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Chapter 0166 Foundation Building (Part 1)

Early the next morning, the red-skin express train that departed from Dongyang and ended in the capital slowly drove into the capital station.

The first two times Zhou Yan came to the capital, he was picked up by someone, and this time was no exception. The person who picked him up was Frank.

After receiving Zhou Yan, Frank immediately sent Zhou Yan to the hotel. After staying, Zhou Yan fell on the bed and fell asleep, then got up to wash up and have breakfast.

When it was more than 1 hour in the hotel, Frank rushed over again and went to the agreed coffee shop with Zhou Yan...

"Boss, this Deng Zhuo used to be the head of Del's handheld computer department, but as you know, taking a bite of the smartphone plan announced by the company a few months ago gave many people a sense of crisis..."

Zhou Yan nodded: "I know, but are you sure he knows the consumer electronics industry very well?"

"Let's put it this way," Frank smiled, "many of his views are consistent with the atmosphere you left about the development path of the electronics industry..."

"Then I'd like to see it!"

Deng Zhuo's first impression on Zhou Yan was good, he was smart, capable, and calm. However, Zhou Yan's first impression on Deng Zhuo was hard to describe...

I waited for a whole day, and all I got was a young boy?

Zhou Yan saw a trace of contempt in Deng Zhuo's eyes and didn't care.

All capable people are like this!

Zhou Yan smiled, took out a piece of information about the RISC-X instruction set from his bag, and handed it over.

Deng Zhuo was a little surprised, but he was too embarrassed to refuse Zhou Yan in person, so he could only read the information and pretend to read it.

Then, Deng Zhuo's eyes couldn't be pulled out.

As a senior practitioner in the electronics industry, Deng Zhuo is very aware of the weight of the information in front of him. It is not groundbreaking, but it is enough to make the owner of RISC-X stand out from the crowd.

It's just that such a piece of information cannot be developed by a young person like this opposite, right?

Zhou Yan saw the confusion in Deng Zhuo's eyes: "You can think of me as a spokesperson promoted by a certain force."

"It's just that based on this information..."

"Of course, it can't be just these," Zhou Yan smiled slightly, "The instruction set, chip architecture, and supporting primary systems have been developed. All you need to do is use these things to build an electronics group."

"What about the lithography machine?" Deng Zhuo reluctantly put the information back on the table and looked up at Frank. "Frank showed me the company's structural system, which contains the research and development plan for the lithography machine..."

"I can provide funds and technical support, but you need to handle the research and development personnel and equipment yourself."

"Then, I became your agent on the surface?" Deng Zhuo smiled, "Aren't you afraid that I will turn all those funds and technologies into my own?"

"It doesn't matter," Zhou Yan smiled, "We still have many similar things in our hands!"

"What about my salary?"

"The initial team can obtain 5% of the equity, and the company will provide corresponding equity incentives based on the company's progress..."

Deng Zhuo nodded: "What about the initial capital investment?"

"The registered capital is one billion," Zhou Yan smiled, "You can use this registered capital to build a team. After half a year or a year, the company will receive follow-up investment ranging from billions to tens of billions."

"Then happy cooperation!!" Deng Zhuo smiled and extended his hand to Zhou Yan.

“A pleasure to work with!”

Zhou Yan winked at Frank's secretary, who then took out a bunch of agreements from his pocket and handed them over.

Deng Zhuo examined it carefully and then signed his name, turning himself into the CEO of Baize Electronics Group founded by Zhou Yan.

"Director Jay, we are now our own people, can I make a small suggestion for the development of the company?"

"Please speak!" Zhou Yan stared at Deng Zhuo with a smile.

"I have studied the group company structure system you drafted. The company can basically form a closed loop, except for consumer electronics..."

Zhou Yan naturally knew what Deng Zhuo meant, and smiled slightly: "After the big waves wash away the sand, how many of the world's mobile phone manufacturers can survive after sacrificing the sharp sword of smartphones?"

"I understand!" Deng Zhuo smiled and nodded, "At the right time, acquire a brand with a good reputation and then start a new business... Oh, there is one more thing, about chip development..."


Deng Zhuo hesitated for a moment and then said: "If possible, I hope to bring someone into the company?"

Zhou Yan was a little surprised: "Who?"

"Academician of the Academy of Engineering Li Guanglan, Mr. Li," Deng Zhuo stared at Zhou Yan cautiously, "I know that the conflict between Mr. Li and the Utopia Group may cause you trouble, but if you want to develop chips, the person at the helm must be very

Mr. Li is none other than Mr. Li."

"I know!" Zhou Yan nodded heavily, "Set a time and I will go with you!"

"Then afternoon?"


After lunch, Deng Zhuo couldn't wait to drag Zhou Yan to Mr. Li's residence.

The brick-concrete building with a sense of age looks a bit old. Although there are many elderly people in the community, they all exude a bookish atmosphere.

Deng Zhuo was very familiar with the layout of the entire community. He led Zhou Yan around to the door of a household. Under Zhou Yan's gaze, he pressed the doorbell.

"Here we come!" The person who responded was an old lady. After opening the door, she was a little surprised to see Deng Zhuo, "Hey, is Xiao Deng here?"

"But old man, Xiao Deng is here! Come out quickly!"

A few seconds later, a thin and energetic old man appeared in front of him.

Zhou Yan is no stranger to the old man in front of him. Before his rebirth, he was the supporting role in the "Imagination is Beaten" incident. He was a scholar known as "Don Quixote" and a wise man with far-sightedness.

"Hey, Deng Zhuo is here," Li Guanglan looked at Deng Zhuo with a smile, "Aren't you the president of Del, why are you willing to return to China?"

Mrs. Li on the side glared at her husband: "Old man, do you think you can talk like that? Oh, Xiao Deng, and this young man, come in quickly."

"Please sit down!"

Deng Zhuo struggled for a while, but decided to tell the truth: "Teacher, I resigned from Del!"

"It doesn't matter if you resign, we flower people can't really be trusted at all," Mr. Li said angrily, "Originally you were engaged in chip research and development, but you were transferred to do handheld computers that have begun to decline.

, I am clearly using you as a scapegoat!"

Deng Zhuo felt a hint of warmth from his teacher's tough words, and he smiled without saying anything.

"What are your plans for returning to China this time? Why don't you come to work in our hospital? Your qualifications are enough anyway!" Mr. Li began to arrange work for Deng Zhuo without waiting for his explanation.

"Teacher, I already have a job, developing my own chips!"

Mr. Li didn't even bother to raise his head, and said rather disdainfully: "It's just you, you can make motherboard circuits, but you develop your own chips? I advise you to forget it!"

"No," Deng Zhuo said a little anxiously, "Teacher, I am currently employed by a newly established electronics company. We plan to develop our own chips..."

"Stop it, your boss is planning to get me to defraud the country of special funds, right?" Mr. Li raised his head and glared at Deng Zhuo fiercely.

Deng Zhuo felt guilty after being stared at, so he had no choice but to turn to Zhou Yan, a melon-eater who had been watching the excitement for a while.

"Mr. Li," Zhou Yan calmly took out a chip in a plastic box from his pocket and pushed it to the little old man, "This is our company's first product. You can check it yourself.

Is this thing self-developed..."

Come on, Zhou Yan took Deng Zhuo and left...

This chapter has been completed!
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