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Chapter 127: Capturing Hu Chiyou alive

 Many soldiers of the grassland tribe also raised their heads with pride, not paying attention to the soldiers of the Yun Kingdom on the tower at all, and even filled with deep contempt for the army of the Yun Kingdom.

Because in their view, this eighth city has become theirs, and it is only a matter of time before they can attack it.

"Brothers, capture the eighth city!"

Hu Chiyou gave an order, and the grassland army launched a fierce attack.

They set up a ladder and rushed to the city wall with great momentum, shouting for death and deafening them.

"The eighth city is mine!"

Hu Chiyou was excited. As long as he successfully captured this city, his achievements would far exceed those of other princes.

Du Ning watched the enemy troops approaching with cold eyes, his expression calm, and a large number of enemy troops entered the range of the Xuanji Cannon.


Du Ning gave the order, and the artillery battalion soldiers immediately lit the fuse.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

As bursts of cannon fire sounded from the top of the city, the cannonballs flew out and exploded among the grassland tribesmen.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Under the bombardment of the Xuanji cannon, countless prairie clan cavalry were blown to pieces, and their lethality was simply terrifying.

Before some masters of the prairie tribe could react, their armor was pierced by cannonballs. Even if they were not killed on the spot, they still lost arms and legs.

"Uu! Uu! Uu!"

The war horses of the grassland tribe were also frightened to a great extent in an instant, and they ran rampant among the crowd, causing chaos in the camp in front.

Many prairie tribesmen's cavalry could not control their reins, and their horses collided with each other one after another, causing people to fall on their backs.

"Don't mess up, everyone! Don't mess up, everyone!"

"Steady! Steady your horse quickly!"

"What kind of weapon is this? How can it be so lethal!"

"How could there be such a thing in Yun Country!"

Many generals of the grassland tribe looked at the cavalry in front being killed under the bombardment of artillery fire, and all of them showed expressions of disbelief.

Hu Chiyou's horse also suddenly lost control, screaming and jumping up and down.

"Beast! Be quiet!"

Hu Chiyou was so anxious that he whipped the war horse, which only made the horse lose its mind even more.

Many nearby war horses also ran rampant, and accidentally collided with Hu Chiyou's war horse.


Hu Chiyou fell to the ground, his face extremely frightened and angry.

After two hundred rounds of artillery shells, the grassland tribe was completely defeated.

Many war horses were so frightened that they fled in all directions, showing their embarrassment.

"Brothers, it's time to rush!"

The city gate opened again, and King Yan led his army to rush out and pursue the victory.

However, the prairie clan's cavalry were still in shock. After seeing the Yun Kingdom's army rushing towards them, they continued to flee as if they were frightened birds.

"No, I have to leave quickly!"

Hu Chiyou was forced to give up the fight and could only choose to flee.

"Hu Chiyou, do you think you can escape?"

King Yan waved his hand, and the dozens of Jinshi and Hanlin around him all spoke of Wen Gong's ancient sword, which turned into dozens of sword lights and slashed towards Hu Chiyou.

Hu Chiyou waved his sword to resist, but it was difficult for him to resist the attack of so many ancient swords from the Humanities Palace. He stepped back and shouted: "Come and save me! Come and save me!"

"Hurry up and support His Highness, we must not let His Highness fall into the hands of the Yun Kingdom!"

"Don't be stunned, everyone, hurry up!"

The grassland generals were about to rush over to support them, but their horses refused to obey and fled in the opposite direction.

Some generals were also knocked away by their own horses, causing chaos.

"Damn it! The war horse doesn't obey orders at all!"

"His Royal Highness Chiyou!"

The grassland tribe's army was in chaos, and for a while there was no support.

Dozens of Wen Gong ancient swords in the sky kept attacking Hu Chiyou. King Yan took this opportunity to surround Hu Chiyou heavily and blocked his retreat.

Hu Chiyou looked desperate, unable to believe that he would be surrounded by Yun Kingdom's soldiers and horses, and even more unbelievable that he might be captured alive by Yun Kingdom's soldiers and horses.

"Impossible! Impossible! This is impossible!"

"I am Hu Chiyou, the dignified prince of the grassland tribe, how could I become a prisoner!"

"I don't believe it! I don't believe it!"

Hu Chiyou yelled hysterically. As a prince of the prairie tribe, it would be a great shame and humiliation for him to be captured alive by the Yun Kingdom.

No matter how great Hu Chiyou's contribution was, it was impossible for Hu Chiyan to pass the throne to him.

Is there any Khan in the world who becomes a prisoner of others?

That would be a shame for the grassland people and a shame for the Huchi family.

This means that Hu Chiyou basically has no chance to succeed in the Khan position.

Thinking of this, Hu Chiyou was so angry that he even looked ferocious.

We worked hard to conquer the city, but in the end we ended up like this.

This will be a fact that Hu Chiyou cannot accept.

Hu Chiyou tried his best to fight against the scholar's ancient sword of Wen Gong, but was exhausted and fell to the ground with a "plop".

Seeing that Hu Chiyou lost his fighting power, the other grassland tribe soldiers looked ugly, but they could only watch helplessly and were helpless.

"Hu Chiyou, I didn't expect that capturing you would be quite easy."

King Yan was riding on his horse, looking down at Hu Chiyou with a mocking look on his face.

Hu Chiyou lay on the ground and turned to look at King Yan, with a look of horror on his face. He wanted to stand up and struggle, but he really had no strength.


King Yan opened his mouth gently, and Cai Qi turned into the word "Feng" and punched it into Hu Chiyou's body, imprisoning his cultivation.

Other soldiers swarmed up and tied up Hu Chiyou Wuhua.

Hu Chiyou was filled with grief and anger, and looked at King Yan with humiliating eyes, his teeth chattering.

"How dare you! You are so brave, how dare you capture this prince!"

Hu Chiyou shouted hysterically: "I am the prince of the Prairie Tribe. If you dare to arrest me, my father Khan will not let you go, and the cavalry of the Prairie Tribe will not let you go. You will all die without a burial."


"Slap!" King Yan said coldly.

"You dare!"

Hu Chiyou's expression changed drastically. As a prince of the prairie tribe, how could he endure being slapped in the mouth?

A soldier stepped forward and slapped Hu Chiyou twice, which was very clear and loud.

Hu Chiyou gritted his teeth, his chest heaved violently, and he wanted to kill the soldier, but he couldn't do anything.

"Hu Chiyou, I said that I am here to capture you alive today, and I will keep my word."

The corner of King Yan's mouth raised in an arc, and he looked at Hu Chiyou very mockingly, feeling proud.

"Don't you dare kill me! If you kill me, my grassland tribe will definitely destroy your Yun Kingdom, and you will all be buried with me!" Hu Chiyou said arrogantly.

"Killing you is like slaughtering a dog." King Yan said disdainfully.

"Haha... How dare you humiliate me like this? Even if I bite my tongue and commit suicide, I will not be a prisoner of others!"

"I will not fulfill your loyalty."

King Yan winked, and the soldier next to him quickly stuffed a piece of cloth into Hu Chiyou's mouth to prevent him from biting his tongue and committing suicide.


Hu Chiyou wished he could hit his head to death so that he could be known as a loyal hero.

If you fail to attack the city, lose troops and generals, and are captured by the Yun army, the Huchi family will suffer great humiliation.

"Hu Chiyou, I am very curious about how many cities your life is worth."

King Yan's intention is very obvious, he wants to use Huchiyou to exchange the city with the grassland tribe.

After all, Hu Chiyou is the prince of the Prairie Tribe. Taking Hu Chiyou as a hostage will give the Prairie Tribe a bargaining chip to return the border city.

As long as the grassland people still recognize him as a prince, they must use the city in exchange.

Hu Chiyou's eyes widened, and she felt extremely regretful. She hated herself for not committing suicide.

If the Prairie Tribe returns the city, wouldn't it mean that the sacrifices of those Prairie Tribe soldiers who died in the battle were in vain, and their deaths were worthless?

This is no longer a shame for the Huchi family, but also a national shame for the grassland country.

Hu Chiyou was very unwilling to be defeated. He looked at the mysterious cannon on top of the city. He didn't know what kind of weapon it was and why it had such amazing destructive power.

If the Yun Kingdom's army was equipped with such weapons, it would be difficult for their prairie tribe's cavalry to win the battle.

And among the information the grassland people have, they know nothing about that kind of weapon.

"Take Hu Chiyou away and take care of him."


The soldiers immediately took Hu Chiyou away and escorted him back to the city.

"Your Majesty, will you continue to pursue the prairie cavalry?" someone asked.

"No need, Hu Chiyou is now in my hands. As long as Hu Chiyou doesn't die, we can ask the grassland tribe for the city that belongs to us."

King Yan watched the grassland soldiers withdraw and said slowly: "Retract the troops."

"Follow orders."

The Yun State army withdrew from the city.

In this battle, the Yun State used the power of the mysterious cannon to severely defeat the grassland people and captured Hu Chiyou alive. It can be regarded as a victory.

Although Hu Chiyou became a prisoner, she was still a prince of the prairie tribe after all. She was detained in a separate room and entertained her with delicious food and drinks.

King Yan summoned all the soldiers to gather in the hall and said happily to everyone: "The power of this mysterious cannon is really powerful. It defeated the grassland people in one fell swoop. It is more powerful than bows and arrows and catapults, and has a farther range.

With the mysterious cannon, why should our Yun country worry about being unable to defeat the grassland people?"

"What the prince said means that many countries in our human race are trying to make gunpowder into weapons, but they have never been successful. Now that our Yun country has taken the lead in mastering this technology, other countries will definitely be unable to sit still, let alone

They will watch helplessly as our Yun Kingdom is destroyed."

"That's right! Once our Yun Kingdom announces the Mysterious Cannon, even if we don't ask other countries for help, other countries will help us as much as possible, because the manufacturing technology of the Mysterious Cannon will be the best condition for them to send troops."

"Hmph! Our Yun Kingdom already has the Mysterious Cannon. If we still expect other countries to help us, wouldn't it make our Yun Kingdom army too useless? Even if there are no reinforcements from other countries, with the power of the Mysterious Cannon, we can go all the way.

Fight to the palace of the grassland tribe."

"This is really thanks to Master Du. Without the mysterious cannon designed by Master Du Ning, we would not be able to catch Hu Chiyou today."

Many generals looked at Duning and admired him for being able to create such a powerful weapon.

King Yan smiled at Du Ning and said: "Du Ning, your artillery battalion fought very well in this battle. I believe that the artillery battalion can exert greater combat effectiveness under your command. You must continue your efforts and command the artillery battalion repeatedly."

Build extraordinary achievements and go straight to the grassland royal court."

"Please rest assured, Your Majesty, I will do my best," Du Ning said.

King Yan said solemnly: "Sirs, although we have mysterious cannons as our main weapons, this batch of ammunition is limited after all, and we still have to fight bloody battles, so don't be careless."

"We will obey!"

Everyone said in unison.


The Seventh City in the Western Region.

After learning that Hu Chiyou had been arrested, the princes of the prairie tribe were furious.

"Trash! The dignified prince of the prairie clan did not die on the battlefield of the charge, but was captured alive by King Yan's horses. It is simply a great shame and humiliation for my Huchi family!"

"Presumptuous! Presumptuous! Presumptuous!"

"The damn Yun people actually captured the prince of our prairie tribe. What should we do?"

"If there is anything wrong with Fifth Brother, I will make sure Mu Yan is unable to live or die!"

Some princes are venting their anger on the surface, but in fact they are very happy in their hearts.

Hu Chiyou has made many military exploits, enough to threaten the prestige of other princes in the military.

Now that Hu Chiyou has been captured alive, the Huchi family has been humiliated. As a result, they will have one less opponent to compete for the throne.

Hu Chikuo said with an ugly face: "Brothers, don't worry. Hu Chiyou is the prince of our grassland tribe. There will definitely not be any danger to his life. At most, the Yun Kingdom will take him as a hostage to threaten us and make some excessive demands.

, and may even force us to return the cities we captured."

The princes of the prairie clan were suddenly unhappy. They each led their troops to fight in bloody battles. How could they easily return the captured city to the Yun Kingdom?

Although Huchiyou is the prince of the Prairie tribe, he has been taken hostage and has become a shame to the Huchi family. It is not worth exchanging the city for his return. That would be too unfair to the soldiers of the Prairie tribe who died on the battlefield.


A prince said: "Of course we are not worried about that waste. What we are worried about is that after learning about this matter, Father Khan will definitely blame us for not helping in time, unless we can rescue Hu Chiyou, and maybe let him go."

Father Khan will not be too angry."

"Hu Chiyou fell into the hands of the Yun Kingdom. It will be very difficult to save him. Besides, we don't have the generals of the Yun Kingdom as hostages. We must ask Father Khan for instructions on this matter and see what he says."

Chikuo said seriously.

The princes nodded slightly and agreed with Hu Chikuo's suggestion.


August 11.

Prairie Clan Royal Palace.

"What! You'er was caught!"

After Hu Chiyan learned that Hu Chiyou had been captured by King Yan, his face immediately showed anger.

As a member of the royal family of the prairie, he was supposed to die on the battlefield. How could he be captured by the enemy when his body was returned wrapped in horse leather?

"What a disgrace! Why didn't Hu Chiyou die on the battlefield? Even if he died on the charging front, he wouldn't have humiliated us like this!" Hu Chiyan roared filial piety.

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