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Chapter 406 Coordinated Operations

 There is a two-legged beast among the fire rats, and the fire rats are a little commotion.

Among the stars, desolate beasts are instinctively hostile to humans. Some fire rats stared at Qin Wanwan eager to attack, and their intention to attack was very obvious.

Ling Ze and Ling Li were lurking in the distance, and everyone's hearts were in their throats when they saw it.

Qin Wanwan smelled of medicinal powder and ointment, which was not unpleasant. However, fire rats are rodents, and they hate the smell of two-legged beasts.

Qin Wanwan tried her best to restrain her own aura and tried to create an image of being weak and harmless to humans and animals.

The two are superimposed, and the fire rats who are paying attention to her will stand still.

However, all the fire rats did not ignore her because of this. The purple wheat that was about to mature in front was a big temptation for every fire rat, and they did not allow any unexpected situations to happen.

Qin Wanwan was also quite sensible. When she was more than twenty meters away from Zimai, some fire rats finally couldn't bear it anymore and bared their teeth at her, also preparing to attack.

She stopped immediately and squatted down slowly.

At this time, she was surrounded by huge fire rats, many of which were even more than one meter high. The space warriors hiding in the distance were frightened by the wolf entering the tiger's mouth, and Ling Ze was so frightened that he didn't even dare to raise his voice.


Qin Wanwan didn't even look at Zimai. She tried her best to breathe and control her aura. After the fire rat next to her noticed that she was particularly "weak", plus the "unpleasant" herbal smell emanating from Qin Wanwan's body, and the surrounding

There are many opponents who are eyeing Zimai. These nearby "neighbors" are kind enough to let her go for the time being.

Qin Wanwan slowly pulled out a large bucket from the space button.

Seeing this, the fire rat approaching her showed a fierce look in its eyes again and stared at her with bared teeth.

Qin Wanwan was calm and smiled at the fire rat.

Fire rats can still feel people's emotions, and they realize that the two-legged beast next to them smiles particularly obscenely. This two-legged beast is not authentic, and the fire rats finally got angry, and several stronger fire rats pointed at Qin

Wanwan pounced on it, and other fire rats in the surrounding area immediately started to move.

"Oops." Tian Xin was anxious. He was Qin Wanwan's bodyguard. Seeing Qin Wanwan being attacked by fire rats, he couldn't accept it.

Ling Ze moved faster. He got up without even thinking about it. Xie Ningyi had been on guard against him for a long time. As soon as Ling Ze moved, he stretched out his hand to hold Ling Ze down. "Look at it honestly. Your wife cherishes her life. Don't you?"


Ling Ze's eyes were red. He couldn't listen to what others said. He only knew that Qin Wanwan was in danger and needed him!

On the top of the mountain opposite, what the space warriors were worried about did not happen. The moment the fire rats attacked her, Qin Wanwan grabbed a large handful of feed from the bucket and threw it out. This feed was the same as the tool she gave Ling Ze.

She did it in advance. It's not that she was able to calculate and knew in advance that she would encounter such a large group of fire rats. But she knew that there might be many wild beasts or birds near the wheat field, so she took precautions.

I prepared some gadgets to help me escape in case of danger.

What she didn't expect was that these tools and feed were used here in advance.

The feed she spreads is made of good stuff with her superpower water and some special ingredients. So far, there are no strange beasts or monsters that can resist the temptation of superpower water.

A handful of feed was thrown out, and the fire rat coming towards her was stunned, and then turned around and ran to the place where the feed fell. The fire rat where the feed fell had already lowered its head and started eating crazily.

The small things on the ground were no less tempting than the purple wheat. In an instant, these fire rats seemed to have forgotten the purple wheat. For the fire rats in the original place, the fire rats that joined behind them were predators, so

, the battle of small rules to protect food has begun.

Qin Wanwan glanced at the relaxed space around her and snickered with satisfaction. Taking advantage of the chaos of the fire rats, she quickly grabbed a few handfuls of feed and spread it in all directions. With her movements, the fire rats everywhere started to stir.

Get up.

When she got up, she simply picked up the bucket and threw a bucket of feed into the grass and shrubs. All the fire rats gathered around like crazy.

The added feed not only made the fire rats go crazy, but also attracted the birds in the sky.

Qin Wanwan seized the opportunity, ran to the purple wheat in a few steps, and spread growth-promoting fertilizer on dozens of purple wheat plants.

The fire rats and birds that were still scrambling for food didn't even realize that the purple wheat that would take several days to mature had matured in an instant.

Qin Wanwan did not dare to neglect, and quickly harvested a dozen purple wheat trees with a small sickle. It took a while, but it was only two sickles, and fire rats and birds had already noticed her actions.

Many fire rats were furious when they saw Qin Wanwan stealing the ripe purple wheat. Countless fire rats began to rush towards the top of the mountain, and the birds in the sky also flew over quickly.

Oops! The Space Marines are starting to panic again.

Qin Wanwan was also cursing her mother in her heart. It was beyond her expectation that the fire rat and the bird found out that she was a thief so quickly. Originally, she thought that with the feed, she could at least sustain it for a while, even if she couldn't get all the purple wheat.

If she took it away, she could also collect two-thirds, but now, she only collected less than one-third of the amount.

You can't eat anything that comes into your mouth. Qin Wanwan is really unwilling to do so.

As soon as she gritted her teeth, she seemed to be possessed by a stingy spirit, and the sickle in her hand snatched five or six more purple wheat plants.

When the fire rats and birds saw this, hey, predators! They immediately joined forces to attack her.

Qin Wanwan was scurrying like a rat with his head in his arms, haha, it was a real squirrel with his head in his arms. She only grabbed a small part of the mature purple wheat, and there was still a lot of purple wheat left. Most of the fire rats and birds were attracted to the purple wheat, and among them

A fierce fight ensued.

If you don't leave now, how long will you wait? The ground is densely covered with fire rats, and Qin Wanwan has no place to set foot. In addition, many fire rats regard her as an enemy and attack her.

Fortunately, her training was different from that of ordinary space warriors. Qin Wanwan jumped up, stepped on the head of the fire rat, and jumped on the big tree trunk from time to time, escaping down the mountain.

Because the direction she fled was different from where Zimai grew, many fire rats and birds ignored her for the time being. She managed to stumble to the foot of the mountain. However, her luck did not last long, and Zimai only had so much luck.

There were many fire rats and birds snatching food. After all the purple wheat was snatched, a large number of fire rats and birds came towards her as the culprit.

The speed of the fire rat is very fast, and the speed of the bird's flight is not slow. The wind is blowing under Qin Wanwan's feet. She really fights for her life this time, because the speed is too fast, a cloud of dust is raised behind her.

The space warriors were all dumbfounded when they saw her meteor-like speed. Let me tell you, everyone has never used the magic talisman before, but even with the blessing, no one can run as fast as Qin Wanwan. Dare you,

This girl used to hide her clumsiness! What a God!

"Get ready." Ling Li gave the order loudly.

The space warrior ignored the admiration, and soon several large nets were erected, and some speakers like small speakers were also turned on.

What is emitted from the speaker is infrasound.

Qin Wanwan rushed to the team like a whirlwind, lay down on the ground, and slipped through the gap left under the big net.

The space warriors hurriedly filled the gap, and a group of fire rats followed Qin Wanwan. After seeing a large number of two-legged beasts appearing out of thin air, their eyes became more fierce, and they kept bumping into the net one by one.
The rat-repelling infrasound waves caused a big blow to the fire rats, but the angry fire rats were not afraid at all, and endured the discomfort and continued to fight.

The web is not an ordinary web. It is sticky and very sticky. This idea came to Qin Wanwan when he saw an interstellar spider hunting for prey. At this moment, the large web erected is equivalent to a modern sticky mouse sticker.

, all the fire rats that bumped into it were stuck.

The thin net looked very unreliable, but no matter how hard the giant fire rat struggled, it couldn't break free.

Qin Wanwan saw the struggling fire rats and birds. Yes, the birds in the sky were also suffering. Bird traps are useful for birds! She suddenly remembered a lyric: You can't escape if you can't break away...


The Space Marines were not idle either, they also attacked the Fire Rats with their energy swords.

However, they did not fight against the attacking fire rats, but launched an inhumane unilateral harvest against the fire rats on the Internet.

A dense pile of fire rat carcasses was soon piled up in front of the big net: there was anesthetic powder on the net.

Fu Zhuo led a group of soldiers to hook the fire rat carcass from under the net into the net, and then put it into the space. Fire rats are the same as bamboo rats. They do not eat carrion, and their meat can be eaten by humans. Their fur is thick, and they can

Used as woolen material.

Infrasound waves obviously have a greater impact on birds. After the birds attacked to no avail, no purple wheat was seen. They hovered in the sky for a while and then dispersed soon.

Fire rats are relatively stubborn. Even if their companions suffer many casualties, they will still rush forward one after another.

Fortunately, the large net refined by Qin Wanwan is strong enough!

When it comes to taking advantage, Qin Wanwan never lags behind. Without even taking a breath, she pushed aside the space warriors and started to hook the fire rat.

Ling Ze breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that she was alive and well and not injured at all.

The space warriors used the large net as a cover to attack the fire rats from time to time. After half an hour, the fire rats could not see any trace of the purple wheat. Maybe the anger in their hearts was almost vented, and finally slowly dissipated.

The Space Marines seemed to be fished out of the water one by one. They were so tired that they sat on the ground and didn't want to move at all.

Qin Wanwan was also a little tired, so he took out a few big apples from the space, found people he was familiar with, stuffed one into each person, and began to spread hatred everywhere.

"Where are you going?" When the net was removed, Ling Ze saw Qin Wanwan trying to escape and quickly caught her.

"There are trophies up there." Qin Wanwan pointed to a hill not far away.

Ling Ze sneered and refused to let go, "Substitute someone else."

"No." Qin Wanwan was worried. The fire rats above were all her personal trophies, and she didn't want to share them with others.

"I'll take people there." Fu Zhuo sighed, and he immediately guessed what she was thinking.

"Then you have to pour out the things in the space. Also, I won't pay you." Qin Wanwan insisted.

Xie Ningyi was so angry that she was so stingy that he knew Qin Wanwan must be on guard against him, "Okay, I don't like that little thing about you."

This chapter has been completed!
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