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Chapter 270: Publicity is more important than private affairs, and the Great Confucian Palace is determined to investigate strictly!

 It was not easy for Yun State to have a scholar who was about to be canonized as Wenjun, but he was almost framed by the scholars of the Kong family and the Ke family. Based on this, Fan Heshan could not let go of the scholars of the Ke family and the Kong family no matter what.

, we will definitely use all our strength to investigate to the end.

Moreover, Fan Heshan also believed that once his father knew about this matter, he would definitely not be able to sit idly by and do nothing.

From Fan Qianfeng's act of giving Du Ning the Holy Jade, we know that he recognized and valued Du Ning.

At this moment, all the scholars from the Confucius and Ke families present, including the two great Confucians, looked extremely ugly. Facing Fan Heshan’s denunciation, they could not utter a single word of rebuttal.

Du Ning bowed gratefully to Fan Heshan and said, "Thank you very much, Mr. Heshan, for making the decision for the students. The students will remember this deeply."

"There is no need for this. As the representative scholar of the Yun Kingdom, if I cannot uphold justice for the people of the Yun Kingdom, I will be regarded as the son of a semi-saint in vain. I am not like some scholars who read all the good books of sages into the belly of a dog.


Fan Heshan glanced at the scholars of the Kong family and the Ke family, his face full of contempt and contempt for them, as if he treated them like pigs and dogs.

"Mr. Heshan, the Great Confucian Palace will handle this matter impartially. I promise you that we will get to the bottom of this matter."

Conte's face was full of determination. If this matter could not be investigated rigorously and if the scholars in the world could not be convinced, the door plaque of the Confucius family would be smashed by these unscrupulous disciples.

"In order to avoid suspicion in the world, this case will be investigated and interrogated by the Confucian representatives of the three kingdoms of Tang, Liang, and Chu. The Confucian family, the Kongcheng family, and the Ke family must cooperate. If anyone dares to conceal the truth, regardless of their identity and background, they will be investigated and interrogated by the above-mentioned three kingdoms.

Da Ru represents the Holy Court and strictly enforces the law."

Comte solemnly announced to everyone that he had delegated all investigative powers to great scholars from other countries, but he himself would not participate in the matter and allowed other great scholars to investigate.

Scholars from all over the world are in awe. For Comte to be able to do this, he is worthy of being a highly respected Confucian scholar. Such courage and ambition are far beyond the comparison of ordinary scholars.

Even if the Kong family is really investigated for something fishy, ​​Kong De deserves everyone's respect because he always follows the teachings of the saints. He cannot be selfless, but he can be both public and private.

Only those great Confucians who can put public affairs above private interests are qualified to take charge of the Great Confucian Palace. One person can give orders and all the countries can obey.

"We will obey the order."

"Please rest assured, Mr. Kong, we will investigate strictly and never betray your trust."

"If we cannot find out the truth of the matter, we are willing to be punished by the Holy Court."

The three representatives of Tang, Liang and Chu responded immediately, accepted Kongde's appointment, and patted their chests and promised to complete the task.

However, this incident was difficult for scholars of the Confucius and Ke families to accept.

"Mr. Kong, you are crazy!"

Ke Changqiu said hysterically: "Do you know what you are doing? You actually asked scholars from other countries to investigate this matter. Aren't you afraid of being slandered by others? You are stupid! You are stupid!"

You must know that the scholars of the Confucius and Ke families are usually domineering. It should be said that the younger generation of scholars are more likely to cause conflicts. If they let their power be allowed to be investigated by the great Confucians from other countries, what's the point?

If something really wrong is discovered, it will be all over!

How could Comte do such a stupid thing?

Ke Changqiu's expression can be described as quite ugly.

"Of course Kong knows what he is doing. The integrity of my holy family is not afraid of shadows. I believe that the children of my Kong family are absolutely innocent. They may have grudges with scholars from other countries, but they are absolutely impossible to reverse their breeding.


Kong De said righteously: "Even if it is true that a Confucian student is guilty of insemination, the Confucius family will be punished for the crime of insemination. I, a disciple of the Confucius family, should be upright and do not need to worry about others' slander when doing the right thing, and must be punished when doing the wrong thing."

A gentleman has the courage to take responsibility, a gentleman is magnanimous, and a villain is always worried. I, the scholars of the Confucius family, should follow the example of Confucius and never insult the character of the scholars."


Ke Changqiu was furious. As a semi-saint family, he was arrogant and could not accept that the Ke family would be severely investigated by the Holy Court one day. This was an absolute shame and humiliation.

"It's over, it's over...how could this happen?"

"Mr. Kong actually delegates power to others, what should we do?"

"No...no...I don't believe it..."

Some scholars were filled with despair, having never expected that Comte would be so overly aboveboard.

Yes, Comte earned his fame, but at the expense of scholars from other aristocratic families.

With the intervention of a scholar who has nothing to do with the case, the possibility of them using their connections to get away with the crime is almost zero.

Kongde took a deep breath and said: "Come here, arrest all the scholars from the Holy Family, Kongcheng scholars and Ke family scholars, and submit them to investigation by the Great Confucian Hall at any time."

"What! What did you say! You...you..."

Ke Changqiu was so angry that he almost spit out a mouthful of old blood. This was too much fun! It was too much fun! He was simply treating everyone as criminals, and he could only be freed if his charges were cleared.

This is an arrest! A scholar from a dignified semi-saint family is actually going to be arrested!

For scholars from semi-saint families, this is an indelible stigma.

"I admire Mr. Kong's unselfishness and selflessness."

"This is the great Confucian! The real great Confucian!"

"Mr. Kong is in charge of the Great Confucian Palace, and the world is at home!"

Scholars from all over the world are smiling. Judging from this situation, even if Fan Heshan does not come forward, the Confucian Temple will do its best to severely punish the real evildoers and restore innocence to innocent people, so as to eliminate the doubts of scholars all over the world.

"No! I object!"

Ke Changqiu said loudly: "Our Ke family is only suspected of reverse breeding, but it is not really reverse breeding. No one can prove that our Ke family students are reverse breeding in the Three Realms Mountains, so I want to use the privilege of the Half-Saint Family to bail!"

After the words fell, the Ke family scholars were immediately delighted.

All Saints’ families have certain privileges in the Holy Court, which is an important means for All Saints’ families to consolidate their status.

Fan Heshan immediately said: "Mr. Kong is aboveboard and has no fear of investigation by the Holy Court, but Mr. Changqiu is very sensitive to this. It seems that there are indeed some ulterior things that he is afraid of being investigated."

"What nonsense!"

Ke Changqiu retorted: "Arresting the scholars of the All Saints Family is a humiliation to the scholars of the All Saints Family. This will shake the foundation of the All Saints Family in the human race. This matter cannot be so reckless."

"My guess is indeed correct. There must be something fishy in this."

Fan Heshan turned a deaf ear and looked at Ke Changqiu with extremely suspicious eyes. The next moment he suddenly realized: "So, it turns out that Ke Hongchen leaked the identity of Du Ningwenjun in the Three Realms Mountains, thus attracting joint attacks from the Rakshasa and foreign races. Could it be you who instigated it?"


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At this moment, the eyes of the great scholars from all over the world were focused on Ke Changqiu.

Ke Changqiu's face changed drastically and he said hurriedly: "Nonsense! I didn't! Mr. Heshan, don't fabricate things out of thin air and slander my innocence!"

Du Ning stepped forward and said to Kong De: "Mr. Kong, Ke Changqiu is really weird today. If he is really upright, how can he be afraid of the investigation by the Holy Academy? The case involves a lot, and students boldly assume and doubt. Chen Yang

It is possible that Ke Changqiu secretly sent Ke Hongchen under the instruction of Ke Changqiu to assassinate the students. The students hope to appeal in Wenjun’s name and demand that Ke Changqiu be arrested and investigated as the suspect behind the scenes."

"You are slandering people! You are slandering people! I can swear with my literary courage that I have never done such a thing. Du, I have no enmity with you. Why do you slander me like this? You are treasonous!"

Ke Changqiu was so angry that he flew into a rage. Du Ning suspected that he was playing too hard.

"Students have no grievances against your Ke family, so why do your Ke family collude with the Kong family to harm me?" Du Ning asked rhetorically.

"This is a misunderstanding, this is a misunderstanding, our Ke family will definitely be able to explain it to you!"

"If you have any explanation, you can tell the Holy Court that you are just a suspect now."

"You are presumptuous! Presumptuous!"

Ke Changqiu was furious and immediately asked: "Then judging from your tone, isn't Mr. Kong also suspected of instigating Kong Chengrui and others to join forces with our Ke family to harm you?"

"This is absolutely impossible!" Du Ning said loudly.

"Why!" Ke Changqiu looked at Du Ning.

"Mr. Kong did not instruct Kong Chengrui and others to do anything, so he is not afraid of any investigation. I hope that the Great Confucian Temple will restore his innocence."

Du Ning pointed at Ke Changqiu and said: "As for you, there are too many suspicious things. I can apply to the Holy Court to control your personal freedom for any reason. Do you want to listen to my other suspicions?"
"Well said!"

Many scholars agree that this reason is completely logical. Just because Comte has never done anything, Comte is naturally not afraid of investigation, and there is no suspicion.

But Ke Changqiu is afraid of investigations and even tends to cover up the facts, which gives everyone ample reason to be suspicious.

If Ke Changqiu could be upright and aboveboard, he would not encounter such a well-founded counterattack by Du Ning.

Ke Changqiu froze on the spot, not knowing how to explain it for a moment, as if there was a lump in his throat, and he was extremely uncomfortable.

"Master Du is right. I accept this lawsuit on behalf of the Confucian Palace." Kongde said.

"Mr. Kong!"

Ke Changqiu looked sad and angry, extremely dissatisfied.

"But for the sake of fairness, even I should not be exempted from suspicion, so I will accept the treatment of arrest, so that Mr. Changqiu will not feel lonely." Kongde said.

"Mr. Kong..."

Everyone present was once again impressed by Comte's courage, and many scholars silently bowed to Comte.

Ke Changqiu was completely speechless. Even Conde had done this, so what else could he refuse?

"Okay, since Brother Kong is like this, then I, Mr. Ke, will be investigated together with you." Ke Changqiu gritted his teeth and said.


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