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Chapter 391 Wild Area

 What? The first gift is more valuable than a high-purity energy stone?

Shen Ruyun and Ling Wu didn't open the gift box again. They stared at the yellow dry tree roots for a long time, but they didn't see any difference.

"Dad, Mom, even if your eyes are red, you still can't recognize what this is?" Ling Li smiled bitterly. Even he didn't expect that these little guys silently gave such an expensive gift. "This is Specially processed ginseng is hard to come by."

The shriveled tree roots turned out to be ginseng? The couple was shocked!

In the past, Shen Ruyun and Ling Wuwei really didn't know the functions of ginseng, but after Lingyi's gene collapse treatment and recovery, no matter how stupid they were, they knew how valuable ginseng was.

Just because the couple knew how valuable ginseng was, Shen Ruyun hurriedly closed the gift box again. Because of her excitement, her hands were shaking slightly, and she was about to stuff the gift box into Xiao Douding.

Xiao Douding finally showed his face, and he waved his hands angrily, "My uncle's parents are our grandparents. From now on, we brothers will raise our little aunt and uncle, and our family will not distinguish between each other. This time This ginseng plant is the wish of our brothers, Aunt Xia and Uncle Lie."

The little guy is as big as a kid, and his airy look is so cute.

"Yes, my aunt said that the gift does not depend on whether it is valuable, but whether it is useful to others. Grandpa Ling and Uncle Li are in the army, so they are easily injured. Someone is there to prepare, so you are prepared." Ji Feiyu said with a small mouth. Like shooting a machine gun.

"We are young, but we are also polite." Qin Shaoheng praised himself.

Shen Ruyun and Ling Wu glanced at Qin Wanwan without any embarrassment.

Qin Wanwan smiled and touched the heads of the two little ones beside her, "My parents can accept the children's wishes."

"Yes, Grandpa Ling and Grandma will accept it." Qin Shaoyang is the most stable.

Li Zhenjie stared at the buns with his mouth open. He felt a little embarrassed. Oops, he was outcompeted by several junior brothers again. He was so angry.

He couldn't sell his cuteness! His skills couldn't compare. He suddenly felt that he had no love in life and felt that he would have to live in the shadow of a few junior brothers for the rest of his life.

If there was a regret medicine in the world, he would definitely not have had a relationship with the Qin family in the first place...

Yu Bao and others are all carefree, and they don't like to add drama as much as Li Zhenjie. Several people quickly gathered around Qin Wanwan and chatted about the medicinal materials.

Speaking of medicinal seeds, Qin Wanwan suddenly thought that there were still important things to do.

She ignored her meal and turned around to lead Yu Bao and others back to her villa.

When the little buns saw this, they no longer cared about being cute, and several children ran away behind Qin Wanwan.

Making snake poison elixirs and refining self-defense medicine requires a large amount of several medicinal materials. However, Qin Wanwan did not have many spare medicinal materials in his hands.

Therefore, in desperation, she could only choose to plant it now.

Ling Ze and Ling Li soon came over to help, and even the housekeeper came over on his own initiative.

When Qin Wanwan was having sex, only the children and Ling Ze were present, and everyone else had to avoid them.

She first refined a batch of medicinal materials in public and swept out half a bag of medicinal dregs. Then she mixed the organic fertilizer with the medicinal dregs and supernatural water, and immediately asked Ji Xia and the others to come in and spread the fertilizer on the vegetables in the garden. Then she mixed it with organic fertilizer.

With the addition of fertilizer, the potatoes, sweet potatoes, soybeans and wheat originally planted in the yard matured quickly.

Everyone, including the planting robot, was busy with their work, and the entire vegetable garden became empty.

At this time, regardless of deep plowing of the land, Ji Xia and others planted mugwort roots, Hedyotis diffusa, Nicotiana tabacum and other medicinal materials.

Then, by repeating actions such as fertilizing and watering, the medicinal materials will quickly grow and fill the vegetable garden.

There are fresh medicinal materials that need to be picked, processed and refined, which is another laborious task.

Everyone was extremely busy, and it wasn't until Shen Ruyun came over to urge everyone to eat that Qin Wanwan and the others realized that it was around ten o'clock in the evening before everyone knew it, and everyone felt hungry.

"Don't even wash up. We'll be busy in a while. Let's make do with a meal." Qin Wanwan refused to let everyone wash up. She was embarrassed to ask Shen Ruyun, "Mom, how about someone bring us some food? We can make do with it."

A meal?"

"How can that be done?" Shen Ruyun felt distressed when he saw all of them looking disgraced. "Don't worry, when your dad and I were on a mission, we were even more embarrassed than you were, but we still squatted there and took the nutritional supplements.

Drink it."

Well, since this person is not particular, Qin Wanwan will not be polite to her.

A group of dusty people entered the main hall. As expected, Ling Wuwei didn't dislike it at all, but kept asking everyone to eat more.

After dinner, Ling Li summoned Fu Chunlai and several others to help. Hearing that it was to prepare for a mission, Fu Chunlai and others didn't say anything and went straight forward to rush to work.

Ling Li felt that Ling Ze's garden was too small, so he simply donated the garden in his villa and Ling Yi's villa garden.

With three gardens providing medicinal materials, Qin Wanwan is much more efficient. She is responsible for refining the medicinal materials, and Ling Ze is beside her, sweeping out the medicinal residues and preparing fertilizers in the vegetable garden wooden house to recycle the waste.

After a large group of people worked hard for three days, the preliminary work was finally almost ready.

That night, Fu Yan, the Thirteenth Army and Xie Ningyi all called and expected to arrive at Rosewood Star around nine o'clock the next morning.

After dinner, Qin Wanwan didn't want to refine it, so he and everyone harvested all the medicinal materials in the three yards for three crops. After throwing them into the space, everyone immediately dispersed and hurried back to catch up on their sleep.

I suddenly took a break after being busy, and everyone slept very sweetly that night.

The next morning, the little buns were in high spirits and prepared to go on a mission with Qin Wanwan.

"You just stay at home and continue to prepare medicinal materials. We may need a large amount of medicinal materials. Your logistics supply is very important and cannot be careless." Qin Wanwan coaxed her children.

Several children surrounded her pitifully, "Auntie, let's go to the station and continue planting."

The implication is that they all want to go on a mission with Qin Wanwan.

Qin Wanwan said with a straight face, "I am on a mission this time and have no fixed place to live. There is no condition for planting at all. I am not trying to scare you. If the supply of medicinal materials is cut off, big trouble may happen. You are very important and are the most important supply.

"Everyone of you, cheer up for me. If anyone dares to be perfunctory, I will beat them up when they come back. Also, this time you listen to Qin Lie and Ji Xia."

For the first time, Qin Wanwan gave power to outsiders.

Yu Bao and others were more obedient and nodded obediently.

Ji Xia and Qin Lie already knew the danger of this mission. They had no intention of arguing with Qin Wanwan and worriedly agreed to take care of several children.

The happiest person is undoubtedly Li Zhenjie. As a space warrior, this guy finally won the task of protecting Qin Wanwan with the help of Li Zhendong to intercede.

The strength of the guild is no weaker than that of the legion. In total, this mission is equivalent to the joint training of the four legions, and the scene is very spectacular.

When the airship left, many people on the Rosewood Star were curious to inquire about the news. When they learned that the legions were jointly conducting exercises to annihilate the hateful star beasts, everyone clapped their hands and applauded.

Of course, there are also many people who are worried about the Space Marines of the Legion. Every year on Rosewood Star, countless space warriors sacrifice their lives in order to encircle and suppress the Star Beasts. People are grateful and go to the Star Network to show off the benevolence and righteousness of their Planet Guardian Legion.

When the other legions saw the news on the star network, they were all stunned. The ninth legion actually allowed other legions to hunt on the Rosewood Star?

Gu Qikun looked at the snowy weather outside and couldn't help wiping his forehead with worry. He increasingly couldn't understand the operations of the Nine Legions, Three Legions, and Guild. By the way, there was now an additional Thirteenth Legion.

"What do you think?" Gu Qikun sent a message to Cao Hao.

"Sit back and wait for the news." Cao Xu replied lazily.

Gu Qikun sighed, "Are you still having a cold war with Bai Shanshan?"

Cao Xu didn't want to talk about personal issues, so he chose to remain silent.

As a good friend, Gu Qikun couldn't help but persuade him a few more words, "It's okay to continue the cold war. Don't blame me for not reminding you, that woman Bai Shanshan is not a good person."

"You should say this to Gu Qiyong." Cao Yu sneered.

"No matter how much you say to idiots, it means you haven't said anything yet. As long as they are honest, the Gu family doesn't mind raising more idle people." Gu Qikun replied rudely. He had no intention of hiding it, "But you are different. If you continue to keep the cold war,

Why did you do it in the first place?"

As an old friend, Gu Qikun can be said to be very mean-spirited. Cao Xi stared blankly at the communication on his wrist, yes, why should he bother?

The Tenth Army only found out about the alliance between the four companies after looking at the Star Network. Soon the senior soldiers of the Tenth Army gathered in Wu Tianlei's office. "Captain, why did you leave us?"

"Just ask, it's not too late for us to rush over now."


Wu Zhonglei smiled bitterly, didn't he want to participate? He knew better than anyone how important Qin Wanwan was. But the Ninth Army Corps and the Tenth Army Corps were left behind, what should he say? If they stalk each other, they will only hurt each other's feelings.
"Not this time." He shook his head, "When they join forces to complete the mission, we can invite them to come and hunt as hosts."

Now it was the turn of the Space Marines to be silent. The Ten Legions occupied a favorable planet, and there were very few star beasts on it. Most of them were alien beasts and Warcraft, which were less dangerous. Inviting the foreign legions over would inevitably divide the food on the planet.

To be honest, many people present were reluctant to go out. Of course, if only Qin Wanwan and Ling Ze were invited, even if they had to separate their prey, everyone would have nothing to say and would be quite happy.

But the key is, is Qin Wanwan personally willing to come?

Just as the various legions were discussing, Ling Li had already led everyone to the deserted area of ​​Rosewood Star.

The wilderness area is a bit desolate. There are no tall trees growing in a large area, only low shrubs and vines growing.

What surprised Qin Wanwan was that as we went deeper into the wilderness, the surrounding temperature became higher and higher, and all the snow on the ground melted.

Same planet, different seasons. Actually, it wasn’t strange. What surprised Qin Wanwan was that she saw a mountain erupting in flames in the distance: the eruption of fire actually made her catch up!

This chapter has been completed!
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