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Chapter 0496 Industrial Layout

In fact, the establishment of Zhengxin Automobile Group has been officially put on the agenda.

It is easy to find the helmsman of an automobile group. The state-owned automobile industry has a huge redundant system and there will always be frustrated senior management talents. This gives Xu Chongsheng ample room for choice.

After some consideration, Xu Chongsheng and Zhou Yan chose Shang Peng, the former vice president of Shanghai Automobile Group, as the CEO of Zhengxin Automobile Group from among the candidates. The chief technology officer of the automobile group, CTO, is also the chief engineer.

As a candidate, the two chose Jiang Shaochun, the former chief engineer of FAW Fengtian.

After choosing the helm of the automobile group, all Xu Chongsheng needed to do was to review the talents recruited by the two people to avoid abnormal grouping of senior executives.

As the marketing and exterior design director of Zhengxin Auto Group, second only to the CEO and CTO, Zhou Yan chose his old acquaintance Alphonse Sr. from Hans.

The reason why Zhou Yan chose this person is very simple. The car shape design plan submitted by this old guy during the competition was quite forward-looking, and the style was similar to the classic designs of major automobile manufacturers five or six years later.

However, in order to pursue the forward-looking design of old Alphonse, Zhou Yan paid a heavy price...

"Mr. Zhou, since we plan to build a gasoline-electric hybrid car, we must consider the car's drag coefficient, right?"

To study wind resistance, does one need a wind tunnel?

Zhou Yan didn't know Xu Chongsheng's little plan, so he rolled his eyes helplessly: "Mr. Xu, are you planning to launch the supersonic wind tunnel together?"

"Mr. Zhou, if you want to get involved, I have no objection..."

"Forget it," Zhou Yan smiled angrily, "Anyway, I just made a lot of money recently. I'm not short of money. Let's start the low-speed, subsonic and supersonic wind tunnels together!"

"As for the design and construction, EPC project," Zhou Yan stared at Xu Chongsheng with a smile, "If you are familiar with the aviation system, let them give you a friendly price..."

"Where is the location?"

The location of the wind tunnel is a big problem. For general low-speed wind tunnels, there is no problem in location selection. There is a place where equipment can be arranged.

However, both subsonic and supersonic wind tunnels consume large amounts of electricity, so our wind tunnels are generally built in the southwest where hydropower networks are densely populated.

The location of wind tunnels is generally relatively close to aviation industry clusters, which raises another issue: the layout of Qingyan Group's aviation industry.

Hearing Xu Chongsheng's question, Zhou Yan frowned, thought about it carefully, and replied: "In principle, choose a location around Yunzhong. The land is vast and sparsely populated, and the land cost is relatively low..."

"Mr. Zhou, this will require the construction of large-scale thermal power supporting units..."

"Here..." Zhou Yan took out a technical document from the Institute of Thermophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, from his bag and handed it over.

"Technical solution for photothermal molten salt thermal storage boiler?"

Xu Chongsheng glanced at the cover of the document, and with some confusion, he raised his head and looked at Zhou Yan: "Mr. Zhou, why don't you use photovoltaic power generation technology? In recent years, the domestic photovoltaic industry has been a bit excessive..."

“Isn’t there a surplus of domestic thermal power boiler industry?”

Zhou Yan smiled: "Judging from the current environmental protection drive, in recent years, the production capacity of the photovoltaic industry may be a bit excessive due to Western anti-dumping investigations. However, photovoltaic and wind power are the future of the power generation industry after all, and currently solar thermal

Boilers are undoubtedly the bridge between the present and the future..."

In his previous life, Zhou Yan had been working in the boiler industry for several years, and he had a relatively clear understanding of some of the current conditions in the industry.

Although the domestically produced thermal power boiler units have basically caught up with the world's advanced level in terms of parameters, similar to many domestic industries, there are only a few five or six domestic boiler factories that can produce supercritical and ultra-supercritical products, and the rest are large

Most companies are struggling between subcritical and ultra-high pressure parameters.

After entering the 21st century, with the transformation of the national energy strategy, the thermal power industry has just emerged and needs to face the impact of the clean photovoltaic industry.

Before the thermal power industry is completely replaced by the photovoltaic industry, the solar thermal molten salt power station is undoubtedly the best connecting bridge...

"You really are..."

While Zhou Yan and Xu Chongsheng were laughing and discussing this technical document, a group of people in the capital hundreds of kilometers away were also discussing this technical plan, but the people discussing this technical plan were all wearing military uniforms.

"Comrade Liu Jingguo, are there any problems with this technical plan for a new energy solar thermal power station?"

Facing the doubts of the military experts, Liu Jingguo smiled slightly: "Please turn to page 12, the control system of the solar reflector..."

"The adjustment accuracy of solar mirrors is zero-tenth of a second. Is there any problem with this?"

As soon as the expert said the words, he suddenly realized that something was wrong. He quickly picked up the pen and checked it on the manuscript paper beside him.

After finishing the calculation, the expert checked it carefully, then put down the pen and sighed slightly...

"Teacher Liang, do you have any questions?"

"The problem is huge," Teacher Liang sighed with a wry smile, "The accuracy of 0.1 second, converted to the geosynchronous orbit, the accuracy is less than 20 meters."

Many young officers in the conference room were still a little confused.

What can you do with an accuracy of twenty meters?

Anti-missile? Not even close!

Some other technical officers in the conference room, after hearing the accuracy of twenty meters, turned back the technical documents to the previous pages. After seeing the thermal calculation parameters of the boiler, their brows gradually wrinkled.

The accuracy of twenty meters is not high, but the energy can reach up to thousands of megawatts. When concentrated on an area of ​​​​400 square meters, the power is no less than that of a laser weapon.

While a group of officers were still surprised by the energy density of the reflecting mirror, Teacher Liang asked another question: "The turning speed of the mirror is one minute per meter..."

The group of people sitting here took a breath of cold air: the satellites in the earth's orbit are all within the cooking range of this large "solar cooker".

"Xiao Liu, how did you find out?"

Liu Jingguo touched his nose: "Actually, this technical solution was given to me by someone else. At first, I didn't realize that it was a dual-use thing for both military and civilian use. After I took it home,"

"Oh, I remembered, your brother-in-law is from the Institute of Thermophysics, right?"

Liu Jingguo nodded: "My brother-in-law told me that users were stuck when setting the parameters of the mirror system. In order to control the accuracy of the system, the mirror size had to be compromised and enlarged many times..."

The lieutenant general sitting at the head of the table nodded slightly and tapped the conference table with his fingers: "Now let's discuss how to deal with this technical solution? Lao Liang, please tell me your opinion first...


"I think..." Teacher Liang smiled warmly, "This is just a photothermal power station plan with relatively high adjustment accuracy. As for the adjustment accuracy of the mirror, it is only a little higher..."

Teacher Liang’s meaning is already obvious: before the technology matures, everything is still unknown.

"Furthermore, this technology has a relatively big flaw. The mirror cannot reflect the sun's rays at night, so it has little practical significance and can only be used as a deterrent..."

That night, Liu Jingguo called Zhou Yan. As soon as he got through, the man teased Zhou Yan on the phone: "Brother, the technology of your solar mirror reflection system is a bit immature..."


With a smile, Zhou Yan would naturally not tell Liu Jingguo that this was an experiment on the ground, and that this thing would go to space in the future...

This chapter has been completed!
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