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Chapter 225 Virtue is not worthy of its place

 The Liang people and the Chu people pointed at the Kong family and the Ke family and scolded them, almost spitting blood on each of them.

The Kong family and the Ke family were so angry that they were trembling all over, gnashing their teeth, and their eyes were about to burst.

Fortunately for the Ke family, being scolded has become a habit.

But this incident is a huge shame for the Kong family.

The Holy Family has never been so criticized and accused by so many people.

"I am not guilty."

Du Ning glanced at the corpse on the ground, then raised his head slightly, glanced at everyone present, and declared that he was not guilty.

In the eyes of the people of Liang and Chu, Du Ning was not only innocent, but also meritorious.

Both the Kong family and the Ke family were afraid, not only because of Du Ning's decisive killing, but also because of the power of his Kunlun ancient sword.

If it were anyone else, the Kong family and the Ke family would have chosen to take action long ago.

"Next, let's talk about the impeachment of Kong Chengrui."

Du Ning said to everyone: "As the leader of the team, Kong Chengrui did not save his fellow humans during this period. This is unkind. After the war, he listened to Zheng Pingsong's words and wanted to add guilt to punish me. This is unkind."

"Yi, such an unkind and unjust person has lost his qualifications as a general leader. Therefore, we no longer recognize Kong Chengrui's leadership position in the human race and directly impeach him. If there is anyone who is dissatisfied, take Zheng Pingsong as an example."

The surrounding air instantly became three cents colder.

"Du Ning, you are going too far!"

Kong Chengrui was so angry that he really couldn't tolerate Du Ning's impeachment of his leadership. This was simply trampling his face into the ground and ruthlessly ravaging it.

This is truly an unbearable shame and humiliation.

"As the general leader, you should have great ambitions and lead the human race scholars to overcome obstacles and strive for the greatest benefit for the human race."

Du Ning pointed at the bridge of Kong Chengrui's nose and said: "But you are short-sighted. When you saw that I was poisoned, you refused to save me. You were so unkind and unjust that you were liquidated by the destiny of the human race. How about a person like you?

How to convince everyone? How to give orders to the three armies? Are you still allowed to continue to avenge private revenge and bring harm to the human race?"

Kong Chengrui's face was extremely ugly. Faced with Du Ning's sharp accusation, he was speechless and couldn't say a word.

He knows that he is indeed in the wrong.

But Du Ning's last words made him almost vomit blood.

Kong Chengrui considers himself the leader of the human race, but in Du Ning's view, he is a being who brings trouble to the human race.

Not to mention Kong Chengrui, even other Confucian scholars present could not tolerate such excessive criticism.

Ke Hongchen's eyes turned red, and he gritted his teeth and said: "Absolutely not! Scholars from the Holy Family have always been leaders of the human race, how can they be impeached so easily? This is the greatest disrespect to all the saints, Du Ning, no, Du Jun, please think again,

You are responsible for every word you say."

"Of course I will take responsibility for what I say, and I hope Kong Chengrui can be an excellent team leader, but his words and deeds not only discredit the Holy Family, but also prevent our team from moving forward. If Kong Chengrui is allowed to

If we continue to serve as the team leader, we have no chance of defeating the Rakshasa tribe and the demon tribe." Du Ning said seriously.


Kong Chengrui was furious and said loudly: "I am a scholar from the Holy Family and an elite sent by the Kong family. Only I can lead the human team to defeat the aliens. I am the most qualified person to serve as the general leader. Du Ning, you can't do this.

Humiliate me!"

Du Ning said bluntly: "I admit that your background is indeed relatively outstanding, but let's put aside your identity as the Holy Family, what can you bring to this team as the general leader? Or what can you bring to this team?

What should everyone do? After entering the Three Realms Mountains, you did not focus on the overall situation, but always put your personal grievances first. Zheng Pingsong slandered me, slandered everyone present, and even slandered you as a human being.

When you were a scholar, did you ever think of everyone’s achievements and interests?”


"You didn't. At that time, you were only thinking about how to punish me. You wanted to hit me with fifty military sticks to repay your personal anger. At present, the justice of the human race is not as important as your personal grudges. You are not worthy of being the leader, let alone

You can’t be the team leader!” Du Ning’s words were resounding.


Kong Chengrui felt a congestion in his chest and was very uncomfortable.

"Du Ning is right. People like you are not worthy of being the team leader at all. We will not support a selfish guy like you as our leader." Wei Zheming said.

Tao Da echoed: "As scholars from the All-Saints family, if you treat your comrades in arms without saving them, then such an experience may happen to any of us at any time. Brother Kong, you still haven't done anything until now.

Don’t you know how to repent? Forget it! From now on, it’s okay if you don’t call me ‘Brother Kong’.”

The faces of Kong's family members suddenly changed and they were speechless.

The Ke family didn't know what to say, after all, they couldn't make any sense.

Tian Feipeng held up his hands to everyone and asked loudly: "May I ask all of you fellow human beings, apart from the scholars from the All Saints Family, who should we respect?"

Wei Zheming immediately raised his hands to Du Ning and responded: "Of course, I respect the human race's literary monarch."

Tian Feipeng continued: "Okay! Since the virtues of scholars from the All Saints family are not up to the mark, as an experienced person, I propose to abolish Kong Chengrui's status as the general leader, and let Du Wenjun temporarily act as the general leader. Wenjun's orders will be respected in all matters during the term.

If anyone is dissatisfied, he will be killed first and then punished in the name of disobedience to the human race, so as to rectify the military's morale."

"We are waiting for Wenjun's order!" Wei Zheming said loudly.

"We are waiting for orders!"

The people of Liang and Chu both surrendered to Du Ning, directly abolished Kong Chengrui's leadership position in the human team, and respected Du Ning as the new team leader.

The Kong family was so angry that even though Kong Chengrui was deposed, these people actually recommended their rival Du Ning to be the team leader. This was a challenge to the Holy Family!

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"No! I don't agree!"

Ke Hongchen said loudly: "Du Ning is only a literary monarch in name. He has not been officially canonized by the Holy Academy. His name is not justified, so how can he be allowed to serve as the general leader?"

Fu Yue said: "It is true that Du Ning has not been officially canonized, but the Holy Court has already determined his status. Even in the Three Realms Mountains, his status is still no different from that of the official Wenjun. Why is his name incorrect? The Holy Family cannot bear the responsibility.

Of all the people, only Du Ning has the highest cultivation and literary status, and it is well received by everyone to recommend him as the new team leader, so why not? It is only natural that Du Ning temporarily acts as the team leader in the name of Wenjun!"

Ke Hongchen's face darkened and he said: "Since ancient times, scholars from the Kong family have been the general leaders. If you overthrow Kong Chengrui's leadership, you are overthrowing the status of the Holy Family in the human race. You are rebelling!"

Fu Yue shut his mouth. After all, the status of the Holy Family is too high. If he says the wrong thing, it may become a stigma in the literary world.

Du Ning said: "If all the scholars in the Most Holy Family are as miserable as Kong Chengrui, then what will happen to the people who created the Most Holy Family?"


"You are looking for death!"

The scholars of the Kong family all stared with wide eyes and were furious.

What's more, they opened their mouths and planned to spit out Wen Gong's ancient sword, hoping to kill Du Ning.

Du Ning glanced at it, and murderous intent burst out, as if those people would use the Kunlun Ancient Sword to kill them once they took action.

The Kong family members who were about to take action turned pale with fright. They didn't believe that Du Ning had the courage. However, Zheng Pingsong's body on the ground was not cold, and he felt as if he had been poured a basin of cold water on him and calmed down a lot.

Kong Chengrui gritted his teeth and said: "Okay, I am indeed unqualified to serve as the general leader of the human race. However, the position of general leader has always been held by me, a scholar of the Kong family, so I suggest that Kong Chengyuan be the general leader."

Kong Chengyuan's expression changed. He didn't expect to be recommended by Kong Chengrui as the team leader. He immediately raised his head slightly and assumed the position of being about to take over.

Ke Hongchen immediately said: "I very much agree with Brother Chengrui's suggestion. Brother Chengyuan is also the best candidate to serve as the team leader. Brother Chengyuan should inherit the position of team leader."

"That's right! In terms of seniority, Kong Chengyuan should be the team leader, and it's not Du Ning's turn to be an outsider!"

"Well said! Does Du Ning want to take away the privileges that belong to my Kong family? No way!"

"Even if Chengyuan can't serve as the team leader, don't even think about getting involved in this position!"

The Kong family was aggressive, even hysterical.

The people of Liang and Chu couldn't help but sneer. Kong Chengrui gave up the throne to Kong Chengyuan. In fact, there was no essential change. The Kong family still had the final say.

If the Kong family continues to embarrass Du Ning, it will be equally uncomfortable for Du Ning.

Du Ning said: "If Kong Chengyuan can swear boldly in public, putting the overall interests of the human race first, leading us to fight against the demon clan and the Rakshasa clan, with clear rewards and punishments, and both benevolence and righteousness, then it would not be a bad idea for Kong Chengyuan to serve as the general leader."

"What did you say!" Kong Chengrui's eyes narrowed.

The implication of Du Ning's words is that the Kong family should give up their personal grudges with Du Ning and work wholeheartedly for the human race.

But this is the most difficult thing for the Kong family to accept at the moment.

Because Kong Chengrui was liquidated by the fate of the human race, and Sanjie Mountain was targeting Du Ning for a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, there was no way they would give it up.

Tian Feipeng said: "Master Du's words are reasonable. If Kong Chengyuan can swear an oath in public, we will trust you, the Kong family."

Kong Chengyuan looked hesitant. Now he faced two choices, one was the righteousness of the human race, and the other was personal grudges.

If he chooses the righteousness of the human race, Kong Chengyuan can keep the position of leader of the team for the Kong family, but the price is to swear an oath that if anyone targets Du Ning, he will stand up to protect Du Ning's interests.

If you choose personal grudges, no one will support the Kong family, and everyone will deprive the Kong family of their leadership position, and the Holy Family will suffer great humiliation.

Now the Kong family is so angry that they have almost lost their minds, so even Kong Chengyuan can't make a decision for a while.

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