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Chapter 0419 Graduation Internship (1)

After the Lantern Festival, Zhou Yan had to bid farewell to his hometown of Wenwen and return to Yunzhong. The sun was shining brightly in the capital, but the wind was still freezing in the clouds.

As soon as he returned to school, Zhou Yan was treated to a hot pot meal by his friends on the grounds that he had passed the preliminary examination for the postgraduate entrance examination.

In addition to the graduation internship, the main content for the second semester of my senior year is the graduation thesis.

After school started, there were various opinions about the location of the graduation internship, and the most widely circulated and most credible guess was to go to a wind farm on the grassland.

Zhou Yan, who already knew the answer, naturally sneered at such a statement: Since the school has changed the major of students to automobile engines, the graduation internship will naturally be related to automobile engines.

However, as the school has not announced the results, guesses are just guesses after all, and Zhou Yan himself is not sure whether the butterfly wings are working or whether the internship location is still the same as in his previous life...

At the beginning of every semester, there will inevitably be large-scale make-up exams.

Fortunately, Zhou Yan's friends don't need to take make-up exams, but there are no classes, so they can only stay in the dormitory all day.

It wasn't until the second week of school that the students living in the dormitory received a notice from their monitor to visit the college's laboratories.

At the University of Technology, each college has its own home, and the School of Energy is no exception. However, unlike other colleges, the "home" of the School of Energy is a round-shaped building.

The lower floors of the building are the most basic fluid, thermodynamics, and heat transfer laboratories. Everyone has been there when doing experiments.

Of course, when the school announces a visit to the laboratory, it will definitely not arrange the laboratory where experiments were done before, but let the students have a look at the school's heritage...

After entering the laboratory, Zhou Yan realized that the tour was prepared for those who had passed the postgraduate entrance examination in Area B: As soon as he entered the laboratory, the teachers who led the graduate students kept introducing their research projects...

"I study mass transfer, a branch of heat transfer..."

There are about ten people in Zhou Yan's class who took the postgraduate entrance examination, and only two passed the line, and one of them only passed the B area line. The situation of several other classes in the department is not too optimistic...

Most of the students didn't realize what the visit meant, they just looked around and watched the fun.

After all, the University of Technology is a dual institution, neither a 211 nor a 985. It has no subjects that it can excel in. The laboratories of the major colleges in the school and the projects being researched are naturally not close to the cutting-edge.

Even the project led by the dean of the college is only the application of reverse osmosis membranes, and most of the project funds are spent on purchasing reverse osmosis membranes...

After two days of silence, the vice president of the college rented a dozen buses from outside the school and took all the students in the college to the college's fluid laboratory in the suburbs.

Here, Zhou Yan finally saw what could be considered a tall thing: the wind tunnel.

In his previous life, Zhou Yan, a military fan, could only see the long pipe system connected to the fans, which could be called a wind tunnel.

But after Zhou Yan had a certain amount of knowledge about aerodynamics, he looked back at the nameplate of the fan in the wind tunnel, and suddenly felt a sigh of relief: the wind speed in the wind tunnel was only fifty or sixty meters per hour.

Seconds, not to mention supersonic speed, even subsonic speed is still far away...

On Thursday, the day after visiting the college's property, the squad leader suddenly brought arrangements for the college.

"The location of the graduation internship is Hongzhou in Xia Dong. Please bring a change of clothes and meet in Hongzhou next Monday!"

There was no unified arrangement, just a location, which made everyone a little confused.

After the monitor left, all the friends in the dormitory turned their attention to Zhou Yan.

"Why are you looking at me like this? I am a pure man!"

"So are we!" Yan Wentao glared at Zhou Yan, "Your hometown belongs to Xia Dong, right? As a landlord, don't you express your gratitude?"

"The distance between Hongzhou and our hometown, Dongyang, is still more than 300 kilometers!"


"Okay, we are a bunch of heartless people," Zhou Yan shrugged helplessly, "I'll be generous and book a hard bed for each of you..."

"Are you crazy? It costs more than 400 for a hard sleeper. Even if you use a student ID card, it still costs 300?!" Zuo Jiyun was quite conscientious.

"Aren't you happy to let you save money?"

"Forget the train tickets. We can sit in hard seats and we can all play cards together." Lin Junfeng smiled and patted Zhou Yan on the shoulder. "Old Zhou, when we get to Hongzhou, you will be the landlord..."

"I know, I will take you to try the authentic Xia Dong seafood dinner!"

On the morning after receiving the internship notice, a group of people ran to the train station and booked tickets to Hongzhou with their student ID cards.

After booking the tickets, a group of people started preparing food: snacks, drinks, and instant noodles, which are essential for long-distance train meals.

Zhou Yan wanted to remember the bitterness and sweetness, but he had a lot of samples of new self-heating food for individual soldiers that he had just received from the General Logistics Department at home, so he had no choice but to give up instant noodles.

On the morning of departure, Zhou Yan got up early, packed his clothes and daily necessities, stuffed self-heating food for individual soldiers into his large-capacity backpack, and rushed to the dormitory with his laptop.

"Shall we set off?"

It was a rare opportunity to go out for an internship together. Although everyone in the group didn't sleep well and their eyes were bloodshot, they were still extremely excited.

Coincidentally, while waiting for the bus in the car buying hall, everyone spotted the deputy dean and department head who was leading the team.

"Teacher Xi?"

"You also bought tickets for this train?" The department head was a little surprised, "Why are you going so early? Don't you still have several days of gathering time?"

"Let's go play for two days!" As he said that, Zuo Jiyun looked back at Zhou Yan, who was standing in the crowd.

Although Zhou Yan is usually very low-key, after all, he has received a three-year scholarship and still holds a patent. He has long been recognized by the leaders of the college.

"Classmate Zhou Yan, your hometown is Xia Dong, right?"

"Dongyang is still some distance away from Hongzhou, but I'm not unfamiliar with Hongzhou..." In his previous life, before making agricultural machinery, Zhou Yan did equipment installation in Hongzhou for more than ten years, so he is certainly no stranger to Hongzhou.

"Oh," "Old Xi" Xi Dong smiled knowingly, "Hongzhou has a lot of interesting places. Oh, by the way, classmate Zhou Yan, you said you passed the postgraduate entrance examination, where did you apply?"

"First flight, overall design and numerical simulation of aero-engine..."

As soon as Zhou Yan reported it, nearby tourists all cast surprised glances. Even Xi Dong was a little surprised: "The professional course for the first flight test should not be about fluid mechanics, right?"

"Aerodynamics," Zhou Yan grinned, "compressible is different from the incompressible fluids we study in school, and it is easy to learn but difficult to master..."

"Then the retest..." Xi Dong took a breath, "It should involve issues with aircraft engines..."

"Fortunately, I often read military magazines, so I know a bit about aviation development..."

"When will the retest be held?"

"There are still ten days..."

After chatting for a while, the announcement was broadcast and the ticket checking began.

Many people go out for internship for the first time, and everyone is a little excited and somewhat looking forward to it.

Of course, for students from other provinces, the journey is just a repetition of the process of starting school and vacation...

This chapter has been completed!
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