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Chapter 0590 Young Master Lins Field Life (Part 2)

The big fish weighing more than ten kilograms took a lot of effort from Zhou Yan.

But when he pulled it out of the water and saw it clearly, Zhou Yan was immediately happy: "Another dish is ready!"

Knowing Zhou Yan doesn't mean that Lin Shengfei also knows him: "What kind of fish is this?"

"We call it silver carp here, but in the south it's usually called bighead carp, or big-headed fish, and the head of minced pepper fish is the head of this thing!"

After catching the silver carp, Zhou Yan changed the bait and adjusted the depth of the float.

In the next hour or so, Zhou Yanlu caught a few more carp and cockroaches one after another. Together with Qin Ruoshu's catch, it was basically a bucket full.

As for Young Master Lin and Miss Zhang, I don’t know if it was a blind cat encountering a dead mouse, but they were happy to catch several "real silver carp" - white silver carp.

Seeing that the two of them were very excited, Zhou Yan was embarrassed to tell them that generally no one eats silver carp, and its biggest use is to make fish balls by hand.

However, Zhou Yan's well-intentioned "silence" did not last long.

After everyone returned home with their catch and crayfish, as soon as they entered the door, they were ridiculed by Father Qin: "Zhou Yan, silver carp is inedible, why do you keep this thing?"

When Father Zhou saw Master Lin's face clearly, he immediately realized the problem and winked at Zhou Yan: You can find a way to save it and don't make it too embarrassing...

Zhou Yan glanced at the little fat sheep hanging in the corner that had its sheepskin removed, and rolled his eyes: "Didn't you call for boiling mutton a while ago? The silver carp is left, which is perfect for making fish balls with your hands!"

Then, Father Zhou’s plan for the mutton soup in the evening had to be shelved and changed to a mixed fish, mutton and shrimp dinner: spicy crayfish, steamed Wuchang, fish head with chopped pepper, grilled fish, and grilled lamb chops.

After dinner, I mainly paid for the "white lies".

After removing the scales, cut the belly of the silver carp, remove the internal organs, cut off the head and tail, cut it in half, remove the fish bones, cut it into small pieces, and marinate it slightly with onion and ginger cooking wine to remove the fishy smell.

After that, add a little starch, swing the double iron rods, and beat the fish meat into mince.

On the side, Mr. Zhou’s wife saw her son playing happily. After thinking about it, she ran to the next room, took out a large piece of beef tendon from the refrigerator and placed it in front of Zhou Yan.

"Oh, and don't worry about anything..." Zhou's mother thought for a while and found two large beef leg bones from the refrigerator. "You can stomp the bones later and press them out in the pressure cooker."

, it will be the soup base tomorrow..."

Zhou Yan couldn't help but feel sad, and howled: "Little cabbage, the ground is yellow..."

"Bang!" Zhou Yan only sang half of a sentence and received a fly swatter from my mother on the forehead...

The next day, early in the morning, Zhou Zhenghai was called away by villagers who needed farmland.

After the corn was sown, Mrs. Zhou Yan still had no time to spare. First she took a group of problem children to clean up the weeds in her plastic greenhouse and picked a batch of green leafy vegetables as ingredients for the evening.

Then, Zhou Yan was asked to take a few wicker baskets and go up the mountain to collect corn and beans.

Dongyang is located in the lower reaches of North China, so corn planting can be based on the Northeast spring planting and summer harvesting, or summer planting and autumn harvesting.

However, as a food crop second only to wheat, corn can enjoy the same fertile soil as wheat in Dongyang. In this way, after the wheat is harvested, corn can be sown in succession.

Of course, in many places in Dongyang, because of the deep memory of the famine, they will also use second-class land to plant pure corn in advance to prepare for unexpected events.

In the era of well-off society, these leftover "backhands" have gradually become the food of greedy people.

Zhou Yan’s family also grows spring corn, and it is also sticky corn. When the corn kernels have just filled the paddle, it is most suitable for cooking and eating. It is fragrant, glutinous and soft.

Beans are squat beans, which are different from standing beans that need to be put up on a shelf. After spring, you only need to dig a hole on the slope of the field, throw the seeds in, step on them, and cover them with soil. By the time summer and autumn come, they will grow all over the mountains and fields.

It's beans.

In rural areas of Dongyang, every household does this, so much so that in summer and autumn, the kidney beans and cowpeas in the Dongyang Farmers' Market cannot be sold at high prices.

Originally, we had a greenhouse at home, so there was no need to grow beans, but my parents were used to living a hard life, and it was hard to find any land or free time.

But when it was time to "plant melons and beans", many holes were dug, and in autumn, the beans on the edges of the fields had to be packed in sacks.

It's like this every year, and it's become a habit: I pick the tender ones in the early stage, but by the end of autumn, I just give up.

It’s just that Young Master Lin and Miss Zhang have never seen such a formation before. You can see Doujiao everywhere you look...

"Brother, what's going on?" Young Master Lin looked confused, "Isn't it too easy to grow these vegetables?!"

"This thing is planted in a place like this, and the harvest will be guaranteed even if there are droughts or floods!"

Father Zhou contracted a large area of ​​mountainous land here and planted a large number of various fruit trees, including apples, peaches, pears, walnuts, persimmons, chestnuts and dates.

But right now, most fruits are not in season yet.

However, the colorful wild fruits in the mountain grass are very attractive: the attractive red snakeberry, the golden yellow raspberry with thorns.

"Is this a raspberry?" Mr. Lin knew high-end raspberries and took them for granted.

"This is the kind of raspberry that Zhou Shuren has in their yard. It's similar to raspberries!" Zhou Yan is not a forestry or agronomy major and doesn't know the specific classification of the species.

"However, it should still be edible..."

"What about this one?" Miss Zhang asked, pointing to a fruit that looked similar to a raspberry on a small tree nearby.

"This is Zheshizi, the fruit of the Zhejiang tree. It's edible, but it doesn't taste very good..."

"That 'this'?"

"Wood on the left, stone on the right."

Hearing Zhou Yan's statement, Zhou's mother turned around and glanced at the eucalyptus tree: "That thing is said to be used to dye dragon robes. I heard the old man said that the Japanese had cut down all the eucalyptus trees here. Unexpectedly,

There are a few more trees here…”

"Why are the Japanese cutting this thing?" Lin Shengfei looked confused, turned around and asked Zhou Yan for help.

"Zhe trees are generally used to make horses and bows. During the Tang Dynasty, horses were made of this stuff."

"Ma Shan?" Young Master Lin frowned, "I've heard of it somewhere!"

"It's the cavalry spear used in the past." Zhou Yan glanced at the eucalyptus tree, which was less than three meters high. "It's just that the production process is more troublesome. First, you need to have a mature eucalyptus tree, split it into thin strips, soak it in tung oil, and then use raw silk

Bundle them into bundles, paint them with raw paint, and then cover them with the next layer..."

"I remembered that the weapon used by Shan Xiongxin, the red-haired spiritual officer in the Tang Dynasty, was called the Zaoyang Golden Nail."

"Not only Shan Xiongxin, but also the generals in charge of the Sui and Tang Dynasties all used Ma Shu as weapons." Zhou Yan smiled, "The Japs have more history books about the Tang Dynasty, so naturally they should know that Zhe trees are good

Things... Of course, we can't rule out that they collected these things to dye Puyi's dragon robes..."

Although they were just chatting and picking, everyone was still very fast. In less than an hour, a woven bag was already filled.

Although Young Master Lin and Miss Zhang also worked, they spent a lot of time taking photos and chasing grasshoppers and butterflies.

It was past ten o'clock, and even though we were in the mountains, we could still feel the scorching heat of the sun.

Zhou’s mother waved her hand: “Let’s withdraw!”

Lunch was a little lighter to make way for the hot pot in the evening: a few meat and vegetable side dishes with rice, plus tomato and egg drop soup.

In the evening, the family turned down the air conditioner at home, then closed the doors and windows to cook hot pot...

This chapter has been completed!
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