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Chapter 245: It’s not that I can’t do it, but I really don’t want to do it!

 "What about you? Do you also think that I am a reborn child?"

Du Ning looked at the Hanlin officials around Kong Chengting, his eyes like swords, and his voice exploded in their ears like spring thunder.

"Don't dare, don't dare."

"We didn't mean that..."

The Hanlin officials hurriedly laughed with me, without the arrogant and mighty attitude before.

At this time, they suddenly realized why the other Kongcheng people were giving them crazy winks. It turned out that it was because Du Ning had mastered the destiny of the human race and led this human team.

It's ridiculous that Kong Chengting also asked Du Ning to charge into the battle and die in the name of the human race. Now it seems that Kong Chengting's behavior is almost rebellious.

Du Ning only killed Chai Yong because Chai Yong wanted to attack Du Ning.

If Kong Chengting also takes action, Chai Yong will not be the only one who will die.

"I have been patient for a long time, but there are always some people who insist on doing things against the human race in the name of the human race. Chai Yong should have died on the battlefield, but someone forced me to kill a human scholar with a human sword. This is

It's a very sad thing, but it's also an extremely ridiculous thing. You... better not force me anymore!"

Du Ning's words were very sad and angry.

Kong Chengting gritted his teeth, making a rattling sound, and veins popped out on his forehead.

He took a deep breath and let it out slowly.

"It is true that Chai Yong is at fault, but his crime will not lead to death. Mr. Du, it would be unfair for you to kill him with just one word. This is a very serious matter. I hope you can give an explanation to our Kong family."

." Kong Chengting said.

"Oh? Listen to what you mean, do you still want to provoke me?" Du Ning looked at Kong Chengting.

Kong Chengting avoided his eyes and gritted his teeth: "I don't dare."

"Then shut your mouth."

Du Ning said: "I didn't kill you together just now. I was thinking about the time when the human race is employing people, and I also considered the face of the Holy Family, so I showed mercy to you. I hope this is the first time.

This is also the last time."

"Du Ning, I don't care why you can control the destiny of the human race, but I know that you don't dare to kill me, because within the Three Realms Mountains, I am the only one who has overcome the bottleneck and become a bachelor. If you want to defeat the alien race, the human race still needs my university.

With the strength of the warriors, if you kill me, the human team may be massacred by the aliens, and then you will become the sinner of the human race, am I right?" Kong Chengting sneered.

"I really didn't expect that my kindness to you would not result in your self-reflection, but your overly proud thoughts."

Du Ning shook his head in disappointment and continued: "I'm very curious, how can you, a newly promoted bachelor, have the confidence to think that you have such an irreplaceable position in the human team? If you really have that strength, why don't you take the lead?

Leading everyone to charge into battle, but letting others charge first? Are you sure you really have the confidence to defeat the alien race?"

An angry look flashed across Kong Chengting's face, and he said slowly: "Yes, I am indeed a newly promoted bachelor, but no matter how flawed my power is, it is still stronger than a Jinshi like you. I am the one who keeps the human race standing.

The hope of invincibility."

"If you think so, you are totally wrong. It is not personal strength that determines whether the human race can defeat the alien race."

Du Ning looked at the crowd and said meaningfully: "It is the strength of our unity as experienced people."

"What did you say?" Kong Chengting's eyes narrowed.

"We? Everyone?"

"What does this sentence mean? Why can't I understand it?"

"It sounds a bit confusing to me too..."

Scholars from all over the world looked at each other, not quite understanding the specific meaning of Du Ning's words.

"I can tell you very responsibly, even if our human team does not have a bachelor like you, our human race will not necessarily lose to the aliens. On the contrary, if a bachelor like you stays in the team, I think it will be a kind of

It’s a burden." Du Ning said.

"Haha... what did you say? You said I'm a burden? This is really a big joke!" Kong Chengting couldn't help laughing loudly.

Du Ning immediately said: "Okay, since you think you are powerful, do you dare to fight to the death with Dongtianshan or Long Xiao?"

"This is a war, not a duel." Kong Chengting said.

"It seems you don't dare." Du Ning shook his head.

"It's not that I don't dare. Our human race is a wise race. If we can outwit someone, we will never use brute force."

"That's why you arranged for us to serve as vanguards for you so-called main forces, and use our lives to create opportunities for you to kill the enemy. Is this what you Kong family scholars call outsmarting?" Du Ning retorted.<


"That's nonsense!" Kong Chengting became angry with embarrassment.

"Then I ask you to go to Shadong Tianshan or Longxiao. Do you want to go or not? Choose one yourself!" Du Ning was determined.


Kong Chengting was furious, pointing at Du Ning's nose and said: "You are forcing others to make things difficult for you, and you are seeking revenge for your own personal vengeance! I don't care why you can control the fate of the human race, and I don't care why you can seize the leadership of the Kong family, but this is not you

A reason to avenge a private vendetta."

Du Ning said in disgust: "You think you are a great scholar who can lead the human race to a great victory in the Three Realms Mountains. I asked you to go and kill the powerful enemy, but you are here to refuse with excuses. Could it be that you will only command from the rear?"

What? Then why do we, the human race, want you to come to the Three Realms Mountain? A fool like you only cares about the interests of your own holy family and has no overall view of the human race, so you have the nerve to talk nonsense here? What a joke!"

"I respect you as Wenjun, but you can't humiliate me!" Kong Chengting said loudly.

"So you can humiliate me, right?" Du Ning asked.

"I'm...I'm here...I don't mean that..." Kong Chengting avoided Du Ning's gaze.

"I asked you to go into battle, but you shied away from it. When a great scholar faced his own people, he showed off his power, but when faced with an alien invader, he didn't even dare to say a thing. It's a disgrace to the scholars of the human race. It's simply a disgrace to the literati." Du Ning scolded.


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Kong Chengting glared at Du Ning, his lips opened slightly, but then closed slowly.

"Since you are not willing to shed your life and blood for the human race, then why should we put the hope of the human race on your shoulders? Can you bear this burden? If you want to be the leader of the team, you must have a responsibility on your shoulders. This

It is a heavy responsibility that can be shouldered by the true pillars of the human race, not a useless bachelor like you who can only talk the talk."

Kong Chengting was furious, very dissatisfied, and retorted: "Listening to your tone, could it be that Mr. Wenjun considers himself the pillar of the human race, so he can shoulder this burden? Okay! Then go to Shadong Tianshan and Long Xiao to help

Let’s take a look! Just now I asked you to be the vanguard, and you still shirk the blame, so I don’t believe you really have the guts!”

Du Ning narrowed his eyes slightly and said with a smile: "I'm just asking you, what should you do if you lose to a foreign race? Have you ever made any excuses? Although I cherish my life, I also admit that I am also a person who is greedy for life and afraid of death, but I

My literary courage is not as weak as yours, and I don’t even dare to fight a life-or-death battle with Dongtianshan and Long Xiao.”

"Haha... Listening to what you mean, do you really want to kill Dong Tianshan and Long Xiao? Can you do it? If you were a bachelor, I still believe you can do it, but you are just a Jinshi, no matter how strong the Kunlun Ancient Sword is

They are no match for Dongtianshan and Long Xiao who are in the fifth level, but they are real geniuses." Kong Chengting said with a sneer on his face.

"Is it possible that I still count on you?" Du Ning asked dismissively.


Kong Chengting was choked and speechless.

Du Ning said to everyone: "Everyone has also seen that although Kong Chengting was a Confucian and Taoist scholar, he did not take the lead at this time, let alone set a qualified example at this time, and did not use his body to block the aliens from the front.

, It’s not that I can’t do it, but I really don’t want to do it!”

"Du Ning, don't talk nonsense. How could I not want to go through fire and water for the human race? Don't slander my literary name!" Kong Chengting was furious.

"Then you go and kill Dong Tianshan and Long Xiao! What does it look like to just talk but not do anything? It's so shameless to do nothing in the name of being a human race!" Du Ning scolded.

"I...I just..."

"Shut up!"

Du Ning shouted sharply, and Kong Chengting was so frightened that he hurriedly closed his mouth, not daring to contradict him at this time.

"Comrades, Kong Chengting is a scholar from the most holy family, and he should set a good example for each of us scholars. However, instead of setting an example, he is still engaging in internal strife at this time. His actions are forgivable, but his crimes are punishable. Since

If the Holy Family does nothing, I will!"

Du Ning said loudly: "In the decisive battle between the three tribes, I will be the vanguard. I will be the first to charge at the front. Those who are scholars and human men, and those who are willing to shed their lives and blood, will join me in the battle."

"I cannot guarantee that I can lead you to victory, but I can advance and retreat together with you, live and die together. On the road to charge against the alien race, I will fight side by side with all of you."

"As for these scholars of the Kong family, we don't need to pay attention to them. As long as they don't cause internal strife, they will be the greatest help to our human race."

Kong Chengting was so angry that he almost vomited blood. From Du Ning's tone, he was treating the Kong family as nothing, and seemed to be saying that even without the Kong family's participation in the war, nothing would be changed or decided.

This is a huge humiliation to the Holy Family!

Almost all the Kong family members cannot bear such comments.

Tian Feipeng said: "Okay! Since Mr. Du is going to fight, Tian doesn't want to be a coward who is greedy for life and afraid of death. He is willing to live and die with you!"

Fan Rulong said: "We, the scholars of Yun State, are also willing to fight side by side with Du Jun. If we have to charge, I, Fan Rulong, can be the one!"

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"And I, Sun Zhentian, will never imitate the Confucius family and treat them as cowards!"

"Haha... We Liang people are also willing to charge into battle with Du Banshi."

"And me! Even if it means death, we will kill it happily!"

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