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Chapter 0013 Lottery?

 Zhou Yan quickly returned to the store and began to prepare breakfast in the store, kneading noodles, mixing stuffing, cooking porridge, steaming buns...

Although it is no different from the previous job, after suddenly gaining the skills of a mixed martial arts master, the whole body is like a machine that has been running for a period of time and has been replaced with high-grade lubricants. The parts are still the same, but the machine as a whole operates. But it became smoother...

Zhou Yan naturally knows the reason: fighting can exercise people's overall coordination ability.

Among the three training courses, "Tai Chi Master" is quite familiar to Zhou Yan. The protagonist of the TV series Yang Yuqian is based on the Tai Chi master Yang Luchan.

Because the TV series is almost realistic in style, Zhou Yan basically does not have to digest Yang Yuqian’s lifelong memories.

Of course, for Zhou Yan, this TV series also has an unexpected surprise: Yang Yuqian’s good friend Dong Hancheng is based on Dong Haichuan, the master of Bagua Zhang, so Zhou Yan got a Bagua Zhang without much effort.< /p>

However, while digesting the tutorial, Zhou Yan also discovered a problem: the characters in the entire TV series seemed to be different from the actors in the TV series, and the plot was also different.

The second tutorial "The Legend of Kant's First Bodyguard" tells the life experience of Bajiquan master Huo Diange.

There has always been a saying in the flower-planting Kung Fu circle: Wen has Tai Chi to stabilize the world, and Wu has the Eight Extremes to stabilize the universe.

Many people in the martial arts circle know that Tai Chi "An Tianxia" has a lot of water content, but Baji Quan, which is as famous as Tai Chi, has very little water content.

The name of Bajiquan came from the name. It was written by Huo Diange’s mentor, Grandmaster Li Shuwen, with the blood of a foot pot chicken.

It is universally recognized that the Footpot Chicken remembers eating and not beating, and the deceased Li Shuwen was once included in the animation of Footpot and turned into a heroic spirit, which is enough to illustrate the tyranny of Baji Quan...

However, what gained Zhou Yan the most was "Munich", although the life experience Zhou Yan gained did not come from the protagonist in this movie.

Zhou Yan has watched the movie "Munich". The story is based on historical events.

In 1972, eight heavily armed "Black September" terrorists from blistan broke into the headquarters of the Hexagram delegation of the 20th Munich Olympic Games and took nine athletes and two coaches hostage.

Later, although the terrorists were killed by Hansi military police, all the hostages were also killed, which was known as the "Munich Massacre" in history.

Anyone familiar with current affairs knows that the descendants of Moses are particularly vindictive. In order to retaliate against terrorists, the Hexagram government directly handed over the task to the famous intelligence agency Mossad...

Zhou Yan’s experience came from the family of a Mossad intelligence officer who participated in hunting down KB elements.

Born in the turbulent Cold War era, he studied hard since he was a child and got excellent grades. Then he joined the National Defense Force and became a wild boy special forces soldier after many layers of selection.

Later, because of his excellent academic performance, he was absorbed by Mossad, put on a disguised identity, and became an intelligence officer stationed in WKL...

During this life experience, Zhou Yan learned what is known as the most scientific military and police fighting technique in the world, Krav Maga...

Of course, this Mossad's life gift package not only includes Krav Maga, but also has rich practical experience in special operations, a master's degree in mechanics and electronics, and experience in special operations.

After coming out of the tutorial, Zhou Yan directly reached the advanced level of expert in mixed martial arts without practicing, and was only one step away from being a master.

One thought of heaven, one thought of hell.

The ensuing Master Badge mission allowed Zhou Yan to enjoy what life is worse than death.

Zhou Yan was thrown into a training ground transformed from a planet, and he defeated all NPCs on the entire planet step by step starting with his bare hands.

What makes Zhou Yan feel most desperate is that for this trial, the system did not know where to get the templates of famous generals and famous figures in history, and all of them were blessed on those NPCs.

Even in the end, an entire SEAL team appeared among Zhou Yan's opponents, and they were fully armed and could call for fire support.

At this time, Zhou Yan realized that those extra skills were not so easy to waste...


Zhou Yan sighed, not caring that there was still flour on his hand, and stretched out his hand to touch the eight well-defined abdominal muscles. Half an hour ago, these abdominal muscles were not so obvious.

If Zhou Yan hadn't discovered that the muscles on his body had changed, he would have thought that this trial only existed at the level of consciousness...

Did he travel through space, or did he shape himself through special means?

Looking at the system that was pretending to be dead, Zhou Yan was too lazy to worry about anything anymore. He sighed and continued to make buns...

At around six o'clock, Zhou Yan's cheap apprentice Liu Chuang came to the store with a pair of hazy sleepy eyes.

"Master, morning!"

Zhou Yan glanced at the steaming buns at the door and shook his head slightly: "The soy milk and porridge have been prepared, and the buns are almost cooked. You can find something to eat by yourself. You don't need to take action for breakfast yet!"


Liu Chuang nodded weakly, opened the curtain between the kitchen and the dining room, walked to the dining table closest to the kitchen, lay down on the table, and fell asleep.

I don’t know how long it took, but Liu Chuang, who was learning from Miss Zhou, suddenly felt dizzy...

"There's an earthquake!"

Liu Chuang got up from the stool, turned around and ran away, but as soon as he ran out a few steps, he found his smiling partner Liu Ning, covering his mouth and looking at him.


Liu Ning didn't say anything, but pointed at the old-fashioned quartz clock on the wall.

It’s half past six, it’s time to sell breakfast...

There are as many customers as ever in the small shop. Although the small shop has many more seats than its predecessor, the fast food restaurant, most impatient customers still prefer to take away...

Around 7:30, the customers gradually dispersed, leaving only Liu Ning who was cleaning the store, Liu Chuang who was washing the dishes and pots, and Zhou Yan who was sitting in the restaurant and looking at the scenery.

"Hey, Liu Ning, do you know which university nearby has a flea market?"

"Fleabag market?" Liu Ning frowned, thought for a while, and replied, "There should be one at the Petrochemical College, but there shouldn't be one at Binhai College anyway!"

Zhou Yan nodded: "Then the university will be on vacation soon, right?"

"Almost, oh, by the way, boss, why are you asking about the flea market?"

"I plan to buy a few books," Zhou Yan felt that there was nothing to hide, so he answered truthfully, "I am going to college soon, so I should preview it in advance!"


Liu Ning and Liu Chuang both looked at Zhou Yan with wide eyes.

"I thought you..."

At this moment, Wang Han, who was stuck at work, walked into the store swinging his small bag.

"Liu Ning, why are you looking at Zhou Yan like this?"

"Sister Wang, the boss said he is a college student enrolling this year!"

Wang Han, who had known about Zhou Yan's situation for a long time, chuckled and shook his head: "What's so strange about this? With Boss Zhou's temperament, how could he only open the store for two months if something didn't happen?"

Zhou Yan saw Wang Han coming and straightened up: "Sister Wang, do I want to discuss something with you?"

"Say it!"

"I want to hold a lottery in the store. The winner can write a composition and enjoy the VIP private customization service of our store. There is no limit on recipes..."

Wang Han looked Zhou Yan up and down, smiled and joked: "Chef Zhou, you're a little too arrogant!"

"Promotion, plus customer feedback!"

"Then can we participate in the lottery?" Liu Ning and Liu Chuang joined in.

"Originally, you can't, but for the sake of your hard work, you can skip the lottery directly..."

This chapter has been completed!
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