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Chapter 0051 Library

 There are no decent clubs in Jinshan Campus of Yunzhong Industry, such as the legendary drama club, Go club, computer club and other clubs that are essential for model universities, Jinshan campus has none.

The largest club on Jinshan Campus is the Work-Study Club, which is usually responsible for surrounding work during various school activities, such as setting up venues, cleaning, etc.

Although they are doing hard and tiring dirty work, many students still flock to it: not only can they get money, but they can also enjoy extra credits for social practice activities.

Yan Wentao and Yu Hongliang from Zhou Yan's dormitory both participated, but later quit: the money given was pitiful, and the credits for social practice activities were basically of no use.

As a Gou Daozhong, Zhou Yan generally does not join any clubs. He feels that his time is not enough, so why would he waste time with others?

After the afternoon class ended, Zhou Yan ran to the library with his newly obtained library card.

The library of Jinshan Campus is located in the teaching building. It is not very large because it is divided into three floors upstairs. The area of ​​each floor is about three to four hundred square meters.

Except for some common books and periodicals near the door, most of the shelves in the library are large books that no one cares about.

The bookshelf that Zhou Yan was looking for to store economics classics was placed in the most remote corner.

The size of the Jinshan campus's book collection is naturally not as large as that of the school's main campus, which occupies a library building. However, many of the books Zhou Yan wants are still available.

"The Wealth of Nations" by Adam Smith, the father of classical economics, "Principles of Political Economy and Taxation" by David Ricardo, the founder of classical economic theory, and "Employment, Interest and Taxation" by John Keynes, the father of macroeconomics.

"General Theory of Money", "On Money", and other works of economists.

There were so many good books that Zhou Yan could only read them one by one, so the first thing he got was naturally the foundational work of classical economics, the original English version of "The Wealth of Nations". After getting it, Zhou Yan found a seat and sat down.

When I got down, I took out a thick leather-bound notebook from my schoolbag and started reading.

Scholars naturally have a purpose in writing books and biographies, and Adam Smith naturally wrote a book to clarify his views.

However, although "The Wealth of Nations" is claimed to be the pioneering work of classical economics, after all, it is a theory developed more than 200 years ago and cannot be perfect.

All scholars have a problem, they like to backstab their peers. Therefore, some of the shortcomings in "The Wealth of Nations" were finally perfectly solved in one book.

"Das Kapital" - the basics of Zhou Yan and Bian Shuanglin.

The reason why Zhou Yan spent so much time studying "The Wealth of Nations" was not only to know himself and the enemy, but also to use it to show his superiority.

After all, whether you are writing an English composition or chatting with others, just saying "Adam Smith once said in his "The Wealth of Nations"..." is enough to scare a lot of people.

Moreover, even though "The Wealth of Nations" was written more than two hundred years ago, it is a classic of classical economics after all. In modern society, it still has many fans, and a considerable number of them are politicians...

The entire book "The Wealth of Nations" has a total of five volumes. Even though Zhou Yan had a fake "Foundation Building Pill" to improve his intellectual level, he only read the first two chapters in two hours: the improvement of productivity and the accumulation of capital.

and application.

Later, the teacher in the library was about to get off work, so Zhou Yan had to register, check out the books, and continue studying in the evening.

After dinner, Zhou Yan found a classroom and continued studying "The Wealth of Nations".

In the past, Zhou Yan had seen many jokes on the Internet, such as "You can't imagine the happiness of rich people", "You can't imagine the happiness of academic masters".

In his previous life, Zhou Yan was just an ordinary person, with an IQ of 120, which was more than enough for his inferiors, but not even for his superiors. He had no idea what it was like to be a top scholar. After finishing the fake "Foundation Building Pill", Zhou Yan did not touch it.

Even though you have learned unfamiliar knowledge, you don’t have this awareness?

However, after Zhou Yan spent a night studying by himself and thoroughly finished "The Wealth of Nations", he realized the horror of being a top student: unfamiliar knowledge, understand it once and remember it twice.

Although he is just a top student who "takes drugs to get pregnant", Zhou Yan is already very satisfied.

The next day, Zhou Yan returned "The Wealth of Nations" and borrowed a batch of pure English economic works.

The works of other classical economics scholars are supplements and improvements to "The Wealth of Nations" and are relatively easy to understand. Zhou Yan had relatively few classes on Thursday and Friday, so he only spent two days.

I have finished reading other works on classical economics.

Zhou Yan's writing speed changed with the arrival of John Keynes's "The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money."

Before John Keynes, the dominant economic theory was the neoclassical school headed by Alfred Marshall. This group of people was based on classical economics and advocated that the economy was based on "free market, free management, free competition, and automatic regulation."

, Based on the five principles of "automatic balancing", it can automatically "automatically balance".

John Keynes was once a supporter of the neoclassical school, but the capitalist world has one of the biggest problems, cyclical economic crises.

After tasting the taste of bankruptcy in the economic crisis, John Keynes's inner world underwent earth-shaking changes. He began to study the shortcomings or flaws of the neoclassical economics theory, and gradually realized the positive effect of state intervention on the economy.

The macroeconomic theory of John Keynes played a huge role in World War II and continued to play an important role for a long time. Therefore, the macroeconomics created by Keynes is closely related to the psychoanalysis created by Freud.

Together with the theory of relativity discovered by Einstein, it is known as the three major revolutions in human knowledge in the twentieth century.

John Keynes himself is also known as the "father of macroeconomics" and the "savior of capitalism"...

While Zhou Yan was studying macroeconomics day and night, the golden autumn of October was over...

"Zhou Yan, your mail also has a parcel list!"

Contained in the email was an ID card and a Swiss bank card with a password on it.

As for the package, it was the dessert ingredients sent by Wang Han. When picking up the package, Zhou Yan was worried, fearing that all the drinks in the package would be broken due to the bumps.

But when Zhou Yan saw the package, he was slightly relieved: the outer packaging of the package was much more complete than the previous two times, and the outer packaging was also thoughtfully affixed with a warning label to handle with care.

After signing for it, Zhou Yan tore off the label, unpacked it, put everything into his schoolbag, and carried it to the busiest street and the only commercial street in Jinshan Development Zone.

After wandering around the commercial street for a while, I found the only cake shop on the street. After entering, the neatly dressed clerk was very polite: "Would you like to buy a cake?"

Zhou Yan smiled slightly and shook his head: "I would like to ask, can I use your kitchen? I can pay."

"I have to ask the boss about this!"

The clerk looked embarrassed, hesitated for a moment, turned around and went into the kitchen. After a while, he led a woman in her forties out.

"This little brother, can you tell me what you use our kitchen for?"

"Make some desserts for my girlfriend!"

"Yes, but yes, but we need to watch from the sidelines..."

Zhou Yan agreed happily: "Yes!"

This chapter has been completed!
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