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Chapter 0363 New Journey

After attending his little cousin's college entrance banquet, Zhou Yan had to start preparing for his trip.

The thread in the hands of the loving mother, the clothes on the wanderer's body, are tightly sewed before leaving, for fear of returning late.

Although the living conditions of the Zhou family have improved after college, Zhou Yan’s wife no longer has the opportunity to mend clothes, but it is still necessary to stuff things in Zhou Yan’s car before leaving, all of which are “the taste of hometown”: the last scene in the blueberry field

A wave of blueberries, seafood products purchased in the city, and tea leaves newly roasted at home.

Here in Dongyang, there are only two best seasons for tea production: the turn of spring and summer and late summer and early autumn.

Green tea produced at the turn of spring and summer can be regarded as spring tea. Because it is located in the north, some high-end teas are no worse than those time-honored and well-known brands that have been speculated.

Especially the Qingya side is a typical weathered volcanic rock soil. The soil is rich in trace elements, which is no less than that of a certain periodic table that can fill several elements.

At the turn of summer and autumn, tea contains more anthocyanins, caffeine and tea polyphenols. After the tea leaves are fried into green tea, the bitter taste will be stronger.

In order to maximize the use of tea, Chu Wenshan introduced black tea and oolong tea technology to Zhoujialing.

If the frying process of green tea is still possible, then if you steal the skills to make black tea and oolong tea, you will need to pay a lot more tuition, because black tea and oolong tea are both fermented teas, and the production process turns decay into magical fermentation in one step...

What Mrs. Zhou Yan gave Zhou Yan were green tea, black tea and oolong fried by her own tea-leaf master. The packaging was a one-pound laminated kraft paper bag, which looked a bit unpretentious.

After sorting out the "packing", the next step is to give instructions.

"Son, at the end of the Gregorian calendar, take the postgraduate entrance examination. Work hard!"

Compared with my mother's cold "nudge", my father's blessing is undoubtedly more heart-warming: "Don't hurt your stomach, you can make whatever you want to eat..."

"Also, Chinese New Year..."

Dad was just about to say "bring Qin Ruoshu back to celebrate the New Year" when he was interrupted by Zhou Yan: "We met on the 11th, what are you planning to do so early?"

"Oh, that's right..."

I was driving the car, and as soon as I got out, the system that was already a little unfamiliar suddenly jumped out.

[A new journey has begun. In order to enrich the boring journey life of the host, the system has specially started the next stage, professional and technical training.

Steel is the skeleton and backbone of industry.

A tutorial is now being distributed to allow the host to experience what the real industrial backbone is: "Mountains and Seas Blueprint".]

The moment he saw the title of the tutorial, Zhou Yan was a little confused. The Blueprint of Mountains and Seas was either about poverty alleviation or the construction of new rural areas by the sea.

After all, there is a precedent like "Mountain and Sea Love". If the system hadn't said that this was a professional technical training tutorial, Zhou Yan would have been confused...

In the tutorial, Zhou Yan is still not the main character, but this does not prevent him from judging where the "center of the world" is through the protagonist's halo.

After studying the tutorial, Zhou Yan silently named the tutorial: The three stages of Shougang's relocation in the new century, the three generations...

In the tutorial, Zhou Yan has worked as a transparent data manager in Shougang's data room for a long time. Zhou Yan has seen most of Shougang's production line data and archived it with an eyeball camera.

Later, Zhou Yan took advantage of an opportunity to stand out and entered the technical department, where he was able to see the steel smelting process.

However, during this process, Zhou Yan also discovered some problems: the flower growers generally used iron ore and coke as raw materials for steel smelting; while Meiliguohe Xiaoli had been using scrap steel to make steel for many years.

Many people may think that there is not much difference between steel-making with iron ore, coke and steel-making with scrap steel.

But for many people in the industry, these two processes are really very different.

First of all, using iron ore coke to make steel requires coking and "simmering" the coal to make coke. During this process, a large amount of sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides will be produced, polluting the atmosphere.

During the steel smelting process, nitrogen, sulfur, phosphorus and other elements in iron ore and coke will be further eliminated to form oxides, further polluting the air.

Although in recent years, the entire industry has gradually developed a set of effective pollution prevention and control measures, they can only provide indicators and cannot cure the root cause.

Secondly, there is a big problem when using iron ore and coke to make steel: my country's iron ore reserves are large, but the taste is not high, and it cannot be directly used for smelting steel. It needs to be further enriched to improve the taste. Therefore. , a considerable number of domestic steel plants generally use imported high-grade iron ore to make steel.

Among the two major iron ore producing areas in the world, most of the iron ore in Kangaroo Country is controlled by European resource giants Rio Billiton and BHP Billiton, while the iron ore in Samba Country is also controlled by Xiaotian.

Domestic steel plants that compete with Xiaoli can only use iron ore from Kangaroo Country. Kangaroo Country and European resource giants are not good birds.

However, the domestic steel groups did not live up to expectations and suffered many losses before they knew how to form an iron ore bargaining team and form a group to negotiate prices, but nothing happened...

After studying the tutorial, Zhou Yan became a LV5 iron and steel metallurgy "brick master". However, if he wants to upgrade, theoretical foundation alone is not enough, he also needs practice.

"Which company has the best simulation technology? The virtual space is up to you!"

Zhou Yan was fooled into the virtual space by a word from the system, and just when he was surprised that he could fly in space, a dialog box suddenly appeared in front of him.

[After the system is upgraded, it will provide personnel and equipment rental functions. As long as you can provide the final points, the system can provide you with a Ford-class aircraft carrier...]

"Can it be disassembled?"

[Additional points are required for disassembly!]

"Do you have Bagger 288?"

The Bagger 288 in Zhou Yan's mouth is produced by Hans Krupp Company and is known as the largest movable machine on the earth's land surface. This thing is used for mining.

【You can have this!】

A brand new Bagger 288 mining truck appeared in front of Zhou Yan. Although Zhou Yan knew that this was a model rendered by a supercomputer, he was still surprised when he saw the behemoth that was hundreds of meters high and weighed more than 10,000 tons.

However, Zhou Yan is not too interested in this thing. Although Bagger 288 is huge, its application range is also very narrow. It can only mine open-pit coal mines; and China's open-pit coal mines have long been taken advantage of by crazy foreigners.

It’s gone.

Zhou Yan actually wanted to use a giant excavator to mine out the iron ore in Kangaroo Country, but unfortunately, this was only in the virtual space and had no practical significance other than for fun.

Zhou Yan thought for a moment and changed the question: "Can you provide scrap steel?"

[Dear, are you really not considering it anymore? The largest mining machine on the surface only requires 1,500 points, dear?]

Zhou Yan was confused: "No need!"

[Dear, the machine comes with a full set of operators! 】

“No need,” Zhou Yan couldn’t laugh or cry, “Can you provide us with scrap steel recycling samples from China?”

[Dear, which area do you need? Different areas have different proportions of recycled scrap steel! 】

“Can you provide samples from the rock country?”


At the moment of recovery, the system generated a pile of scrap steel on the ground in front of Zhou Yan. There were iron filings cut during mechanical processing, steel bars recycled from demolished buildings, and colored steel tiles pressed into balls...

【Can you provide the component analysis data of the sample?】

The system was too lazy to pay attention to Zhou Yan and directly threw out a test sheet...

This chapter has been completed!
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