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Chapter 271 Let’s discuss the medical fee first

 Qin Wanwan inserted silver needles of different shades. She kept lifting the needle and twisting it. For some reason, when everyone saw her skillful movements and serious expression, the irritability in everyone's hearts slowly and strangely subsided.

"Bring a basin over here." Qin Wanwan whispered.

The servant rushed out without waiting for Mrs. Xu's instructions, and soon he came over with a basin.

Qin Wanwan took out a sharp dagger from the space. Mrs. Xu and her servants were so nervous that they wanted to rush over to save people, but Qin Xun shook his head at them. Mrs. Xu finally controlled her emotions.

Qin Wanwan remained calm and cut the old dean in the middle with a dagger. Black blood immediately dripped down the old dean's middle finger into the basin.

Black blood, the old dean’s blood was actually black? Everyone was shocked.

"Didn't you say that there were no problems during the examination?" Guo Lang asked in surprise. Even in the interstellar world, modern diagnosis and treatment methods have long been abandoned, and pharmacists all know what black blood means.

Mrs. Xu was so shocked that she could hardly speak. "When I checked, the blood was still fine."

"Ma'am, please check on your family." Qin Wanwan said calmly, her expression was lazy and not panicked at all.

"Are you saying that the poison was administered later?" Mrs. Xu's face suddenly darkened, and the anger in her eyes was obvious.

"Madam, don't you already have the answer in your heart?" Qin Wanwan chuckled.

The servant knelt down and said, "Madam, I don't know, I really don't know."

Mrs. Xu's expression was unclear, "Report all the people who have entered the room recently."

Qin Wanwan was not interested in the review. She stared at the old dean's finger. The blood on her finger slowly turned red. After the blood from her finger completely turned red, she changed the position of the silver needle again.

, the bleeding stopped quickly.

"Are you using ancient earth acupuncture therapy?" Chen Youjia asked excitedly.

"Just say yes." Qin Wanwan did not answer directly.

"Third Madam, when will the dean wake up?" Madam Xu temporarily put the interrogation aside and asked Qin Wanwan worriedly.

"My name is Qin Wanwan." Qin Wanwan replied calmly, reminding her to change her name, "The person will wake up soon. But his body is too poisoned and he will have to drink medicine later. Do you have a casserole at home?"
"Yes." Mrs. Xu quickly agreed, "I'll let someone arrange it right away."

"Wait a little longer." Qin Wanwan said calmly, "We'll talk about it when someone comes."

Everyone just felt baffled and didn't know who else to wait for.

Qin Wanwan didn't keep everyone waiting too long, and soon someone from the front came over to report, "The Ling family sent a pharmacist."

Mrs. Xu's eyes suddenly lit up, and she quickly went out to pick up the person herself.

There were a few people left in the room, and two more instructors followed Mrs. Xu out to pick them up.

The people who came were very interesting, with masks on their faces, just like the people around Ling Yi that Qin Wanwan saw on Tianma Star.

This person is from Ling Yi.

The visitor respected Qin Wanwan very much, "Third Madam."

"Are you from Ling Laoer?" Several people came, and only one wearing a mask came in. He nodded slightly, "Madam is smart."

After confirming the identity of the visitor, Qin Wanwan stopped talking and asked Mrs. Xu to bring in the casserole and stove.

Qin Wanwan took out various herbs from the space. Some herbs were roots, some herbs were stems, some were seeds, and even bark. It was a mess anyway.

Qin Wanwan weighed some herbs with a delicate scale and put them together. She grabbed five piles in total. In front of everyone, she put a bunch of them into a casserole, added water and soaked them for ten minutes.

, and then started to boil it on the fire. The heat was also particular, it was a high fire at first, then a slow fire. After half an hour, the fire stopped, Qin Wanwan poured out the medicine, then added water and continued to boil it, repeating this three times.
Finally, she mixed the three times of boiled medicine, divided it into three bowls, and took out one of the bowls. The old dean had already woken up while she was boiling the medicine, and several tutors were wandering around the old dean.

Qin Wanwan asked Mrs. Xu to bring the medicine to the old dean and feed him, "The remaining two bowls of medicine are to be taken once in the evening and tomorrow morning. There are also four remaining doses of medicine, which should be prepared according to the method I just mentioned.

This medicine can remove the harm caused by poison to the body."

The old doctor already knew that Qin Wanwan saved him. He looked at Qin Wanwan with a gentle look in his eyes, "You are so good at medicine, why did you choose the implantation system?"

"Because the pharmacist and I learned different things." Qin Wanwan replied listlessly, "Besides, the planting department is pretty good. If nothing happens, I can secretly grab a few herbs to make soup."

"As expected, you stole the spiritual plant." Qin Xun stood up with an excited expression.

Qin Wanwan glared at him, "I just said a few humble words casually, do you take it seriously?"

"That's right, you must have done something good." Qin Xun blew his beard and stared, wanting to hit someone.

Not to be outdone, Qin Wanwan said, "Catch the thief and catch the stolen goods, catch the traitor and catch the pair, which one of your eyes saw me stealing the spiritual plant?"

Qin Wanwan angrily put her hands on her hips, her attitude even more arrogant than Qin Xun's.

"You are deceiving your master and destroying your ancestors."

"You are relying on your old age to sell your old age."

Teachers and students are like fighting cocks, neither one admits defeat.



The teachers and students snorted coldly and turned their heads, paying no attention to anyone else.

The other tutors had never seen Qin Xun have such a naughty side in private, and they couldn't help laughing. Even the old dean, who had been feeling depressed and uncomfortable, couldn't help but laugh too.

Mrs. Xu smiled, and when she saw the masked master beside her, she became even more worried. Finally, she couldn't help but asked, "Master, can you please go over and check on other patients at home?"

The old dean looked over, and the instructors also looked at the masked man curiously.

The masked man said calmly, "I'm just here for a walk. If the third lady is okay, I will go back."

Xu was stunned. What do you mean? I just came here to see if Qin Wanwan was okay? Could it be that the Ling family thought that the Xu family would bully Qin Wanwan?

The old dean thought more. He looked at Qin Wanwan in surprise and hesitated to speak!

Qin Xun suddenly became silent.

Guo Lang didn't react for a moment and was still interceding for the Xu family, "Master, even if you don't have medicine, it would be nice if you could go over and take a look. There are many people in the Xu family who are injured."

The man wearing the mask has a bit of sarcasm in his eyes.

The old dean suddenly struggled out of bed, and his servants and Qin Xun hurried over to support him. The old dean pushed the two people away, walked straight to Qin Wanwan, and bowed deeply to Qin Wanwan, "

Please ask the little girl to give it a try. Our Xu family is not a blind wolf. From now on, as long as it is within our ability, our Xu family will be obliged to do it."

Mrs. Xu was stunned for a moment, and then she suddenly understood. Her tears immediately flowed down. The lives of her husband and her children depended on this inconspicuous little girl in front of her.

Several instructors widened their eyes in surprise, and no one made a sound at this time.

Qin Wanwan glanced at him lazily, "Although he is a little stupid, he is not stupid enough. Then go and have a look."

The masked man immediately stood up and walked side by side with the old dean, while Qin Wanwan was still slowly following behind everyone. She kept looking around, as if she was very comfortable and just came to join in the fun.

Mrs. Xu whispered and ordered someone to bring food to the children playing in the living room.

The old dean first brought people to the house of his eldest son Xu Li. Xu Li was a middle-aged man. He was lying on the bed like a dead fish, panting, and his eyes were deathly gray.

"Dad, how are you?" Xu Li couldn't help but shed tears when he saw the old dean.

"I'm fine." The old dean burst into tears when he saw his son like this. "Son, our Xu family is saved. Dad has found a miracle doctor for you."

Miracle doctor? Xu Li glanced at the crowd with a wry smile, and his eyes fell on the masked man.

"Please." The old dean politely asked Qin Wanwan to come over.

Xu Li's eyes widened.

Qin Wanwan walked over slowly and put her fingers on Xu Li's wrist.

Xu Li's pulse beat quickly but very weakly. Qin Wanwan's fingers didn't move back for a long time. Everyone's hearts suddenly lifted!

Qin Wanwan took out another set of silver needles, and took out the previously used set of silver needles and handed them to Mrs. Xu, "High temperature disinfection for ten minutes."

Although Mrs. Xu wanted to stay and see with her own eyes how Qin Wanwan saved her husband, she also knew that the stakes were high. She did not dare to neglect, took the silver needle and disinfected it herself.

"Relax, don't worry." Qin Wanwan said while injecting the needle. The position of the needle she placed was scary. The needle was extremely long and silvery, making others feel scared when they looked at it.

The three pharmacists present couldn't wait to squeeze in. They wanted to see Qin Wanwan's every move clearly.

Qin Wanwan's injection speed was much slower than that of the old dean.

But even so, in the blink of an eye, Xu Li's head turned into a hedgehog.

Twenty minutes later, Xu Li's pale face began to turn rosy, and his frown slowly subsided. Soon, he snored gently.

Mrs. Xu who rushed over saw this and burst into tears of joy. She did not dare to cry out, so she covered her mouth tightly and let the tears flow down her cheeks.

Thirty minutes later, Qin Wanwan pulled out the silver needle from Xu Li's head.

"Before we prescribe the medicine, let's talk about the medical fees." Qin Wanwan picked up the pen and put it down again. She is a master who doesn't let go of rabbits before she sees them. If the Xu family is as shameless as several tutors, she will suffer a lot.


The old dean was stunned. This was the first time he had seen such a straightforward person. But such a child has no evil intentions, which is great! "You quote a price, and our Xu family will try our best to prepare the consultation fee."

"How many people in your family are sick?" Qin Wanwan broke the casserole and asked.

The old dean calculated that he had five children and grandchildren in total, plus more than ten people from his close relatives, there were more than twenty people after all. He could not afford to only focus on a few of his direct children and give up the rest.


"Twenty-six people plus me." The old dean gritted his teeth and replied, "Please quote a price."

"Ten million credits per person." Qin Wanwan quoted.

The price is not low, but for the Xu family, they can afford it. The old director and Mrs. Xu were already prepared to accept the sky-high medical fees. They didn't expect that the price quoted by Qin Wanwan was so low!

This chapter has been completed!
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