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Chapter 29 Enemies gather together

 The next morning, before the child got up, Qin Wanwan lifted him up by his ears.

"Auntie." Qin Shaoyong wanted to act coquettishly.

The trick of acting coquettishly was of no use to Qin Wanwan. She glared sideways, "You don't want to eat, do you?"

After a pause, she murmured to herself, "I'm going to make sea sausage and chicken stew."

"Aunt, I'm up." Qin Shaoheng moved quickly, and the two big buns moved even faster. They didn't need Qin Wanwan to rush them, and they took the initiative to get dressed.

Seeing that he was lagging behind, Qin Shaoyong quickly got up and put on his clothes as quickly as possible.

Before the adults in the family got up, Qin Wanwan caught them in the yard, faced the east, and showed them the movements.

The action is very simple! Little Baozi is having fun.

The four little buns stood up from tallest to shortest and imitated her movements.

The movements of Zamabu looked simple, but in fact they were very tiring. Little Baozi soon realized that they were overthinking.

"Put your chest out and tighten your abdomen."

"Squat down."

Qin Wanwan took a small stick and hit this and that from time to time.

The children were soon sweating profusely and their faces were red. The youngest one wanted to act coquettishly, but Qin Wanwan glared at him with a sharp look, and the little one gave in immediately.

"I'm going to make chicken soup. But let me leave it here, whoever dares to be lazy will forget about eating today and just drink your nutritional supplements." Qin Wanwan said fiercely, without any intention of giving in. "Remember.

If you want to avoid being lazy, think about delicious chicken soup and river intestines first."

Little Baozi held his breath and did not dare to speak. He only told her with his eyes that they would persevere to the end.

Qin Wanwan turned around to get the ingredients, took two steps without looking back, and threatened them again, "I know who is lazy even without looking, so don't try to fool me. If you fool me, I will fool you."

These words were too threatening. In order to fill their stomachs, these little guys held back!

Qin Wanwan came out carrying the rooster and a bag of river intestines and took a look at the buns. Well, they were not bad. She started working happily.

The chicken made soup and added river intestines. There were three for adults and three for children. After counting the number of people and throwing the river intestines in, she held a stool and stared at the little buns.

After the adults got up, they went to the yard and took a look, oh, where did the little bun make a mistake and was punished? They didn’t care, it was just a child.

After Ji Xia arrived, she also saw the little bun squatting, and she immediately laughed cruelly. "Didn't you say that you are in a group? Are you going to break up after a conflict?"

No one paid attention to her! Humph, a non-staff member still wanted to provoke the deep feelings between them, dream!

The little buns felt that it was too difficult for them. They had to stand on horseback, not deforming their movements, and at the same time endure the fragrance getting into their noses. They almost couldn't withstand this double physical and mental test.


"Okay, that's it for today." Qin Wanwan spoke.

After hearing this, the little buns sat down on the ground like deflated rubber balls and never wanted to get up again.

"Why don't you just squat for a while? Look at each of you, you look like you have been tired all day." Hu Sujiang said sarcastically to the side.

"I must have done something wrong and got punished. I think the punishment is too light." Yu Peining agreed with a smile.

Several buns deeply felt the malice from their mother. They angrily ran upstairs to change clothes and threw the clothes into the washing machine for cleaning.

When they went downstairs, they found that Qin Wanwan had already served chicken soup for them.

The chicken soup with river intestines is rich in flavor, not greasy, and has a delicious taste of river freshness. The two flavors are superimposed, and everyone has no time to talk.

Qin Wanwan drank soup very slowly. She meditated every day and night, and her efforts were not in vain. She felt that the energy in her Dantian was getting more and more, and her mind was getting clearer. Even in the morning, she could see the water she had released.

A little more than before.

What a good sign! While she drank, she deliberately slowly allowed the Qi in her Dantian to flow slowly along her meridians. Even though the old Taoist priests each had no spiritual Qi entering their bodies, they preached in the same way. The old Taoist master once said,

The highest state of ancient martial arts is to practice anytime and anywhere and absorb the spiritual energy around you. She tried it and felt that the experienced master did not lie to her.

Yesterday, she still felt that her meridians were astringent. After a night of meditation and the impact of level 3 burning pork last night, after her meridians were broadened, she can now really practice anytime and anywhere without being restricted to any moves.

Qin Wanwan raised her lips happily and said, she is a real genius.

Qin Wanwan's happiness was always a matter of face. The Qin family's thoughts were all devoted to her. When everyone saw her happy, everyone was happy together. Besides, with such a sumptuous breakfast in the morning, who could compare to the Qin family?

Originally, good food was enough to make everyone happy.

A breakfast, everyone is happy.

The little guys, who were half-dead from exhaustion, immediately became lively and energetic after eating two bowls of chicken intestine soup.

When the Qin family went out, Qin Lie from next door immediately jumped out and greeted everyone.

Qin Wanwan was not familiar with him and still ignored him. She just loved being with children.

The four children were eager to dominate her, so when they went out early in the morning, the five-person gang became more obvious.

After getting on the bus, Qin Wanwan and her four children were still sitting in the last row, but Ji Xia and Qin Lie took them to the front and sat down.

"What?" Ji Xia glared at him.

Qin Lie looked around furtively and asked, "Why was your yard so fragrant yesterday and this morning? It was so fragrant that my mouth watered and I couldn't even drink the nutritional supplements."

"Why are you asking this?" Ji Xia was unhappy.

When his friends said they would fall out, Qin Lie explained with a sad face, "I don't have any other intention, I just think it smells good."

"I won't tell you." Ji Xia became domineering.

Qin Lie......

Today, the Qin family went to the river to sort out the river fresh food. The four buns were in high spirits, rubbing together secretly and getting ready for a big fight.

"Gu, shall we dig river intestines today?" Qin Heng asked in a low voice.

"You think there are river guts everywhere just waiting for you to dig them up." Qin Wanwan scolded him.

The boat of friendship overturned. Forced by her power, Qin Shaoheng did not dare to talk back and looked at her pitifully.

The child showed weakness, and Qin Wanwan lost her temper. She hugged the child and whispered a little secret in a low voice, "There must be no place where we dug yesterday. If we want to find river intestines, we must find another place."

You can also change places. Several other buns came over and said, "Then let's change places."

Qin Wanwan......

Well, she is a drag on the family, and the family is still very poor. If she can earn more, she will earn more.

However, this matter had to be told to the adults in the family. Who knew that the old man and the adults in the family were afraid that the younger ones would be bullied, so they all followed her to find a place without saying a word.

The family also has an extra person named Qin Lie. With so many people crammed into the broken car, Qin Wanwan felt like she was almost turning into a pastry.

After driving for more than 20 miles, Qin Chengming stopped the broken car.

After everyone got out of the car, Qin Wanwan's gang, including Ji Xia, a quasi-gang, all turned green.

I went, and as expected, it was true that enemies would not get together. Damn it, why is the person they robbed yesterday also here?

Ji Xia had the worst psychological quality. He panicked and immediately lowered his voice and asked Qin Wanwan if he wanted to change places.

Qin Wanwan was not happy to squeeze into the car anymore and rolled her eyes, "What are you afraid of? We don't owe them anything. This is a public place. If you want to leave, you can go by yourself. I don't want to leave anyway."

This chapter has been completed!
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