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Chapter 0818 Marine Mobile Landing Platform

After the executive meeting, Li Mo kept all the backbone of the technical department in accordance with Zhou Yan's request.

"There are things I just said that are hard to explain clearly," Zhou Yan said, connecting his notebook to the projector, "The so-called semi-submersible ship just now should actually be this thing..."


"Marine mobile landing platform??"

For students majoring in shipbuilding, the MLP, the mobile landing platform ship, is a concept just developed by Meili China. It has been the most popular ship type in the past two years, and many of the people sitting here are from Bingcheng University of Engineering.

Students are even more interested in this.

"I will put more detailed information on the company's server later. Let's sort through it now..."

Zhou Yan clicked on the relevant information he “searched” from the Internet: “The design of ships needs to be based on certain needs.

The design requirement of the MLP on the beautiful side is to deploy troops and a large amount of supplies to the surrounding waters in advance before the situation in the hotspot area heats up.

The emergence of MLP is also an effective supplement to the Air Force's strategic projection power. After all, the Air Force's airports are still quite far away from the strategic frontier.

Moreover, compared with the strategic transport aircraft’s delivery level of hundreds of tons in a single flight, the MLP’s delivery of tens of thousands of tons of materials is undoubtedly more effective and more deterrent..."

However, what Zhou Yan needs now is not a platform for strategic projection, but a temporary logistics base for the security team.

"Let me tell you the technical parameters of our experimental semi-submersible ship, also known as MLP. The displacement is about 60,000 tons, which is similar to the big beautiful ship. However, it requires an increase in the number of living area cabins and a certain amount of large equipment installation space in the bow and stern of the ship.

, the specifications, quantity of living cabins and the size of large spaces will be put into the design brief at that time.”

A certain number of cabins are prepared for the life of security team members, and the so-called "large equipment" is actually the communication and command system.

Not as wealthy as the beautiful country, naturally it cannot build a fleet, let alone a full-time command ship. It can only integrate the command integration system into the mobile landing platform that serves as a base.

Li Mo, who had a certain understanding of Xinghan and Qingyan, glanced at the laptop screen, thought for a while and asked: "Mr. Zhou, we don't know much about command integration and communication systems here. We need professionals in this area, and

The electromagnetic compatibility of major systems also requires experimental platforms..."

"I'll help you with the manpower, but you have to get the experimental platform yourself..."

"No problem!" Li Mo looked back at the other employees, "Do you have any other questions?"

"Mr. Zhou, let me ask a less relevant question. Is this mobile landing platform useful for cross-sea landing operations?"

"The thing has not been built yet, and no one can guarantee it until it is tested in detail, but..." Zhou Yan changed the topic, "This mobile landing platform has no fire protection, and its draft is about ten meters. Its shortcomings are already obvious.


Of course, employees are not so easy to give up: "Isn't there any merit?"

"The configuration is relatively simple, and it is standard for civilian ships. The construction speed is naturally faster than amphibious assault ships and dock landing ships, and the cost is low. If used on a large scale, it will be a large relay base. The more critical point is that mobile landing

The effective load capacity of the platform is more than double that of an amphibious assault ship or dock landing ship..."

In Zhou Yan's view, the biggest role of the mobile landing platform is to follow the fleet's actions and provide rapid and accurate troop and material support for operations after the landing site is opened.

The low deck of the mobile landing platform enables it to quickly transport personnel and materials to the landing site through small landing craft and hovercraft to support subsequent operations.

Another and most critical point is that the country is currently introducing the European Bison hovercraft from Ermao. Although this thing has a range of six to seven hundred nautical miles, when fully loaded, it can only travel up to two hundred nautical miles.

Moreover, neither the dock landing ships currently equipped in China nor the amphibious assault ships that will be launched in the future have the ability to carry the "European Bison".

And if the European bison can be used in conjunction with the mobile landing platform, the combat effectiveness will increase exponentially...

"Mr. Zhou, this thing goes with the European Bison-class hovercraft that was just introduced..."

In the end, it's up to people with flexible minds.

"Speaking of European bison..." Li Mo thought for a while, "I have a classmate who is building ships in Jinzhou. He said that they received a big order, worth more than 13 billion..."

"It's indeed a big list..."

Zhou Yan sighed slightly. In his last life, Jinzhou Shipbuilding Industry was choked to death by this 13 billion order.

To be precise, he was played to death. As for what happened behind the scenes...

Apparently he is John Frederiksen, a wealthy Cypriot man, but no one knows whose white glove this guy is.

Moreover, when the Liaoning was being restructured, someone dug a hole for Jinzhou Shipbuilding Industry. If it hadn’t been for the operation of a certain IA in the past few years, no one would believe it...

After thinking about it, Zhou Yan took out his mobile phone and sent a search command.

In less than five minutes, a long list of information was sent to Zhou Yan's mobile phone, and then Zhou Yan transferred the information to his computer.

Seeing that Zhou Yan didn't speak for a long time, Li Mo felt a little surprised and tried to ask: "Mr. Zhou?"

"Oh," Zhou Yan finally came to his senses and asked, "This big order from Jinzhou Shipbuilding has not been signed yet, right?"

"Preliminary negotiations are in progress..."

"That's good..." Zhou Yan took out his hand again, "You guys wait a moment, I'll make a call..."

If you have a problem, you naturally have to go to your “superior” first.

Zhou Yan first sent a copy of the information, and then called Liu Jingguo: "Old leader, have you received the information?"

"Hey, I'm a rare visitor, Mr. Zhou, I have received the information, but I haven't read it carefully yet..."

"Then I'll wait for you for a while..."

Less than five minutes after arriving, Liu Jingguo called back: "Zhou Yan, is the news reliable?"

"You can verify it yourself..."

"Then this will be troublesome. Jinzhou Shipbuilding Industry's level is not low..."

"Comrade Liu Jingguo, don't you know how to bend your mind?" Zhou Yan was a little speechless, "The other party is obviously coming for our aircraft carrier, so report it directly to the Government Affairs Council..."


Zhou Yan doesn't have to worry about the rest: he has already achieved this level, and if Jinzhou Shipbuilding Industry can still fall into the trap, he can only complain that the IQs of the first three rows of seats are not even as good as those of pigs...

We returned to the conference room, discussed for a short while, and then it was time to get off work.

At noon, Li Mo organized a reception banquet.

In the afternoon, the group went to the shipbuilding workshop to see the oil and water supply ship that my uncle had longed for.

The oil and water supply ship has a full load displacement of 25,000 tons, can carry 8,000 tons of fuel and 2,000 tons of fresh water, and is equipped with an ice tank with an ice making capacity of 200 cubic meters per hour. In addition, there is a small

seafood processing line.

Of course, with such a ton configuration, the cost of building a ship is not cheap, comparable to that of a 60,000-ton bulk carrier. Moreover, the cost of the refrigeration unit and seafood processing line alone is comparable to that of a 10,000-ton oil and water supply ship.

The uncle was naturally very satisfied. The captain who was following behind him had a face full of shock.

"Mr. Zhou, why do I feel that the cabin layout of this ship is a bit similar to a supply ship?"

This chapter has been completed!
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