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Chapter 336 The sensible little girl

Fangyuan packed up her things, closed the back of the jeep, and drove away.

This time, Fangyuan didn't stop any longer and drove directly out of the county seat. Fangyuan didn't stop the car until he was approaching the commune.

At this time, those visiting relatives had already gone home, so there was no one on the road at all. But even so, Fangyuan still drove the car to a relatively secluded place before putting it away.

Of course, he also took out his bicycle, got on it and rushed to Zhao Jiayu.

Although the bicycle is not as fast as the jeep, it is still much faster than walking. More than half an hour later, Fangyuan returned to Zhaojiayu, and it was not yet four o'clock.

"Brother, why are you back so late?" Seeing Fangyuan pushing the bicycle in, the second sister hurriedly came over and asked.

"Something delayed me."

"That's it! Then have you called mom?"

Fangyuan shook his head and said, "No, the post office is not open."

"The door is not open!" The second sister frowned.

"Well! I guess we have to wait until the sixth day of the Lunar New Year."

For ordinary people, or for farmers, the New Year is not celebrated until the fifteenth day of the Lunar New Year, but for workers, the New Year is not celebrated until the fifth day of the Lunar New Year.

Because whether it is a factory or an office, basically everyone goes to work on the sixth day of the lunar month, and some places even go to work earlier.

"Okay!" The second sister nodded and asked, "By the way, have you had lunch? I'll make something for you."

"No need, sister, I already had lunch."


The second sister didn't ask why Fangyuan came back so late, because she knew that if Fangyuan was willing to talk, there was no need for her to ask. If Fangyuan didn't want to talk, it would be in vain for her to ask.

"Dong dong dong!" There was a knock on the door.

Fangyuan glanced at the door strangely, wondering who would knock on the door at this time.

The second sister quickly ran over and opened the door. It turned out that it was the little girl knocking on the door.

"Auntie, I'll bring you a basin." The little girl was carrying an enamel basin.

"Come in quickly." The second sister quickly said to the little girl.

"No need, aunt."

Fangyuan walked over, pulled the little girl and said, "Come in! Uncle, there is delicious food here."

How could the little girl be as strong as Fangyuan? She was immediately pulled into the house by Fangyuan.

The second sister closed the door. Although it felt a bit strange to close the door in broad daylight, there was nothing she could do.

The wind here is too strong, and when the wind blows, it blows loess everywhere.

It really echoes a song of later generations. My family lives on a high loess slope, and strong winds blow from the slope. Whether it is the southeast wind or the northwest wind, it is my song, my song.

"Sister, didn't you get all the basins back?" Fangyuan asked after arriving at the house.

"I just brought this over at noon. I thought you would come back for dinner at noon, so I made it for you. Who knew you didn't come back."

"That's it!"

After speaking, Fangyuan said to the little girl: "Give the basin to uncle!"

"Yeah!" The little girl quickly handed the basin to Fang Yuan.

"Sister, get the girl some food."


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The second sister went into the room and came out with a plate. This was not a plate for eating, but a larger ceramic plate for putting things on.

There were peanuts, melon seeds and candies on it. The second sister put the ceramic plate on the table and said to the little girl: "Eat it! Eat whatever you want."

The little girl didn't eat, but glanced at Fangyuan first.

This girl is so sensible that it's heartbreaking to know that she is only three years old! And it's because the Chinese New Year has just passed.

"Girl, what are you looking at me for? You can eat whatever you want! You can eat anything from uncle's house."

Hearing what Fangyuan said, the little girl smiled, then grabbed a few melon seeds and started eating them.

Fangyuan also sat down and also pinched a few melon seeds to eat. While eating them, he asked: "Aren't you visiting any relatives today?"

Today is the second day of the Lunar New Year, and it’s the day to go back to your parents’ home. Usually parents take their children with them.

"I went and came back after dinner," the little girl said.

"Oh! Did your grandma and grandpa give you new year's money?"

"Yeah!" The little girl nodded.

In any case, the conditions of the old party secretary's family are better than those of ordinary people, at least in the eyes of others.

Moreover, having an in-law who is a party secretary is more respectable, especially in this era.

The second sister glanced at her watch at this time and said: "It's getting late, I'm going to cook."


The watch that the second sister is wearing was bought by Fangyuan before she came here, just to make it easier to tell the time.

The second sister is like a baby. It can be said that except for bathing, she wears it all the time, even when sleeping.

"Girl, you will have dinner at your uncle's house tonight and ask your aunt to prepare delicious food for you." Fang Yuan said to the little girl.

"No, uncle, I'll go home and eat." The little girl shook her head quickly.

"It's okay. I will tell your grandfather that it was your uncle who asked you to stay, not you who wanted to stay." Fang Yuan rubbed the little girl's head and said.

"But my grandpa said you can't eat at other people's houses."

Fangyuan rubbed the little girl's head again and said, "Your grandpa is talking about someone else's house, but your uncle's house is not someone else's house."

After a few words, Fangyuan confused the little girl. Although the little girl is sensible, she is only a three-year-old child after all.

After hearing the conversation between Fangyuan and the little girl, the second sister smiled and said nothing.

The second sister cooks very quickly. In less than an hour, a delicious meal is ready, and at this time, it is just less than half past five.

It’s still four dishes and one soup, the dishes are two meat and two vegetarian, and the soup is egg soup.

The staple food was steamed buns. When the second sister brought the food, Fangyuan went over and poured some hot water into the basin, then added some cold water and said to the little girl: "Come here, uncle will wash your hands."

You know, washing hands here is a very luxurious thing. There is no way, there is a lack of water, but this does not exist at Fangyuan's house.

Fangyuan brushes his teeth and washes his face every day. He doesn't know how much water he uses, and he also boils water for a bath every few days.

This time the little girl was very obedient and quickly stood up and ran to Fang Yuan and squatted down.

Originally, Fangyuan wanted to put the washbasin on the washstand, but the little girl was too short and couldn't reach it at all, so Fangyuan could only put the washbasin on the floor.

"Come, wash your face first."

The little girl's face is very red due to altitude sickness. This is not only because of the strong wind here, but also because she doesn't wash her face often.

Of course, it's because there are no skin care products. Just like the second sister, when Fangyuan first came here, the second sister's face was almost the same as that of a little girl.

Although it is not as serious as the little girl, it looks quite powerful.

But after washing my face every morning, noon and night for the past few days, and using the skin care products that Fangyuan brought me, I feel much better now.

This place is relatively dry and windy, so it is best to wash your face thoroughly. Fangyuan washed the little girl for almost a minute before finishing.

The water that was originally quite clean turned a bit dark after the little girl washed her face.

Fangyuan shook her head and said, "Go and ask Auntie to put some incense on you."

"Come on, girl." The second sister extended her hand to the little girl.

The little girl hurriedly pulled her over, and then the two of them went into the house.

Fangyuan poured the water, poured some more water into the basin, and washed his hands and face.

Soon the second sister came out with the little girl. The little girl kept touching her face, and then smelled her hands.

"I'm a girl, what are you smelling?"

"Auntie's fragrance is really delicious." The little girl said innocently.

"It smells good! If you still want to apply it next time, come and see your aunt." Fang Yuan said.


Although this thing is precious, it is nothing to Yuan Yuan.

In the eyes of others, this thing is a good thing, or even something that is hard to see, but it is actually just cream.

They are sold in county department stores, but you need a ticket to buy this thing, and the price is not cheap.

"Okay, come and eat!" Fang Yuan waved to the little girl.

After a few days of contact, the little girl has become familiar with Yuan Yuan.

And children are the most sensitive. She can feel who treats her well and who treats her badly, and even whether they are sincere or not.

Fangyuan is absolutely sincere to the little girl. Although he is a bit particular, or treats the old party secretary specially, he is absolutely sincere to the little girl.

Let's put it this way, even if there is no old party secretary, Fangyuan will still be like this.

Of course, there is a prerequisite here, which is to get in touch with her. Fangyuan got in touch with the little girl because she specifically targeted the old party secretary.

From this point of view, it is still because of the old party secretary, but Fangyuan definitely treats him sincerely.

It may sound contradictory, but it's actually not complicated at all.

After the little girl sat down, Fangyuan took a small bowl and placed it in front of her.

In any case, she is only a child, and she is not very good at using chopsticks. Although she can eat well, she is still a little bit behind in picking up food.

"Come on, little girl, uncle will put a chicken drumstick for you." Fang Yuan put a chicken thigh into the bowl in front of the little girl.

"Thank you, uncle."

"You're welcome!" Fang Yuan rubbed the little girl's head and said, "Eat it!"


Just when Fangyuan and the others were halfway through eating, the knock on the door rang again.

The second sister quickly stood up and went over to open the door. The old party secretary was standing outside.

"Shu Li, is Wenwen here?"

Wenwen is the name of the little girl. To be honest, just from this name, we can see that the old party secretary is definitely a cultural person.

You must know that at this time, few people would come up with such a special name.

For example, the names of the children in the village, such as dog eggs, stones, dog leftovers, big flowers, etc., make people feel full of local flavor when they hear them.

"Here, we are eating!" the second sister nodded quickly.

"Why did this kid get eaten here?"

"Old branch secretary, come in and have something to eat together, and I'll drink two cups with you."

"No, you can eat! I'm going back." After the old party secretary said that, he turned and left.

Just at this time, Fangyuan came out. Before the old branch secretary could step out, Fangyuan grabbed him and then dragged him directly into the house.

Although the old branch secretary was strong, he was much weaker than Fangyuan, so he was dragged into the house directly by Fangyuan.

"Fang Yuan, what are you doing?"

This chapter has been completed!
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