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Chapter 0542 Script (Part 1)

That night, the exact same content appeared on Zhou Yan and Qin Ruoshu's necks: the two of them were sitting in front of a red cloth, holding a photo of their marriage certificate.

The accompanying text is, Fortunately, if you win the heart of one person, your head will never be separated.

Qin Ruoshu's crooked neck was nothing, but Zhou Yan's crooked neck was completely different. Many divers showed up one after another and built buildings underneath.

At this time, Waibo has not yet closed the comment area, and Zhou Yan can only watch helplessly as a group of powerful people on Waibo build buildings under his Waibo, and they build higher and higher.

"Husband, are you dumbfounded?"

Qin Ruoshu, who was slightly offended by Zhou Yan's popularity, had a gloating smile on his face.

"Ji Shi's trumpet will no longer be able to be hidden..."

"not necessarily……"

Zhou Yan smiled and pinched Qin Ruoshu's nose, reached for the notebook on the coffee table, brought up DOS, typed a long string of characters into it, and finally pressed Enter.


There are many ways to avoid being searched in hot searches. The simplest and most direct one is to avoid the keyword sniffing module of search tools. The small program Zhou Yan just wrote is to help his crooked content avoid search tools.


After listening to Zhou Yan's explanation, Qin Ruoshu felt that Zhou Yan's crooked neck seemed to be isolated from the entire network by a wall.

In this regard, in addition to feeling a little bit incredible and a little bit proud, Qin Ruoshu also felt an inexplicable sense of joy in her heart...

Zhou Yan's small degree is very effective in isolating his crooked neck and strangers, but it has no effect on the public accounts and Dawei who are already in his friend list.

Less than an hour after it took effect, Zhou Yan's cell phone rang without warning. The number started with 852.

"Hello, how are you?" Zhou Yan tried to ask.

"Brother Zhou, it's me, Yuanba."

Zhou Yan was happy when he heard the familiar voice on the other side: "Master Eight? Why do you always remember to call me? If you have anything, just ask the assistant to send a message..."

"Brother Zhou, it's better to do this yourself..."

Judging from the voice, Mr. Ba across the way should be smiling.

"Congratulations, congratulations on your and Xiao Qin's correction. Don't forget to leave a message for me when you get married!"


"By the way, there is one more thing..."

Zhou Yan's heart skipped a beat, and he suddenly had an unknown premonition.

"Brother, do you have any instructions?"

"Brother, I remember you still owe me a script?"

Zhou Yan's mouth seemed to have been stuffed with coptis, and the sweet smile on his face immediately turned into a bitter smile: "You have such a good memory..."

"Brother, don't tell me that the script hasn't been written yet!"

"How can it be impossible..." Zhou Yan smiled bitterly, "I have been writing the script again and again. It is basically completed, and only the final modifications are needed..."

"That's good. I'm a little tight lately..."

"That's easy to say," Zhou Yan quickly added, "I'll contact the producer right away. By the way, a while ago Lin Chongwen from Miracle Pictures said he wanted to get involved. What do you think?"

"No problem. As for capital, Han Xin will order troops. The more the better..."

After exchanging pleasantries for a while, Mr. Ba hung up the phone.

On Zhou Yan's side, as soon as he hung up the phone and raised his head, he found Qin Ruoshu staring at him with a smile.

"What's wrong? Is there a problem?"

"Husband, don't you feel a little ashamed that you deceived an old man like this?"

"Cheating?" Zhou Yan was a little helpless, "How can there be..."

"Then take out the script and let me read it..."

"This can be possible..." Zhou Yan proudly called up a text file from the computer. After opening it, he turned the notebook at an angle and presented it to Qin Ruoshu.

"Is it true?" Qin Ruoshu was doubtful, "You couldn't just find some random articles to fool people, right?"

"Look carefully..."

The name of the script is "Guoshu".

The first scene of the script takes place on a transport plane at high altitude. A group of airborne troops are sorting out their equipment and preparing for airborne landing.

After sorting out his equipment, Wu Feng glanced through the porthole at the island hidden behind the clouds, and then at his friend sitting next to him: "Old Ding, are you okay?"

"You're fine, what should I be afraid of?"

Seeing the slightly nervous smile on Old Ding's face, Wu Feng fell into brief memories...

In Wu Feng’s memory, the first acquaintance between him and Lao Ding was not very harmonious: Wu Feng was only five or six years old at that time. He went to the countryside to visit his grandfather during the summer vacation, but he was killed by a group of little bastards headed by Xiao Lao Ding.


Wu Feng, who had been wronged, returned to his grandfather's house and saw the dazzling array of red-tasseled guns on the gun racks in the backyard, and suddenly had the idea of ​​practicing martial arts.

"Grandpa, I want to practice martial arts with you!"

"Oh, tell me grandpa why you want to practice martial arts..."

After Wu Feng came back to his senses, he glanced back at Lao Ding, who was still a little nervous, and smiled knowingly.

"I was born into a martial arts family. My grandfather's grandfather once participated in the Boxer Rebellion..."

Like most martial arts families, the Wu family has experienced the darkest era of martial arts. "No matter how good your kung fu is, you are still afraid of the kitchen knife."

The misfortune of the famous Baguazhang master Cheng Tinghua dispelled the idea of ​​practicing martial arts for many people. During the turbulent times, Wu Feng's great-grandfather died trying to protect his family. After that, the Wu family moved to the northwest...

A peaceful life can certainly sap a person's fighting spirit, but people who practice martial arts always find it difficult to suppress their inner injustice.

On a quiet morning, Wu Feng's grandfather left home with his baggage on his back and went out to travel around the world, making friends with martial arts and making friends all over the world.

When the young man left home and his elder brother returned home, his local pronunciation remained unchanged and his hair on his temples faded.

After more than 20 years of wandering around, Wu Feng's grandfather seemed to be "disheartened" and returned to his hometown to recruit disciples behind closed doors to benefit the country.

Of course, among these disciples, the most accomplished are Wu Feng's grandfather Wu Yi and Wu Yi's senior brother Li Guochang...

"To arrive at the destination and prepare to parachute..."

The siren brought Wu Feng back to reality.

The subsequent airborne landing process was less difficult than the exercises Wu Feng had participated in.

Airborne, massed, captured key points, and then pushed all the way.

A week later, Wu Feng and his friends were completely idle. At this time, Wu Feng had time to consider doing what his grandfather had told him before and visit Li Guochang.

"Liuhe Fist Wu Feng, come and pay a visit!"

Li Guochang, who is over a hundred years old, is still in good spirits. When he sees Wu Feng, he seems to see the shadow of his junior brother back then.

"Who are you……"

"My grandfather is Wuyi!"

Although more than eighty years have passed, Li Guochang feels that the events of that year are still vivid in his mind...

The brothers learned boxing and lived together. Although life at that time was very difficult, it was the happiest day in Li Guochang's life.

However, Li Guochang had the same thoughts as most people who studied martial arts, he wanted to "learn martial arts and become a member of the emperor's family." With his superb martial arts, Li Guochang quickly stood out among the bald soldiers.

However, if you hang around among the Bald Party, you will inevitably encounter me. On the eve of liberation, Wuyi, who had been guarding the northwest, was sent to Li Guochang's troops to do united front work.

When brothers meet, there will naturally be a fight between dragons and tigers. After a battle, Li Guochang was defeated.

"Junior brother, I know that Master is partial..."

Li Guochang followed Chang Kaishen back to the island with some resentment and reluctance.

This chapter has been completed!
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