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Chapter 162 This is the Holy Court!

 Du Ning had a look of surprise on his face. He knew that the Ke family would become the laughing stock of other countries after their failure in fighting Suzhou, but he did not expect that it would be recorded in the annals of history. It would be an indelible shame for the Ke family forever.

This kind of thing will not be notorious if it is recorded in the annals of history, let alone be reviled by all the people, but it will have a great influence on the reputation of future generations of the Ke family.

You must know that the Ke family is a semi-saint family, not only in the Liao Kingdom, but also in the entire human race.

If it had not been for a serious crime or a mistake that was almost against the species, no historian would have recorded the scandal of the Semi-Saint family in the annals of history. It would undoubtedly embarrass a Semi-Saint family and bring disaster.

Most things can be gradually forgotten by people as time goes by.

But once it is recorded in the history books, no matter how many years have passed, it will be deeply engraved in the long river of history.

"It's just a literary fight. Wouldn't it be too exaggerated to record it in the annals of history?" Du Ning said incredulously.

Fu Yue suddenly smiled coldly and said: "This is also the fault of the Ke family of Liao State. They think too highly of themselves and do not take other aristocratic families in other countries into consideration. They offended 'Nie Yinghua', a descendant of the historian family of Wu State. When he elected people

He was humiliated by the students of the Ke family, so he worked hard to avenge his shame. Now Nie Yinghua has become a Confucian and Taoist scholar. He is a disciple of a great historian in the Holy Academy. He is the true successor of historians. As long as he records it with pen and ink.

Even if a semi-saint comes forward, he can't erase the matter, so after learning that the Ke family failed in the fight against Suzhou, Nie Yinghua recorded the matter."

"Then it's really no one else's fault."

Du Ning shrugged his shoulders, but he was thinking in his heart, you can offend anyone, but don't offend the children of the historians, they have many ways to make you laugh for thousands of years.

Tian Feipeng said: "I heard that Nie Yinghua will also participate in this year's trials of various nations. It would be a blessing to be able to interact with him."

"Oh? This person also received an invitation from the Holy Court?"

Du Ning looked surprised. The test of the Trial of Nations is quite difficult. It would be difficult for a scholar who specializes in history to obtain excellent results.

"He is a disciple of a great scholar of history, so of course he is qualified to participate in the trials of various countries." Tian Feipeng said.

Fu Yue said slowly: "Before the trials of various nations, there will be a literary meeting of all nations, allowing students from all nations to show off their literary talents. If Brother Tian wants to make friends with Nie Yinghua from Wu Kingdom, the literary meeting of various nations will be a good opportunity.


Du Ning asked: "What do you know about this year's International Cultural Conference? For example, are there any particularly important links?"

"Brother Du, you have asked the right person."

Tian Feipeng chuckled and said: "In addition to exchanging poems and poems, there is also a particularly important theme at the literary conference, which is called 'Li Yan Zhen Zhong'."

"What does it mean to stand up and shake the bell?"

"It is to let the scholars make speeches and determination, and let the twelve brake bells resonate, thereby emitting the sound of literary courage. The brake bells have the magical effect of strengthening literary courage. Usually, an ordinary Jinshi can vibrate three brake bells, which is more powerful.

A Jinshi can activate six gallbladder bells, and a genius among jinshi can activate up to ten gallbladder bells, but so far there is no one who can activate twelve gallbladder bells at the same time." Tian Feipeng explained patiently.
"That's it."

Du Ning's eyes blazed, it turned out that the literary societies of various countries had such a method of play.

Fu Yue said proudly: "When our Mr. Pingguang participated in the literary conference of various countries, he was shocked ten times in one breath."

"Pingguang Jun is really a hero. If you go to Ping Country in the future, please ask Brother Fu to recommend you." Tian Feipeng said hurriedly.

"You're welcome, you're welcome."

Fu Yue is proud of his spring breeze.

Du Ning also admired Lord Pingguang very much. He was a scholar who could shake the courage of ten people, and he was definitely the best among Confucianism and Taoism.

The three of them drank tea and talked freely.

Unconsciously, it was already dusk, and the three of them were still chatting very happily, ranging from the literary world to various countries, and from the various countries to astronomy, geography, etc.

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door.

"I'll open the door."

Du Ning stood up and opened the door, his face changed slightly.

I saw more than ten Jinshi students standing outside the door, and they all cast their eyes inside.

Sneering, ridicule, contempt, etc. are simply condescending and contemptuous of the people inside.

These people are obviously strangers, but they feel very familiar.

At this moment, Du Ning felt that these people were coming with bad intentions.

Seeing the large number of people coming, Tian Feipeng and Fu Yue stood up at the same time.

"Is Du Ning, a student from Yun State, here?"

The leader spoke slowly, glanced at the three of them, and spoke in a condescending tone.

"I am Du Ning, who am I?"

Du Ning spoke with no fear on his face.

"My name is Kong Chengan, and like you, I am a Confucian and Taoist scholar who is about to participate in the trials of various countries." Kong Chengan said arrogantly.

Du Ning thought to himself that he was indeed a member of the Kong family, because the first time he came to the Holy Academy, he had a problem with Kong Xuan. Except for the students of the Kong family and the Liao Kingdom, no one would bother him.<


And as a student of the Confucius family, it is easy to find out the location of Du Ning's dormitory, and it is easy to find him.

At this time, another person said: "My Excellency, Ke Hongwei, is here to visit the students of Yun State. Please forgive me for my rudeness."

Du Ning didn't expect that the Ke family would actually come together. This was really a narrow road between enemies, but he believed that it was definitely not a coincidence that students from the Kong family and the Ke family came together.

"It turns out to be Brother Kong and Brother Ke. Do you two families have anything to do with me?" Du Ning said with a smile.

Kong Chengan looked at Du Ning and said: "I, Mr. Kong Yu, a great scholar of the Kong family, once visited the Yun Kingdom, but in the Jinluan Palace of your Yun Kingdom, you once spoke rudely to him, and even didn't take our Holy Family seriously. Is that okay?

This matter?"

As soon as he finished speaking, the Confucius students around him started shouting angrily.

"Du, who do you think you are? How dare you be so rude to our great bachelor of the Confucius family!"

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"You rebellious guy, you are despising the Confucius family and all the saints!"

"What crime do you deserve!"

Tian Feipeng and Fu Yue both changed their expressions. They only knew that Du Ning had offended the Semi-Saint Family of Liao Kingdom, but they had never heard that Du Ning had offended even the Confucian students.

It’s unbelievable!

Tian Feipeng stepped forward and cupped his hands, saying: "Master Kong, as a man, Brother Du should not do anything disrespectful to your holy family. Is there any misunderstanding in this?"

"Who are you? Do you have a right to speak here?"

Kong Chengan cast a warning look with a very disdainful and contemptuous tone, obviously not taking Tian Feipeng seriously.

"Feipeng in Shimoda, this is Fu Yue, we are brother Du's roommates."

"It turns out we are just roommates. There is nothing to do with you here. You can go back to your room and rest!" Kong Chengan ordered.

Tian Feipeng smiled bitterly, saying that the young people of the Kong family think highly of themselves and do not put others in their eyes. It is indeed true when I see them today.

Fu Yue said: "This is the Holy Court, the place where all the saints are, not the backyard of your Confucius family. No matter what you do, you must follow the rules, otherwise we have the right to ask the Holy Court to make a decision."



The Confucius family immediately shouted loudly. They are students of the Holy Family, and Qufu Academy was founded by Confucius. Therefore, the Confucius family came to the Holy Academy as if they were coming to their own home.

Now hearing Fu Yue's arrogance, they suddenly felt very dissatisfied.

The Ke family watched the excitement from the side with sarcastic smiles.

Ke Hongwei said with a smile: "You are really ignorant. How dare you disrespect Brother Kong and don't even look at where this place is. This is the Holy Courtyard."

Du Ning immediately said: "You are right, don't even look at where this place is, this is the Holy Courtyard!"

The same sentence seems to have two different meanings.

What Ke Hongwei means is that in this place, the Confucius family must be courteous in everything.

What Du Ning means is that even if this is the Qufu Academy founded by Confucius, it is not a place where the Confucius family can do whatever they want based on their status.

"We are the Kong family." Kong Chengan said arrogantly.

"So what?"

Du Ning looked calm.

At that time, Kong Sheng also received funding from many families to successfully build Qufu Academy. Therefore, Kong Sheng never classified Qufu Academy as his or his family's nominal assets.

The original intention of Confucius Sheng in establishing the academy was to enable the people of the world to accept Confucianism and Taoism, so that everyone could become a well-educated and multi-talented gentleman.

After so many years, Qufu Academy has become a literary academy belonging to the entire human race, rather than a private school of the Confucius family, so people use "Holy Academy" as a general name.

Otherwise, Qufu Academy would not have the supreme status in the human race, and there would not be so many saints sitting in Kongcheng.

"Then do you know who the master of the Holy Court is?" Kong Chengan said with a smile.

"I know, it's Mr. Kong Chunfeng, Mr. Kong Chunfeng, the Duke Yansheng of your Confucian family and a fourth-level scholar in Confucianism and Taoism." Du Ning responded calmly.

Every living semi-saint in the contemporary era will take turns serving as a "master" in the Holy Court for one term, and each term is for ten years.

And among the semi-saints, only Yanshenggong of the Confucius family was qualified to serve as "master" for one term, assisted by all the saints.

In other words, after the head of the Confucius family abdicates, the new Duke Yansheng can take charge of Qufu Academy as the "Master" at any time.

The privileges left to the Confucius family by the Holy Academy are unmatched by other saintly families.

The current "Master" of the Holy Court is Yan Shenggong of the Confucius family, which can be said to be the most powerful period of the Confucius family.

Even so, Du Ning is not afraid of Kong Chengan and others.

The person who can serve as Yanshenggong must be the dragon of the Kong family, and will never be as impulsive as young people.

The reason why the saints can safely let Yan Shenggong be their "teacher" is because the saints also have a special kind of targeted power. When the saints think that Yan Shenggong has acted unfairly and made an unforgivable mistake, or he has done something right.

When something very unfair happens to the human race, the saints can temporarily remove Yan Shenggong's "master" through collective voting.

This kind of privilege is also valid for any other saint who serves as "Master".

It is precisely because of this restriction that the "Master" can be vigilant and reflect anytime and anywhere, leading the human race to a more glorious era.

Du Ning felt confident, but the Kong family's arrogance became even more arrogant.

Kong Chengan's face turned cold and he said: "Since you know that Duke Yan Sheng of my Kong family is the master, how dare you disrespect my holy family? How brave you are!"

"Excuse me, has Du ever publicly insulted the Holy Family in the literary world?" Du Ning asked in return.


Kong Chengan answered without thinking, "There is no one who dares to publicly insult the Kong family in the literary world.

"Then let me ask you again, did Du ever say anything bad about the Holy Family in Kongcheng?" Du Ning asked again.

Kong Chengan's expression changed, his momentum dropped by three points, and he replied: "No."

"Then have I ever spread rumors that are detrimental to the Holy Family?"


"Then why do you say that I am disrespectful to the Holy Family!"

Du Ning shouted sternly and glanced at the Kong family, like a lion suddenly opening its eyes with a fierce gaze.

The Kong family looked at each other, not knowing how to answer for a while.

Kong Chengan said: "If you are disrespectful to Mr. Kong Yu, you are disrespectful to our most holy family. If you are disrespectful to our most holy family, you are disrespectful to all the saints."

Du Ning laughed sarcastically: "With all due respect, how can Kong Yuhe De dare to represent the Holy Family? Or...why does he represent all the saints?"


The whole room seemed to have a silent thunderbolt, hitting the hearts of every member of the Kong family.

Kong Chengan and others all changed their expressions. They did not expect that Du Ning would take such a big label.

They can say that Kong Yu is qualified to represent the Confucian family, but they absolutely dare not say that Kong Yu can represent the saints. That is the real treason!

At this moment, Kong Chengan closed his mouth, and his eyes were as fierce as a wolf's.

If he says the wrong thing next, Du Ning will immediately launch a counterattack. If he uses the power of literary courage, the literary courage of the Confucian scholars present may cause problems. In that case, they, the Confucian scholars, will

Become the laughing stock of the Holy Court.

Ke Hongwei and others looked seriously, looking at Du Ning with hostility in their eyes. In their eyes, the Holy Family had the supreme status, and they could not tolerate Du Ning's excessive contempt.

At the same time, they felt secretly happy. The more Du Ning offended the Kong family, the closer they would get to the Kong family.

The enemy of your enemy is your friend. It is a great honor for the Ke family to be able to associate with scholars of the Kong family.

Among the entire Chinese kingdoms, only the Confucius family is the most holy family.

"You are so Du Ning, but you have a sharp tongue. But we have underestimated you."

Kong Chengan's heart became more and more hostile towards Du Ning. As a scholar from the Holy Family, no one had ever dared to criticize them, let alone being speechless by others.

Today, they encountered a serious problem.

Ke Hongwei said: "Du Ning, you are really too arrogant. You dare to be so arrogant in front of Brother Kong. Do you really think that all the scholars of the Kong family present are not in the eyes of you?"

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