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Chapter 354 Don’t lose too much

 For the second winter hunt, Xie Ningyi took the risk and chose to be five hundred miles away from the shore of Weilan Lake. This location was far enough for space warriors. But in fact, for the entire Weilan Lake, it was only a shallow water area.

That’s all.

After the airship landed on the ice, the Space Marines immediately became busy.

Opening skylights, making incisions, and setting up machines were all done once by the Space Marines, and everyone was very skillful in doing them, without anyone having to direct them.

But this mission is more troublesome than the first mission.

"Put all the woven cages under the big net, and use the thin metal wires that are spread out, about five meters long." Qin Wanwan commanded loudly.

The winter night is so cold. If it weren't for a big fight, Qin Wanwan wouldn't want to stand in the wind.

In order to get the fishing net into the water as soon as possible, even the little buns, Ji Xia and others participated in the task of hanging the fish cage.

Two large incisions were still made. Due to an additional procedure, this time it took a while after dawn before the fishing net was slowly lowered into the lake.

Zhang Feng and others were well-informed. They arrived at the scene earlier this time and witnessed the entire process of releasing the fishing nets. More than a thousand meters of fishing nets were thrown into the water. It would be false to say that they are not envious. It is a pity that Qin Wanwan is not as powerful as Qin Wanwan in his team.

It’s no use just being envious of the weapon refiners.

"Are you fishing with a net?" Zhang Feng approached Qin Wanwan and asked curiously.

The two parties were not familiar with each other, so Qin Wanwan didn't want to talk to him. Later, she thought that she was Ling Ze's wife and had to fight for Ling Ze's face, so she lazily answered, "This is just my whim. I want to see if it can work."

Catch more other lake fish."

Whimsical? It’s rare for Qin Wanwan to be so humble, Zhang Feng couldn’t help laughing.

Qin Wanwan suddenly said again, "Of course it's up to you whether you believe it or not."

Zhang Feng......

Why does he feel that Qin Wanwan is perfunctory with him?

The fishing net with the fish cage is lowered into the water very slowly. When all the fishing nets are put into the net, it will be an hour slower than the first time.

The Space Marines of the Third Army basically drink nutritional supplements to replenish their physical strength while working. They are used to eating meals and drinking nutritional supplements, and none of them have any appetite. But there is no way. If they work outside in winter, if their physical strength is exhausted, they will

If not, it could kill you.

Ji Xia knew that Qin Wanwan was timid and after the fishing net entered the water, she got on the airship and made a sumptuous breakfast.

Ling Ze and other senior soldiers took turns to rush over to fill their stomachs, then went to guard the incision and patrolled the edges.

After Qin Wanwan had eaten her fill, she basically had nothing to do with her.

She had nothing to do, so she decided to find something to do by herself. The sheep that Wu Zhonglei and the others sent them a few days ago did not make lamb chops that night. At this time, she put the processed sheep to use.

She cooked several pots of mutton soup, with mutton bones and mutton all in the pot. Vegetables were a bit rare, and there was not much planting area. However, Qin Wanwan had a cheating tool. She used supernatural water to water it, and it gave birth to a baby.

Batch carrots, lettuce, and prepare some winter bamboo shoots, and the side dishes will look very rich.

At noon, she filled a bucket of mutton soup and potato powder, and after providing enough ingredients and sauces, she asked Fu Chunlai to skate and send it to the friendly forces three miles away.

After Xie Ningyi and others arranged the work of the soldiers, they also took the time to board the airship.

"Are you here to eat for dinner again?" Qin Wanwan's face dropped when she saw a group of people who didn't come in person. What's going on with these people? She's not familiar with this group of people. Why are these people so embarrassed to do it again and again?

And the third one comes here to have a meal?

"I was lucky a few days ago and shot a deer." After Cao Xu got on the airship, he threw half of the deer to Qin Wanwan.

Judging from the body shape of the deer, it should be a male deer. Even if it is half a deer, it is not light. Qin Wanwan's sinking face suddenly showed a smile, and he greeted Cao Hao warmly, "I made mutton soup today, Ji Xia,

Give Captain Cao some more mutton and potato powder."

Zhang Feng and others...

As the daughter-in-law of the deputy captain of the Third Army Special Forces Team, the young lady of the Ling family, and the eldest lady of the guild, is it really okay for Qin Wanwan to be so greedy for money?

Qin Wanwan was staring at others with bright eyes.

With Cao Hao in front of him, it would be hard for others to use snow rabbits to fool Qin Wanwan. Chickens, flying geese, burning pigs... the common meats in the interstellar were all piled up in the kitchen in no time.


Qin Wanwan's eyes gleamed. Although she was not short of flesh, she could only do it a little bit. Now she was not tired, she was in a very comfortable mood, and she was patient with her guests.

From the ice and snow to the spaceship, and then drinking two bowls of steaming and spicy mutton soup, Cao Hao and the others soon felt that their whole bodies were warmed up, and they were all alive.

To be honest, they all envied Ling Ze.

Interstellar women are relatively rare, and very few women can become chefs. Besides, even senior chefs can hardly cook as well as Qin Wanwan. When this girl cooks, she must be delicious and delicious when served to the table. Let’s just say that the food in their bowls is

The mutton soup, green garlic and coriander are not put into the pot, but put directly into the bowl and poured over the mutton soup. With the mutton fat and chili oil, the color combination is particularly beautiful, which makes people appetizing.

"Come here, let's eat mutton skewers." Qin Wanwan was very fond of children. She didn't want to grill meat for many people, but her own people could still eat it. The so-called family members were, of course, the people who usually sat at the same table with her.
Except for Teacher Qin, who was thick-skinned. Qin Wanwan gritted his teeth again and again, and only then did he forgive his shamelessness based on the principle of respecting teachers and teaching.

Yubao and the others also took advantage of it, and could come over every day to have a meal.

"Stingy guy." Xie Ningyi was angry again.

"It's not your fault to be angry." Qin Wanwan pouted, "Oh, Fu Chunlai, you can send some to Wu Zhonglei and the others later. This sheep is from them."

Fu Chunlai agreed simply.

Her success in "eating everything in and out" made Xie Ningyi angry again.

The angry Xie Ningyi went straight to Qin Lie and grabbed a few skewers. After eating them in two or two bites, he got off the spaceship without saying a single extra word.


How rare is it for Xie Ningyi to grab food? Judging from his skillful movements, it seems that he has gained experience in grabbing food.

Qiao Yuji took Tian Xinzhi and never let go, "Everyone who sees it has a share."

There was a group of people beside Tian Xinzhi. He was a good man who could not defeat Sifang Fist. There was no other way, and nine of the ten skewers in his hand were snatched away.

His companion was unethical and made him howl with anger.

After eating, sit and chat again, and time will pass.

At two o'clock in the afternoon, both sides started to set up the net at the same time, and all the space warriors, including Cao Hao and others who came to watch the excitement, also gathered around.

They all want to know whether the Third Corps and the others will be as lucky as the last time and still catch a lot of fish.

In fact, Xie Ningyi, Ling Ze and the others really ran into trouble. This trouble was caused by Qin Wanwan's unnecessary actions.

Since there are various fish cages placed under the fishing net, after the fishing net is dragged ashore, not only do space warriors on both sides need to help pull the net, but there are also space warriors who are responsible for unhooking the cages hanging on the side of the fishing net.

As a result, the speed of landing the website will be much slower.

Almost all the Space Marines who were on duty were put to use, and the weak students were so busy that they wished they could separate themselves.

The four buns wanted to go over to help, but Qin Wanwan took them aside.

The children had nothing to do and couldn't squeeze into the crowd, so they ran over to see the fish cage that the Space Marines had untied and thrown aside.

There are big and small pot-bellied fish cages. They pulled them like this. Oh my God, there were lake fresh fish in the fish cages. The long tentacles stretched out, which shocked the children.

Qin Wanwan couldn't squeeze into the crowd, so she didn't have the chance to use the net to look for her favorite Huxian. The tentacles bullied the children. She had quick hands and eyes, and held the little Douding in her arms. Then she quickly backed away and used the other hand to

The net in the fish cage gave the tentacle a blow. The tentacle in the fish cage may have been in pain, so it immediately retracted into the cage.

Xie Ningyi was also busy. His eyes were sharp. He saw that Qin Wanwan seemed to be in trouble. When he saw that Qin Wanwan was not around, he immediately looked around, looking for Tian Xinzhi and others.

Ling Ze and Fu Zhuo also noticed that the guards around Qin Wanwan were not around. They left their work and went to Qin Wanwan's side in a tacit understanding.

"What's going on?" Ling Ze asked worriedly.

"There may be octopus in it." Qin Wanwan replied, pointing to the fish cage.

"Where are Tian Xinzhi and the others?" Ling Ze was very angry. If Tian Xinzhi and others were not responsible, he would consider replacing Qin Wanwan.

"No." Qin Wanwan pointed at the people not far away and showed them.

Sure enough, not far away, Tian Xinzhi, Fu Chunlai, Qin Lie, Lei Ming, and several bounty hunters were squatting on the ice and working.

Fu Zhuo breathed a sigh of relief on the spot when he saw that Qin Wanwan was not in danger.

He walked curiously to see Tian Xinzhi and the others busy at work.

A few people in Tian Xinzhi are very busy, and people need to stir up the skylight on the ice to prevent it from freezing. These guys are putting long cylindrical fishing cages on the ice in the distance. Ji Xia,

Yu Bao and others are responsible for putting bait in the remaining fish cages.

"Why put the fish cage in again?" Fu Zhuo asked doubtfully.

"Qin Wanwan said that opening skylights is not easy, and it would be a pity to give up." Tian Xinzhi interfered with the skylights. He was responsible for three skylights by himself, and he was simply unable to do anything. "Fu Chunlai went to deliver fish cages to the Tenth Army Corps."
"You can't be alone." Ling Ze is brainwashing his wife.

Qin Wanwan firmly disagreed with his statement, "I am no longer alone. I am with the children, and I am always under the eyes of Tian Xinzhi and the others."


She was right to say that, he was too impulsive just now.

All the space warriors are used. Qin Wanwan wants to cause trouble here, so he really can't blame others.

Ling Ze simply pretended to be serving the public good for his own benefit, and he looked directly at his wife.

Fu Zhuo was also here, and he was also commanded by the diligent Qin Wanwan. As the fishing nets were dragged up, more and more skylights were vacated here. Fu Zhuo had no choice but to talk to the Space Marines standing next to the skylights again.

Put another set of centipede-like fishing cages into the water.

Xie Ningyi and others have already seen the action, Ling Yi and Fu Yan came directly.

"Now that we're here, we can catch more if we can, and we won't lose money." Qin Wanwan explained naturally. Of course, her words were in line with her usual stingy and money-loving style.

Zhang Feng and others who noticed the situation and rushed over happened to hear her explanation. They all regretted it. If they had known they would not have come here, did Qin Wanwan want to piss them off to death?

Is this a loss for the three armies? The two nets today gained more than last time, and their eyes turned red with envy.

This chapter has been completed!
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