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Chapter 94: Midnight Trading

 "Okay! Let's go to the Chengxi Supply and Marketing Branch!" the driver said.

It seems that the driver has been hauling grain to the factory for a long time. When Fangyuan asked him to find a larger supply and marketing cooperative, he thought of where to go.


The supply and marketing cooperative system in the Imperial City consists of the head office, branches, large supply and marketing cooperatives in various streets, and finally small supply and marketing cooperatives in various neighborhood committees.

In fact, it is similar to the wholesale in later generations. First it is the manufacturer, then the first-level agent, the second-level agent, the third-level agent, and finally it is sold to various small supermarkets on the street.

The Chengxi Branch is the largest supply and marketing cooperative in the entire west of the city. All large factories and supply and marketing cooperatives in various streets will purchase goods from here.

Of course, the factories don't need to buy anything else. They only buy grain. The supply and marketing cooperatives on the streets have to buy more things.

Whether it is a supply and marketing cooperative or various large factories, you need a ticket to buy things here. Without a ticket, you can't take anything.

Of course, there are exceptions for some things that do not require tickets, but in this era there are too few things that can be purchased without tickets.

Just as the driver was about to stop the car, Fangyuan said: "Drive to the side first, let's go get something to eat."

"Yeah!" The driver agreed and drove the car aside.

I've been busy all morning, and it's already noon. No matter what, I have to treat the driver to a meal, otherwise it won't make sense.

There was a restaurant not far from the supply and marketing cooperative. Although it wasn't a big restaurant, it looked pretty good. Fangyuan went in with the driver.

"Master, let's see what you want to eat?" After entering, Fangyuan said to the driver.

"Just eat whatever you want."

"No! I've been busy for a long time. Let's eat something good."

The most indispensable thing in Fangyuan's hand now is food stamps. Although he had no money before, didn't Section Chief Liu just give him more than three hundred!

Also, Fangyuan has a lot of meat tickets in his hand, so these are perfect for eating.

"Then let's have some hot and sour cabbage and some steamed buns!" the driver thought for a while and said.

In fact, driver masters are also ordinary people. Although they may be better than ordinary ordinary people, they are limited.

Hearing what the driver said, Fangyuan shook his head, called the waiter over and said, "One fried pork slices, one hot and sour cabbage, and another egg soup."

"What's the staple food?" the waiter asked.

"Steamed buns! Five steamed buns, please." Fangyuan said and handed the ticket and money to the waiter.

"Okay, wait a moment."

The waiter took the money and ticket and went to notify the kitchen. A few minutes later, the waiter came over again, carrying a teapot.

"Here's your change and the ticket." The waiter handed the change and the ticket to Fangyuan, and then poured a glass of water for each of the two people.

"Thank you!"

Fangyuan and the others came earlier and hadn’t reached the meal time yet, so the food was served quickly.

Otherwise, where this restaurant is located, there should be a lot of people coming to eat.

Looking at the dishes on the table and the big white steamed buns on the plate, the driver swallowed his saliva.

"Eat! What are you looking at?" Fangyuan said.

"Oh! Okay."

Fangyuan picked up a steamed bun, took a bite first, then picked up a piece of meat and ate it.

The driver also let go, picked up a steamed bun and started eating it.

Both of us are the kind of people who eat relatively quickly, so it only takes about ten minutes! The food on the table is completely gone.

"Let's go buy food."

"Well! I'll drive." The driver said and ran out first.

When the driver drove the car to the entrance of the supply and marketing cooperative, Fangyuan also arrived at the supply and marketing cooperative.

The driver quickly got out of the car and walked in with Fangyuan.

"Which factory are you from?"

This is not a street supply and marketing cooperative. It is very big inside. Perhaps seeing Fangyuan and the others driving here, a staff member asked.

Of course, he didn't ask Fangyuan, but the driver.

"We are from a steel rolling mill."

"Steel rolling mill! Go and issue an invoice!"

"Invoicing?" Fangyuan was stunned for a moment.

The driver hurriedly pulled Fang Yuan inside and said to Fang Yuan as he walked: "This is different from other supply and marketing cooperatives. Here you have to pay the food stamps and money first, and then they will issue a ticket, and you will take it later."

Once you get the tickets, they will pack the food."

"That's right!" Fang Yuan nodded.

Yes, this is not buying ten or twenty kilograms of grain. This purchase is several thousand kilograms. Of course, you have to pay the money and the ticket first.

The driver took Fangyuan to a house inside. There were several desks in the house, and there was a person sitting at each desk.

"What do you want?" asked a staff member near the door when he saw two people coming in.

Fangyuan also understood what was going on, and quickly went over to take out the ticket and said: "We want one thousand catties of coarse and fine grains and three thousand catties of coarse grains."

After hearing what Fangyuan said, the staff member asked: "What do you want?"

"For coarse and fine grains, cornmeal is needed, and for coarse grains, potatoes are needed."

While listening to Fangyuan, the staff member issued the invoice.

It is said that Fangyuan can order sweet potato noodles and sweet potatoes, because sweet potato noodles are cheaper than corn flour, and sweet potatoes are also cheaper than potatoes.

But after thinking about it, Fangyuan decided to order these two. Yes, a pound of corn flour is three cents more expensive than sweet potato noodles, but corn flour is more delicious than sweet potato noodles, and it makes me hungry.

A pound is three cents, and a thousand pounds is only thirty yuan.

There are also sweet potatoes and potatoes. One pound of potatoes is one cent more expensive than sweet potatoes, and three thousand pounds is the same 30 yuan.

All in all, it only cost an extra sixty yuan. Fangyuan is not a good person, but he will not give the worst to the people for sixty yuan.

Although he doesn't have much money now, he still won't be short of the sixty yuan. You must know that Section Chief Liu gave him three hundred and twenty yuan.

It’s five hundred kilograms of white flour, two thousand kilograms of coarse and fine grains, and five thousand kilograms of coarse grains, but now he only bought one thousand kilograms of coarse and fine grains and three thousand kilograms of coarse grains.

So I have enough money and a lot of wealth.

The staff member quickly counted the food stamps handed over by Fangyuan and said: "One hundred and fifty-five yuan."

"Oh! Here you go." Fangyuan quickly handed over the money.

One thousand kilograms of cornmeal, eight cents per kilogram, is eighty yuan; three thousand kilograms of potatoes, two and a half a kilogram, is seventy-five yuan, exactly one hundred and fifty-five.

The staff member counted the money, found another five yuan, handed it to Fangyuan along with the ticket and said: "Go and pack the food."

"Thank you!" Fangyuan thanked her quickly.

After coming out of the office, Fangyuan said: "It's really troublesome. It's not as simple as the supply and marketing cooperative outside."

"Outside supply and marketing cooperatives buy so much at once, and they won't sell it to you," the driver said.

"Uh! It's true."

Fangyuan discovered a problem, that is, the prices here are not cheaper than those in small supply and marketing cooperatives outside, and cornmeal still costs eight cents a pound.

Of course, this may be because it is a factory. If it is a supply and marketing cooperative, the price may be cheaper, but not necessarily.

Because the purpose of supply and marketing cooperatives is not to make money, and the employees in supply and marketing cooperatives are paid, to put it bluntly, they serve the people.

The two people came outside, and Fangyuan handed the ticket to the previous staff member.

The staff took the ticket, took a look at it, and shouted: "A few people are here to pack one thousand kilograms of cornmeal and three thousand kilograms of potatoes."

An employee came over, took the ticket from the staff member's hand, and asked several employees to move things.

It's easier to work when there are more people. Four thousand kilograms of grain sounds like a lot, and of course it looks like a lot, but with five or six people loading it together, it only took about ten minutes to finish loading.

After leaving the supply and marketing cooperative, Fangyuan did not leave the city, but asked the driver to find a place to stop the car.

The appointed time is at night, it is too early to go now, and so much food is not safe outside the city.

You must know that when people are hungry and anxious, they can do anything.

Waiting until it was getting dark, Fangyuan asked the driver to drive the car to the entrance of a small restaurant. He went down and bought a dozen steamed buns before driving out of the city.

"Come on, master, let's eat some steamed buns to cushion our stomach."

"Yeah! Thank you!"

The driver didn't mind that he was out of food. He picked up a steamed bun and took a bite, and it looked very delicious.

Fangyuan now has no shortage of oil and water in her stomach, and she wasn't hungry at first, but when she saw how delicious the driver's food was, she picked up a steamed bun and started eating it.

When the truck arrived at the agreed location, it was already eight o'clock in the evening, and most people should have taken a rest by this time.

"Shall we stop here?" After waiting for a few minutes, the driver asked.

The driver is a person who often walks at night. There is nothing wrong with him as he drives, but he gets a little flustered when he stops.

This is normal, because when driving at night, the car is loaded with things. If you keep walking and there is nothing, you will definitely be worried when you stop.

It’s no joke to be afraid of others stealing or robbing you.

"Don't worry, there are basically no big trucks here, so no one will think of us parking here."

After hearing what Fangyuan said, the driver thought for a while and it was right. Generally, big trucks don't often travel on the road, and basically no one will block the road or steal things.

"What time is it?" Fangyuan asked.

The driver glanced at his watch and said: "It's almost half past eight."

"Well! It's almost time."

Just as Fangyuan finished speaking, a row of black shadows appeared on the snow in the distance.

The black shadow quickly enlarged, and Fangyuan quickly got out of the car.

"Is this Comrade Fang?" asked the other person.

"Village chief, it's me."

After hearing Fangyuan's answer, a row of dark figures came over quickly. There were a lot of people, almost twenty, and they were all strong laborers.

Several of them were carrying two big fat pigs. Each of these two pigs weighed more than two hundred kilograms at a glance, at least about two hundred twenty or thirty kilograms.

There are also two people carrying two pig cages. Each pig cage contains a small piglet. The piglet is not big, only about ten kilograms at most.

"Village chief, look, all the food has been delivered to you, including one thousand catties of cornmeal and three thousand catties of potatoes."

"Ah!" The village chief was stunned for a moment and quickly said to Fang Yuan: "Comrade Xiao Fang, thank you! Thank you!"

PS: Please give me a monthly recommendation ticket, thank you!

This chapter has been completed!
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