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Chapter 0028 Reward

 After chatting for a while as if checking household registration, Qin Fangyuan threw down a pile of old people's heads and left.

Seeing that the scene had deviated from the script, Zhou Yan had no choice but to stand up, draw out five cards, and give the rest to Qin Fangyuan, and then drove the Qin family away with pushing and shoving.

After returning to the store, Zhou Yan and his three friends packed up the tables and chairs and cleaned up.

"Zhou Yan, your classmate's father wants to recruit you as his son-in-law!"

"Come on," Zhou Yan glared at Wang Han fiercely, "He stepped on the plate to trick me into working for him!"

"Isn't that true?"

"Why not?" Zhou Yan snorted coldly, "Do you know how big this guy's business is with us?"

"How big can it be?"

Zhou Yan sighed slightly: "In Fenghai County below Dongyang, the largest restaurant in the county is owned by their family! As for the son-in-law..."

Zhou Yan curled his lips: "With Qin Ruoshu's appearance and family background, there are a large number of students from key universities in Gou Gou Shou who are rushing to get married. Why would they like me, a poor boy who runs a street vendor?"
Wang Han didn't feel anything about Zhou Yan's words, but Liu Chuang and Liu Ning, who were from similar backgrounds to Zhou Yan, were silent.

Seeing that the two teammates around him were "incited to rebel" by Zhou Yan, Wang Han was still a little unconvinced: "Don't you still have cooking skills?"

"Culinary skills can only keep food and clothing on the table, but can't make a fortune, and I won't do it as a career..."

Wang Han was speechless. After struggling for a while, he showed his trump card and tried to give Zhou Yan a critical blow: "I told your female classmate your Penguin number!"

"Anyway, after you go to college, there will always be classmates who take the initiative to contact others, sooner or later." Zhou Yan smiled nonchalantly, thought about it, and asked very abruptly, "Sister Wang, among your acquaintances, do you have a family?"

A boat owner?"

"What are you going to do?" Wang Han was a little confused, "What are you doing? It's still the fishing moratorium. Don't tell me that you want to go..."

"A friend on the Internet told me a coordinate, saying that there are good things under the sea, and asked me to try my luck!"

"How far is the coastline?"

"Only more than fifty nautical miles!"

"Then I'll go back and ask you!"


In the evening, after returning to his residence, Zhou Yan began to count the harvest.

In fact, while chatting with Qin Fangyuan, the system had already prompted that the Master Badge mission was completed.

"Congratulations to the host for completing the Master Medal test mission.

Master badges are now issued.

Master badge special effects: permanent solidification of skills and related techniques; comes with peer shock effect, temperament bonus...

Distribute task reward one: tool making experience.

Distributing task reward two: the whereabouts of a certain batch of Ruifan Malaysian knife steel..."

Thanks to Qin Fangyuan, Zhou Yan got the master badge before the "Qi" and cooking heart provided by the system dissipated, solidifying the little remaining "Qi" and cooking heart.

Unfortunately, there are usage restrictions when "Qi" and kitchen heart are distributed. As for whether Zhou Yan can use them, it only depends on God's will and the character of the diners...

Fortunately, I also received other rewards. After receiving the knife-making experience, I no longer needed materials.

Everything is ready, all we need is the east wind!

Although Zhou Yan also wanted to get the batch of Malaysian knives right away, he still had the patience to count down the store's countdown.

On the day of closing, the store changed from its usual bustle to deserted.

Although Zhou Yan had been mentally prepared for a long time, when he actually faced such a situation, he still felt a little disappointed.

After lunch, the after-sales team of Brother and Brother Group began to recycle the trial freezers and display cabinets, and the recycler Zhou Yan had contacted long ago had already parked at the door on a large truck.

By around three o'clock in the afternoon, the front hall and back kitchen had become empty, with only the hanging plaque of "Zhouji Restaurant" and the densely packed dish names on the opposite wall complementing each other, recounting the glory of the small shop.

Zhou Yan's eyes traveled around the store, as if he was inspecting and commemorating.

"Send you a thousand miles, but we must say goodbye in the end!"

Zhou Yan sighed, stepped on the decoration ladder, climbed up the wall, took down the plaque, handed it to the uncle who was standing by, then found a box and put away all the dish names and brands.

"Let's go!"

Zhou Yan followed his uncle for a few steps, then suddenly stopped. He looked back at Liu Chuang and Liu Ning, who had returned to their casual clothes: "In two days, I may give you some homemade gifts, don't dislike it!

After saying that, Zhou Yan left without looking back...

The day after the shop closed, Wang Han helped Zhou Yan contact the ship going out to sea.

However, when Wang Han saw Zhou Yan, this famous chef on the West Coast was sitting in a daze on the waste soil at the construction site. It looked like...

"Zhou Yan, you look like you are lovelorn?"

Zhou Yan weakly raised his eyelids and greeted Wang Han: "Hi, is that right?"

"I have invested in feelings and experiences, but in the end I gave up due to reality. What is the difference between this and falling out of love?"


It turns out that this is the feeling of falling out of love!

Please forgive Zhou Yan for being an older single. He spent forty years in his previous life without even having a formal relationship.

Wang Han had no experience of falling out of love and didn't know how to comfort him. He could only change the subject: "Zhou Yan, I have already contacted you about the ship going out to sea. When will we set off?"

"We?" Zhou Yan was a little surprised and looked back at Wang Han, "Are you going too?"

"That's right. Anyway, I haven't been to the sea for a long time, and..." Wang Han smiled slightly, "The boat belongs to my cousin, and it's free. If you don't go, you won't go!"

The boat owned by Wang Han's cousin is an iron-hulled trawler more than 20 meters long. Perhaps because the fishing moratorium is about to end during the summer season, the boat has been cleaned and repainted, so it looks pretty good.

Pleasant to the eyes.

After going out to sea, the honest cousin didn't say much. After setting the route, he began to teach Zhou Yan how to use diving equipment.

Zhou Yan, who has experience in "worker bee" special operations, is naturally familiar with diving equipment. He is so proficient that even his cousin who has obtained the instructor's certificate gave him a thumbs up.

The coordinates given by the system were just outside the territorial sea line, which gave Zhou Yan, who was not feeling at ease, a reassurance.

Although it only took Zhou Yan an hour to learn how to dive, Wang Han's cousin still gave many instructions before going into the water, because the scheduled coordinates happened to be on a certain route, and although there were not many ships passing by, the underwater

The situation is more complicated.

After arriving at the predetermined coordinates, Zhou Yan put on his diving suit, jumped up from the side of the boat, and fell into the sea.

The average water depth of the Yellow Sea is more than fifty meters, and the location given by the system, according to the display on the navigation device, is less than forty meters.

Zhou Yan spent more than three minutes diving to the bottom of the sea, then turned on the flashlight and began to search the bottom of the sea...

The seabed in the sea near Xinhai is completely different from the blue sky and blue sea beach promoted by Xinhai tourism: all kinds of plastic garbage, old fish nets swaying with the current, and old shipboards and propellers of different shapes...
Fortunately, the coordinates given by the system were accurate to the second. After Zhou Yan went down to the seabed, he only took a few steps to find traces of the target.

A box full of one foot square was half-buried in the sea sand full of garbage. The large holes in the box that had been corroded showed a bit of gray metallic luster...

This chapter has been completed!
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