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Chapter 0730 Academic Countermeasures? (Part 2)

"Comrade Liu Peng, there are a few things we need to verify..."

As he spoke, several members of the academic committee took out some documents from the files on the table and handed them over.

"Academic Research Guarantee", "Thesis Review and Revision Opinion Letter", and "Thesis Final Review Submission Guarantee".

Liu Peng has naturally seen it and signed it himself.

"These are all signed by me!"

"Then please look at this again!"

After seeing the details of the document clearly, Liu Peng was stunned.

This is an academic paper appraisal report. Liu Peng only read a few lines of the content in it and felt a huge wave of emotion in his heart: He analyzed the origin of his paper to the bone, which parts were written by himself and which ones were written by his teacher.

The ghostwriters all analyze things with reason and evidence.

"Mr. Wei, this..."

"Liu Peng, I warned you during the preliminary review of the paper..." The member of the academic committee on the side said, "Even if you write a summary of your work and insights seriously, the probability of passing will be lower."

Very high.”

"I told you at that time that it would be best to make changes and erase all traces..." Another committee member sighed slightly, "I want you to take a closer look at the disciplinary clauses at the back of the preliminary review opinion of the paper. I guess you don't either.

Take a closer look? Do you think the company has so many legal staff who are all vegetarians? There is not a single word in the disciplinary clause that is redundant..."

After writing this, Liu Peng was really panicked: "Mr. Wei?"

"It's too late!" Wei Qin sighed, "During the workers' meeting, I reminded you to think twice before you act when encountering a system warning. The program comes from the head office, and it is just a routine matter here...


As he said that, Wei Qin looked back at the HR manager.

"I suggest you resign on your own initiative," the HR director said rudely, "Seriously violating the company's rules and regulations, coupled with academic misconduct, even if you file a labor arbitration, you have no chance of winning."


"Oh, by the way..." Seeing Liu Peng getting up to leave, Wei Qin added, "I would like to remind you that when looking for a job in the future, it is best to avoid the major you studied."

"Why?" Liu Peng was a little hysterical.

"This time your thesis review involves the selection of academic committee reviewers and the company's equity incentives. Therefore, the academic committee's counterattack is quite fierce. Even your teachers, even seniors, and even your alma mater will be affected...


"No way!"

Hearing this, Liu Peng was a little disdainful: his teacher is a leader in domestic ion batteries, and many of his senior brothers and sisters are also leaders in the industry. No matter how good Xinghan is, he cannot be as good as the entire industry...

Liu Peng didn't take it seriously. After returning home, he began to prepare his resignation application and go through the resignation procedures. He didn't take Wei Qin's so-called "academic countermeasures" seriously.

However, Liu Peng did not expect that things would become so big later...

That afternoon, after the special meeting of Xinghan Group, relevant content appeared on the group's crooked neck: purify the academic atmosphere and ensure that ordinary employees can fairly enjoy the rights and interests given by the company.

The next day, the Academic Affairs Office of Liu Peng's alma mater received a notice from the HR of Xinghan Group that the employment agreement for fresh graduates that had been signed was suspended due to triggering special clauses.

Everything is developing in a direction that some people did not expect...

Liu Peng, who had just woken up from a dream, realized that something serious had happened, contacted his instructor, and explained the cause and effect of the incident.

The tutor didn't take it seriously: "Isn't it just a paper? How big a deal is it?"

Then, the instructor followed the "regular procedures" and began to recruit people and find connections.

He also expressed his own "opinions" on Xinghan's article: "Isn't it just an article? As for inspiring people?"

Xinghan Group responded quickly: "We have also published several papers and applied for several small patents. I hope you can still remain calm after reading this."

Those who watched the excitement did not think it was a big deal, and quickly searched out the so-called "several papers" and "small patents" of Xinghan Group.

"I guess, Xinghan is so ruthless that he directly built a patent wall to block this great scholar's academic research direction..."

Seeing that the matter was getting serious, Xinghan directly held a press conference, explained the cause and effect of the incident, and posted it on the official website and Waibo.

Some sensible people who had explained the cause and effect of the matter realized that Liu Peng's "death" was not unjust: his mentor had already put his hands into the academic circle of Xinghan Group. If they don't show it, how can they be worthy of the thesis that your mentor carefully prepared?


Of course, through Liu Peng's incident, Xinghan Group also expressed its attitude: Your classmates are classmates, and teachers and students are teachers and students. Don't use the relationship between teachers, students, and classmates to build a network of relationships and form a "hilltop" with evil intentions.


The academic atmosphere in China is already a bit chaotic. When Xinghan came up with something like this, it was just a ripple in the sea, which was soon covered by a bigger wave...

Of course, there is one thing that everyone knows: Xinghan Group has strong technical reserves in ion batteries, which is strong enough to subvert the entire industry.

There are naturally no shortage of advocates in the industry who cry "Wolf is coming", but if there are too many "Wolf" shouting, "Wolf" becomes less important.

Although the matter calmed down quickly, Deng Zhuo, as the leader, discovered something else from the entire counterattack process.

When he was free, Deng Zhuo looked through the company's P9 program log, which can only be read by the branch general manager...

After reading it, Deng Zhuo realized why the academic committee's countermeasures were so intense: The academic committee's countermeasures monitored the communications between Liu Peng and his mentor, and discovered that the two masters and apprentices were trying to occupy the magpie's nest and attempt to seize Baize Electronics.

The intention of turning the battery research and development department into a back garden...

"The human heart is not enough for a snake to swallow an elephant!"

Deng Zhuo sighed, picked up the phone on the table, and sent it to Zhou Yan: "Hey, Mr. Zhou, you should be aware of what has happened in our company in the past few days, right?"

"The academic review process is counter-active, right?" Zhou Yan said in a very relaxed tone, "I have administrator rights here, and I have feedback on the progress of the incident..."

"That's not what I meant, I just wanted to ask..."

"The crisis public relations efficiency of the group company is not bad!" Zhou Yan thought for a while, "In the future, with the explosion of information, it is best for the publicity department to establish a crisis public relations department to deal with these unexpected events that have an impact on the company."

"I think so too," Deng Zhuo nodded reluctantly, "For me, just signing signatures every day is hard enough, so how can I have the energy to deal with all these messy things? The candidate for the head of the crisis public relations department...


"At the very least, you need to be flexible in your mind. It is best to be able to talk about the dead as alive..."

Deng Zhuoer was delighted: "According to your conditions, Tao'er is the most suitable..."

"It's a pity that people are not willing to do it. Those who work in crisis public relations must at least be smooth-talking, have strong psychological quality, and be flexible."

"Yes..." Deng Zhuo nodded thoughtfully, "One more thing, there are no special circumstances. I passed this year's academic review results and promotions..."

"You are the boss, you have the final say..." Zhou Yan said nonchalantly, "Also, we have already made an agreement with Chu Wenshan about the New Year's goods for our employees this year, and have reserved the New Year's goods for our own employees in various warehouses."

"Don't worry about that. By the way, Mr. Zhou, I heard our Lao Yang say that you two have been very active recently. You took out your high school uniforms and painted them into a mess?"

This chapter has been completed!
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