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Chapter 307 What is this?

 Tian Xinzhi is a foodie. He slapped the table hard and said, "Okay, this move is really good for using your strength to hit the east and the west."

"Let's go fight with the squirrel in the afternoon." Fu Chunlai also began to swell.

Qin Wanwan pouted, "As long as you have the ability to find it."

The squirrels held a grudge. In the fierce battle in the morning, because the Space Marines deliberately did not use their powers, in the eyes of the squirrels, they were the winners. Therefore, after these guys left happily, they would never show up again in the afternoon.

"Let's use a lift to operate." Lei Ming came up with an idea.

Qin Wanwan remained silent, and Ling Ze directly rejected his proposal, "The pine trees are too tall, have too many branches, and the weather is too cold. If it is just to collect some pine cones, a group of space warriors working outside will not be worth the loss."

The upper echelons of other legions also objected to high-altitude operations, which would be fine if it were normal times. The key is that the temperature in the mountains and forests is too low, and everyone's main task is to find herbs.

You can't postpone your original plan just for a little snack.

Some space warriors even thought about staying in the upper level of the central star waiting for treatment, and everyone was astonished to return home. The longer Qin Wanwan stayed on the Pluto Blue Star, the more disadvantageous it would be for the upper level representatives of the treatment. Who knew that suddenly

After stopping the medicine, will it affect the therapeutic effect?

Even though Qin Wanwan gave a positive answer on this point, all the space warriors were still worried. There was no way, the forerunners were everyone's hope. If this group of people were successfully treated, it would mean that they could also have their own offspring in the future.
"Of course there's no reason to give up. If there's no chance, forget it." Qin Wanwan finished the last bite and then muttered slowly, "I've told you before that eating cold food is bad for your health."

She couldn't control others, so she took care of Ling Ze and took Fu Zhuo with her. There was no way, one was her husband and the other was her nominal brother, she didn't care about them, who did she care about?

Ling Ze and Fu Zhuo were not angry even after being nagged by her. They both lowered their heads and started eating seriously. When the others saw this, they also lowered their heads and ate seriously without saying anything.

In the afternoon, the squirrel army did not show up again.

Tian Xinzhi and the others felt both disappointed and a little bit lucky. Forget it, it’s okay not to show up, at least it won’t delay the business.

There are many medicinal materials that can be picked in the pine forest, many of which have not appeared on the ancient earth. Qin Wanwan had not had the opportunity to study them before, but now opportunities have come to her door. Whenever she encounters medicinal materials that she has never seen before, she always uses up her brain in time.

Write down the medicinal properties of the medicinal materials, the collection location, and take a photo of the medicinal materials for archiving.

Team members also showed a high degree of cooperation and team spirit. No matter which space warrior found rare herbs, even rare elixirs, they all were given to Qin Wanwan.

"Ouch." Just as everyone was looking for medicinal materials, a soldier suddenly cried out in pain.

Then the two soldiers beside him also shouted, and everyone immediately became alert. Ling Ze, Fu Zhuo and other team leaders hurried over to check the situation.

Qin Wanwan also wanted to go over, but Tian Xinzhi and the others blocked her in the middle and refused to let her go. "I can't go over if I'm not sure of the danger."

Fu Chunlai answered with a silly smile, his eyes serious.

Qin Wanwan was not an unreasonable person, Tian Xinzhi and the others were protecting her, and she could not cause trouble for others. So, she stood quietly among the escorts, motionless.

"Wanwan, come here for a moment." After a while, Ling Ze called her from a little distance.

Qin Wanwan immediately trotted over. When she arrived at the scene, she immediately understood why Ling Ze wanted her to come over. The three soldiers who had shouted just now had black faces, their faces were swollen into pig heads, and there were only slits left for their eyes. They were trembling all over.

, I can’t even stand still.

"Poisoned." Qin Wanwan looked at the injured in surprise. At the same time, she looked around cautiously. It stands to reason that the weather is cold in winter, and even if there are many poisonous insects and poisonous weeds in the mountains and forests, it will not cause such poisonous effects to people during this season.


Without finding the source, Qin Wanwan didn't dare to be careless at all.

"Go inside the protective cover first." Qin Wanwan ordered loudly, "Put these people into the tent first."

Ling Ze and Fu Zhuo looked at their surroundings. At this moment, they were deep inside the pine forest. They were surrounded by tall pine trees, with thick pine needles on the ground and shorter shrubs.

To be honest, such an environment is not suitable for setting up camp and resting on the spot.

Both Ling Ze and Fu Zhuo knew Qin Wanwan, and she did not let the team members move around, indicating that the situation was unclear and potentially dangerous.

"Have a rest and build a protective shield." Ling Ze ordered loudly.

The team recognized Qin Wanwan, Ling Ze and Fu Zhuo very highly. Following Ling Ze's order, all the soldiers immediately started moving. The small protective shields were all in the space, and the construction was very simple. There were memory switches on the protective shields.

Just open it.

Everyone dare not spread out and try to squeeze together.

In the tent with the protective cover open, the temperature has increased a lot. The space warriors were injured, and Qin Wanwan did not dare to delay and was checking their bodies. Several people in charge were also crowded here.

After taking off the protective clothing, the condition of the injured soldiers became even worse. Not only were their faces black, but their bodies were also black and swollen. So poisonous? If the poison is allowed to spread like this, it is hard to say whether the three space warriors can survive.

"Doctor Qin, they..." It's really unlucky to say that the three injured soldiers are all descendants of the Qian family. All the soldiers who can come out to do tasks are all elites in the family, and they are also Qin Wanwan.

The next batch of potential patients.

Qin Wanwan needs herbs, so she can't let a weak woman go out to pick herbs alone, right? Herbs are used on space warriors, and space warriors who have the intention of using medicine can only take the initiative to come forward.

After all, you have to pay and you will get something in the end.

Even though he knew it was dangerous to go out, the person in charge of the Qian family was still heartbroken to see three outstanding family members being poisoned.

"Don't talk." Qin Wanwan didn't have the energy to take care of his emotions. She took out the silver needle and sealed the heart veins of the three warriors to prevent toxins from entering their hearts.

Several team leaders were shocked when they saw her sealing needles. They had known that Qin Wanwan was good at acupuncture in ancient Chinese medicine. At that time, they just heard that Qin Wanwan was extremely powerful. But that kind of admiration

It was shocking, far less effective than what they saw with their own eyes.

It was so quiet in the tent that all you could hear was breathing.

"Where are they poisoned? Take me there to see." Qin Wanwan looked at the Qian family seriously.

"No." Ling Ze didn't even want to refuse. He is not that great. It has not yet been determined why the injured person was poisoned. He will never allow Wanwan to risk his life for irrelevant people.

Fu Zhuo also disapproved of Qin Wanwan's adventure.

From a small perspective, Qin Wanwan is related to the interests of all members of the team. From a large perspective, she is the hope of all senior space warriors. Not to mention that Ling Ze and Fu Zhuo do not agree with Qin Wanwan going out, even in the tent

Others also disapproved of her going out, including even the leader of the Qian family.

"It's not as dangerous as you think, and I'm not that stupid. Only a fool would do it to exchange a life for a life." Qin Wanwan waved her hands, "I told you that all things are interdependent. If they are poisoned in one place, then it means there are people nearby.

There are detoxifying herbs. Of course, the premise is that I have to go and find those herbs. Besides, our mission of collecting medicinal materials is not over at all. Should everyone just go back home and abandon the stall?"

Ling Ze also wanted to persuade her.

Qin Wanwan just kept looking at him with a smile and said nothing.

All Lingze's annoyance and anguish suddenly dissipated under her clear eyes. He said dullly, "I'll go with you."

Qin Wanwan did not object to his request.

"Come on, bring it with you." She took out a few sachets from the space. These sachets were gadgets she made in summer and autumn. I don't know if the medicinal powder has expired? Qin Wanwan smelled the sachets and said,

Hmm, not bad. Space is a good thing, and the things stored in it will not change for a long time.

There were only a few sachets, so Qin Wanwan unceremoniously gave them to his escort. Ling Ze and Fu Zhuo divided them, leaving the last one for himself. It was useless for others to envy them, because they were gone.

The person in charge of the Qian family has to lead the team even if he doesn’t have a sachet. Who said that all the poisoned Space Marines are from the Qian family?

He took Qin Wanwan to the area where his team's activities were collected, and Qin Wanwan started walking around. After a while, she actually found the culprit.

"Yes." After identifying the "murderer", Qin Wanwan knew how to prepare the antidote.

"Is it caused by this kind of bug?" Fu Zhuo stared at the small bugs on the leaves of the shrubs in confusion. He looked at them for a long time and couldn't see any reason.

"Cantharis, a poisonous insect." Not to mention Fu Zhuo's confusion, Qin Wanwan was even more melancholy than him. Who can tell her why cantharis survive on shrubs in winter? The Star is indeed not friendly to an outsider like her at all!

Qin Wanwan couldn't figure it out, but she didn't hesitate. She found some cooling and detoxifying herbs using local materials, and then returned to the tent with everyone.

After arriving at the tent, Qin Wanwan washed the collected herbs and threw them into the cauldron. After the energy was extracted from the mottled straw bags, she took out some previously prepared herbs from the space and threw them directly into the earthen jar and filled them with water.

Cook it.

After knowing that Qin Wanwan found the poisonous insect, many space warriors gathered around to watch the fun.

The decoction was boiling outside the tent, with a very simple fire and a very simple jar. All the space warriors stared at the ordinary scene, as if they were staring at a flower.

Twenty minutes later, the soup was ready. Qin Wanwan divided the soup into three bowls and asked the space warriors to bring them to the tent for the poisoned warriors to drink.

As a result, all the space warriors witnessed a magical miracle: a bowl of black soup made from unpleasant herbs was given to the poisoned person. In less than ten minutes, the dark faces of the three warriors became normal.<


After Qin Wanwan pulled out the silver needles from their bodies, they returned to normal in a few minutes.

How? It’s unscientific?

There was an uproar among the Space Marines. In the past, no matter how well the team promoted it, everyone was still a little confused. But at this moment, they no longer had any doubts in their hearts, and their minds were extremely firm-no matter what

No matter what, they will protect Qin Wanwan, even if it costs them their lives.

This chapter has been completed!
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