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Chapter 0147 Birthday (Part 1)

With Zhou Yan, a veteran in the architectural design industry, as a backup, the sketching class for Qin Ruoshu and her friends went very smoothly. It only took two classes to complete the work.

After "handing in the paper", there is still more than an hour.

A group of people really had nothing to do, so they could only run to the beach and play in the sand.

The sun is warm and the sea breeze is blowing. Stepping on the thin sandy beach with bare feet, a cool feeling passes through the soles of the feet and reaches the top of the head.

It was rare to have such a short and pleasant time. Qin Ruoshu was like a little donkey that had escaped from the reins, having fun on the beach, jumping and jumping.

Zhou Yan carried the camera and was responsible for recording the happy and embarrassing moments of his girlfriend...

We were having a great time, but the phone in someone’s pocket rang.

"Hello, Teacher Qi?"

"We'll go back right away!"

After hanging up the phone, the man reluctantly opened his palms to a group of people. Half an hour later, a group of people returned to school and were about to go to the cafeteria when the bell rang...

"This is really..."

After lunch, Zhou Yan took a trip to the city center and rented a car as a temporary scooter during his lunch break.

As for buying a car?

Zhou Yan didn't think about it, but when he thought about buying a car and just leaving it there to gather dust, he gave up the idea: no matter how much money he had, he couldn't afford to waste it like this.

There are not a few flower growers who hold the idea that "those who have a permanent product have perseverance", so leasing for amateurs is relatively indifferent.

Xinhai is a first-tier city in Xiadong Province whose economy is higher than that of the provincial capital Hongzhou. The scale of car rental companies in the city is naturally not small. In the parking lot under the company's office building, there are various "luxury cars" parked:

The Fourth Ring Road, Niutou Land Cruiser, Xizucheng luxury cars, Mercedes-Benz, and even a Passat costing more than two million.

Zhou Yan rented a car for transportation, so naturally he didn't need such high-end goods, turtle shells were enough.

Choose a car, register it, sign the rental agreement, pay the deposit, and the car can be driven away.

Back at the hotel, it was still early, so Zhou Yan took another nap. But not long after he fell asleep, the door to the room rang...

When I opened the door, I saw it was Qin Ruoshu.

After the lunch break, the eldest lady's overalls have been changed into a bohemian-style dress, and the baseball cap on her head has been changed into a floral sunhat.

"Lao Zhou, you're still sleeping! Get up quickly and go out to play together!"

Zhou Yan lazily leaned on the backrest of the bed and replied in a daze: "Boss, please spare me!"

As he spoke, Zhou Yan's body began to slide down, and his eyelids became heavier and heavier...

About an hour later, Zhou Yan suddenly felt his nose was a little itchy, so he scratched it, but this scratch made it even more itchy...


Zhou Yan continued to pretend to be asleep, and then when Qin Ruoshu teased him with her hair again, he grabbed Qin Ruoshu's neck, rolled it, and pressed the eldest lady under him.

"But let me catch you and see if you still dare!"

As he spoke, Zhou Yan stretched out his hand to the itchy flesh on Qin Ruoshu's waist...

Qin Ruoshu grew up uncontrollably: "Haha..."

"Lao Zhou, ha... I don't dare anymore!"

Zhou Yan continued to tickle with a smirk on his face: "The name is wrong!"

"Husband, I don't dare to do it anymore!"

"That's pretty much it!"

Only then did Zhou Yan let go of his blushing girlfriend and got up from the bed.

"Humph, you're a guy with a lustful heart but no courage!"

The cooked duck is just chewy.

Zhou Yan gave the eldest lady a helpless look: "Boss, if you cause trouble again, I can't guarantee that I can still hold it back!"

"Okay then," Qin Ruoshu smoothed out her T-shirt that was a little wrinkled by Zhou Yan's hand, sat up and came to Zhou Yan's side, "Let's talk about business, it's already past two o'clock, let's hurry up if we don't

, when we get to the beer square, there won’t be much time left!”

Zhou Yan smiled mysteriously: "Don't worry, you have enough time..."

After going downstairs, Qin Ruoshu was shocked when she saw Zhou Yan taking out the car keys: "Old Zhou, have you bought a new car?"

"No way, rent it!"

With that said, Zhou Yan walked to the right side of the car, opened the door, and made a "please" gesture: "Beauty, please get in the car!"

Qin Ruoshu held up the hem of her skirt, bowed slightly to thank her, and then got into the car.

"The car is nice, much better than my dad's old Jetta!"

"Can it be compared?" Zhou Yan reached out and helped his girlfriend fasten her seat belt, "When my father-in-law bought that car, not many of us in Dongyang could afford a car!"

"That's right... I've ridden in so many cars, and I don't feel as comfortable as that old Jetta!" Qin Ruoshu smiled and nodded, thought for a while, turned around, and stared at Zhou Yan, "Old Zhou, with your wealth, buy

A car shouldn’t be a problem, then why don’t you buy a car if you’re in the cloud?”

"Daughter-in-law, if you can decide to go to graduate school in Yunzhong, I will buy a car!"

"Forget it then. My dad still wants me to take the postgraduate entrance examination in the capital, but..." Qin Ruoshu stuck out her pink tongue, "At my level, I can only pay for it at my own expense!"

"That's not necessarily true," Zhou Yan smiled slightly, "There are two schools with the best architecture in the capital, Shuimu. You don't have to count on them. They have single-plank bridges with hundreds of thousands of troops."

"Is there another one?" Qin Ruoshu stared at Zhou Yan with bright eyes.

"Beilin," Zhou Yan smiled mysteriously, "Beilin's first-level subject of landscape architecture should be no worse than Shuimu's same subject, and if you take the exam four years later, it will be relatively easy!"

"Really?" Qin Ruoshu almost jumped with joy, "Then we can join forces in the capital?"

"The premise is that when the two of us take the postgraduate entrance examination, we don't fall over again..."

The two looked at each other and smiled knowingly...

Centenary Beer Plaza is only more than ten kilometers away from the Vocational and Technical College. It takes more than forty minutes by bus and almost twenty minutes by car.

Although the annual Oktoberfest has not started yet, it is summer and the summer vacation is about to begin. Some restaurants near Centenary Square have begun to warm up for the Oktoberfest in August.

The two walked around the square and found a hotel that seemed reliable. After making a reservation, they drove to the beach.

"Why are you coming to the beach again?"

The parking lot is built on the seaside, and through the car window, you can see the bathing beach not far away.

Zhou Yan pulled the handbrake and looked back at Qin Ruoshu, who was smiling: "In the morning, I felt that you hadn't had enough fun yet, let's continue..."

"No..." Qin Ruoshu tried hard to keep a straight face, but the smile on her face could not be removed.

"Then let's go back again?"


After getting off the car, Qin Ruoshu happily ran to the beach. After taking two steps, she felt that her sandals were a bit in the way, so she took them off and held them in her hand. She looked back at Zhou Yan, who was also barefoot, and the corners of her mouth gradually raised.

Get up...

"Lao Zhou, watch the escort!"

Qin Ruoshu took off her two shoes and ran straight to Zhou Yan's feet.

However, Qin Ruoshu couldn't find it either. As the shoes flew out, Zhou Yan took a step forward, caught the two shoes, and carried them in his hands.

Qin Ruoshu breathed a sigh of relief and was about to move forward when she suddenly heard Zhou Yan's "Oh!"

"Lao Zhou, what's wrong?"

Zhou Yan threw away his shoes, covered his chest and sat down on the ground: "You are so despicable, this dart is poisonous!"

"You're poisonous..." Halfway through the words, Qin Ruoshu noticed the evil smile on Zhou Yan's face and suddenly reacted, biting his jade teeth and staring at Zhou Yan fiercely, "Old Zhou, I will fight with you.


With that said, Qin Ruoshu squatted down, grabbed a handful of sand in his hand, and moved towards Zhou Yan step by step.

This bitch is really vicious.

A good man doesn't want to suffer the immediate consequences, so Zhou Yan quickly begged for mercy: "Woman, spare your life!"

"It's too late!"

This chapter has been completed!
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