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Chapter 331: 'Strange' as the title

 Seeing the somewhat aggressive look of the scholars from the Seven Islands Sea Country, Du Ning felt helpless and said slowly: "Okay! Since you have already said this, I will write my second line and give it to you.

Take it as a reference!"

After finishing speaking, I immediately started writing the second line.

The scholars in the Seven Islands and Sea Kingdom all showed a slightly nervous look on their faces. Seeing Du Ning's calm and calm appearance, they felt uncertain for a moment.

After a while, Du Ning completed the second couplet and presented it to everyone.

Everyone concentrated their attention and looked at Du Ning's second couplet.

Peach burning Jinjiang embankment.

Just these five words gave everyone present a moment of silence.

After savoring it carefully, I actually felt that it had a sense of fantasy.


The scholars on the Holy Forest Continent exclaimed one by one. This second couplet not only coincides with the mystery of the Five Elements, but also reminds people of peach blossoms, as pink as fire, burning through the beautiful rivers and dams.

Both the wording and the artistic conception are very close to "Smoke Locked Pond Willow".

I don't know how many times better than the "Fog Town Yanlin City" written by Qian Huai.

Comparing the two, we can decide who is superior.

"What a 'Peach Burning Jinjiangdi', the second couplet written by Du Ning is wonderful!"

"Both the scenery and the artistic conception are excellent, every word is exquisite, and the aftertaste is endless."

"Du Jun's talent is really beyond the reach of our generation of scholars!"

The scholars in the Holy Forest Continent were filled with admiration and praised Du Ning.

On the contrary, the scholars in the Seven Islands and Sea Kingdom all stared blankly at the words "Peach Burning Jinjiang Dam" and lost their minds for a while.


Qian Huai's face was very ugly. Thinking of his words of dissatisfaction just now, he was like a clown and felt a little funny inexplicably.

I just participated in this exchange meeting with scholars from the Holy Forest Continent. I thought I could show off my talent and promote my literary name with "Fog Town Yanlin City".

But he didn't expect that Du Ning would use "Peach Burning Jinjiang Embankment" to press down Qian Huai's lower link with his backhand, making Qian Huai feel extremely depressed.

Lin Hengyu's expression suddenly became gloomier, thinking that Du Ning had indeed come prepared for this trip. Since he could write the first couplet of "Smoke locks willows in the pond", how could he not have the corresponding second couplet?

At this time, there were no sarcastic voices among the crowd in Qidaohaiguo. Du Ning's second line was better than Qian Huai's, leaving them in a very embarrassing atmosphere.

However, the scholars in the Qifang Sea Kingdom are not convinced.

They believed that Du Ning's couplet must have been written by a great scholar in the Holy Academy, in order to put pressure on the literary world of the Seven Islands Sea Kingdom. After all, it is absolutely impossible for a scholar with a level of cultivation in the Imperial Academy to write such an exquisite couplet.


At least, this is how scholars from the Seven Islands Sea Country analyzed it.


Liu Chengen coughed dryly, came out to ease the current atmosphere, and said to everyone: "Du Jun's second line is indeed exquisite, and I am convinced. But we are going to enter the stage of the cultural conference next, so why not put this matter aside for the time being and wait until you are free?"

When the time comes, we will share your opinions again."

Du Ning understood what Liu Chengen meant. He also thought that Du Ning's second line was very good, but it didn't seem to be the best. If they were given more time, they would definitely write a better second line.

"Then please invite Mr. Liu to host the cultural meeting. We are ready." Du Ning said with a smile.

Lin Hengyu also hurriedly walked down the steps and said: "Our scholars are also ready, please ask Mr. Liu to come up with the question."

Liu Chengen nodded lightly and said: "Strange poems are particularly popular in our seven-island sea country. What is strange? Poems are strange because they are palindrome, words are palindrome, it is strange, poems and texts are overlapped with words, it is strange, short sentences become poems, and poems are strange.

The reciprocity is also strange."

"Today's Literary Society does not limit the subject matter or the number of words. We compose poems based on "oddness". The one with more "oddness" wins. Whoever writes the most "odd" poems will be the leader of Today's Literary Society."

"Today's literary meeting is called the 'Fantastic Poetry and Literature Meeting'."

After the words fell, many scholars in the Holy Forest Continent showed some ugly expressions.

Is there anything wrong? I started writing strange poems, and I also wanted to compete with each other to see who had the most "wonderful" poems. This did not follow the common sense of the Holy Forest Continental Literary Society at all.

It is obvious that the Seven Islands Sea Kingdom intends to "use its own strengths to attack the other's weaknesses" and use their best method to compete with the scholars of the Holy Forest Continent.

The scholars from the Seven Islands and Sea Country looked at Du Ning and others triumphantly, with an expression of "You didn't expect it, didn't you?". It was expected that the scholars from the Holy Forest Continent had never participated in this kind of wonderful poetry and literature gathering, so tonight

At the literary conference, the scholars in the Holy Forest Continent will definitely lose.

Although this seems unfair to the scholars of the Holy Forest Continent, it involves the dispute between the mainland and the people of the Sea Kingdom. It is impossible for the Seven Islands and Sea Kingdom to give up the method they are good at and choose a method that is more beneficial to the scholars of the Holy Forest Continent.

It would be unfair to the scholars of the Seven Islands Sea Country to conduct literary comparisons in this way.

In a situation where it is difficult to balance a bowl of water, the Seven Island Sea Kingdom will naturally favor its own people.

Tian Feipeng couldn't help but whispered: "My friends, wouldn't they have been prepared for this literary meeting in advance? If they had prepared any poems in advance, it would be difficult for us to defeat them. It would be better if we lost the golden battle paper.

It’s nothing, but you can’t lose the face of the Holy Court!”

Fu Yueze said: "It's not necessarily so pessimistic. First of all, they don't know that we will suddenly visit the Seven Islands Sea Country. The cultural conference tonight is also held temporarily by the Seven Islands Sea Country, and the scholars participating in the cultural conference have been screened temporarily.

They don't have much time to prepare any poems. Although the situation is favorable to them, it doesn't necessarily mean that we will lose."

"That's right."

Tian Feipeng nodded lightly. Since it was an impromptu literary meeting and neither party had much time to prepare, the scholars from the Holy Forest Continent would still have hope of winning.

What's more, the requirement of the Literary Society is that "the one with the most odd numbers wins", which will test the writing skills of many scholars.

Tian Feipeng's eyes suddenly lit up and he said: "I remember that Du Jun wrote a poem called "Yu Meiren" at the Imperial Conferment Conference. He could transfer poems to each other and read the verses backwards. It can be seen that this aspect is also Du Jun's strength.

With his backing, we can rest assured."

Everyone nodded after hearing this.

Du Ning immediately rolled his eyes at Tian Feipeng and felt speechless. This could actually be a reason for Tian Feipeng to be confident.

Fan Rulong sighed and said: "Shameless, Du Ning is our literary gentleman. Whenever something happens, we have to take action first. How can we always let Du Jun take action personally? Where is the integrity of us scholars? This makes Qidao Haiguo's

What do scholars think of us?"

"That's right, how can you let Du Ning steal the limelight by himself? I also want to have fun!"

"Brother Tian, ​​although your idea is good, it is not kind!"

"It feels a bit despicable..."

The expressions others looked at Tian Feipeng were a little strange.

"Ahem...you misunderstood, please listen to my explanation first..."

Tian Feipeng said hurriedly: "Actually, what I mean is that first let us compete with the intellectuals of the Seven Islands Sea Kingdom. If we can win, there is no need for Du Ning to take action. If we cannot defeat the opponent, please let Du Ning take action before it is too late."

"Hey! That's pretty much it." Fan Rulong nodded with satisfaction.

Suddenly, Fu Yue said very seriously: "Don't underestimate the students of Qidaohai Kingdom. Although Qian Huai's 'Fog Town Yanlin City' has flaws, you can really see his literary talent, and Lin Hengyu is a

The great bachelor came here specifically to compete with Du Ning. If Du Ning had not broken his first alliance today, we and others would definitely be beaten by them, so we must not be careless."

Hearing this, everyone nodded cautiously.

Tian Feipeng said helplessly: "Yes, it seems that the probability of Duning taking action tonight is still very high."

"Coming back again..."

Du Ning was dumbfounded when he saw this, and shook his head helplessly.

Liu Chengen said to everyone: "Since the creation of strange poems requires subject matter and new ideas, I will give you one hour. After one hour, you will immediately enter the appreciation stage. Please start creating now!"

Lin Hengyu glanced at Du Ning lightly, raised his head slightly, and said: "Du Jun has great literary talent. You are the only one who can compete with me in tonight's literary gathering. I am very much looking forward to seeing Du Jun's wonderful poems."

"Thanks to Mr. Lin for your praise, if I don't write a poem, I don't know if others will be happy, but you will definitely be unhappy. In this case, I will write a poem. It doesn't matter whether you win or lose, the important thing is to participate."

Du Ning joked.

"As long as Du Jun understands."

Lin Hengyu suddenly sneered, then narrowed his eyes slightly and entered a state of contemplating poetry.

Du Ning smiled slightly, and did not take the lead in writing. Instead, he drank and looked around, as if he was wandering around in search of a suitable subject.

Scholars from both sides have also officially entered the creative process, and some have already started writing.

Another half hour passed, and others completed their works one after another.

Du Ning stretched out, picked up his pen, and wrote furiously on his desk, his talent brimming with energy.

Everyone looked in the direction of Du Ning, but saw that Du Ning's talent on the paper blocked everyone's sight, preventing everyone from seeing his poems.


Lin Hengyu laughed disdainfully, and then began to write.

After another ten minutes, most of the creations have been completed.

After Liu Chengen gave everyone an hour, the scholars on both sides completed their works.

Liu Chengen said: "The creation time is over, and now we enter the stage of poetry appreciation and appreciation. Who will be the first to offer advice?"

"Qian is not talented, but he is willing to offer advice to attract new talents!"

Qian Huai was the first to stand up, very decisive and straightforward.

The scholars around him suddenly showed a look of regret. No matter how well he wrote his poems, the first scholar to write a poem will definitely be remembered by more people. That is a very positive literary name.

"Then please ask Mr. Qian to let us take a look at the works you have written." Liu Chengen said.


Qian Huai immediately showed his poem to everyone.

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