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Chapter 0480: Orders

After returning home, Zhou Yan told Father Zhou the news that Lao Qin's family would be at home to "look after the house" after the new year.

"Finally I have waited for this day!"

Seeing the resentment on Zhou Yan's face, Father Zhou added with a smile: "Your mother and I have given out so many gifts over the years, and finally I have a chance to get them back!"

"By the way, Lao Zhou, go and have a look in the greenhouse. Are there enough vegetables? If you're missing anything, go buy it in two days. It's the first month of the year and it's hard to buy vegetables..."

Dad reluctantly put on his cotton shoes, climbed down from the kang, and went out.

Dad had just walked not far when my mother's cell phone suddenly rang.

"Third brother, do you still have food at your house? Junjun will bring his partner over the day after tomorrow. I'm afraid it's too late..."

"Mom, wait a minute..."

Mrs. Zhou Yan put the phone aside, walked to the door, opened the door, and shouted toward the backyard: "Dad, are there many vegetables?"

"The temperature has been okay these two days, and the vegetables are growing well!"

Originally, Zhou Yan only needed two days to go to his grandma's house to attend the party, but just over an hour after arriving, his aunt called again and asked Zhou Yan's family to go to his grandma's house to clean up the house the next day.

"There's so much going on!"

Although I was a little speechless, the family of three rushed to my grandma's house the next day.

Except for the second aunt's family of four and cousin Feng Jun's partner, everyone from the other three families arrived.

Except for Zhou Yan and his uncle Zhao Yongxin, we often see each other, so these two people have also become the focus of attention.

Especially Zhou Yan's uncle, who went out to sea with uncle Qin Ruoshu's family's fishing boat in the autumn, and stayed away for half a year.

"His uncle, are the food and accommodation on the ship okay?"

"It's not bad," Zhao Yongxin turned around and smiled at Zhou Yan, "The fishing boat is a big boat, more than two thousand tons, four people per room, and has a dedicated chef. The fishing boat fishes for Spanish mackerel, and the operation is fully mechanized. Usually, you only need to pick.

That’s it…”

Grandpa Zhou Yan nodded with satisfaction, turned around and smiled at Zhou Yan: "Nephew, take your uncle with you later and go over there for a visit..."

Father Zhou, who was drinking tea on the side, was immediately happy: "After the New Year, Lao Qin and his family will have to look after the house, and Xiao Qin, her uncle, should also come over. Then just ask his uncle to come over..."

"Looking after the house?"

Grandma and grandfather Zhou Yan both had smiles on their faces, especially Grandma Zhou Yan who kept touching Zhou Yan's head: "Stone, among your brothers, you are the first to start a family..."

A group of people chatted for a while and then started to clean up the house.

In fact, when my uncle went to the city and went to Zhou Yan's house, the second uncle's family began to "rise", and the family encouraged grandma and grandpa to renovate the house. But every time they mentioned it, the two old people said, "The house doesn't leak, and you can live in it."

"Okay" was blocked.

If you don't take care of things at ordinary times, when it comes time to sell your "hue", the house will naturally not be strong.

The exterior walls and roof of the house cannot be cleaned up in a short period of time, so a group of people can only start cleaning up from inside the house.

The four-year-old walls of the old house are all made of rammed earth. Although the interior walls have been plastered with cement, after decades of smoke and smoke, the cement walls have long been patinated.

The only effective way is to put up wallpaper.

Before putting up the wallpaper, grandma and grandpa’s belongings need to be moved outside.

A large cement vat that can hold five to six hundred kilograms of grain, an old-fashioned solid wood cabinet with a flip-top lid, and of course the treasure chest in Zhou Yan's memory - a solid wood cabinet over one meter high. When he was a child, his grandma could always find it in the kitchen.

All kinds of delicious food.

A group of people worked together and put stickers on all the walls in just one morning. As for the floor, Comrade Zhou Zhenghai, a former mason, put on the tiles with the cooperation of his uncle.

By the time it gets dark in the afternoon, the main room of my grandma's house has been completely renovated, which makes my uncle a little jealous: "For Junjun and his partner, his grandma and grandpa spent a lot of money..."

Even so, Zhou Yan still felt a little uneasy when he looked at his grandma and grandpa...

On the day of the party, Zhou Yan got up early, followed his father and mother to the greenhouse to pick the freshest vegetables, loaded them into the car, and set off early.

When the family arrived, Aunt Zhou Yan and her family had already arrived and were enjoying breakfast happily.

"Third sister, third brother-in-law, are you here so early?"

"And Chef Zhou..." The aunt smiled and approached Zhou Yan, "Nephew, I am counting on you for today's lunch meal. Your uncle cannot count on you. He has to sit in front of the table...


Say Cao Cao, Cao Cao is here.


Looking at Li Xinxin who was making milky sounds, the sadness on Zhou Yan's grandma and grandpa's face immediately disappeared.

"Third aunt, third uncle, sister-in-law, little uncle," little cousin Li Jinling's mouth was as sweet as ever, "Zixuan, and brother..."

When Zhou Yan saw Li Jinling's coquettish tone, he got goosebumps all over his body: "If you have something to say, tell me something!"

"Well..." Li Jinling's face was full of flattery, "There is another winter vacation homework this year. It is still a short film, introducing an activity..."

"We'll talk about this later!" Zhou Yan glanced at the large and small bags on the kitchen floor, "I'm in charge of cooking today, so I'll leave the preparations to you..."

There was a little donkey, attracted by the temptation of carrots, who pulled up a stone mill.

Naturally, the little donkey's aunts would not leave the little donkey busy alone. They all laughed and joined in the preparation work, chatting, choosing and washing vegetables.

At around six o'clock in the morning, the real host appeared.

As soon as Xu Wenjing got out of the car, Zhou Yan's aunt, aunt, and grandma frowned. The girl was pretty, but she was a bit too thin, and was commonly known as "skinny."

However, Xu Wenjing has lived in a big city for four or five years. When they meet, she calls people "grandma", "aunt" and "third aunt", which makes a group of people who have opinions about her feel embarrassed...

After chatting in the yard for a while, Xu Wenjing was let into the main room by the elders, and Feng Xiaobei followed her into the kitchen to serve as free labor.

"Brother Yan, I heard from my brother that he will accompany his sister-in-law to the capital for an interview after the new year and will stay at your house for a while. Is it convenient?"

"Brother Yan and I have several houses in the capital!"

"That's good!" Feng Xiaobei breathed a sigh of relief, "Feng Jun is really torturous. He has to wash the dishes several times and wash his hands several times..."

"Xiaobei, why don't you come to our house to celebrate the New Year?" Zhou Yan's father and mother both like to have fun, and they started to attract people under the nose of Zhou Yan's second aunt.

"Mom..." Feng Xiaobei was a little moved and looked at her mother longingly.

"Whatever I do, go if you want. Aren't you thinking about staying at your third aunt's house for a while?" Zhou Yan's third aunt said expressionlessly, "However, there are guests at home, so it's not a good idea for you to visit relatives.


The smile on Feng Xiaobei's face suddenly froze. After thinking about it, she looked at Mrs. Zhou Yan for help.

"Second sister, if Xiaobei wants to visit relatives, just let her go."

"Why don't you thank your second aunt?"

"Then I really went?" Feng Xiaobei said with a smile on her face, "In the afternoon, the car for the four of you will be spacious!"


With Feng Xiaobei's example, Li Jinling and Zhao Zixuan naturally wanted to visit some relatives before the year and wander around.

As for Li Jinling and Zhao Zixuan, there were not so many things at home. With the help of Mrs. Zhou Yan, they quickly got the permission...

This chapter has been completed!
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