiao Huo, looking at her daughter who had her back to the two of them with a funny look on her face, taking a deep breath and pronouncing from her chest: "Ha!"


Xiaohuo suddenly jumped up from the sofa and turned around to look behind him in shock. However, his expression was stunned, and he was out of breath when he saw his heartless parents laughing there.

"Hahahaha, how do you say..."

Hongli covered her stomach, pointed at Xiao Huo with a smile and said: "You must be scared, hahahaha!"

"Ahem, um, we really didn't have any premeditation or anything..."

Hei Yang held back his laughter and trembled all over and said: "It was purely a temporary idea, hahahaha..."

Xiaohuo: "..."

"Mom and Dad!!!"

"Ahem, I don't dare anymore, I don't dare anymore, I'm wrong, I'm wrong..."


After being educated by Xiao Huo, the issue of "people who scare cranes can scare cranes to death" was emphasized many times. It wasn't until Hei Yang Hongli hugged her chest and promised that there would be no next time that she was let go.

The two happily ate the meal Xiaohuo brought from his parents' house, saving money on a meal.

According to Yangli's rules, today's dishwashing task falls on Hongli.

The latter had been running around outside all day and had no energy to argue with Hei Yang. He sighed, obediently picked up the dishes and went to the kitchen to wash the dishes.

Speaking of which, their kitchen is spent almost half of the time washing dishes, and the number of times it actually breaks out to cook is very rare.

Hei Yang Hongli once conducted a series of discussions on this topic. She always felt that it was not good to always take advantage of her parents' food, or spend money to buy food from other places.

After all, if you are always so lazy, you may lead to mischief, which is not a good guide.

Every time I ask my daughter to help bring food, the two of them still feel a little embarrassed.

However, after five hours of discussion, the two were silent for two minutes, skipped the topic, and decided to discuss it later.

Later, when Xiaohuo heard about her parents' five-hour cooking revolution, the corner of her mouth twitched.

Although, she still felt that it was a bit unrealistic for her parents to cook all day long...

However, Xiaohuo didn't deliberately undermine the self-confidence of his parents. After all, what if he saw a ghost, right?

Who knows when I wake up and find my parents banging pots and pans in the kitchen, with the smell of rice wafting out?

Now is, Xiao Huo’s fantasy time!

Xiaohuo hugged the book and returned to his bedroom to continue reading.

While Hong Li was washing the dishes, Hei Yang had already climbed onto the bed in their two bedrooms, spread out the sheets and put down the quilt. A golden cicada escaped from its shell and slipped back into bed peacefully.

"Ah um..."

Hong Li shook the water drops on her hands, pushed open the door and walked in. She looked at Hei Yang, who was lying peacefully on the bed with her half-moon eyes, and rolled her eyes.

"What are you doing to Xiaoyangzi?"

Hongli kicked off her shoes and got on the bed, turned to look aside, and said jokingly: "Are you so willing to warm your bed, Mr. Hongli?"

"Ah, yes, yes."

Hei Yang hummed a few times, stretched out his arms to hug Hong Li who had come in, pressed her into his arms, and muttered: "You are the same. I was down there just now and didn't know how to turn off the light."

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading!

"Ha, what do you think?"

Hongli moved her body, adjusted her posture, grabbed Hei Yang's dishonest hand on her body with both hands, and put her arms into her arms, resting her head on Hei Yang, and said lazily: "Turn it off.

If you don’t have a lamp, how can your mother and I go to bed, and it’s so dark that you can throw me to death?”

"Almost done."

Hei Yang stretched out his other arm from the bed, closed his eyes to see without looking, and skillfully pointed at the bedroom light switch: "Whoops!"

Spiritual power surged out from the fingertips, hit the switch and pressed it, and the lights fell and went out.

Hei Yang retracted his arm, hugged Hong Li, and soon she fell asleep.

To be honest, I am really tired today.

Traveling through space, having to be vigilant all the time, comprehending and understanding the laws at the same time, and the last fire dragon that is obviously above the Nascent Soul, and even how to speak in front of the disciples are all tiring.

They were so tired that they got into bed and hugged each other soon after, and fell asleep happily.

Even and reassuring breathing sounded in the dark room.

"Ah, um..."

Xiaohuo yawned, put the book in his hand on the table, turned off the light, climbed into bed, and fell asleep peacefully.


At midnight, at 0:00 in the morning.

"Xiaoli, Xiaoli..."

Hong Li, who was sleeping soundly, was woken up by Hei Yang. She yawned, flicked her hand, frowned, looked at Hei Yang in front of her dimly, and muttered: "What's wrong, husband? What's the matter?"

Is it something?"


Hei Yang paused, smiled sheepishly, and whispered: "Actually, I have nothing to do.

Isn’t it August 2nd at 0:00 in the morning? As the first person today, I want to say happy birthday to you and seize the first place for blessings.”


Hongli came back to her senses and said quietly: "Ah, it's already August 2nd, today is my birthday..."

"Uh-huh, yes, yes."

Hei Yang chuckled and said proudly: "How about this detail? Is it very attentive? I'm very touched!"

"Although, I really don't want to hurt my husband, you are so loving..."

Hong Li yawned, turned to Hei Yang, and said speechlessly: "But disturbing people's dreams is really a bit immoral. I want to scold you, so you haven't slept all this time..."

"Ah this, ah ha ha ha..."

Hei Yang sneered and said: "Um, isn't this deliberately taking advantage of time?

I almost missed your birthday last year, so I should seriously avoid it this year..."

"Uh-huh, huh-huh..."

Hongli nodded slightly, put her head in Heiyang's arms, and murmured casually: "Okay, okay, go to sleep. We'll talk about it tomorrow..."

As she spoke, Hongli's voice disappeared, and she lay in Heiyang's arms with her mouth slightly opened.

Hei Yang shook his head and smiled, put his arms around Hong Li, closed his eyes with peace of mind, and fell asleep this time.


On August 2nd, according to Hongli's request, it will still be the same people from her previous family.

Hei Xiaolong came over for a meal, and Xingyun and Gaga came over again, this time giving a wood carving of Heiyang Hongli and Xiaohuo's family together.

It didn't look like a temporary preparation. Hei Yang Hongli knew that this girl had really put her heart into their birthdays, and she couldn't help but feel secretly moved in her heart.

As for Hong Butian, Hong Li's cousin, this guy followed Zhao Zhuji back to Wuliangjianmen. He had a wife and forgot about his younger brothers and sisters. He should be severely condemned!

"Look, Xiaoli!"

Hei Yang placed the hairy crabs in front of Hong Li and said proudly: "Brother, I personally cooked it for you. How about you try it?"

"Well, I must praise your cooking if it tastes bad."

Hong Li held her chopsticks, looked at the hairy crab in front of her with a serious look on her face, and sighed.

"As long as it doesn't suddenly jump up and pinch my chopsticks, I can accept it. It's harmful."


Hei Yang scratched his head in embarrassment and chuckled, and retorted with quibbles: "I'm not the same person you were before, how could I make such a stupid mistake?"

"It's embarrassing, isn't it? Although I didn't do well at the beginning, you dare to say that I have made such a mistake?"

Hong Li snorted and said matter-of-factly: "Let's make it clear. To be honest, when have you ever left one of my men alive?

Those pigeons were sent away by me long before they became food."

"That's right, I almost died with those pigeons."

Hei Yang complained casually, which earned Hong Li an angry fist.

As a result, Qing Lianlian ran to Xiaohuo again and played with him.

And Hei Hui Hongqiao was muttering something in the corner, laughing from time to time.

Hei Muguang and Hong Xiaochen felt a little uncomfortable. At this time, they were pressed on the chairs, while Qing Yiyi and Lan Yuying stared at the two people with stern expressions.

You must try your best not to let them leave your sight even for a second, lest they sneak into that small corner and drink themselves unconscious.

On Hei Yang's birthday the day before yesterday, Qing Yiyi and Lan Yuying had kindly allowed them to have their way.

As a result, both guys were so drunk that they struggled to get into bed. They didn't even wake up until dinner time and slept until the next morning.

This is Hongli's birthday, just a few days after the last time they let loose and drank, so Qing Yiyi and Lan Yuying decided not to let them be so arrogant and casual this time.

Hence the current scene, where Hei Muguang and Hong Xiaochen were stared at with helpless expressions.

Although I know it is for their own good, but...

"That, Yiyi."

Hei Muguang whispered: "Well, look over there, Xiaoyang Xiaoli seems to have something to do with you."

"Ah, deal with it!"

Hong Butian quickly echoed: "Go and take a look, don't delay anything important."


Qing Yiyi and Lan Yuying looked at each other and sneered at them.

Hei Muguang and Hong Xiaochen: "..."


"So. Xiaoyun, do you still want to stay in Yaowang Sect for a few more days?"

Hongli asked curiously.

"Well, that's it."

Xingyun nodded, stretched out a finger, and explained with a smile: "Didn't I tell you, Sister Hongli, before?

Because my dad has some bad legs and feet, and he has difficulty moving around at ordinary times, he feels very uncomfortable when he looks at me..."

"So, one of my goals in practice is to help dad stand up steadily again...

Although my father smiled and said nothing, I personally swore in front of him that I would cure him.

In the process of practicing, I have been paying attention to this aspect.

But this time when I came to Yaowang Sect, I finally found an opportunity!

As a large sect that is famous throughout the traveling world, we will definitely be able to find a way to solve my father’s problem."

Xingyun raised her thumbs and smiled happily: "After hearing my explanation, Senior Yao agreed to me easily.

It is said that my father's problem is actually not very difficult to solve. I just need to take the time to refine some corresponding healing pills and take them as instructed, and he will be able to recover easily!

But with the teleportation array, waiting a few more days is not a problem at all, it’s extremely convenient!”

"That's it."

Hongli nodded and said with a smile: "Then I wish Uncle Xing in advance that he will recover."

Xingyun: "Hey."


Hongli was chatting with Xingyun, and suddenly turned her head to look aside. Heiyang was waving to her, as if she wanted to tell her something.

Hongli showed a curious expression, spoke to Xiaoyun, walked to Heiyang, and asked: "What's wrong, Heiyang?"

This chapter has been completed!
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