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Chapter 74 Already completely defeated

 "This is the competition ground for our Fire Department!"

Hongling smiled and explained: "Xiaoyun should be familiar with this place, right?

The group of disciples we brought, including you two, Xiaoyun and Xiaoli, totals fifty-one, seventeen of whom have reached the Qi refining stage and become official outer disciples.

Among these seventeen people, there are five people from the Fire Department including you two, and the remaining three people from the Water Department, two from the Earth Department, five from the Metal Department, and two from the Wood Department.

According to statistics, these seventeen people have participated in different duels at the arena during this period, and Xiaoyun ranks first among them, having participated in eighty-seven times, while the second place has only forty-two times.

Not even half of Xiaoyun’s."

"Can anyone really be so idle? People who fight all day are very idle, and people who keep statistics on such things are even more idle."

Hongli complained expressionlessly, standing on tiptoes and looking into the distance: "But the venue here is really big, you can't even see the end at a glance."

Arenas are regularly distributed on the field. The deeper you go, the fewer the number of arenas and the larger the area. It is the competition platform for the strongest group of outer disciples and even inner disciples.

If the disciples want to compete in martial arts, they need to follow the rules and find a ring that matches their corresponding strength and fight on it, which will save a lot of trouble for the personnel who maintain the martial arts field.

Under normal circumstances, this kind of arena will be divided into two modes.

The first type is the ring battle. Anyone who wants to go up can go up and shout "Who else?", and you are guaranteed to be surrounded by a group of grumpy old men to vent their sweat and youth to you♂.

Generally speaking, it is stipulated that people who are two small realms or one big realm higher than the defender cannot initiate a challenge.

Of course, if you provoke you by name, or say "everyone here is a lecher", then don't say anything if you are beaten, the elders will scold you "you deserve it" when they find out.

Maybe, the sect will also criticize you in a circular, saying that such trouble-causing behavior seriously affects the unity of the sect.

Is it actually affected?

Not really!

Because only that one person is injured, and the other disciples will experience the fun of fighting side by side with their fellow disciples in the process of beating each other together, which will in turn enhance the cohesion between them!

From the perspective of spiritual quality, this is the selfless spirit of sacrificing one person and uniting thousands of families.

From a philosophical perspective, it is to convert the main contradiction into a secondary contradiction and fully resolve it... (nonsense)

The second type is the traditional practice of discussing and exchanging experiences among disciples, commonly known as making appointments. There are no restrictions on this.

The big rules are also very simple: you cannot maliciously injure others, you cannot take the initiative to humiliate and beat disciples who have lost the ability to resist, and you cannot intentionally cause casualties to your opponents...

As for the life and death arena, the Five Elements Immortal Sect doesn’t seem to have that kind of thing.

If there are any irreconcilable conflicts between disciples, they can apply for sect sanctions. Killing each other in private is expressly prohibited.

At this time, many disciples who were more confident in their own strength were competing and exchanging ideas in many arenas, and their spiritual power was surging everywhere, making it very fiery.

But more of them are the disciples who are watching the battle in the audience.

According to them, this is through observing the battles between brothers and sisters in the same sect, so as to learn from their combat experience and perfect their own fighting methods by integrating the strengths of hundreds of schools.

But as long as you observe carefully, you will find that many of them can be seen in the audience almost every day, which makes people wonder: Don't you all need to practice, just watch others fight all day long?

In fact, they are just addicted to food and like exciting battles, but they are afraid of being beaten.

So they found another way to gain spiritual satisfaction by watching the wonderful operations of the big guys.

Maybe if you watch it too much, you can play a few tricks when it's your turn?

The will of the cloud connects us!

"It's very spectacular, isn't it? This is the first time I've seen it?"

Hong Ling looked at Hong Li with a teasing look on her face: "I just said that Xiao Yun is the one with the highest number of times, so Xiao Li, guess who is the last one?"

"I guess."

Hong Li said calmly: "She must be a beautiful girl who has escaped from vulgar tastes, has an above-average level of ideological consciousness, is kind, optimistic, strong and lovely."

"Guessed wrong!"

Hongling shook her head: "It's you, Xiaoli!"

"Hahaha, really unexpected."

Hongli's voice did not fluctuate at all: "Oh my God, how could it be me."

"Ah this..."

Cold sweat broke out on Hong Ling's forehead, and she pointed to a ring with a smile: "Okay, okay, no kidding, I think the ring over there is quite suitable for you. If the fight is over early, I don't have to worry about it anymore.

Something has happened!"


Unexpectedly, Hongli jumped onto the ring first and looked condescendingly at Xingyun in the audience: "Come on, since you have to beat me, don't waste time, come up and get beaten!"

"Oh oh oh! This is the first time I've seen Senior Sister Hongli like this!"

Xingyun excitedly said to Xiaoli Huohe in his arms: "Xiaohuo, look, Senior Sister Hongli seems to be full of energy all of a sudden. She looks so handsome!"


Xiao Huo stole a glance at Hong Li on the ring and couldn't help but shudder.

So, why do you think she became so cheerful?

It’s because the sooner the better, the better!

Hong Li on the stage seemed to have noticed the gaze of Xiao Huo in the audience, and whispered to her gently: "Don't be afraid, Xiao Huo, mom will rescue you soon, and then we will go home together!"

Xiaoli Huohe's legs swayed, this is a threat, it must be a threat!

"Sister, wait a moment!"

Xingyun stretched out a finger: "Wait a little longer, just a little while, and then we'll start!"


Hongli scratched her head, propped the gun barrel on the ground, and leaned against it: "What's going on, are you scared?"

"No, it's..."

Xingyun was about to explain when a group of people came running from a distance: "Xingyun, we are here!"

"Ah, it's OK now!"

Xingyun smiled and said: "I'm just waiting for them!"


Hongli was stunned and rubbed the corners of her eyes: "One, two, three...are there dozens of people?!

No, you’re plotting against me and looking for a group of people to beat me up?!”

"No, no!"

Xingyun pointed to the people behind him and introduced with a smile: "They all came specially to watch the battle!"

"Hello, senior sister!"

A burly man patted his chest and said hello: "I am Nan Chengwu. I broke through the Qi refining stage after the two senior sisters!"

"And, and..."

Nan Chengwu pulled a thin-looking boy next to him and introduced at the same time: "This is my younger brother, Nan Chengwen, he is the fifth!"

"Xing Enen."

The girl next to them nodded slightly and reported her family name. As expected, she should be the fourth in this year's Fire Department.

The two boys were fine, but the girl named Xing Enen was particularly eye-catching in front of Hong Li!

The reason is simple...

Hong Li frowned and stared at Xing Enen's chest. Does that kind of scale really exist?

Hongli lowered her head and looked at her chest, and then her aura that had lasted no more than two minutes collapsed instantly!

Instead, there was a sudden feeling of inferiority...


This battle has not even begun yet, and she has already been completely defeated!

This chapter has been completed!
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