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Chapter 0546: Use the other persons way to repay the other person (Part 2)

Entering the private room, a group of licking dogs in the class were immersed in playing with their mobile phones.

Well, now you don’t have to worry about spending money.

Then, Zhou Yan was not polite and ordered a few special dishes.

"Brother-in-law, I called you here this time because I have something to ask for your help..."

After ordering the dishes, Li Xiaonan didn't beat around the bush and started by "pointing out the topic."

Zhou Yan subconsciously glanced at Li Yunyun, the youngest in Qin Ruoshu's dormitory.

Although Xiao Li is the youngest in the dormitory, he can be called a top student, and he is also one of the few students in the class who is not promoted to undergraduate.

However, because Xiao Li's psychological quality is not very strong, he always falls behind in critical moments of the exam.

"Boss Li, if you have any questions, just tell me directly, you are not an outsider..."

"Among those sitting here..." Li Xiaonan looked around, and finally focused on Li Yunyun's face with his head lowered, "Either he is taking the postgraduate entrance examination or the public service examination, and the only one who has found a job is Yunyun,

I was not very lucky. When I participated in the interview with Shuimu, I was rejected..."

"Oh," Zhou Yan nodded thoughtfully, thought for a while, and then asked, "Xiao Li, are you going to find a place to work first and learn some common sense, or are you going to just look for a job?"

"Brother Zhou, I don't want to take the postgraduate entrance examination..."

Zhou Yan nodded: "I remember that your family is from Shahe, which means you plan to find a job in the capital. As for your employment direction, do you plan to continue working in construction, or related building materials or decoration..."

Before Li Yunyun could speak, several roommates on the side rushed to offer their opinions and suggestions.

"Lao Liu, I remember that you did a good job in interior design. How about decorating it?"

"Yes, there are so many houses now, and the decoration market has broad prospects..."

"Moreover, if you are engaged in construction in this major and do not have a good academic qualification, you will have to work at the construction site..."

Although the words spoken by a group of roommates sounded quite convincing, Zhou Yan found that the little girl opposite seemed unmoved. She just frowned slightly and didn't know what she was thinking.

After a while, when the roommates who offered advice and suggestions shut up, Li Yunyun raised her head and glanced at Zhou Yan: "Brother Zhou, the real estate market in the next few years will really be as vibrant as the newspapers said.


"Not to mention unlimited opportunities," Zhou Yan smiled, "There must be a golden period of at least ten years..."

"Oh," Li Yunyun's eyes flashed with light, and she looked back at Qin Ruoshu, "Does that mean that the interior decoration market may be more stable than the real estate market?"

"Well," Zhou Yan smiled and nodded, "I know the CEOs of several large decoration companies. I will ask Lao Qin Company to send you the information later. You can choose which company to go to!"

"Thank you, brother-in-law!"

"Don't be too hasty to thank us. We have to talk about some ugly things up front..." Zhou Yan suppressed the smile on his face, "The competition in the interior decoration industry is much more intense than the competition in the real estate market. Competition in the real estate market relies on relationships.

, relying on the size of the parent company.

In the interior decoration industry, if you want to win the market, you can only compete on price and design. In fact, it is ultimately a competition of design strength..."

"I see!"

"As for the more specific inside stories of some industries, you need to explore them yourself..."

Seeing that the work problems of the young and old in the dormitory had been solved, Li Xiaonan secretly breathed a sigh of relief, glanced at Qin Ruoshu next to Zhou Yan, struggled for a while, and asked: "Old Qin, what about the thesis?

Forget it?"

As soon as the words came out, Li Xiaonan felt something was wrong, and quickly added: "It's not that I'm making trouble, it's because the school is a bit too bullying.

In the past, when she and Tian Yu were in the junior college department, she relied on her father's relationship with the school leaders to do whatever was wrong. Now, in order to suppress her classmates, she is even more unscrupulous..."

Qin Ruoshu looked at Li Xiaonan, who was filled with indignation, and then at Zhou Yan, who was sitting firmly on the Diaoyutai, and replied with a smile: "If God wants to destroy it, it must first make it crazy!"

"Old Qin, you are..."

A group of little sisters in the dormitory were obviously a little dissatisfied with Qin Ruoshu's "self-deceiving" attitude, but they were too embarrassed to say more...

At the same time, Tian's father, Tian, ​​who was thousands of miles away, had just completed his "masterpiece". After keeping the manuscript, he sent the paper to a classmate who was the editor-in-chief of the magazine "Architectural Engineering Technology and Design"


After the editor-in-chief received the paper, he printed it out directly and handed it to the typesetting editor: "It's ready for typesetting. Find a pre-exam layout!"

"Mr. Shen, the first draft is sent directly to typesetting. Doesn't this not comply with the regulations?"

There are naturally factions within large magazines, and the editors responsible for typesetting obviously don't want to take certain risks.

Editor Shen, obviously very confident in his classmates, snorted coldly, picked up a document that had been reviewed, signed his name, and handed it to the editor: "That's it!"

"Mr. Shen, I'll do it right away!"

With the document approved by Mr. Shen, the editor no longer bothered to review the manuscript, and directly typeset the paper and published it in the latest issue of the magazine.

That afternoon, the sample was reviewed.

The next day, the magazine was officially published and circulated nationwide...

After the magazine was launched, the early warning mechanism set up by Zhou Yan was immediately activated. A few seconds later, emails were sent to Tian's opponents through anonymous mailboxes...

Thanks to the efforts of a group of "frustrated people", "Tian's paper is suspected of plagiarism" soon became the headline of the news.

After the incident unfolded, the first person to be unlucky was Vice President Tian's friend Chief Editor Shen, who was suspended for review because he sent out a document that passed the review.

Vice President Tian's school, in order to calm down the time, quickly set up an investigation team. However, after repeated investigations, they could only determine that Tian's paper was written late and was found on a spider web, and "there is a possibility of plagiarism."

Unwilling to give up, Tian carefully sorted out the research data and wrote the second paper.

learn from mistakes.

Before submitting the article, Tian went to the paper website’s search bar to search for related keywords. After finding that there were no similar articles, he submitted the article again.

But this time, Editor-in-Chief Shen did not dare to be careless. He checked for plagiarism and screened it. After confirming that it was correct, he published the paper...

Then, a good-hearted French student from the School of Foreign Languages ​​"accidentally" discovered while surfing the Internet that the paper just published by the famous Internet celebrity "Principal Tian" had a 100% overlap with a certain French paper on the spider web. eighty……

As a result, "Versatile Principal Tian" once again became the focus of the news.

One time, it can be said to be a coincidence, but the second time, it can be directly judged as "academic misconduct."

The evaluation of the professor's professional title is terminated, plus suspension review.

And the newly famous "Principal Tian" soon became popular with Tian Yu, who had just received his diploma and degree certificate.

Although Tian Yu's plagiarism of the paper has been suppressed by the school, it does not mean that no one knows about it...

Soon, Tian Yu began to enjoy the feeling of being poked in the back.

"Her father is the accomplished Principal Tian."

"I asked where her skill in plagiarizing papers came from. It turns out that it comes from her family studies!"

"Plagiarizing aristocratic families!"

In an era when the Internet was still very forgetful, as long as the "big internet celebrities" kept a low profile for a few years, time would soon subside.

It's just that some people are too obsessed with rights...

The "versatile Principal Tian" who is still under review once again became popular. This time, Principal Tian became popular because he "taught himself Hebrew during the review period"...

This chapter has been completed!
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