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Chapter 230: Admit your mistake

 Ke Hongchen continued to cough up blood, and his face became darker and darker, almost like coal.

At the same time, Ke Hongchen's breathing became very rapid.

The Ke family scholars present were very anxious and did not want to see anything wrong with Ke Hongchen.

Kong Chengrui said with an ugly face: "This pollen is too toxic. You are relatively close and have no better defenses. Ordinary poison-avoiding pills will not work, so you were poisoned in an instant. Now it seems that only

The magic medicine can solve it."

"Quick! Get me the magic medicine! I don't want to die! Hurry up!" Ke Hongchen said loudly.

But at this moment, many scholars looked over.

Some people gloated about the misfortune, some looked sarcastic, and some looked fierce.

Tian Feipeng deliberately said in a strange tone: "I remember Brother Hongchen once said that your Ke family did not bring the magic antidote with you on this trip. This is really a pity. Brother Hongchen may have to be loyal to the human race."

After the words fell, the Ke family members all changed their expressions.

Previously, everyone angrily criticized the Ke family and the Kong family for not saving their lives. They only relied on personal inferences and had no actual evidence.

If the Ke family came up with the magic medicine to detoxify Ke Hongchen at this time, it would mean that Ke Hongchen had lied to everyone before and slapped himself in the face. It also confirmed that they indeed had the magic antidote, but they were unaware of the poison that was poisoned at that time.

Du Ning, who was poisoned by the blue blood poison, refused to save him, which was enough for the Ke family to suffer a stigma of being unkind and unjust, which could not be washed away no matter what.

But if we don't take out the magic medicine to detoxify Ke Hongchen, Ke Hongchen will be poisoned to death on the spot, which is unacceptable to the Ke family.

"Tian Feipeng, you..."

Ke Hongchen glared at Tian Feipeng, unable to say a word.

"What are you? Are you still pretending now?"

Tian Feipeng said disdainfully: "Hurry up and take out the magic medicine to detoxify yourself. Do you really want to hang here? You shouldn't accept the humiliation of dying before you leave, right?"

Ke Hongchen gritted his teeth, but in the end he had no better choice.

"Don't be stunned, get the magic medicine quickly!" Ke Hongchen shouted to the people around him.


The Ke family hurriedly took out the antidote and gave it to Ke Hongchen to swallow.


A burst of black smoke came out of Ke Hongchen's head, and his dark complexion finally became rosy.

Detoxification is effective!

Ke Hongchen breathed a sigh of relief, but became angry with embarrassment.

His life was saved, but the Ke family's reputation was about to suffer again.

The Kong family felt helpless and smiled bitterly, and the Ke family finally came up with a magic medicine to detoxify Ke Hongchen. Not to mention their Holy Family, they must also have a magic medicine to detoxify.

Now not only the Ke family, but also the Kong family will be criticized by many scholars present for their unkindness and unrighteousness in refusing to save Du Ning.

Once they appeal to the Holy Court, the Kong family can only apologize.

"This Ke Hongchen is simply an idiot!" Kong Chengyuan cursed.

"Hmph! Teammates who are like pigs!"

"Is this kind of person worthy of being an elite member of a semi-saint family? Bullshit!"

"What a waste!"

The Kong family members yelled and cursed in low voices and were very dissatisfied with Ke Hongchen.

At this time, Tian Feipeng saw that Ke Hongchen had taken the antidote, with a "sure enough" expression on his face, and said loudly: "You still said that you didn't bring the antidote, and now you have finally exposed your family background. You Ke family ignores it."

The righteousness of the human race, and refusing to save the human king until death is simply worse than a pig or a dog!"

Fu Yue said: "Now everyone has seen that the Ke family does have the magic antidote. Don't say that we fabricated it out of thin air and slandered the innocence of your semi-saint family."

The Ke family was so ashamed that they did not dare to look at the faces of Tian Feipeng and Fu Yue. They were extremely angry.

Tao Da said: "After we leave the Three Realms Mountains, we will appeal to the Holy Court for your unkind and unjust behavior. You can ignore Du Ning and refuse to save him, but you cannot ignore the Human Race Wen Jun. This is extremely serious.

Disobeying etiquette!"

Wei Zheming also said: "I will truthfully report your actions to the Holy Court. As experienced people of the human race, you are simply a shame to the human race, gentle scum, and Ke Sheng's face will be completely lost to you."<


The Ke family was so angry that they were almost crazy. It was a huge humiliation for the dignified and holy family to be sued by others one day.

"Okay, don't talk anymore."

Du Ning said: "Now our team must work together and unite to fight against foreign enemies. We must not have two minds, otherwise the foreigners will take advantage of us. We have the right to let the unpleasant things that happened before be a thing of the past."

"Du Ning, don't you hold any grudge against them at all? We had no evidence before, but now the evidence is conclusive, they deserve to be scolded!" Tian Feipeng said fiercely.

Du Ning looked helpless and said: "Forget it, the Ke family is such a virtuous person, what's the use of scolding them? They are narrow-minded and have no sense. We can't learn from them. Let's do our own thing well.

Just report the matter to the Holy Court afterwards, and the Holy Court will deal with it impartially."

"You have a point."

Tian Feipeng nodded lightly, and then said to Ke Hongchen: "You should be glad that Du Ning is the team leader now. If I had Du Ning's ability, I would directly use the luck of the human race to liquidate you losers."

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Ke Hongchen gritted his teeth and did not dare to refute a word. Once he refuted or said something unpleasant, Wei Zheming, Tao Da and others would definitely attack him. By then, the Ke family would become the target of public failure.


"Mr. Du, it was our Ke family's fault before. When you were poisoned by the blue blood poison, our Ke family should not have stood by and watched. We do not deny this, but this matter cannot be entirely blamed on us, because you have the poison in your body.

A piece of holy jade, since you already have a holy jade that can detoxify, wouldn't it be a waste if I give you another magic medicine? So strictly speaking, we have not made a big mistake." Ke Hongchen said to Du Ning.

Another member of the Ke family immediately said: "No matter what, Mr. Du is in peace now, but it is too much for you to always say that our Ke family is unkind and unjust. You are maliciously slandering us!"

"That's right! Although we didn't take action to save Du Ning at that time, isn't Du Ning standing here properly now? You have repeatedly slandered our Semi-Saint Family. Do you really think that we have no temper?"

"It is the greatest rudeness for you to slander the Semi-Saint Family like this!"

The Ke family scholars were filled with indignation.


Tian Feipeng was speechless for a moment and didn't know how to refute, but he always felt that there was something wrong with these words.

The Ke family members all sneered, thinking that Tian Feipeng and the others were making too much fuss out of a molehill and always labeling them the Ke family, which was also very ridiculous.

Du Ning said slowly: "You are right, I did bring a piece of holy jade to the Three Realms Mountain. It sounds like nothing happened to me now. At that time, it seemed reasonable that you would not give me the magic medicine to cure the blue blood poison, but

You didn't know that I had the Holy Jade at that time, and you didn't take action in that situation. You can imagine that if I didn't have the Holy Jade to relieve the jade blood poison, I would definitely die."

"Well said!"


These words convinced most of the people present, and they almost fell into the logical trap of the Ke family's sophistry, but Du Ning put it straight.

It's one thing for Du Ning to use the holy jade to detoxify, but it's another thing for the Ke family to not come to the rescue even though they don't know that Du Ning has the holy jade. The two cannot be compared.

Failing to save one's life means refusing to save one's life, and that's exactly what the Ke family did.

The Ke family was speechless at being refuted, but their eyes looked at Du Ning with deeper hatred.

"Okay... that matter is indeed our Ke family's fault. I now formally apologize to Mr. Du on behalf of the Ke family. I hope Mr. Du can give us a chance to change our ways for the sake of humankind's justice."
Ke Hongchen apologized to Du Ning for bowing, but secretly gritted his teeth.

As a scholar from a semi-saint family, it was a great humiliation to be forced to apologize to Du Ning.

But Du Ning did not accept such an apology. He said to Ke Hongchen: "I don't want to argue with you about what happened before. Now I am the team leader. All actions must obey my arrangements and commands. Individualism is not allowed."

, you must remember your identity and mission. What is your purpose of coming to Three Realms Mountain? Why do you come to Three Realms Mountain? If you cannot correct your attitude, the fate of the human race will befall you again.

When the time comes, it won’t be an ordinary act of breaking your literary courage, but a holy punishment.”

Everyone in the Ke family suddenly showed a look of horror. The significance of the holy punishment is too serious. If a scholar from a semi-saint family died under the holy punishment of human destiny, even his ancestral graves would be blown up.

"Yes... we... know..."

Ke Hongchen lowered his head, but he was shouting helplessly in his heart, unwilling to bow to Du Ning, but in fact they did make a mistake and had to admit it.

"General leader! We have the latest discovery!"

Suddenly, the scholar who went out for investigation returned here and said to Du Ning: "We found a natural spiritual field in which the legendary 'Jinyang Baomi' grows. It has reached maturity and is ready for picking."<


"What? Jinyang Baomi? Are you sure you read it correctly?"

Kong Chengrui suddenly asked, his face showing excitement.

"It's absolutely unmistakable. We compared the introduction in the book and it's exactly the same as the real thing." The scholar answered seriously.

Jinyang Baomi is the best food in the Holy Forest Continent. Ordinary people can strengthen their bodies by eating it. Even without exercising, they can have a physique that is better than that of elite soldiers.

If a scholar eats it, he can temper his body according to his talents and have the power of nine cows and two tigers.

Another point is that it has high nutritional value. After one meal, you will not be hungry for three days, which is very suitable for marching and fighting. After one meal, soldiers can go without eating or drinking for three days, and the rest effect is also that of ordinary people.

Several times, one hour of sleep is equivalent to four hours of normal sleep.

You can see the magical effect of Jinyang Baomi!

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