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Chapter 0131 Master Badge Mission

 Who doesn’t like something that costs nothing?

There are five tutorials: "Forward Contracts", "Market Making", "The West Wing", "Billions" and "Big Time".

Zhou Yan has never heard of the first three, but "Billions", according to Zhou Yan's memory, should be based on the rice drama of the same name before his rebirth. And "Big Era", judging from the cover, should be based on Zheng Qiuguan's participation.

Generated from the TV series of the same name.

As for those you haven’t seen, it doesn’t matter, it’s free anyway, just learn it!

Nearly two hundred years of experience have improved Zhou Yan's economics from lv5 to lv6.

Badge tasks also follow, which seem simple, but are not simple.

"The first stage of the mission is to capture more than 11-digit benefits (in dollars) from the upcoming subprime mortgage crisis in the beautiful country.

Phase Two: In the upcoming photography scandal, severely damage Yinhuang Entertainment, Hehong Real Estate, and Langjiang Electrical Appliances, and obtain more than ten-digit profits.

Random tasks. During the trial, the system will release random tasks with an uncertain number and variable content.

Mission Reward 1, Greenspan’s Memoir "My Years as Chairman of the Federal Reserve Bank of America".

Mission reward two, the intelligent stock trading software "Golden Scissors" developed by a certain stock god in parallel time and space.

Friendly reminder, since the host has allocated some funds to purchase emergency supplies, this system specially provides a part of the old zombie accounts of the Bank of China as a supplement. For details, please refer to the operating instructions..."

Is there such a good thing?

Zhou Yan thought it was a pie in the sky, but after reading the operating instructions, he realized that the system provided the account number and password of a batch of zombie accounts with an unknown number of signatures cracked by a master in parallel time and space. When Zhou Yan came here, he needed to start from

One hundred accounts will be selected from the two hundred accounts.

Large lottery?

I hope the lottery mechanism is different from Pinyidao and Nanshan Pizza Hut.

Zhou Yan silently recited "Three Purities are Supreme" for a while before he started to choose an account.

Rich people are somewhat willful, so when Zhou Yan chooses accounts, he always chooses accounts that look more pleasing to the eye or have more personality.

After collecting a total of one hundred, I clicked submit, and the next step was the "lottery draw"...

It has to be said that after rebirth, Zhou Yan's luck was pretty good. After the "lottery draw", the account opening information and deposit balances of the zombie accounts were all listed in the form of a list. Zhou Yan did some calculations and found that the total of one hundred accounts added up to about

There are more than six billion US dollars.

After counting, Zhou Yan copied the list and passed it to "Tool Man" Frank.

A new week has begun, and everything is as usual, except for the upcoming school sports meeting.

The school sports meeting of Yunzhong University of Technology is usually held every two years. It can basically be said that "after passing this village, there will be no such store."

As the only two athletes in the dormitory, Zuo Jiyun and Zhou Yan were encouraged to prepare their clothes and shoes before the sports meeting started.

Zuo Jiyun reported for 200 meters, so he needed to prepare spikes. However, Lao Zuo had a stiff neck and planned to use his own football shoes to top it up.

As for Zhou Yan?

As a regular runner, my movements are not standard, and I won’t say whether my results are good or not. Anyway, my equipment is quite professional: professional running shoes, professional shorts and vests, and a watch specially designed for long-distance running...

Apart from the athletes, what everyone is most concerned about is the traffic problem: the venue of Jinshan Campus is obviously unable to host school sports meetings, and Jinshan Campus is more than ten kilometers away from the school headquarters...

"Take a taxi or take the bus yourself?"

The day before the school sports meeting, the monitor gave the answer: The school charters a bus from the bus company.

Zhou Yan is far more familiar with the school headquarters than Jinshan Campus. Although he has lived in Jinshan Campus for a year after his rebirth, it has only awakened some sleeping memories. In his previous life, he lived in the school headquarters for three years.<


Although Yunzhong University of Technology is known as the second largest university in the province, second only to Yunzhong University, the school actually does not occupy a very large area. The two campuses combined are the same as the three campuses of Dongyang No. 1 Middle School, Zhou Yan’s high school alma mater.

It looks about the same size.

You know, Dongyang No. 1 Middle School is a high school, while Yunzhong Industry is a university.

The playground is even more incomparable: the football field of Yunzhong Industry is planted with rubber grass, while the football field of Dongyang No. 1 Middle School is covered with standard lawn grass, and is often taken care of.

Looking at the green grass in the distance, but looking like the turf used to disguise the greening of the construction site more than ten years later, Zhou Yan suddenly had an idea in his mind: after making so much money, would he have to give it to his alma mater after graduation?

Donate a little?

In his previous life, when he was miserable, Zhou Yan often imagined that his alma mater could be upgraded, to 211, or to 985. Later, Zhou Yan woke up from his dream: no one was spending money, how could Yunzhong Industry compete with those 211,985 in discipline construction?

When I was sleepwalking, the school sports meeting had already begun.

"Everyone stands up, raises the national flag and plays the national anthem..."

Everyone stood up. A group of foreign teachers from the School of Foreign Languages ​​all sat there dumbfounded.

After singing the national anthem, Zhou Yan sat back in the stands with a smile.

"Old Zhou, why are you laughing?"

Zhou Yan raised his head and glanced at the tall, yellow-haired foreign teacher in the stands opposite, who was also wearing a sun hat, and smiled: "When we sang the national anthem just now, those foreigners were still sitting."

Lin Junfeng was a little disdainful: "Is there any problem with this? I am from a crooked country."

"But..." Zhou Yan showed a proud smile on his face, "Get up, people who don't want to be slaves..."

The people around were stunned for a moment, with knowing smiles on their faces...

On the rostrum, the principal's foot bindings are still being applied, while on the playground, a group of "revealingly" clad students have begun to prepare for the program, group aerobics.

Among the gymnasts wearing gymnastics uniforms was Zhou Yan’s roommate Yu Hongliang.

After being smoked by the foot wrap for more than ten minutes, the eye-catching aerobics started again.

After grinding for a long time, the official competition finally started.

In order of distance from short to long, the first one is naturally one hundred meters.

A twelve- or three-second game requires more than ten minutes of preparation time.

There are very few students with sports specialties in Yunzhong Industrial, so the competition is relatively less exciting. The best time for 100 meters is just over 11 seconds, which is still far behind the national first-class athletes.

The men's 100-meter race is just that, and the women's 100-meter race is even more difficult to describe: in the entire Yunzhong Industry, more than half of the girls are no more than 1.6 meters tall.

Watching the female classmates on the field competing for the lead, Zhou Yan couldn't help but have some expectations for the upcoming 110-meter hurdles.

Although it has been nearly three years since Liu Xiang won the gold medal at the Athens Olympics, there are still very few domestic athletes following the trend, let alone schools like Yunzhong Industrial that focus on engineering.

Although Zhou Yan has never practiced, during the three years he attended Dongyang No. 1 Middle School, he still saw master-level 110-meter hurdles athletes participating in competitions.

Comparing the two, Zhou Yan's college classmates were a bit helpless: more than half of the six finalists kicked over the railings when hurdling; the fastest runner also had a score of 14.

More than seconds.

In this regard, Zhou Yan can only say that the most important thing is participation.

Then, our classmate Zuo Jiyun appeared.

Regardless of the speed, at least Zuo Jiyun's posture is quite interesting: when sprinters run on the road, they only touch the ground on the balls of their front feet, but Zuo Jiyun touches the ground on the whole ball of his feet, and he still prefers his heels.

Use force.

Of course, the most joyful thing is that when this person ran 200 meters, she used a long-distance running posture. Not to mention, she couldn't use it well, and with her footsteps, she gave the illusion of an old lady with bound feet running on tiptoes...

This chapter has been completed!
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