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Chapter 0175 Taking over? (Part 1)

What was originally only a two-person event turned into a group activity in the dormitory because classmate Lin Junfeng's confidentiality measures were not strict.

Seven roommates and "non-staff member" Zhao Ruijie formed a gang and rushed to the digital mall.

In Yunzhong City this year, there were not many bus seats. The originally empty bus suddenly became full after a group of people got on the bus.

The digital malls of the flower growers all have similar layouts, with dedicated floors for MP3 players, mobile phones and computers.

When a group of people appeared in the notebook area in the elevator talking and laughing, the eyes of all the salesmen in the area lit up: Here comes the fat sheep...

There is a "time difference" between Yunzhong and the capital. Zhou Yan found many "trendy products" on the display racks in the special area that had appeared on the counters of Zhongguancun Digital Mall a few months ago.

As a group of people swaggered through the market along the special area, the salesmen around them became more energetic and kept seducing a group of inexperienced teenagers...

"Handsome guy, Dream is our own brand, and after-sales service is guaranteed!"

“Our Panshuo’s quality is first-rate…”

Naturally, a group of salesmen would not know that the protagonist is Lin Junfeng, and that during the summer vacation, he was fully prepared to lead everyone to the "iron bear paw".

Although the heat dissipation of Tiepanpu is a big problem, I have to say that the appearance is still very good. The aluminum alloy frosted texture shell looks very technological.

When a group of young people gathered around him, the salesperson of Tiepanpu was knocked dizzy by the pie falling from the sky.

"Handsome guy, look at this computer, it's the latest model..."

The salesperson talked a lot, but Lin Junfeng suddenly reported a model number: "Do you have V3646?"

The salesman was stunned and stared at Lin Junfeng with a look of resentment on his face: How can you play like this?

However, after this person calmed down for a moment, he still gave Lin Junfeng a very forced smile: "Yes!"

Core 2 processor, 2G memory, 160G hard drive, integrated graphics, this is almost the most mainstream configuration in 2007.

As for the price, it is on par with the mainstream, so naturally it will not be too cheap. The price of 0.5 W still makes Lin Junfeng feel pain: the lucky money he has saved for more than ten years will soon be empty...

"How much discount can I get?"

The salesman held out three fingers: "Three hundred!"

"The heat dissipation of Tiepanpu is not very good!" Zhou Yan gave the salesperson a very simple smile, "Moreover, this is the mainstream model in the first half of the year, and the current purchase price..."


Zhou Yan raised his head and looked at Lin Junfeng, who was playing with the samples: "The configuration of Lao Lin's notebook will only last two or three years. After graduation, it will almost have to be replaced. If you buy it in a few months, it will be cheaper by one or two thousand."


The salesman almost cried when Zhou Yan said: "Handsome guy, you can't calculate the accounts like this. If Moore's Law really applies, no one will buy it, and the price will be higher..."

"Then this is the one!"

Here, while the two of them were waiting for the salesperson to issue the invoice, the friends who came with them had already dispersed and were wandering around the laptop area in twos and threes.

Zuo Jiyun, in particular, kept thinking about his "conscience"...

"Look, this is the one I bought..."

Taking advantage of the opportunity, Zhou Yan glanced around.

When I came up just now, my eyes were fixed on those famous brand stores, and I didn't even have time to look at other brands.

Many brands that have gradually disappeared after more than ten years are still standing tenaciously. As for their performance, it is naturally difficult to describe...

The three computer musketeers who used to be the capital's industry-university-research institute, "Conscience Thinking", Tongfang and Founder, only "Midi Conscience Thinking" had a pretty good life, while Tongfang and Founder could almost be said to be living on their last breath...

Although the salespersons of Tongfang and Founder vigorously promote their products, the inability to support computers is not the main business of the two major industry-university-research groups.

Speaking of which, the root cause is "conscience". The success of the capital operation of "Manchu Zhonglie" has allowed many people engaged in scientific research to see a new way out: making the brand bigger and using influence to make money.

However, many scientific researchers do not know that there is a theory called survivor bias: the reason why many successful people are successful is not because they walked through the minefields and did not get killed, but because they were lucky enough to avoid those mines.

Zhou Yan has a good impression of Founder. All the computers in the computer room of Dongyang No. 1 Middle School are Founder.

While Lin Junfeng went to the counter to check out, Zhou Yan walked to the Fangzheng counter in a sullen voice.

"Handsome guy, do you want to see a computer? It's a square one, an old brand, and the price is affordable..."

Zhou Yan carefully looked at the samples in the counter. The appearance was mediocre, but the configuration could keep up with the mainstream...

"Lao Zhou, don't you have a computer?" Lin Junfeng, who had already paid the money, came over with the receipt.

"Just for a look..."

When Lin Junfeng reappeared in everyone's sight with his notebook, Zhou Yan, who was following him, found that several friends seemed to have been fooled by the salesman...

At noon, after lunch, Zhou Yan contacted "No. 2 Tool Man" Deng Zhuo. While chatting, he accidentally mentioned, "Is Fang Zheng in such a miserable state now?"

He does not mean that.

"Mr. Zhou, Founder's life is not easy. Founder Holdings is planning to switch to capital. Founder Computer, which has low profit margins, has become useless..." On the other end of the phone, Deng Zhuo asked with a smile, "If you are interested,

, we can try to get in touch..."

Zhou Yan frowned: "Fangzheng's management and related personnel..."

"Mr. Zhou, I heard some rumors a while ago that Hongji over there is planning to acquire Gateway over there in the beautiful country." Deng Zhuo smiled a little cunningly, "All talents in electronics are general, even if you don't have

Even if you mention Fangzheng, I plan to poach him!"

"Okay then, I'll leave the matter to you..."

The core framework of Baize Technology has been built, and the only thing left is to expand the staff. However, the company has not yet produced any output. Deng Zhuo feels a little sorry for his shares, so he plans to add more staff to the company...

Zhou Yan, on his side, sighed slightly after hanging up the phone.

In fact, even Zhou Yan himself did not expect that Founder Computer could still be sold. Although Founder had declined more than ten years later, it was still ten years later.

After being dazed for a while, Zhou Yan got up from the sofa, walked to the desktop, typed a string of codes on the keyboard, and the computer desktop immediately changed its style.

[Collect information about Founder Group and Founder Computer!]

[Received! Executing command...]

More than thirty seconds later, a folder suddenly appeared on the computer screen, which was full of information about Founder Group and Founder Computer...


The "fake erhu" that had been silent for several days started to sound again.

The penetrating sound of the piano kept shaking Zhou Yan's internal organs. While it was destroying Zhou Yan's ears, it was also destroying Zhou Yan's soul.

I don’t object to you pursuing quality education and cultivating your talents, but you can’t develop your talents in the direction of making money or killing people!

Zhou Yan couldn't argue with the parents above who were on the verge of collapse, so he had to wear noise-cancelling headphones that he spent a lot of money to buy.

The next day, after breakfast, Zhou Yan walked around the area, found a music store, and bought a violin, intending to fight fire with fire...

This chapter has been completed!
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