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Chapter 340: Finish work!)

"I'll pick it up." Shengli said and ran over.

Before Shengli could run to the door, the second sister had already come out carrying a bucket.

"Let me do it!"

"No, I'll do it myself," said the second sister.

"Brother Shengli, there is another bucket in the house, please bring it out too."

These two barrels were made by Fangyuan himself, and they are similar in shape to the flat oil barrels used by the military.


Soon two buckets of water were brought over, and Fangyuan took a steel pipe from the side. This was specially prepared for Lao Turtle Gai to kill the well.

After it was done, Fang Yuan tried it and it was quite easy to press it, so he said to Shengli: "Add more water."


Shengli lifted the bucket and started to add water to the old turtle cover pressure well.

There is a large bag under Lao Turtle Gai's kill well, which can store a lot of water. This is one of the reasons for the large water output.

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It is relatively easy when it is compressed with air, but not after adding water. It immediately becomes much heavier. Fortunately, the kill handle is relatively long.

Fangyuan took two steps back and felt relaxed instantly.

"Add more water."

"Pfft! Pfft!"

"The water is out, the water is out." someone shouted.

Water did come out, but what came out was muddy water, a very muddy kind.

This is normal. After all, it is a newly drilled well. As long as water comes out, there will be no problem.

Seeing the water coming out, many women hurried home and came with buckets and basins to collect the water.

Fangyuan said quickly: "Don't pick it up, the water is too muddy. Please wait until clear water comes out."

But these women didn't care at all and went to pick them up one after another.

The old branch secretary came over and said: "Forget it, leave them alone and let them take over!"

Water is too rare for Zhao Jiayu, and they are not willing to waste any of it, even if it is muddy water, because the water they carry back is not as good as this.

"All right!"

Fangyuan kept pressing for about half an hour, and everything in the village that could hold water was used and filled.

By this time, the water was no longer so muddy and became a bit clearer.

"Fang Yuan, let me do it!" Zhu Zhu came over eagerly.

"Okay, here you go." Fang Yuan handed the well-killing handle to Zhu Zhu.

There is no one at the educated youth spot now, because they have all gone to work, and the only one who has not gone is the second sister.

I don’t know what happened, but when the educated youth point was at work, the people from the work team didn’t come over to call the second sister.

Of course, not only the work team, but also most people in the village went to work, including some young women. Those who stayed behind were left by the old party secretary to dig wells.

Several people kept pressing, working in shifts, from the murky water at the beginning to the clear water.

The older women in the village are busier. They first collected the murky water, then counted the water and then poured out the murky water. Now they also pour out the water that looked clearer before and directly collect the clear water.

Some people even cried after taking a sip. This is understandable. After so many years, there is finally no need to carry water to eat.

Moreover, the water is drinkable directly, which was unimaginable in the past. In the past, even if the water was carried back, it would have to be stored for ten or twenty hours.

Because the water needs to be clarified before it can be used, every time the water is used up, there is a thick layer of soil at the bottom of the bucket.

It's better now. I'll never be short of water again, and I can even use it as much as I want.

"Old Party Secretary, I want to discuss something with you." Fangyuan said to the old Party Secretary at this time.

"Fang Yuan, if you have anything to say, feel free to say it. As long as I can do it, I will never say anything." The old party secretary said, patting his chest.

Fangyuan's contribution to Zhao Jiayu was too great. In a sense, it was much greater than his contribution as the branch secretary.

"It's like this. After this well is built, someone will have to manage it. You see..."

Although Fangyuan didn't finish what he said, the old party secretary already understood what he was going to say.

"Fang Yuan, of course there is no problem here. It mainly depends on the working group, but don't worry, I will negotiate with them on this matter."

"Hahaha! That's good!"

In fact, the worries of the old party secretary are unnecessary, because having this well is not only important to Zhao Jiayu, but also to the educated youth point.

It is even more important than for the villagers. For the villagers, only the older members of the family are required to carry water, while the younger ones can earn work points.

But the educated youth are different! They can only memorize it by themselves, including the working group.

They are just managing, but they still need to figure it out on their own.

That night, the old party secretary led the working group to the place where Fangyuan lived.

Of course, there is only one person, the leader of the working group, who is also newly sent by the commune.

He is in his thirties, and his first impression on Fangyuan was not bad. At least in the past two or three months, I haven't seen him do anything drastic.

Since he started working, he has brought the work team, educated youth and villagers to work every day.

"Hello!" Fangyuan stretched out his hand.

"Hello!" The team leader also quickly extended his hand to shake Fangyuan's hand.

At this time, the second sister poured a few cups of tea and put them on the table.

"Please take a seat."

After sitting down, Fangyuan looked at the team leader and said, "I think the old branch secretary has already told you, right?"

"Yes, I completely agree with this. Comrade Fang Shuli does not need to work, she just needs to manage the well well. I will give her ten points for her work."

"That's not necessary, as long as she is not allowed to work. As for food, I will take care of that. But one thing is, I hope my second sister can move around freely."

"Of course, this is no problem." The team leader nodded quickly and said.

"Team leader, the free activities I'm talking about are not in the village, but she can go to the commune or the county town."

"Ah! This..." The leader of the working group looked at Fang Yuan in embarrassment.

Educated youths cannot leave the village. This is stipulated by the higher authorities. To be honest, he really doesn't dare to take this initiative.

"Team leader, you don't have to be embarrassed. The reason why we don't let the educated youth leave the village is because we are afraid that the educated youth will run away! This does not exist here at all, my sister."

Why do educated youths run away? It’s not because they can’t bear the hardship.

But this does not exist at all with Fang Shuli. First, she does not need to work, so there is no hardship.

Second, she has no shortage of food. If she is allowed to go to the commune or the city, then food will not be a problem.

As for recording work points, it is completely unnecessary for her. Of course, it is good to record work points. At least she can get some food. Even if she doesn't eat it herself, she can give it to others.

When the second sister and the others first arrived here, there was no work to do because it was winter, but it is different now. Now they can work. From now on, they will have to earn work points in exchange for food.

This is true for the villagers, and the same is true for the educated youth. No one can do anything about it. They farm when the farming is busy, and build canals and pave the roads when the farming is slack.

Anyway, there is plenty of work to do, and it is not until winter comes that we have time to rest.

"I can't agree to this for the time being, but I can report this matter to you. I think it won't be a big problem."

"Well! I'm waiting for your news."

"Okay, I'll go back to the commune tomorrow." The leader of the working group nodded and said.

In the afternoon of the next day, the working group leader and the old party secretary came to the place where Fangyuan lived.

As soon as he saw Fangyuan, the leader of the working group smiled and said: "Fangyuan, your request has been agreed to above. Don't worry, as long as it doesn't violate the principles, we will do as you say."

"Hahaha! That's good! Don't worry, my sister will never run away."


In this way, Fangyuan has made arrangements for the second sister. She does not need to live in the educated youth dormitory or work.

He still earns high work points every day. As for the place to live, of course it is where Fangyuan lives now.

You must know that the conditions and environment here are much better than those in the educated youth spots.

The most important thing is that when you live here, you can cook alone and don't need to eat from a big pot like other educated youths.

At this time, Fangyuan's heart was relieved, even if he left now.

However, Fangyuan was not in a hurry to leave, not because he didn't want to, but because now was not the time.

Although the well was dug, it was not completely completed yet. He wanted to seal the entire well so that it would not break easily.

The next day, Fangyuan asked people to load the things into the truck and drove away.

In fact, he just went to put away his things, then walked around the city and rested for a few days.

When Fangyuan came back again, he came back in a jeep.

The jeep was loaded with some grain and cement. He originally wanted to get some sand, but he didn't need it because there was sand near Zhao Jiayu.

After returning, Fangyuan first moved the food in for the second sister, and then unloaded the cement.

"Fang Yuan, where did you get this thing?" the old party secretary looked at Fan Yuan and asked.

Others may not know what this thing is, but the old party secretary does! Not only because there are words written on the bag, but mainly because he knows what this thing is.

Even if others know the words above, they may not know what cement is used for. This is normal, because Zhao Jiayu does not need this thing.

"I bought it from Lanzhou, not much, just these few bags, just enough to seal the well."

"Oh! If I had known you could buy this thing, I would have asked you to buy a few more bags." The old party secretary shook his head and said.

"Uh!" Fangyuan was stunned for a moment, looked at the old party secretary and asked: "Old party secretary, what do you want this for?"

"I'm useful." The old party secretary didn't say what it was for.

Fangyuan didn't ask any more questions and said, "It seems that you can buy it in the county seat. Let's do this, old party secretary. If you need it, I will go to the county seat and buy you a few bags later."

"No, let's talk about it later."

Hearing what the old party secretary said, Fangyuan could only nod and said: "Okay! If you need it, just tell me."


Then Fangyuan told the old party secretary about the need for sand. The old party secretary didn't say anything and just asked someone to get sand.

However, the sand near Zhaojiayu is all fine sand, and it is extremely fine, so Fangyuan still needs to be screened.

If it were anyone else, he would definitely have used a sieve, but not Fangyuan. He took advantage of the night to collect the sand into the space.

This chapter has been completed!
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