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Chapter 27 Leader

 All the students of Hanyi Club kept their mouths shut and did not dare to speak, for fear of disturbing Du Ning's train of thought.

The faces of the students from Jieyingshe were full of contempt, thinking that Du Ning would definitely lose, and it was absolutely impossible to temporarily write lyrics that could surpass Yan Lu.

Du Ning glanced around, admiring the spring scenery in the garden. Due to the strong wind, many petals were blown all over the sky.

It is clearly early spring at this moment, but due to other factors, it looks a bit like late spring.

"What kind of lyrics do you think Mr. Du can write with his literary talents?"

"Master Du wrote a poem to Mingzhou. He must have a similar level of lyrics, but he may not be able to surpass Master Yan."


Suddenly, a student from the Jieying Club shouted: "Don't talk nonsense here, this is a Wing Chun Ci club, and you should keep quiet!"

The Hanyi Club students were furious and told everyone to be quiet, but he was yelling there. He clearly wanted to disturb Du Ning's mind and prevent Du Ning from writing good lyrics.

However, the students from Jieyingshe looked serious on the outside, but they were laughing in their hearts.


Li Changming glared angrily, his eyes full of warning.

The other party shut up immediately, but still had a proud expression that wanted to be beaten.

"Everyone who has been waiting for a long time, the song "Butterfly Loves Flowers? Spring Scene" is showing off."

Du Ning finished his preparation and began to write down the poem.


Yan Lu's face was still filled with disdain, and he already concluded that Du Ning had lost without even looking at the lyrics written by Du Ning.

"The flowers have faded to red, green and apricots are small. When the swallows fly, the green water is surrounded by people. There are few willows blowing on the branches. There is no fragrant grass anywhere in the world."

Li Changming read slowly on the side: "There are swings in the wall and paths outside the wall, pedestrians outside the wall, and the beauty inside the wall laughs. The laughter gradually disappears and becomes quieter, and the sentimental people are annoyed by the ruthlessness."

"What a beautiful flower that has faded to red. This is a scene that only occurs in late spring. Mr. Du must have seen the flowers in the Bichun Garden being blown down by the wind, and thought of the late spring season, so he used this special technique to create it. Although

It’s not in line with the current solar terms, but it’s particularly suitable for the occasion.” Someone commented.

"Even the scene of late spring does not affect the theme of the Wing Chun Ci Festival."

"The second half of this poem is about a beautiful woman swinging on the wall. Pedestrians outside the wall hear the beautiful woman's laughter. The beautiful woman's laughter gradually disappears, but the pedestrians' hearts can't calm down. There are quite a few

Share the hurt."

"The artistic conception of this poem is very good, Du Ning is a great talent!"

The students of Hanyi Club expressed their joy, thinking that this song "Die Lian Hua? Spring Scenery" will definitely not lose to "Xingxiangzi? Trees Around the Village".

Du Ning's talent emerged on the page, reaching three feet two inches at once, and there are signs of continuing to rise.

Yan Lu's expression changed drastically. He watched in disbelief as the talent of "Die Lian Hua? Spring Scene" grew higher and higher. He clenched his right fist tightly and kept praying in his heart.

"Never exceed three feet six inches! Never! Even if it's a tie."

All the students of Jieying Club are also very nervous. They were mocking Du Ning just now. If Du Ning really catches up from behind, they will become the laughing stock of Yulin County.

"Three feet three inches...three feet four inches..."

"Three feet and six inches!"

"Three feet and eight inches!"

Finally, the talent rose to three feet nine inches.

The words become Mingzhou, which is almost a country!


Yan Lu suddenly felt dizzy and almost lost his balance, his eyes widened with bloodshot eyes faintly visible.

Lost! Lost!

Yan Lu never dreamed that under his own scheme, Du Ning would actually write a poem that would almost conquer the country.

He originally thought that he could use Du Ning's literary name to rise to power and help his uncle, but Yan Lu slapped himself in the face and became a laughing stock.

The breathing of the students of Jieying Club became rapid. Some felt ashamed and angry, some turned red with anger, and some were very unwilling.

"Haha... Mr. Du's poem became Mingzhou, which is close to ruling the country. It seems that I am too worried."

Li Changming was extremely happy. He was worried about Du Ning just now. If this didn't go well, Du Ning's literary reputation would be ruined.

Du Ning said: "Du has long said that such young people are not worth mentioning."


"Crazy life!"

The students of Jieyingshe were so angry that they had never suffered such a shame and humiliation.

When Du Ning first said that they were young people, they dismissed it and didn't take it seriously.

But now, after Du Ning wrote "Die Lian Hua? Spring Scene", it would be absolute ridicule and humiliation to say such things.

"Young Master Du's poem has a talent of three feet and nine inches. If you want to surpass it, you must at least be at the level of Zhengguo. I wonder if someone in Jieying Society can write Zhengguo Ci for us poor people to learn from?" A student from Hanyi Society


Immediately, another student said: "Master Du is a member of our Hanyi Club. Even he can write nearly as many poems as Zhenguo. I believe that the students of Jieying Club, who consider themselves superior to others, will definitely be able to surpass him."

"That's not necessarily the case. The students from Jieying Club are just a bunch of losers. It's okay to ask them to dress up and act like young men, but it's really hard for them to write good lyrics."

"You look down on the students of Jieying Club too much. Mr. Yan is here, how can he be embarrassed by your words?"


The students of Hanyi Club laughed, making all the students of Jieying Club extremely embarrassed and angry.

They have always been the only ones who made fun of Hanyi Club, but now they are being laughed at by Hanyi Club, which is hard for them to accept.

They were so proud when they mocked Du Ning just now, and now they are so embarrassed.

No one in Jieyingshe dares to write lyrics. Firstly, they don’t have enough confidence. Secondly, if the writing is not good, it will make Du Ning’s literary reputation more famous and make Jieyingshe even more embarrassed.

"Since no one from the Jieying Society writes lyrics, the leader of this Wing Chun poetry meeting can be decided."

Li Changming said to Yan Lu: "Mr. Yan, you must have not forgotten the bet you proposed, right? The loser will kowtow to the other party. As the leader of the Jieying Club, Mr. Yan should not fail to keep his word, right?"

After he finished speaking, Yan Lu stared at Li Changming with a pair of extremely angry eyes.

"Why are you looking at me like that? The request you made yourself was not made by me." Li Changming said innocently.

Yan Lu had no way to refute, he took a deep breath, then raised his hands to Du Ning and said: "Master Du, I apologize to you for my reckless words before. I can also hold a banquet to apologize to you. I hope you can spare me."

I wonder if it’s okay to kowtow?”

Du Ning laughed and said, "Brother Yan, are you kidding me? Suppose I lose the bet, will you skip my kowtow and just ask me to apologize?"

Yan Lu gave Du Ning a look full of warning.

Du Ning continued: "If I lose, I will fulfill my promise. I will kowtow when I need to, and apologize when I need to apologize. This is the promise that a scholar should make, but I didn't expect that Brother Yan himself spoke like farting.

It’s simply useless to call yourself a scholar.”

"Du Ning, you..."

Yan Lu was furious, but he couldn't refute a word, because it was indeed him who proposed the bet.

He is a son of a powerful person, and asking him to apologize to Du Ning is already very embarrassing for him. If he is asked to kowtow again, it will be a shame that will be difficult to wash away in this life, and it will cause great damage to his psychological self-esteem.


Therefore, Yan Lu is unwilling to fulfill this bet.

"That's enough! Duning, don't push yourself too far!"

Someone said angrily: "Mr. Yan is the son of the county magistrate of Yulin County. He is a powerful son of our Yulin County. He must be spared and spared!"

"Well, since Mr. Yan is unwilling to fulfill his promise, there is nothing we can do."

Du Ning said slowly: "Let's do this! As long as Brother Yan says in front of everyone, 'I, Yan Lu, talk like a fart,' this matter will be over."

Everyone in the Hanyi Club laughed. If a person has no faith, he will not stand. Once Yan Lu dares to say this, although he can avoid kowtowing to Du Ning, he will lose all credibility. No one will take his words seriously in the future.

If you do one thing, you will just think that he is farting.

Not only that, Yan Lu will also become a laughing stock among the powerful people in Yulin County, and even the students of Jieying Society will be unable to hold their heads high in front of others.

Du Ning's move is really powerful. No matter which one Yan Lu chooses, he is destined to be ruined.

"Mr. Du, I would like to advise you to leave a little bit of caution in your life so that we can meet each other easily in the future. Do you really want to do this?" Yan Lu said fiercely.

"From the beginning to the end, isn't it Brother Yan who is being aggressive?"

Du Ning said solemnly: "I don't care about you, but now you are saying that I have done everything right. Fortunately, you are still a scholar, so you can use such strong words."

Yan Lu clenched his fists and gritted his teeth, feeling endless hatred in his heart.

At the same time, he also regretted that he wanted to compete with Du Ning when he had nothing to do. Not only did he fail to beat Du Ning, but he lost completely.

"Brother Yan, aren't you a son of a powerful person? A child of a powerful person should be upright and aboveboard. If you make a bet, you should be willing to accept defeat."

"That's right! It's just a matter of kowtowing to Master Du and admitting your mistake. Back then, Han Xin could endure the humiliation of his crotch. Compared with him, your behavior is nothing at all."

"Kowtow quickly, don't let us look down on you."

The students of Hanyi Club looked at Yan Lu with gloating eyes at every word he said to me.

"Mr. Yan, you are the leader of our Jieying Society, you cannot kowtow to this!"

"Yes! If you kowtow to Du Ning, won't you admit that it was your uncle who was wrong? People can be dishonest, but they cannot live without dignity!"

"It's better to be a cheat than to kowtow to others."

The students of Jieying Society hurriedly tried to persuade him, but they really didn't want to see Yan Lu fulfill his bet.

"Okay! Then you are a swindler! From now on, your Jieying Society will no longer be qualified to compete with Hanyi Society for literature. A group of guys who can't afford to lose are not worthy of competing with Hanyi Society for literary fame."

Du Ning said: "Everyone, let's go! From now on, I will never look down on Jieyingshe. It's so embarrassing."

"Master Du is right, let's go!"

"Give him face!"

"That's right!"

The Hanyi Club students were full of contempt and disdain, and were ready to leave with Du Ning. People who cannot afford to lose are not worthy of being Hanyi Club's opponents.

This chapter has been completed!
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