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Chapter 346 Teach Bad Soldiers

 "Everyone brainstormed and came up with ideas." Qin Wanwan shouted with a straight face.

She was answered by silence. Just kidding, there have been no ships in the interstellar world for many years, how can they have any idea?

After Qin Wanwan urged everyone several times, everyone's enthusiasm was still low. She became a little angry, and finally lowered some of her requirements. "Since I don't have any ideas, who can put it together will raise their hands."

When it comes to hands-on ability, students from the mecha and mechanical departments are of course the best.

The two department students secretly observed for a while, and someone raised his hand tremblingly.

"Okay, come and assemble it tomorrow." Qin Wanwan angrily announced the disbandment with a straight face.

The students slowly walked out of the tent and immediately dispersed.

Oh my god, when Qin Wanwan is angry, the air pressure around him is too low, it’s a bit scary.

No one else can count on him, Qin Wanwan feels that he has become the savior and everything depends on him.

"If you really feel embarrassed, just give up. The three legions, the guild and the ninth legion, including our family, will not be short of supplies throughout the winter. In a few months, when the spring flowers bloom and the ice and snow on the lake melt, we will not be able to fish again.

It's not too late." Ji Xia felt worthless for her.

Such a huge army actually caught Qin Wanwan and bullied a girl, everyone is blushing.

"Why give up?" Qin Wanwan refused, "I can always think of a way."

Qin Wanwan refused to admit defeat and hid in her room angrily.

Several buns wanted to follow her to comfort her, but Ji Xia stopped them outside.

Qin Wanwan sat in the room, holding her chin and thinking. She considered all the means of transportation on earth that could walk in water.

After she calmed down and thought about it, she really came up with a feasible plan.

It is unrealistic to build a ship in a short time, and the technology is not available. Even small boats cannot be used, let alone water vehicles such as luxury ships or battleships.

What she wants is to buy the airship a few minutes or even longer when it breaks the ice. So why does she have to think so complicatedly?

In fact, she doesn't have to think too complicatedly, she just needs to find a balance.

By the way, bamboo rafts!

Bamboo rafts will definitely not work, because bamboo rafts cannot support the weight of the airship. Bamboo rafts can be replaced with light metal and then protected.

Yes! The more she thought about it, the brighter her eyes became.

With the research direction in mind, Qin Wanwan rushed out and went directly to Xie Ningyi and the others to ask for the ore.

Xie Ningyi, Ling Yi and others were shocked when they saw her passing by. Did this girl really find a solution in such a short time?

Generally speaking, as long as Qin Wanwan is willing to do something seriously, it is relatively reliable. Besides, Xie Ningyi would rather suffer a loss by wasting a little ore in exchange for the possibility of fishing.

Soon, the news spread that Qin Wanwan had found a solution, and the upper-class elites of his allies came to join in the fun.

The crowd of people watching had no impact on Qin Wanwan. She took out the largest cauldron from the space, then took out the selected ore and threw it into the cauldron to start refining.

The energy stone emitted a raging fire under the cauldron. The elites watching were frightened. With such a big fire, wasn't Qin Wanwan afraid of exploding the furnace?

Qin Wanwan told everyone with facts that she was a measured person. Half an hour later, the utensils came out of the oven.

"What is this?" Yu Cheng went over and looked at it again and again, and found that what Qin Wanwan extracted was only a long steel pipe without any protruding parts.

"Do you know about bamboo rafts?" Qin Wanwan asked back.

Bamboo rafts were a simple means of transportation on water in ancient times. Even ships have disappeared in the interstellar world. How could a group of interstellar warriors know about bamboo rafts?

Starnet is a universal knowledge question bank, and many people turned on their optical brains and went to Starnet to find answers. Unfortunately, the bamboo raft thing is too old and backward, and there is no record of it on the universal Starnet.

Facing many eager and curious eyes, Qin Wanwan sighed, turned on her optical brain and drew a simple version of a bamboo raft for everyone to learn from.

"Bamboos can be bundled together to become a water vehicle?"


"I think it's a bit suspenseful."


Most of the elites present were skeptical of Qin Wanwan's idea.

Sure enough, ancient objects in the interstellar world are as easy to be suspected as feudal dross. Qin Wanwan knocked on the table to keep everyone quiet. She explained the principle of bamboo rafts in detail, "Okay, okay, let's let the data speak."

Those who are responsible for speaking with data are students from the computing department, mathematics department, mecha department and mechanical department. There are also warriors who graduated from several departments in the legion. These people were summoned by Qin Wanwan and asked them to inspect the steel pipes they extracted, and

The buoyancy and gravity of steel pipes on the horizontal surface, etc.

While the elites were waiting, they were a little alarmed and a little nervous. If they followed their true intentions, they actually hoped that Qin Wanwan's idea was correct, but what they saw told them that it was a little bit uncertain that this idea would become a reality.

All the students were calculating carefully, and when the results were displayed, everyone in the room was excited. Qin Wanwan's idea was completely scientifically based, which means that her idea was feasible.

"Wanwan, you are so amazing."

"No matter what, I still have a good vision. I told you a long time ago that she can do it."

"That's awesome!"


The compliments came to Qin Wanwan as if they were free of charge. Qin Wanwan was very pleased with her heart, but her words were unforgiving, "Who didn't want to think about it in the beginning?"

This sentence has been selectively ignored by many elites. No one is a saint, how can they not make mistakes?

Xie Ningyi and the superiors all hope to make a quick buck and leave. After all, the further back they go, the colder the weather will be. If they delay for one day, they will have to suffer one more day.

Students from the Mecha Department and Mechanic Department cheer up, they can assist the Space Marines in assembling steel pipes.

It’s just a steel pipe, and it doesn’t actually have much technical content, but the students who participated were still very proud.

"Put these talismans inside the steel pipe and seal them, which can withstand several attacks from water beasts." Here, everyone was praising Qin Wanwan for his brains and scientific skills. In the blink of an eye, Qin Wanwan used feudal superstition to break the

Everyone’s fantasy.

Tian Xinzhi and others don't care about feudal superstitions. No matter how unscientific Qin Wanwan's things are, they can save lives at critical moments.

Li Zhenjie approached Qin Wanwan and asked, "If you have any extra, can you give me some?"

Many familiar soldiers also flocked over.

With so many people asking for it, Qin Wanwan's mind became active, "I have waterproof charms, warm-up charms, and defensive charms here. If you want them, I'll give you a thousand credits each."

Damn, you still need credits?!

"Qin Wanwan, you will easily lose me as a friend if you do this." Li Zhenjie reminded her seriously,

"I remember we have never been friends!" Qin Wanwan replied arrogantly, "And who told me yesterday that we were friends?"

Li Zhenjie was immediately hit hard. He didn't listen to the next words, but he heard the previous words clearly. He pointed at Qin Wanwan with a trembling finger, "Qin Wanwan, I have always regarded you as my best friend. You have never

Treat me as a friend. If you touch your own chest, where is your conscience?"

"What is conscience?" Qin Wanwan asked sideways.

The buns watched them quarreling, and Qin Wanwan still had the upper hand, and they all giggled with joy.

Li Zhenjie was angry and glared at her.

Qin Wanwan said that she was very generous and didn't even look at him.

The Space Marines around them all laughed, and some of them were really willing to pay. As Space Marines, although it is usually hard to go on missions, they are not short of credit points.

Qin Wanwan was delighted when business came to her door. She dug through the space and took out two large bags of charms.

"What on earth are you doing every day? Why are there so many talismans?" Li Zhenjie was stunned, and the Space Marines were also stunned.

Qin Wanwan goes on missions with everyone every day, and sometimes at night she has to prepare and sort out herbal medicines. Where does she find the time to draw talismans?

Qin Wanwan would never tell them that drawing talismans is also a form of cultivation and is the best way to exercise mental strength.

"In a few years, we can also draw symbols and sell them for money."

"Well, we all have to work hard." The four buns looked at Qin Wanwan with envy.

No matter what spell it is, no matter whether it works or not, once the interstellar warriors who spontaneously lined up in a long line encountered him, they had no intention of letting Qin Wanwan go.

What kind of wind-resistant charm, what kind of Scud charm, what kind of luck charm...

As long as she dares to sell it, they are willing to spend their credits to buy it.

The Space Marines at the back were not happy, and shouted loudly, asking Qin Wanwan to sell limited quantities.

The little buns counted the number of people and ran over to tell Qin Wanwan that Qin Wanwan had indeed limited the quantity to sell.

When other legion elites came over, they saw such a crazy scene.

"What is she selling?" the captain of the Eighth Army asked Xie Ningyi curiously.

"She was just joking." Xie Ningyi didn't want to answer. He couldn't tell the other party that Qin Wanwan was engaging in feudal superstition and selling charms, right? He couldn't tell the other party that the space warriors of the third legion had been brainwashed by Qin Wanwan and successfully began to believe in it.

Feng Shui.

"The last two are gone, no more." Qin Wanwan received the credits transferred from the other party and directly handed him the last two talismans. The space warrior who got the talisman lowered his head and saw, "Oh, go ahead, there's something deafening."

talisman and bad luck charm.

What should I do if he wants to return the goods?

"Don't just stand there stupidly. I'm giving you something good." Qin Wanwan saw the look in his eyes and immediately became alert, "This bad luck charm is not for you to use by yourself. If you encounter danger, just use the charm directly.

Throw it away, and the other party will be the unlucky one to keep it. Haha."

As she spoke, she smiled obscenely, "The only unlucky thing you can't think of is."

It turns out it can be used like this! The little warrior immediately happily put the charm in his pocket.

"Isn't it bad for me if I just pretend to be it?" Just as Qin Wanwan was about to turn around and walk away, the little warrior came back and asked warily.

"That's necessary." Qin Wanwan patted her chest for assurance, "The spells I produce are guaranteed to be high-quality. How can you be unlucky if you spend money? However, you can't use it to do bad things and throw it at your companions.


The little warrior shook his head, "I'm not a bad person."

"You can throw it at the enemy." Qin Wanwan quietly taught people to do bad things.

The Space Marine laughed sheepishly. He neither refused nor agreed. The two of them exchanged a tacit look.

This chapter has been completed!
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