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Chapter 274 Delicious donkey-hide gelatin

 It is true that Qin Wanwan protects her food, but she is also very filial.

When she encounters a rare good thing, she always thinks of leaving a portion for her family. She got two donkeys, but her family hasn't eaten them yet. Now, she is thinking about her family.

The little buns, Mr. Fu and Ling Ze, came first, and everyone ate them, including her and Xin Bo.

The donkey meat is tender and flossy. Cut it into slices and put it into the freshly made sesame seed cakes. The aroma is so fragrant that it will make you lose your teeth.

While we were eating here, Fu Yan and Ling Yi unexpectedly arrived.

Qin Wanwan didn't even ask. He could guess with his feet why Ling Yi came so quickly. Humph, it wasn't the masked man who snitched.

But the donkey meat was contributed by Ling Yi, so it’s rare that she didn’t troll anyone.

Eating donkey meat on fire, adding a few side dishes, and drinking a bowl of donkey bone soup is as good as a living god.

After Qin Wanwan finished eating, she continued to make sesame cakes. She counted the number of people in the Qin family, made five portions for each person, cut thirty kilograms of donkey meat, and put the cooked donkey meat and bone soup into a bucket.

It was sealed inside, then packed and shipped back directly.

Of course, she didn't leave her husband's family, Gao Xiao and the others, so she also packed a set meal and went there.

Mr. Fu was secretly happy to see that although she was young, she was thorough in everything she did.

Not forgetting this, Qin Wanwan thought about it and called Qin Xun again.

"Don't you want to see him?" Ling Yi asked lazily.

"Second uncle, you are so stupid." Qin Shaoheng shook his head and accused him in disgust.

"Why am I so stupid?" Ling Yi saw the little guy's disgusted look and was immediately angry with him.

"My aunt said that once you are a teacher, you will always be a father. My aunt likes to beat the old man, but she also respects him in her heart. Otherwise, you would think that my aunt is willing to take care of the Xu family's troubles." Qin Shaoheng looked like an old scholar, looking at

Ling Yi sighed, looking like what should he do with him.

When Mr. Fu saw this, he couldn't help laughing.

Ling Yi......

No respect at all, who has ever seen a daughter bickering with her father all day long and making fun of her father? Anyway, if he had a daughter like Qin Wanwan, he would definitely give her a good beating first.

Ling Ze glanced lazily at his second brother and sneered at him, "Don't ever think of having a daughter like Wanwan in your life."

Ling Yi......

He reacted quickly and retaliated decisively, "You said it as if you could have a daughter."

She bullied her husband in front of her, and Qin Wanwan became angry, "As long as we want it, we will definitely have a daughter. But you may not."

Rarely, both Ling Ze and Ling Yi fell silent, and even Mr. Fu couldn't help but sigh.

Qin Wanwan felt baffled, what was wrong with these people!

Just as she was about to slander someone, the doorbell rang. Little Baozi jumped out and opened the door. I went to see a bunch of old men standing at the door: several instructors had all followed Qin Xun.

Qin Xun's clothes were crooked and he didn't have any grace at all.

Needless to say, this guy must have been bullied by a few old men.

Qin Wanwan curled her lips, it was another group of freeloaders. If she had known it, she would not want to respect teachers and teach. Her donkey meat!

At the critical moment, Qin Wanwan's stingy temper emerged again. She slowly brought out two kilograms of donkey meat, and the sesame seed cakes were brought out two pieces per person.

"There is only one bowl of soup, and it will be gone after you finish it." She looked at the sky, cut open a piece of sesame seed cake for Qin Xun, stuffed a lot of donkey meat into it, and hurriedly handed it to Qin Xun.

Obvious partiality!

The tutors did not laugh at Qin Xun at this moment. Instead, they all envied him half to death. This old man was so lucky that he met such a good student. Although Qin Wanwan had no talent in planting, who would

Do you dare to underestimate Qin Wanwan?

There is no comparison between people! Since the more they thought about it, the more heartbroken they became, so some of the instructors simply stopped thinking about it.

"Gu, why are you keeping the donkey skin?" After the little bun had eaten and drank enough, he circled around the remaining ingredients.

The donkey offal has been stewed in the pot by Qin Wanwan, so what can be done with the remaining donkey skin? Some of the small buns may be made into dishes, while others guess that they must have other uses.

As they talked, the two older ones formed a group and the two younger ones formed their own faction, and the two sides started to quarrel.

Qin Wanwan waved her hand, "Don't move, I'll keep it for other uses."

"Yeah, I just said that my aunt must have other uses." The two little beans won and jumped up happily.

"What's the use of donkey skin?" Guo Lang spoke with a rustic flavor. He originally came from a remote planet, and after so many years, his local accent is still there.

"Boil medicine. Donkey skin can be made into donkey-hide gelatin. Donkey-hide gelatin nourishes blood, nourishes yin, moistens dryness, and stops bleeding. It is used for blood deficiency and chlorosis, dizziness and palpitations, upset and insomnia, and dryness and cough." Qin Wanwan was familiar with the properties of the medicine.

"Can't we eat it directly?" Ling Yi asked curiously.

Qin Wanwan rolled her eyes at him angrily, "Many Chinese medicinal materials have to be processed. Do you think a root can be used as medicine?"

Ling Yi was not angry even after being sprayed by her. He held the donkey meat in his mouth and burned it, watching Qin Wanwan busy with curiosity.

Qin Wanwan cleaned the donkey skin, then cut it into pieces and put it in a pot with cold water to start boiling. There was no water from the well, so she diluted her own super water instead. With two donkey skins, there was quite a lot of donkey hide gelatin.


Thanks to black technology, the use of black technology has made the process of boiling donkey-hide gelatin very easy. At least you don’t have to worry about the donkey-hide gelatin getting stuck in the pot. The cooling process is also very fast. Qin Wanwan puts the boiled donkey-hide gelatin layer by layer in a paper box

Installed and thrown into space.

With the part left behind, she planned to make good things for the women at home.

Saute the sesame seeds and walnut kernels until fragrant and set aside. If there is no rice wine, she replaces it with medicinal wine made from Ganoderma lucidum and wild ginseng to dissolve the donkey-hide gelatin. Heat up oil in the pot, pour in the medicinal wine and donkey-hide gelatin until it is completely melted, then add rock sugar and dissolve it, then add it directly

Red dates, walnut kernels, black sesame seeds, wolfberries, and unknown medicinal herbs and fruits.

The air was suddenly filled with a strong sweet fragrance, and all the children gathered around.

"Auntie, can't children eat it?" Xiao Douding raised her little face with tears in her eyes and looked at Qin Wanwan. Qin Wanwan's heart melted at the pitiful look. She smiled and tapped the child's nose, "Anyone can eat it.

I’ll leave some for you later as a toothpaste. You’ll grow taller and be smarter after eating it.”

When other people in the room heard this, their ears immediately stood up. Become smarter? Does that mean it is good for mental sorting?

The ingredients Qin Wanwan put in were all real and good. Now that she had started cooking, she didn't mind spending more time. In one night, she made several pots.

After the donkey-hide gelatin cake was cooled, she cut it into slices and put them into boxes. She made hundreds of boxes at one time. Fortunately, she had a lot of messy things in her space. Otherwise, she wouldn’t know how to put them.

Each child was given five boxes, and Ling Yi quickly grabbed five boxes and threw them into his own space.

Qin Wanwan counted the number of people in the family, divided five boxes into each person, and then sent them out.

She was just about to pack up the remaining donkey-hide gelatin cakes when she suddenly noticed several instructors sitting nearby staring at her eagerly.

Forget it, even the food was taken advantage of. She sighed and each instructor got a box. Qin Xun was different and got five boxes.

As a result, everyone was envious and jealous of Qin Xun.

She threw the remaining donkey-hide gelatin cakes into her own space.

Ling Ze leaned over and asked softly, "Where's mine?"

Qin Wanwan curled her lips at him, and Lingze laughed.

Ling Yi looked on and had a toothache, and asked Qin Wanwan to give him some offal to take home to eat.

Qin Wanwan didn't like people making trouble in front of her, so she gave him some with a food box with a straight face, and threw some sweet potato starch at him angrily.

Ling Yi then left with satisfaction.

Qin Wanwan looked at what was left in the pot, sighed and shared some with everyone present.

"Grandpa will come to see you tomorrow and bring you delicious food." Mr. Fu said with a smile.

Qin Wanwan nodded and did not refuse.

After the others left, Qin Wanwan returned to the room and took a shower. Ling Ze had already tidied up the house.

She took out dozens of boxes of donkey-hide gelatin from the space button and said, "Donkey-hide gelatin cake is really good. You can put some more in the space to eat. It is very effective in replenishing blood and calcium. Don't be stupid and give it all to others. This thing is very nourishing.

You have also seen the process of making it, it is not difficult. But the difficulty is that the raw materials are not easy to find."

"A few acquaintances in the special operations team will each get a box, and I will give another to the Lieutenant General and my uncle. I don't plan to give it to anyone else." Ling Ze replied politely. Qin Wanwan said it simply, but in fact the process of doing it was not simple. Nothing else.

She said that just in the process of boiling the donkey skin, she used her mental power to comb it, and the medicinal wine and rock sugar were also very rare.

He is not stupid, and he will not use his wife's things to win favors.

Even though Qin Wan was late, she was right. Raw materials were indeed hard to come by. If there were plenty of them, it wouldn't matter if she had to work harder.

After the couple had a heart-to-heart talk, they had a wonderful night. Qin Wanwan naturally overslept again the next day. This time, the instructors were very experienced. Even though Qin Wanwan did not show up at ten o'clock, they

Don’t rush people either.

At around ten o'clock, Mr. Fu and Xin Bo came again. He didn't just come to eat for free.

"Donkeys?" The little guys saw the two extra iron-hoofed donkeys in the kitchen and pounced on them in surprise.

So happy! They had just eaten donkey meat, and Mr. Fu brought them two more donkeys.

"Where did it come from?" Qin Wanwan was also very happy. She had just said that the raw materials of donkey-hide gelatin were rare, and the old man quietly got her two donkeys.

"I bought it from a mercenary." Mr. Fu said proudly, "We in the Fu family don't have any other skills, but if we want to eat rare things, we can still find them."

That's true! When big groups find good things, they don't want to leak them out. But mercenaries are different. They want to sell their prey at a high price. There are so many mercenary teams under the guild. If the Fu family wants to find something, the information is really better than anyone else.


"Thank you, grandpa." Qin Wanwan was elated.

The old man couldn't help but feel proud when he saw her happy. Look, he knew that the gift he gave would make her happy later.

Qin Xun and others went to Xu's house for more than ten days in a row. Even though the old dean had not shown up yet, all kinds of gossip outside were already flying everywhere.

This chapter has been completed!
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